Broken Border. ᵍʳᵉᵗʰᵃⁿ

By _kindasocialdolan_

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By _kindasocialdolan_

                            Grayson's Pov

We are currently sitting in class, working on  group work, fortunately I got paired with this boy named James, who's makeup was phenomenal.

Unfortunately, at least in my case, Ethan got paired with Emma Chamberlain, I was this close to ripping her scrunchie off.

Is what she's wearing even allowed in school?

To be honest, I don't care, Ethan has not asked me out, so technically I'm not his.

But mark my words, if she doesn't back up I will take matters into my own hands.

"So, Ethan do you have a date to Vista High Bash, tonight? ", she exclaims tightening her pony tail for the 20th time,
"No, but I was hoping to bring a special someone along with me", he says blushing looking in the direction of James and I.

I ignore them still not in the mood to look at Emma.

"Would you be in the mood to go with me, instead if the person doesn't want to", she exclaims, in which I turn my head to see ethan's reaction.

He continues to smile as she drinks her large cup of coffee ,

Isn't that shit bad for you?

"Maybe",he replies with a smirk in which Emma claps her hands turning around back to her seat to pack up.

I then check the time and quickly pack up seeing that we have 30 seconds until the bell rings-,


The bell rings while everyone including Ethan packs up, as I am already finish, turning around to see if ethan is ready to go, but he is occupied talking to Emma once again.

I'm done!

I walk out of the class not waiting for Ethan going straight to my second period...

                    ■ Skip 2 end of the day ■

I am currently walking to my house alone, still mad at Ethan and Ell-, I mean Emma whatever her name is,

Until my phone starts to vibrate, I got a call from Ethan, so I pick up hesitantly,

"Hey gorgeous, where are u",
"I'm walking home",
"Ok.... So are you going to Vista High Bash Tonight with anyone",
"Um.. No Ethan, I'm not going at all... I have to go, sorry Bye",
"No wait, gray-",

I hang up and walk up my doorstep, unlocking the house as I  flop on my couch.

When an idea comes to mind, I quickly get up taking a quick shower, changing into a 3x oversized hoodie and short-shorts with a pair of socks, so I am allowed to slide around.

I grab every single cover I own and run into the living room, setting it up into a humongous fort.

I huff and start sliding to the kitchen gathering a bunch of snacks, kit kats, lays, popcorn, sprite, airheads,etc.

I rushed bringing them into my fort laying them down carefully as I don't want to make a mess, and quickly go on Netflix to pick a movie.

The movie I picked was, The Kissing Booth, because it seemed interesting at the moment.(A/N: That movie put me in my feels).

The movie was beginning, as I start to open up the packages of food, setting them in place, ready for me to rummage through,

I start to feel sad knowing this would be so much better if ethan was here to watch movies wit-,

I am interrupted by the doorbell ringing as I check the time,seeing it is already 8:30,which means the bash already started, confused I get up,

I grunt, sliding to the door almost falling on my ass, as I mutter,
"What could be so important, that it would interru-", I stop mid-sentence as I am now face to face with Ethan, one hand behind his back.

"Ethan, what are you doing here, your supposed to be at the Bash with Emma", I spoke with my arms crossed, the remote in one hand,

He smirked before replying,
"Well, the person I wanted to go with, decided they weren't going at all",

I was about to reply before he cut me off,
"I know right, so rude, but we won't talk about it anymore, it's fine",he remarked placing a red rose, behind my ear, giving me  a kiss on the lips, in which I return still a little bit shocked.

I move aside allowing him to come in, as he slowly walks in heading straight to my fort, sitting down in my seat as I lock the front door,

"So, what happened to Emma", I asked honestly uninterested,
"I told her I didn't want to go with her so she went with this dude named Weston", he said with no emotion,

I nodded and marched my way to the fort, seeing there was no way for me to sit, and Ethan noticed that as well, as he opened his  legs, directing for me to sit in between him.

I sat down, as we entwined our fingers, getting comfortable eating every now and then,

A few minutes in to the movie I  start to fall asleep against Ethan's chest, everything a blur from there.


                             Ethan's Pov

I looked down on my chest to see an already asleep grayson with messy hair and snoring,

I awe at him and keep a list of one more of many things I admire about him,

Now, I know for a fact that I am in love with Grayson Bailey, and will do everything in my power to make sure he is mine.

Another page finished, I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did, and if you like Emma don't take this to heart, it was just a joke to make a friend feel better _grethanxX 

                                                        ♡Granola Bar

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