Steve x Reader & Bucky x Read...

By marvellife

425K 8.1K 4.9K

Requests are open, BUT I do not know when I will get to them. All stories written for female reader. I also... More

Hi guys!
Scared To Say, I Love You (Bucky x Reader)
White Rose (Bucky x Reader)
#1 Hero (Bucky x Child Reader)
Crashing the Party (Steve x Reader)
Coming Out (Bucky x Bi Sister Reader)
I Hate You (Bucky x POC Reader)
You Call, and I'll Come Running (Bucky x Sister Reader)
I Feel the Same (Stucky)
Deserve Better (Steve x Reader)
Stood Up (Steve x Reader)
Avenging At Disneyland (Steve x Reader ft. The Avengers)
I'm... Um... Captain America (Steve x Reader)
Protect Her (Bucky x Pregnant Reader)
Comic Con (Bucky x Reader)
I Promise (Bucky x Reader)
Puppy Love (Steve x Reader)
Kitten A*meow*ica (Steve x Kitten Reader)
Most People Bring Home a Puppy (Steve x Child Reader)
Most People Bring Home A Puppy (Part Two) (Steve x Bucky x Child Reader)
Looks Like You're Giving The Orders Now, Cap (Bucky x Reader)
Watched (Bucky x Reader)
Watched (Bucky x Reader) (Part Two)
Bartender (Bucky x Reader)
Heart (Steve x Reader)
Heart (Part Two) (Steve x Reader)
Life Goes On (Bucky x Reader)
Daddy Daughter Days (Steve x Baby Reader)
Daddy Daughter Days (Steve x Child Reader) (Part Two)
Daddy Daughter Days (Steve x Pre-Teen/Teen Reader) (Part Three)
Daddy Daughter Days (Bucky x Baby Reader)
Daddy Daughter Days (Bucky x Child Reader) (Part Two)
Crash (Bucky x Steve x Reader)
Surprise (Chris x Reader)
A/N Quarentine Addition
Safe (Bucky x Child Reader)
Protective (Steve x Reader & Daughter)
Shadow (Bucky x Child Reader)
Shadow (Bucky x Child Reader) (Part Two)
Grounded (Steve x Reader)
The Enemy (Bucky x Reader)
The Enemy (Bucky x Reader) (Part 2)
The Enemy (Bucky x Reader) (Part 3)
Quarentine (Steve x Reader)
Neighbor (Steve x Reader)
Clingy (Bucky x Reader)
Please Don't Go (Steve x Reader)
Please Dont Go (Steve x Reader x Daughter) (Part Two)
Please Don't Go (Steve x Ghost Reader x Daughter) (Part 3)

Why Do You Hate Me? (Buckyx Reader)

8.2K 182 296
By marvellife

This one is for @_ilovenothing_ ! Hope this is what you were looking for!

Warnings: fluff, small amounts of angst, that's all I got

"Are you sure they're okay with you bringing in an outsider?" You asked Steve jokingly as the two of you walked toward the tower. "I'm not a super friend you know."

"Very funny." He laughed sarcastically, rolling his eyes and smiling when you gave his arm a playful slap. "They're gonna love you, we've been friends ever since-"

"Ever since you stopped being a red, white, and blue popsicle?" You joked.

"Yeah, you and Tony are gonna get along just fine." He laughed, holding the door open for you to walk inside, showing you through the lobby.

"What about Bucky?" You asked, the change in your voice evident to him.

"What about him, y/n?" He asked with a smile and wiggle of his brows, knowing you always loved hearing stories that involved Bucky, stories that my or may not have sparked your crush on Steve's best friend.

"Look, he just seems like a nice guy, I wanna be on everyone's good side." You told him, trying to brush off your slight embarrassment.

"And?" He asked, nudging you to the side, causing you to sigh.

"And he's really cute." You laughed. "But seriously, how has he been since Wakanda? Have you brought people here like this? I don't want it to effect his progress." You told him, truly worried about his friend.

"He needs more human interaction, which is another reason I wanted to bring you. But other than that he's doing fine, just a few nightmares here and there." Steve told you before the elevator doors opened. "After you ma'am." He told you, bowing as you walked out.

"Why thank you good sir!" You laughed, curtsying as he stepped out and tipping your imaginary hat. As you backed up, standing tall again, your back bumped into another body, toppling the two of you over. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" You quickly apologized

"Tiny woman, tell me how you entered these chambers."

"Relax Thor, she's with me." Steve sighed, helping both of you back to your feet. "This is y/n, we've been friends for a few years now, so I decided to introduce her to you guys."

"Ah! A friend of the captain!" Thor smiled, looking back to you. "I am Thor, son of Odin, prince of Asguard, god of thunder!"

"I'm y/n! Uh... friend of Steve's... queen of Netflix, and goddess of bad decisions." You joked.

"So maybe you've met my brother, Loki." He added, smiling as he believed your joke to be true.

You looked back at Steve, eyes widening slightly to ask him what to do. When he only shrugged, you turned back to Thor and continued. "Yes, some time ago?" You spoke, thought it sounded like a question.

"Who's met me, brother?" The velvety voice of Loki rang through your ears.

"This is y/n, the goddess of bad decisions! She says she's met you some time ago." This spoke, patting his brother on the shoulder.

"Oh has she now?" Loki smirked, looking you up and down, "then she must be the goddess she claims to be."

"Alright, time to move this introduction to the lounge." Steve quickly butted in, standing beside you with his arm over your shoulder, guiding you to the lounge. "And Thor? Keep Loki away from her."


"Alright Capsicle, why are we all here?" Tony asked, causing you to pop out from behind him and laugh at the nickname.

"Capsicle!? That's great! Why haven't I been using that these past few years?!" You laughed, causing Steve to smile and roll his eyes.

"Well hello! Who might you be?" Tony asked, quickly introducing himself, holding his hand out for you to shake.

"I'm y/n! And you're Tony Stark!" You smirked, excited to finally meet the genius.

"Y/n has been a pretty close friend of mine since I came out of the ice." Steve butted in, smiling as you excitedly introduced yourself to everyone one by one, laughing when you gave Wanda a hug. "I decided it was finally time to bring her here, I was keeping her away to protect her, but after the snap and almost losing her forever, I figured she'd be safer hanging out here as much as possible." He explained, smiling when you made your way back to him.

"But Thanos is gone now, so we don't have to worry about that anymore." You smiled, though your eyes searched the room for the one face you hadn't yet seen. "Hey, I didn't see Bucky." You told him, concerned about his friend.

"Wait, where is Barnes? He was just here." Tony pointed out as his eyes scanned the room as well. "Friday?"

"It appears Barnes was here, but he seems to have gone back to his room." The AI responded.

"That's weird... did he say anything?" Steve asked, wondering why his friend would just leave without a word or clue as to why. "I'll go check on him." He told the team, placing his hand on your back and leading you toward Bucky's room.


It only took a second, just that quick second of his eyes landing on you. He knew he'd be a goner if he talked to you, but the one thing he knew he needed to do was get away. He ruins everything he touches, everything he's close to somehow gets destroyed, he couldn't let the next thing be you.

"Hey Buck? You in there?" Steve asked as he knocked on the door, waiting for his friend to answer.

Bucky didn't respond, he knew it was Steve, and he knew you were most likely there with him. He regrettably got out of bed; walking to the door and opening it to find exactly what he expected. "Oh, hey Steve." He responded plainly.

"Hey man, where were you? I told you I was bringing someone for you to meet today." Steve told him, sounding confused.

"Oh, that was today? Sorry." Bucky answered, turning back into his room, leaving the door open for you and Steve.

"Well, she's here now. So Bucky, this is y/n, y/n, this is Bucky." Steve introduced the two of you, gently leading you closer to his friend.

"Hi Bucky, Steve has told me so much about you. It's great to finally meet you." You smiled, holding out your hand to shake his.

"Steve never mentioned you before." Bucky quipped, standing up and walking to the dresser in his room, ignoring your introduction.

"For her protection Buck, then I realized she'd be safer if you guys all knew about her." Steve responded, not understanding why his friend was acting this way.

"Well we have plenty of people to protect, can't pick favorites." Bucky shot back, glaring at you. "So maybe she should get in line."

"Y/n, why don't you go meet up with everyone in the lounge for dinner." Steve told you, leading you out of the room, not taking his eyes off of his friend.

"Yeah... yeah okay. I'll see you in a bit Steve." You whispered, sounding hurt. "Umm... bye Bucky, it was nice to meet you." You waved defeatedly as you walked away, not looking back.

"What the hell was that?" Steve asked Bucky as he shut the door.

"I don't understand what the big deal is."

"The big deal is she was the only friend I had when I came out of the ice!" Steve yelled, causing Bucky's challenging composure to drop. "You we're gone! Peggy was gone! I had no one! She just so happened to be in the same place as me one day, we talked for hours. She comforted me about losing you, about losing everyone and everything. I had her when I had nothing, just like I did with you, and you're going to treat her like that?"

"Steve, I-"

"Why would that ever be okay? You're never like that! She didn't even say anything and you already started treating her like that?!"

"Steve, it's not what you think-"

"Then what is it?" Steve growled.

"I like her okay? She's beautiful, she took care of you while I was gone, everything you said about her, everything I heard in the lounge, it made me feel drawn to her already. If I meet her I'm a goner, I'm going to fuck her life up and I can't do that." Bucky told his friend, sitting on his bed after he spoke.

"What?" Steve asked, his anger residing as he heard his friend speak. "You're not going to do anything to her or her life."

"I'm a disaster Steve, she doesn't need someone like me in her life." Bucky mumbled, sighing as he started at the wall. "No one needs that in there life."

"Buck, did you not see how excited she was to meet you? Until you treated her the way you did." Steve responded, his tone much lighter than before. "Something great could come out of you meeting her, but you have to give her a chance, don't just push her away."

He was about to continue, but there was a sudden knock at the door before it opened. "You guys ready? Cause the food is." Tony told them as he finished chewing the piece of food he sneaked from the meal that was prepared for the team. "Everyone is waiting."

"Well, here goes nothing." Bucky mumbled to himself, though Steve caught every word.


As dinner went on, the tension could be cut with a knife. Everyone heard about what happened between you and Bucky, some people knew he had already developed a small crush on you, others just assumed he wasn't in any mood to be around people today, but the god of mischief knew the truth, and mischief was exactly what he would cause tonight.

The team watched as Loki would openly flirt with you, Bucky growling at every laugh that left your gorgeous lips from the tricksters jokes. He would watch as he would pour your drink for you, his eyes constantly taking over your body, causing your cheeks to heat up. The last straw was when he watched Loki pull your chair against his, his nose brushing against your ear and his hand resting on your thigh. He was so angry that he didn't notice how uncomfortable you actually looked to everyone else.

"Steve I'm confused, did you bring a friend, or a hooker here?" Bucky asked, causing a dead silence to burst through the room.

"Excuse me?" You growled, slamming your silverware on the table to try and release some of your anger.

"You heard me." Bucky shot back, standing up now. "Did you really come here to meet us, or did you just come here to see which one of us you could exploit and have your way with?" He asked, getting in your face as he leaned over the table, ignoring the gasps of his fellow teammates.

"Bucky!" Steve yelled, but you cut him off, having enough of his insults for the night.

"Fuck you Barnes! I've been nothing but nice to you ever since I've gotten here, and ever since then you've been a real asshole to me for no reason at all! I came here because Steve invited me to meet some new friends! Maybe even friends I could call family since I no longer have one, but I can't even stand being in the same room as you now." You argued, grabbing your jacket off the back of your chair as well as your purse, looking to Loki. "And what does it matter to you if I flirt with someone from the team? Seems to me you're just jealous that you'll never be able to have someone of your own with your shitty attitude. Come on Loki, let's go."

"As you wish darling, hold on." Loki smirked before he pulled you flush against him, teleporting the two of you to god knows where. As the silence filled the room, everyone turned toward Bucky, some giving him looks of empathy, others giving him looks of disgust. But the look that stood out most to him, was the look of disappointment from Steve.

"Thor, where would Loki take y/n?" Steve asked, breaking the silence and taking everyone's eyes off of Bucky. "I need to find her before something bad happens."

"I believe Stark implanted a tracker in him when he was brought here, shall we go to his lab and find out?" Thor suggested, knowing his brother was most likely up to no good.

As the two left, with Tony following, Bucky was left alone with the rest of the team. He knew everyone's eyes were on him, so without a second thought, he abruptly left, heading to his room once more in an attempt to escape reality.


"Darling, it seems you've had a bit much to drink." Loki told you, placing his hands on your hips and in attempt to lead you away from the bar for a bit.

"Noooo, youuu've had too much drinks." You slurred, poking his nose as you spoke. "Come on Loki poki, lets have some fun!" You told him, attempting to dance but miserably failing.

"I believe it's time to get you back to the captain, you've had your fun." Loki told you again, holding you up as you could no longer stand up straight.

"I thought you wanted me, what happened to that? Everything you did at dinner." You pouted, leaning into his chest.

"Oh darling, even I am not so cruel to take advantage of a maiden in this state. Besides, my attempts to lure you we're not meant for you. As beautiful as you are, I was trying to get someone else to confess their love for you." He told you, distracting you enough to get you to begin walking out with him.

"So... you didn't like me?" You sighed. "Figures, seems like no one does today... or any day."


"Y/n! Thank god nothing happened to you." Steve Sighed, running toward you to take you out of Loki's arms. "What were you thinking Loki?"

"I assure you Captain, nothing happened. My intentions were not to cause harm, they were to try and cause someone else to confess their love for her." Loki smirked, his smile falling once he saw your eyes begin to water as you hugged Steve. "Although it didn't go as planned."

"You think?" Steve responded. "Don't ever take her like that again." He warned before walking you to his truck, leaving Loki and Thor alone to discuss what happened. "Come on y/n, lets get you back to the tower."




Once everyone else in the tower retreated back to their rooms, Bucky decided to sit alone in the lounge, channel surfing until he heard the elevator doors ding.

"What do you think you were doing y/n? Do you know what could have happened to you!" Steve asked as he guided you into the room. "What were you thinking wandering off with Loki? It's almost three in the morning, what if we didn't find you?! What if something happened to you."

"Then no one would have cared!" You yelled, tears brimming your eyes. "Life would have moved on, no one would have cared. Like Bucky said, you have plenty of people to save, you ant pick favorites."

"Y/n, he didn't mean that!"

"Yes he did! Even if he didn't, someone else sees it that way. I'm worthless Steve!" You cried, pulling your arm out of his grasp, falling back against the wall behind you. "It would have been better if I had just died permanently from the snap."

"Y/n, please." Steve sighed, trying to help you up, frowning when you pushed him away again. "No one feels that way, I can't lose you again."

"Just leave me alone." You cried, getting up to try and get away.

"Y/n..." Bucky whispered, finally stepping out of the shadows in the lounge area, his eyes tearing up after hearing you speak.

"What do you want? Here to call me a whore again? Or maybe you want to tell me why I shouldn't be here?" You you asked, tears continuing to fall.

"No... no. I'm not hear to do any of that." He whispered, clearing his throat before speaking again. "And I never meant any of that, I swear. I just..."

"You just what?"

"I think I like you okay!" He yelled, not meaning to shout. "I just... ever since I saw you, you were just so alluring. You're so beautiful and Steve says you're the sweetest person, you even took care of him and helped him, I can't help but already start to fall for you."

"Why would you treat me that way?" To asked, wiping a few years away.

"I couldn't let myself fall for you, I can't ruin your life like that." He whispered, looking the floor below his feet. "You don't need someone like me in your life."

"Let me decide that." You whispered, taking the another step to be right in front of him. Placing your hands on his cheeks, pulling his face close to yours, connecting your lips to his and giving him a passionate and loving kiss, pulling away in time to see a smile on his lips. "Maybe you're what I need."

"It's not easy to be with me, I have so many problems. I can't do that to you."

"Maybe I don't want easy, maybe I'd rather have you."

"Thank god you guys worked it out!" Steve sighed as he plopped onto the couch, causing you to laugh into Bucky's chest, smirking when you heard another voice.

"I see my work here has been successful."

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