X-files saison 12 (Complète)

By scullyanderson50

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Voici une 12 ème saison imaginaire. Pour ceux qui souhaitent lire les premier chapitre je vous invite a clike... More

Chapitre 55/ confidence et confiance
Partie 55/ confianza y confianza
Chapter 55/ confidence and confidence
Partie 56/ Un peu de repos
Partie 56/ some rest
Partie 56/un poco de descanso
Partie 57/ Juste ami
Partie 57/ just friend
Partie 57/ solo amigo
Partie 58/ joyeux aniversaire
Partie 58/ Happy birthday
Partie 58/ feliz cumpleaños
Partie 59/ Ne me quitte pas...
Partie 59/ Do not leave me
Partie 59/ No me abandones
Partie 59/ Ne me quitte pas... Dernière partie
Partie 59/ Do not leave me... Last part
Partie 59/ No me abandones...última parte
Partie 60/ Maggie
Partie 60/ Maggie
Partie 60/ Maggie
Partie 61/ Premier contact
Partie 61/ First contact
Partie 61/ Primer contacto
Partie 62/ Dossiers cachés
Partie 62/ hidden folders
Partie 62/ carpeta oculta
Parrie 63/ tête à tête
Partie 63/ head-to-head
Partie 63/ Frente a Frente
Partie 64/ Preparatifs
Partie 64/ preparativo
Partie 65/ Bill Scully
Partie 65/ Bill Scully
Partie 66/ Mariage
Partie 66/ Just Married
Partie 66/Matrimonio
partie 67/ Lune de Miel
Partie 67 / Honeymoon
Partie 67/ Luna de miel
Partie 68/ partenaire, mère et epouse
Partie 68/partner, mother and wife
Partie 68/ pareja, madre y esposa
Partie 69/ Mes étoiles filantes
Partie 69 / My shooting stars
Partie 69/ Mis estrellas fugaces
Partie 70/ Boston
Partie 71/ La verité
Partie 70/ Boston
Partie 70/ Boston
Partie 71/ The Truth
Partie 72/ Qui suis je?
Partie 71/ La verdad
Partie 72/ Who i am?
Partie 73/ La Californie (1ère partie)
Partie 74/ La Californie (2ème partie)
Partie 75/ La Californie (dernière partie)
Partie 76/ Fin
Partie 72/Quién soy
Partie 73/ Californie (1ere partie)
Partie 74/ Californie (2eme partie)
Partie 76/ Final

Partie 65/ Bill Scully

42 1 0
By scullyanderson50

The last week before D-Day was quiet. Scully was finishing the last preparations. Mulder l helped to arrange the garden for this day. He had made a pretty alley. Mulder and scully had finally asked Skinner to be the celebrant of that day. Who better than Skinner to unite them, he who has been in the forefront for 25 years. Mulder had asked William to be his witness and Scully had done the same with Maria.
Mulder had taken leave on Friday. He was preparing a surprise for Scully.
M: Scully I'm going to have to leave the house for 1 hour and what do you need for something?
S: No we have everything we need. Where are you going ?
M; You'll know it soon enough.
Mulder gone. And came back a little more trad. Scully was at the back of the house to finish some decoration.
M; Scully!
Scully turned around and froze instantly.
Mulder had brought back his brother Bill and his wife Tara.
Tara rushed to Dana to take her in his arms.
Tara: Dana I'm so happy to see you. Scully was frozen to see them here in front of her.
Bill approached to hold her in his arms as well.
Bill: I'm sorry for taking so long to visit Dana.
Scully watched Mulder emotionally.
M: I hope you're happy about this surprise.
S: Yes! 'I'm going to the kitchen to get something to drink.
Mulder did not know if the emotion she felt was positive or not. He wanted to follow her but Bill went to his place.
Bill: Dana is what we can discuss.
S: What do you want to talk about Bill? Of my life, Of this life that you have deserted.
Bill: You are angry and I understand it. But let me explain.
S: There is nothing to explain you decided not to be part of my life and I finally accepted it. Mulder thinks he can fix what broke a long time ago, and I do not blame him for trying. So I'll be polite and accept that you're present at my wedding, but if you do not want to ruin everything Scully did not finish his sentence.
Bill: Dana, I'm not here to mess up anything. Fox insisted that we come. I did not think it was a good idea, but he convinced me. I understood by listening to him that I had made you a lot of pain by moving away from your life. It must be admitted that this one was so complicated. I blame myself for not having been there to support you when it was necessary. I'm sorry I did not accept that you were in love with Fox. I wish you were a normal life and I saw that it would be impossible with him. I was afraid for you, for your life. Dana I lost a sister because of your job, I did not want to lose another one. And then finally I realized that the person I hated pus was also the one who would protect you.
S: It's a bit late for Bill's apology.
Bill: You have so much head Dana. You are the daughter of your father.
S: I hardened myself with Bill challenges. You do not even imagine what I went through alone. I wish I had the support of my brothers.
Bill: I'm sorry. Fox told me what was explainable and I'm sorry. I can not go back, but I want to try to correct the present.
S: I do not know if I'm ready for you to be part of this Bill life. I'm sorry.
Scully went outside. Tara and she were discussing their lives and children. William arrived a little later.
Tara: Oh my god you must be William.
William looked at her strangely.
Tara hugged him tightly in that arm.
Tara: My god, you're so big. I understand what Dana tells me. The perfect copy of your father.
S: William, I'll introduce you to your aunt Tara and my brother Bill.
William: I'm sorry I do not remember you.
Bill: I'm glad you're back in this William family. It's a pleasure to meet you.
Mulder was back and kept watching Scully. He knew she was not the happiest of this surprise and was upset. But he also knew that it was important for Bill to be there and that he finally found a middle ground every two. Charlie could not come because his wife was soon to give birth.
Debbie had accompanied William.
Debbie: I do not want to spoil your reunion but I'm coming to announce that Dana will have to leave you gentlemen. Tara you are welcome with us.
S: What are you talking about Debbie?
Debbie: As tradition dictates, marrying them can not sleep together before wedding night. So Dana, tara, Maggie and I are going to the apartment. My mother is waiting for us too, too. Last evening between girl. Gentlemen we leave you home. Be wise!
Mulder grabbed Scully's arm to pull him away.
M: Is everything okay?
S: We'll discuss Mulder tomorrow.
M: No we'll talk right away. Did I make a mistake by bringing Bill here?
S: Mulder, you want to fix everything, but there is things that can not be. I am not mad at you. What matters to me is to become your wife. She gave him a slight smile and kissed him.
M: What would you say I'm joining you tonight? We will not say anything to anyone.
S: Agent Mulder you'll have to be patient for once! We'll meet again tomorrow. And be wise.
Bill saw them in the background. He noticed their amorous eyes. He blamed himself for being a brake on their relationship.
Debbie had everything ready for the evening at Dana's. A meal in the lounge with wine. She was not of age, but her mother allowed her to have a drink with her. Maggie was sleeping and everyone was chatting in the living room.
Maria: Are you stressing Dana?
S: Not really. I can not wait for this day to come.
Tara: I know Bill did not help your relationship with Fox, but your mother Margaret always knew he was your big love. She would be happy to see you marry her.
Scully had some tears.
Debbie: Have you ever been in love with a man other than Fox?
S: I had some boyfriend. AND I fell in love with an older man at the University. It was my teacher. He was married.
Debbie: Ho my god and what's up?
S; I left when I got my doctorate. I wanted to go back to the FBI and he thought I was not made for that. We know reviewed a few years later. I thought I loved him again but finally it was only an old memory.
Debbie: I wonder if one day I'll get married. I think it's a big commitment.
Tara: In any case there is a young boy who looks at you with a particular look.
The other women were looking at her with a smile that made her uncomfortable.
Debbie: I did not notice.
S: You have plenty of time to experience something else before thinking about marriage.
The evening ended after a few stories and glass of wine. Debbie picked up the things and Scully joined her in the kitchen.
S: Thank you Debbie for all organized.
Debbie: I love weddings. It makes me happy to do it. And William helped me a lot.
S: Debbie, I know William and you are close. And I also know that it may seem difficult to understand this boy. Do not doubt his feelings for you. Even if he makes you believe the opposite he is very attached to you. But above all he has confidence in you. Trust for him and Mulder is the most important thing.
Debbie: I hope someday he will look at me as Fox looks at you.
S: I'm sure. He does it already, but with his young age of 17 years old.
Debbie: I'd like to talk to him, but he's intimidating me. It's hard to say what you really feel when the person in front of you seems so detached.
S: face him. Open your heart will melt his armor of ice, believe me!
Everyone ended up going to bed.

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