Our Fate as Soulmates [Bakude...


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[Inspired by @azreto's AU on tumblr] Soulmates don't discover their significant other until the age of 18. Di... Еще

[Ch. 1]
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[Ch. 39]
[Ch. 41]
[Ch. 42]
[Ch. 43]

[Ch. 40]

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"WE NEED O NEG, CHEST TUBES, PAGE ORTHO AND CARDIO" Hinata yells out commands in her hospital after guiding those to the waiting area for Izuku.

She soon sees Katsuki holding onto Kami like it's the last thing he has. She walks over holding her arms out for her child.

"Let me check her"

Katsuki immediately hands his daughter to Hinata before grabbing her arm crying.

"Come with me Katsuki. You can't be alone" Hinata frowns bringing Katsuki into a pediatric exam room.

The two stand over Kami seeing her squirm while Hinata our cooling gel on her burn while Katsuki kept her on the table. Both were silent while doing this which made Hinata look up at Katsuki seeing his eyes water.

"Freckles will be okay....okay?" She frowns suddenly tearing up and breaking in tears while still doing her work. "He'll be okay..."

Katsuki bursts into tears when she did as the two of them continue to cry and worry for Izuku while Momo and other attendants and nurses were helping him in the ER to the OR and soon recovery.

Few hours pass as Izuku was still in the OR while the two waited in the attendant lounge with their children close to them. Hinata runs her hand through Taren's hair gently.


"Huh..." Katsuki looks up frowning while Kami slept in his arms.

"He was the anonymous donor for Taren. Hence why his hair has little green specks which I adore..." Hinata smiles for the moment as it fades while her tears developed more. "He...always finds a way to be with us...."

Katsuki frowns looking down at Kami seeing her flutter her eyes as her eyes were Izuku's. He smiles before bringing her closer to his face as he kisses her cheek gently nuzzling her.

"He's..always here" He says crying again as the door opens showing Todoroki with an evidence bag walking over setting it on the table.

"The stuff they found of Midoriya's at the scene" Todoroki says calmly as Katsuki sets Kami in the baby seat before letting all the stuff out seeing all of his eyes were intact, his wallet was charred but the stuff inside stayed safe, glasses weren't there since they turned to dust, the earring ripped off his ear, and finally...his wedding ring.

Katsuki frowns picking it up looking at it still intact as he sees the engraving which made him tear up even more. He held it close crying as Hinata was suddenly paged 911. She hands Taren off to Todoroki before running to the OR to help Momo with Izuku.



"I don't want my husband to die" Katsuki says crying more as Todoroki gets up setting Taren next to Kami before hugging his friend.

"He'll be okay....I promise.."

Three more hours pass as Katsuki lays on the couch with Taren and Kami laying on him while they slept. Hinata walks in with her scrubs looking at him as she smiles crying. Katsuki was about to get up quickly until Hinata stops him so their kids could sleep.

"He's okay...he's in recovery in the ICU...our Izuku is okay Katsuki" Hinata smiles crying as she sees Katsuki crying. She smiles wiping away his tears seeing him smiling under all the tears.

Minutes went by as Hinata puts her kids in the daycare of the hospital before walking Katsuki to the ICU seeing Izuku on a ventilator, double chest tubes, big incision on his chest, his right arm in a forearm cast, heavy bandages on both of his legs, a butterfly bandage on his eyebrow, and a bandage on his left cheek. Katsuki frowns seeing Izuku in this condition as he makes his way to his side holding his left hand gently feeling Izuku squeeze.

"Izuku.." He looks to him seeing him groggy open his eyes looking at Katsuki. "Izuku my love...."

Izuku smiles even with the ventilator in his mouth as he squeezes his hand before letting go and lifting his arm doing sign language.

'You kept your promise...' He smiles signing before immediately dropping his arm from the lack of strength.

"Yeah...Yeah I did" Katsuki smiles with tears holding onto his hand. "Man...I should make you promise that too..." He laughs smiling as Izuku smiles more.

Izuku soon lets go of his hand doing the 'I love you' sign. Katsuki smiles before gently kissing his forehead.

"I love you so much more Deku"

Few days went by with Izuku still in recovery. The chest tubes and ventilator were removed as he's now breathing on his own and there's no blood in his lungs but he's still undergoing observation in case of anything.

"Good morning GroundZero"

"Morning Bakugo"

"Morning GroundZero!"


"Good morning" Katsuki smiles walking into the recovery suite going to Izuku's room seeing Hinata sitting on the edge of his bed along with Inko in the chair beside his bed holding Kami. "I didn't know everyone was going to be in here"

"Kacchan..." Izuku smiles tilting up watching Katsuki walk to his side smiling before kissing him gently.

"Is everything-"

"Everything is normal Katsuki. Freckles is doing fine. Just a few more days" Hinata smiles lovingly holding his hand.

"Why are you in uniform?" Inko questions as Katsuki was about to answer until Izuku did.

"He was being interviewed along with Todoroki about the mission...Hinata didn't want to be there because..yeah" Izuku says tiredly resting his head looking towards Katsuki. "Did it go smoothly"

"Yes it did, nothing about you was told to the extreme if you don't mind"

"It's..whatever" Izuku smiles looking at Katsuki with a extremely tired expression.

"You should sleep Izuku. You need it" Katsuki says running his hand through his hair gently.

Izuku rests his head in his hand when he tried to pull it away. He immediately falls asleep mumbling before he knocked out.

"Kacchan's warm..." He smiles in his sleep as Katsuki smiles before feeling a chair being pushed up from behind.

Hinata smiles as she put the chair there for him. Katsuki smiles back taking the seat and watching her go to check on pre ops. Inko smiles lovingly looking down at their sleeping baby.

"You are honestly a perfect family" Inko smiles as her comment made Katsuki smile while rubbing his thumb gently against Izuku's cheek.

Hours have passed as Katsuki fell asleep in his chair with Kami sleeping in the bedside crib he brought. Izuku was wide awake looking at the two as he didn't want to take them off the two. He soon hears the door open as he draws his attention to the shadowed figure. His heart rate started to elevate as he stares at the knife like object. He started to develop a panic attack as the heart monitor woke up Katsuki as he immediately went to his aid. The figure turned out to be Hinata as she had a knife to cut apples with. She sets the stuff down before slowly approaching Izuku seeing him suddenly burst into tears.


"Izuku, I'm right here" Katsuki reassures as Izuku struggled to pass the aniexty attack. He turns on his side which he wasn't supposed to do as he held his head curling up.

"Izuku. You need to be on your back" Hinata says with panic in her voice as she lifts the sheets seeing blood. "I need to take him in. He'll be right back Katsuki. I promise" she says lifting the railing before taking Izuku.

Katsuki frowns watching her take him as he didn't want to see him go again. He soon hears Kami trying to speak as he immediately takes his phone out and records her for Izuku's sake. He watches her grab his hand struggling before...

"P-Papa" Kami spoke for the first time with some struggle as Katsuki stops recording to hold his daughter tightly.

"Papa is injured baby..." He says calmly holding her.

Katsuki waited patiently in the room as Momo walks in with Taren as they take a seat next to him and Kami.

"Where have you been..."

"Saving Midoriya and taking care of my child. You know I can take care of Kami while Izuku is in the hospital. I'm on leave"

"Do you mind?"

"Not at all Bakugo" Momo smiles rubbing his back gently as Hinata comes in with Izuku again. He's knocked out from the drugs as Katsuki frowns looking at his husband before getting up and going to his side. "Katsuki, there's something called PTSD. Do you remember what they taught us in UA?"

"It's something that comes back as panic attacks when something reminds them of a traumatizing memory...I know Izuku has it...I wish he didn't..." He frowns before disobeying orders from Hinata about being in the bed but Katsuki knew Izuku wanted to be held that once he got into the bed Izuku immediately cuddles close to him. "But I know what can help him...even if there are some moments..."

Momo smiles lovingly before picking up Taren and Kami in her baby seat. "Well Kami will be with me tonight while you're here. Come on love" she says calmly going out as Hinata follows behind her wife taking a hold of Kami.

Katsuki looks down at his husband running his hand through his hair. He gently runs his hand against his cheek watching him gently grab his hand holding it in his. He smiles lovingly before kissing his forehead and holding him close.

"I'm never letting anything fucking happen to you. Nothing."

A week later....

Izuku sat in his lab scrolling through his laptop when he heard an angry slam of the door. He looks to see Katsuki crossing his arms.

"You weren't in your bed"

"H-Heh. Don't kill me" Izuku says nervously as Katsuki looks at the wheelchair he's in and couldn't believe a nurse gave it to him.

"Come on. You need one more round of tests so I can take you home" Katsuki says about to grab the handles until Izuku stops him to hug him for a brief moment. He smiles before picking him up and keeping his arms under him to keep him up.

Izuku smiles looking at him before kissing him lovingly. Katsuki smiles keeping him close before stopping to hear Hinata come through the door angrily.

"I SWEAR. I DIDN'T CLEAR YOU FOR SUCH ACTIVITY" Hinata says angrily as the two blush but Izuku held onto Katsuki. "Come the fuck on and let's get the tests done"

After a few tests Hinata have Izuku discharge papers and a slip for his prescription. While Izuku was getting his stuff ready Katsuki went to get his prescription while having Kami in a snuggled wrap.

"Afternoon GroundZero" The pharmacy worker says with a smile as Katsuki handed him the prescription list. "Oh but you have..a quirk why are you getting a regular dosage?"

"It's for my husband." Katsuki says in a calm manor but sees how uncomfortable the pharmacy workers were getting. Just from the fact that Izuku is quirkless and takes a regular dose. "Can you hurry up. I'd like to go home with my husband and child"

Katsuki soon retrieves the medicine before making his way back to Izuku seeing him put on his ground zero jacket from back then. He smiles before kissing his cheek seeing Izuku smiles turning toward him before taking Kami into his arms.

"I can't wait to go home with this little on-"

"Papa!" Kami cries out smiling as Izuku smiles even more hugging her tightly but gently.

"Oh yes you get to go home with Papa" Izuku smiles kissing Kami's cheek gently hearing her giggle. He soon hands Kami back to Katsuki as he felt like if she felt his cast it would freak her.

"Hinata said to be careful when walking on your own. And with your cast and bandages"

"Kacchan. I'm a doctor. I know what I'm doing for my recovery" Izuku smiles before sitting on the bed struggling with his shoes. Katsuki hands Kami to him before getting down on a knee helping him. "Geez...this reminds me of when I was pregnant and couldn't see my feet"

"Mmm...I wouldn't mind you being pregnant again" Katsuki smiles while tying his shoes as Izuku blushes a bit. "Oh which reminds me" He reaches in his pocket holding up Izuku's wedding ring.

"Happy that didn't get destroyed. Or you would have to marry me again" He teases smiling holding his left hand out as Katsuki slips the ring on before kissing his hand and getting up hugging his partner.

"I wouldn't mind marrying you again" Katsuki smiles before kissing Izuku gently as the two hear Kami giggling. They part just to admire for the moment.

Soon the two find themselves walking back home as Katsuki held Kami in the snuggle while holding Izuku's hand. Izuku kept looking over at the two as he smiles to himself loving his family. Katsuki felt him let go of his hand suddenly looking at who's beside Inko waiting by their door.


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