Legit Destiny(Sasha Banks x O...

بواسطة HungrySavage

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Mercedes Kaestner-Varnado aka Sasha Banks has it and has done it all; Family, friends, fame and a great caree... المزيد

Welcome to the Main Roster!!!
The Boss and Man Of Destiny
A Legit Date Night
A Legit Romance
Bank On New Champions/Summerslam
The Ultimate Punishment
Survival of the Fittest; SmackDown is Legit
Destined Christmas
A Proposal To Remember
A WrestleMania For The Ages!!
The One Where Mercedes Gets Hitched
The Honeymoon; Enjoying Each Others' Presence
Back To Work; Open Challenges Baby!!
To The Extreme!
The Legit Surprise
Baby Vanessa's Journey

A Dominator and A King

3.3K 21 1
بواسطة HungrySavage

Trevion had woken up in his hotel room in Dallas as the road to Summerslam 2018 was continuing and would roll through The Man of Destiny's home-state of Texas. He proceeded to crack his body and yawn before brushing his teeth and going to the hotel's massive gym where apparently Mercedes and Gionna had been awaiting him.

Trevion: Hey beautiful ladies what's up?

Gionna: We were gonna work out, I'm just waiting on Doris and Sarah to wake up.

Mercedes: Same with her except I'm waiting for Pamela and Alexis...

Just then the resident Hugger and Goddess showed up

Alexis: So sorry guys Murphy was having trouble with Larry-Steve, he got stuck in a doorway and we had to butter up the little pink menace.

Pamela: And I just flat out overslept, no coffee, no latte nothing.

Trevion: Ooh you poor souls; I can go to the Dunkin Donuts nearby and grab us all some coffee?

Alexis: God yes take Mercedes with you too!

Mercedes look very surprised at Alexis and back at Trevion and began blushing furiously.

Trevion: I mean I could use the help to get all the coffee.

Mercedes: Come on then slowpoke, and let's start our day right!

Mercedes began walking with a certain sway to her hips as Trevion began staring at her ass but quickly shook out of his trance.

Trevion: Sure I could go for a walk through my home-state.

Trevion left with the Boss when Alexis asked Pamela and Gionna

Alexis: How long before they begin dating?

Gionna: I give them about a few weeks.

Pamela: I believe they're already on that road, but I'll say a couple days before Summerslam.

Alexis: I'll give them day before Summerslam.

As the other WWE Raw women chatted up, Mercedes and Trevion were walking towards the adjacent coffee shop as Mercedes took in the sights of Dallas's skyscrapers.

Mercedes: Wow Dallas is really beautiful!

Trevion: Yeah even though I was born in Houston, Dallas comes a close second.

Mercedes: You were born in H-Town but attended a school in Dallas right?

Trevion: Yeah Allen High School is just on the outskirts of Dallas; I might have to make a visit someday I mean I did help deliver a State title in basketball and wrestling to the school and I was apart of the best of high school football teams in the entire nation.

Mercedes: What was high school like for you?

Trevion: It was alright, I mean I was one of those smocks and popular kids; but I really didn't care about being popular or any of that.

Mercedes: Smocks; you mean you were a smart jock?

Trevion: Exactly, I wanted to be more than just an attractive set of bulging muscles; so I hit those books just like I hit those weights hard. My mother always says the one thing people fear is an educated black man so I took her advice and ran with it.

Mercedes: Your mother raised a great kid Trevion, I'll give her that.

Trevion: Yeah she's the reason I'm chasing my dream of being a WWE Superstar.

Mercedes: So is there any chance I'll meet this amazing lady?

Trevion: Yeah she's actually coming to Raw tonight with my baby sister Kepler!

Mercedes: Really does she know you're wrestling Bobby Lashley tonight?

Trevion: Yeah its their first time seeing me in WWE so I've gotta bring the big fight if I want to advance in this tournament... enough about me however who's tapping out to you Bossy?

Mercedes: I think it's Alicia Fox and after that I face either Pamela or Mickie in the final; let's hope its Pam because we all know whenever we're facing each other we tear the house down but then again I've rarely shared the ring with Mickie.

Trevion: So you're undecided, oh thank you!

Trevion was referring to the barista who smiled brightly as she handed the cartons of Pick-Me-Ups to the Boss and King of Destiny. They continued talking to one another and returned and worked out with their fellow colleagues.

Trevion and Mercedes along with Colby and Charly Caruso pulled up to the American Airlines Center arena parking lot. As the couple of Caruso and Lopez got out and grabbed their bags, Mercedes got out next as Trevion was grabbing their bags and their fan-bases were going nuts waiting for the King of Destiny and The Legit Boss some girls were shipping the Cali and Texas natives taking pictures and all other things that made people assume they were dating. Oh how Trevion just wanted kiss the raven haired beauty but he didn't want come across as lecherous creep. Mercedes felt the same about Trevion but she, like Trevion was keeping her mature urges in check as they tended to the fans and signed autographs before entering the arena. Trevion put his ring gear on the colors and theme closely representing the city's basketball team Dallas Mavericks. He was currently stretching his muscles when Mercedes approached him in her Green and Sea Blue attire and shades along with Stephanie.

Trevion: Legit Boss and Actual Boss what can I do for you?

Mercedes: I'll let Stephanie explain.

Stephanie: Well given how great the storyline has gone between the both of you its time we ramp it up; which is why to counteract the numbers game Bobby Lashley and Lio Rush are bringing tonight, I've decided to have Sasha accompany you to the ring.

Trevion: Ok is that all?

Stephanie: Not quite as you're scheduled to win, we're gonna really convince the fans you're both really an item, Mercedes pitched the idea that she should kiss you passionately tonight.

Trevion did an absolute double take nearly choking on his water when Stephanie said.

Mercedes: You are okay with it aren't you Tre?

Trevion: I mean I'm on board you just caught me off guard with that little bit of detail; if you're really down with that Mercedes, I'll play this out with you.

He smiled as she smiled back... good lord her smile absolutely made his heart melt a thousand-fold.

Stephanie: Alright, I'll leave you two to it

The boss lady left leaving Mercedes with Trevion.

Trevion: So you're the genius who planned this out; I've got to say well done Mercedes.

Mercedes: Thanks just promise you won't be nervous when it's time.

Trevion: Pinky promise.

He jokingly extended his left pinky finger and Sasha giggled, extending her right pinky finger.

Mercedes: Oh no...

Trevion: What's wrong Boss?

Mercedes pointed behind him and it was the last person she wanted to associate herself with... her ex husband Mikaze.

Trevion: Uh Mercedes care to enlighten as to why this guy is all in my face?

Mikaze: Care to explain why you're flirting with my ex-wife?

Trevion: Uh because I can free country and why do you even care, didn't you callously break her heart?

Mercedes: What do you want Sarath?

Mikaze: Can we talk somewhere more privately?

Mercedes: Anything you can to say to me you can say in front of Trevion; its not like everyone already knows what you did.

Mikaze: Oh come on Mercedes it was mistake!

Mercedes: I don't call sleeping with someone I consider my sister an honest mistake... at least she had the guts to tell me what really happened the minute after it happened I had to fucking wait for your explanation for months on end!

Trevion: He was probably too busy continuing to fuck other broads while you were heartbroken... I'm betting you only came to exacerbate her mental anguish even worse than before!

Mikaze threw a sloppy punch towards the Houston native to which Trevion caught with his bare hand. Mikaze then attempted to punch Trevion in his stomach but he twisted both of his hands.


Trevion: I'll let go of your hands if you promise to never approach Mercedes again... she's been seriously happy when you've been nowhere near her... break this threat and I'll end you, got it?

Mikaze: Crystal clear...

Trevion tossed Mikaze on the ground and gave him a deadly glare that could crumble even the most feared men.

Trevion: Now get out of my sight before I regret my decision.

Mikaze took off like a wounded animal before Trevion turned towards Mercedes.

Trevion: You're gonna be ok right?

Mercedes: Uh yeah, thanks but where'd you learn those sick moves?

Trevion laughed

Trevion: Oh that I took a lot of classes in Krav Maga, British and Japanese Strong Style and Brazilian Judo with Eve Torres and her husband.

Mercedes: You sure you're not an android or something?

Trevion: I prefer a real-life Saiyan but nope I'm one hundred percent human; wanna come to my locker room and watch T.V. until Raw begins?

Mercedes: Please I need to get my mind off the fuckery that just happened.

They walked to his locker room and watched their favorite shows as they waited for Raw to start.

Monday Night Raw was in full swing as the Dallas were currently a Raw Tag Team Championship Triple Threat Match between AOP, The Revival and The Ascension. Trevion was currently watching the match from gorilla as he stretched as Mercedes came through.

Mercedes: Hey its go-time you ready?

Trevion: As ready as a king can be for a dominator. I know one thing this isn't like facing KO. Like myself Lashley is a former Mixed Martial Artist so we're even right off the bat.

Mercedes: You've got this handsome just avoid getting caught in his grasp and you should be good.

Trevion: Thanks for the advice.

Mercedes smiles at him as they watch Lio Rush run his mouth and hype up Lashley's entrance

Lashley: May the better man win, King of Destiny.

Trevion: Right back at you Dominator.

They shook hands as Lashley went to deafening boos as people were still adjusting to him being a heel after he attacked Finn Balor and Kevin Owens in previous weeks. Soon Last Man Standing by Asher Roth and Akon began ringing out throughout the arena as Trevion made his way throughout the arena but stopped on the ramp.

Corey: Why did Chase stop on the ramp?

Suddenly Sky's The Limit rang out throughout the American Airlines Center to heavy cheers as Sasha came out.

Michael: It's BOSS Time!!!

Renee: Chase knew about the numbers game with Lio Rush on the outside and sought some help; He got some huge pickup in Sasha Banks.

Corey: I just hope Chase knows what's he getting himself into because Sasha's got a knife with his name all over it.

Renee: You are on one tonight Corey!

The bell rings...

Jojo: The following contest scheduled for one-fall is a semi-final in the WWE Universal Championship where the winner will advance to the Fatal Four-Way Championship match and face Finn Balor, Drew McIntyre and Elias!! Introducing first accompanied to the ring by Lio Rush from Denver, Colorado weighing in at 270 pounds, Bobby Lashley!

Bobby began flexing as the crowd booed him

Jojo: His opponent accompanied by Sasha Banks, from Houston Texas weighing in at 215 pounds, Chase Destiny!!!!

Trevion handed his ring jacket to Mercedes and she blew him a kiss for good luck as the match got under way. The match got underway as Chase and Bobby had an elbow and collar tie-up to which Bobby just tossed Chase like a dead body.

Michael: And that's one battle the Texas Native is not gonna win Corey.

Corey: If it had been any other man, Chase would be doing the tossing around! Lashley is an exception.

The match had been very good throughout with Bobby taking control after Lio got involved which earned the 23-Year Old piece of Gold a kick to the gut only for The Dominator to buy the distraction and clobber Chase from the back of the head. Bobby would control the pace of the match slowing it down which Chase did not favor and he knew he was in a rough patch. Eventually Chase got some momentum on his by delivering a kick to Bobby's chest and sending him sprawling with a corkscrew body takedown. The pace soon would overwhelm Lashley and he would exit the ring only to get unceremoniously dumped into the ring. As Chase got back into the ring Lio interfered again to which Sasha ran up and evened the odds and put Lio in the Bank Statement. Lashley would grab Chase.

Corey: UH-OH Chase took his eye off the prize!

Renee: This is not good for the King of Destiny!

Only for Chase to wiggle out of the vertical suplex and muster all the strength he could to put Lashley on his shoulders for a buckle bomb.

Michael: Buckle Bomb!


Renee: And he got every bit of it too Graves!

1! 2! 3! Ding! Ding! Ding!

Jojo: Here is your winner... Chase Destiny!!!

The American Airlines Center became unglued with joy as one of the more organically over babyfaces punched his ticket to Summerslam as the graphic of the Universal Championship Fatal Four Way. Mercedes got in the ring and helped Trevion to his feet as they crowd were cheering and began saying "KISS HER NOW" on repeat

Mercedes: Pucker up Your Majesty.

Chase's heart began thumping hard as if it were ready to explode out of his chest cavity... I mean he was about to kiss one of the most attractive women on the Raw roster not to mention his crush. Chase wrapped his muscular arms around her waist and kissed her passionately as the crowd roared with approval and began posting viral videos of the kiss on Instagram, Twitter and all social media platforms. Sasha was on cloud nine she had never been kissed like this her soul was on fire and in a good way

Mercedes(inner thoughts): Holy shit he's such an amazing kisser! How has no one dated him yet??

Trevion(Inner thoughts): Wow Mercedes, who knew you were a such an amazing kisser? I'll tell you what this could be the start of a beautiful relationship...

The show closed as people began leaving....

Trevion(inner thoughts): Only thing is where does this lead us?

END OF CHAPTER FIVE!!! HOLY SHIT, This was one of the longest chapters I've thought up and typed in any of my books. Now by no means will all my chapters be this long but I was in the zone. Anyway yeah Chase is on his way to Brooklyn to face Finn, Elias and Drew and what will arguably be the match of the night at Summerslam. As for Mercedes and Trevion, let's just say there sparks with that kiss... You'll just have figure out where it leads guys!!! Anywhere let me go brush my teeth cuz a nigga breath is stank. Toodles!!!

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