Children Unlike Others (#1 in...

By SapphireCenturyStone

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This is where it starts, but none is shown. Malice behind a smile, or tears behind closed eyes. Regret covere... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 2

5 0 0
By SapphireCenturyStone

Gisel's POV

After my parents separated, I was raised by my father, but not only my father. There was another woman named Nixin. She was, kind to me. Whenever I was upset, she would give me these little caramel treats. She had a daughter who was 4 years younger than me. Her name was Noon. Such a pretty name I thought. Nixin was always around. She always asked me to call her Mom, but me being a young child who just had their parents get divorced, I called her Kitty. She was fine with it.

I didn't love her, but I wanted her to be my friend. Father would nearly always be on some sort of business trip so Nixin would watch Noon and I. When my father was home, he would sing to me the same song that Mother used to sing:

Fly my little phoenix,

Don't worry, I'll fix this,

Little birdy don't you cry,

I will teach you how to fly.

Try, and try, and try again,

I will always be here till the end.

There are more parts, I know it, but I can't seem to remember them. By now, they lyrics are fading away, just like me. I'm old, cursed, and dying and I know it. I can't help but wonder if there was ever a reason for this game of life that I play. This rollercoaster of emotion that I seem to be stuck on. However, I must get through this. To prove Scott wrong. I am good enough. For my children, for Porridge.

I pull out Noon's contacts card and dial the number.

Noon's POV

Gisel has had as much of a troubled past as Lilith has. She has issues and I know it. But talking was never my sort of thing. I don't know how to comfort people, but people just keep coming to me for help and support. I don't know how to help or support. Once Gisel came to me with tears, I didn't really do anything at all. I just sat there on the stairs with her. Watched her cry, and listened as she told me her woes. I simply patted her on the back, and reassured her that everything would be ok...

Andrew's POV

Amber's working late again, so I'm stuck at home with Ash and Alina. Every time I hear them wail, it shatters my heart. What? You try listening to two infants crying every hour. Oh Amber why did you do this to me? I love her, don't get me wrong, but I love her too much to ever leave her. The thing is, she's a traditional woman. She cares too much about tradition and since we're part of the jewel army, she insists that the names of our children all start with an A. I hope she knows what she's doing. Lately, her hairs more disheveled. I loved Amber, but our love died out, like the last sparks of a dying fire. Of course I listen. Listened.

Amber's POV

Scott and I drive along the bumpy roads until we reach our destination: a lonely motel in an old town no one cares about. The scent of wine is still in the air, but I don't really care. I wonder if there's any voice of reason in my brain. I know what will happen. It's what always happens. It starts off small, and we work our way to 3rd base. This time is no different, but something doesn't feel right, do I really want this? Could it be? A small voice of reason, an angel whose finally decided to speak up? Perhaps, but we'll never truly know. For it is far too late. I hear him groan lightly, but he doesn't back down. I pull the sheets closer, gasping for breath. I close my eyes and wait it out. Soon, it will be over.

Soon enough, he passes out cold underneath the floral blanket. This wasn't the life I wanted. This on and off thing that goes like a lightswitch. I stare at the man before me before I get up for a sip of water. On my way to the kitchen, I pass by a mirror in the hallway and I stare at my reflection. All I see is a monster. A shattered image of the woman I once was. I should feel ashamed, but I don't. I simple walk away and into the kitchen.

I shakily sip my drink and contemplate what to do. I open a drawer and I find a sharp butcher knife lying there. In surprise, I drop my glass but I swiftly catch it before it can shatter, barely saving it. I see my reflection in it's shine. I don't like it one bit. Maybe I need something to cover it up.

I take the knife and hide it behind my back while slipping back under the covers. I slide the tool underneath my pillow and wait for the sun to come up once again.

Once it's morning, I wake Scott up with a gentle shove. He leans in for round 2, so I go with it. Soon enough, I'm down on the bed searching my pillow for the knife. All of a sudden, I feel the cool blade on my fingertips and grab at it, only to feel a piercing pain run through my arm. I don't care. I can no longer feel pain. This needs to stop. I turn over much to Scott's surprise.

He turns around and fumbles with his eyes like he's hallucinating, but at that moment I slit his throat mercilessly. The crimson blood pours out like a gory waterfall. It sinks into the silk sheets in a gory mess. I watch almost regretfully, but I don't regret anything. I look at the knife in my hands as tears start to wash the crimson away. I can no longer see my reflection. I guess I got what I wanted.

I gingerly pick up the bloody body, throwing it out the window, as i hear it crash whilst hitting the trash can. I shiver, is this what I have become? A murderous moron? Walking out of my room with all my stuff, I leave the door ajar, not raising any suspicions for anyone who would investigate.

I then began to make my way to the lobby. I suddenly began to realize, whoever's at the counter would realize that 2 people suddenly became 1.I search my brain for an excuse, but by the time I arrive at the lobby, I still have nothing. Lucky for me, no one's there.

I walk to my car at a fast pace, avoiding anything that could have seen me. The coast was clear, I began driving back to my beautiful children.

Then, I look down, a bump. This had been going on for a while, though with Andrew, it was one night, but full of action. I mutter words under my breath, a spell meaning 5 years till the birth of this child, perhaps enough time to compromise. Now, the only thing I can hope for is this child bears an "A" name, and brown hair, no suspicions, right?


5 Years Later

Martha's POV

I'd say I'm a bit adventurous. Mommy's always alone or with Porridge, so I have plenty of time to explore the woods. I like running around and skipping along the trails and discover new ones too. I like to pretend I'm a pirate who sails the seas. Or a fairy who can talk to the forest animals. Or a Queen who rules a small town. Oh, can you imagine what it would be like to be a queen? Or even a princess. Yes, that would be enough. I would wish that more than anything in the world. Maybe if I was queen, then mommy would be happy again. Maybe, she would smile again. And maybe, she could love me again.

Today, I pretended that I was a princess who lived in a kingdom with the world's best donuts. Normally, I am a cowardly girl named Martha, but today, I was Princess Mary. The fierce ruler of Enquisia who wasn't afraid of anything, and never backed down. Today, I, princess Mary found a new path which led directly to a cave which glowed with a light brighter than the sun, and purer that the softest snow. Since I am a fierce ruler, I stepped in because I am not afraid of anything. But deep down, I am still Martha, and I am terrified to even touch the scarred cobalt walls.

Everything is shiny and gorgeous. Maybe if I were to steal some of this treasure, then mommy would love me. I'm too good to do that, right? In the middle of the shiny room on a pedestal there stands a silver cane with an owl engraving, a golden cross with vines engraved on it, and a copper wand with engravings of rosebuds and ribbons. There on the pedestal there are words which say: "Beware weary traveler, for once you take these 3 totems, you will have broken the balance between the 2 worlds. You will have cursed yourself and the only release is death. Beware, for once you bear yourself with this burden, you will have released an evil greater than good can imagine. Beware, for you have been warned. M.R."

I stare at these words for what could have been hours before I give in and steal all 3 totems. Including the beautiful wand. As I touched it, it began to glow in a shade if slate and I began to hear faint whispers. They mutter: "Serve the DARK."

I wonder who that could be, but I still listen. I grow tired and my eyes become droopy. I fall onto the ground in a sleeplike trance. I can no longer hear any voice of reason. All I hear is, "Serve the DARK." There, I collapse and fall into a deep sleep... 

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