We're Stuck Here So Lets Have...

By robotdirectionattack

12.7K 537 117

Toge Senso and Kuraun Kawa have slipped into the Naruto world...from their tv. As they go through the Naruto... More



338 14 2
By robotdirectionattack

Those two idiot ninja who challenged Gaara. As the sand engulfed the first one, I ran up the stairs.

"Kuraun! Are you crazy?" Yelled Shikamaru. I shrugged.

"Shit, Gaara!" I yelled, running into the corridor and just barely evading his sand attacks. When I got close enough to him, the sand pushed me away and crushed the other ninja. I closed my eyes, and focused on my chakra right before the sand crushed me.

"Kuraun!" Naruto yelled as I opened my eyes. I made the hand signs and yelled, "Ninjutsu, release!" His sand immediately fell to the ground and I ran over to him, hitting him hard in the face. I wasn't too good at taijutsu, so it didn't have a huge effect. Just a little crack in his armor is all.

"You need to control this stupid thirst you have." I said, standing over him as he looked slightly surprised. I noticed my voice had changed, and I was the only one moving.

"Whatever you do, don't you dare kill Sasuke Uchiha." I demanded, hitting him in the face again and moving away from him. Once I was far enough away, I made the hand signs and restored his jutsu so he'd be able to fight. His eyes went crazy once he noticed the crack in his armor, and I slowly walked over to Shikamaru and Naruto, still in my golden state.

"Come on. We have to go. Don't either of you two utter a word about this." I demanded. I released the state once I said what I wanted to. What? I wanted to sound really intimidating to get them to do what I want. They did.

I escorted them up to the main level, where Temari and Kankuro were anxiously waiting for the battle to start.

"Temari, Kankuro." I said, getting their attention.

"Wait...Kuraun?" Kankuro asked. I ignored his question and went on with my statement.

"Please..." I sighed, slouching a bit.

"Take care of Gaara." This shocked all four of them, making them gape as I stepped onto the railing and jumped back to where I was about twenty minutes ago.

"You're back. And just in time. The match is about to start." The Hokage greeted. I nodded and sat down where I was before, crossing my legs, and pressing my fists together, in meditating position, but I didn't close my eyes as they followed Gaara's movements.

"Begin!" Genma yelled, and disappeared. As soon as he said it, sand poured out of Gaara's gourd, but soon stopped. He was arguing with Shukaku. Sasuke looked confused, as well as the others in the crowd. I looked over to Shikamaru and Naruto, and they were keeping a safe distance away from Temari and Kankuro as they quietly talked, still in shock from Gaara's attack.

I looked again at the arena, and the sand Gaara had just started moving again as Sasuke threw shuriken at him. Gaara had gotten back to a normal state, and relief washed over me. However, I knew that it wouldn't be long until he lost control again.

"Kuraun, it's not like you to be so tense." The Hokage noted. I eased a bit, or as much as I could, anyway. I closed my eyes. I simply couldn't watch this battle.

"Gaara is a...dangerous opponent. Only I would be able to fight him without severe injuries." I explained. I heard a gasp from both Kage, the gasp from the Kazekage because I could actually beat Gaara, which was fact. And the gasp from the Hokage to learn he was that strong. I didn't understand why he was surprised. He was at the preliminaries.

I heard battling in the background, but I didn't dare open my eyes. I needed to save chakra. I needed to save energy if I was going to participate in any battle. I had used my power on Gaara already, which was probably a bad time to do so.

The thought of my power brought Toge to my mind. I hesitantly opened my eyes, looking at the stands, searching for her and Kiba. But they were no where to be found. Had Kabuto gotten to both of them? I resisted the urge to glare at the Kage sitting to my left, and looked back out at the arena. Sasuke was running around Gaara faster than most could comprehend. I couldn't close my eyes. The curiosity building inside of me wouldn't let me do so.

I watched as Sasuke ran into Gaara with full force and kicked him, only to grab him again and headbutt him, running back to where he stood before. My eyes moved over to Gaara, who was looking at him with pure hatred and blood lust, with a large chunk of his sand armor missing from his face, the rest cracked. 

Remembering what happened next, I got out of my meditating position, and got ready to run to the arena to stop it, taking on a stance that someone running in track would. The Hokage looked at me confused, and Kazekage with amusement.

"What are you doing that for, Kuraun?" The Hokage asked.

"Like I said. Gaara is a dangerous opponent." I said, before adding, "He just killed two grass ninja right before this match." 

"What?" The Kazekage replied. On que, Gaara started to form his ultimate defense, and I noticed Shikamaru and Naruto had fled where they were. I moved deeper into the stance.

"I'm just getting ready in case anything....fatal happens." I assured. 

"Alright then." He agreed, leaning back in his chair, but still a bit tense, of course.

"Naruto Uzumaki wants the match to stop in fear of Sasuke's life." I mentioned, watching Naruto and Shikamaru appear behind Kakashi as he listen to what the two genin said.

"Now, is that what the people want?" The Kazekage said. I snapped my head to the left, but decided it was better if I didn't say anything rash.

"I refuse to let anymore lives be lost, Sir Kazekage." I said, calmly as I turned my head back to the match.

"We cannot do that, Kuraun." The Hokage informed me. I gritted my teeth.

"I know." I responded. I saw Sasuke try to break the sphere. At least he was trying every possible strategy. Too bad he didn't have a full fledged sharingan.

My eyes widened and I deepened my stance as I felt many other presences just outside the platinum wall. I hoped the Hokage didn't noticed. My heart was racing with anticipation, just waiting for the moment I would have to attack as well.

Finally, Sasuke started to run up the wall and do the hand signs for chidori. I forced back a smile as he penetrated Gaara's defense. Then a bloodcurdling scream could be heard from Gaara, and I had to force back a tear. And when Sasuke finally pulled his arm out, I turned on my power. 

Though, this time, I didn't feel any aura or any crown on my head. It was just my eyes. I was getting better control of it.

"Child, what has changed in you?" Orochimaru asked. Child. Gotcha.

I slowly turned to look at him, and his eyes widened at the sight of mine. 

"I see why you have this girl by your side, Lord Hokage." He praised. The Hokage looked at me, and realized what I had done.

"What's happening, Kuraun?" Right then, everyone in the stands fell, with only a few ninja standing. I widened my eyes, and Orochimaru averted them. He knew. Somehow, he knew.

"Now, let's start!" He yelled before setting off a smoke bomb. I coughed, but I could still see perfectly. I felt all the presences I sensed before moving in, and I knew they were striking. I didn't dare look towards the arena.

I searched for Orochimaru, and my eyes found him too late, as he was putting a kunai to the Hokage's throat.

"You will not touch him!" I yelled, throwing a shuriken at his leg. I hit him, but he still ran away with him, myself following close behind. 

I saw the four sound ninja preform the hand signs for the barrier they were going to do. I rushed, trying to get in before they sealed it. However, my pace slowed as I realized what I had said to the Hokage. What my plan actually was. And, I bounced off the barrier, catching flame, but being in my golden state, constantly healing myself. So I was alright.

But as I joined the other ANBU outside the barrier, I knew the Hokage wasn't going to be alright.

And that I needed some water.


 A/N: Hey guys! So this will be my last upload of the night, I didn't upload as many chapters for each story as I wanted to, but I am honeslty fighting to keep my eyes open and for the other stories I'm running out of ideas. I'm so sorry but I've updated quite a lot with this one! Only so many more to gooooo

Remember, vote and share for this story and fortune cookies will make sense!!!

Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you enjoyed as always.

Sadly, I still don't own Naruto, and he and Sasuke have escaped from my closet. I've already ordered a new door online, but I think I need new clothes...I might have to burn the ones in my closet....

or I could sell them ;)

I'll see you all later, and thanks a ton again for reading!!!!

~Stephanie ;)

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