
By Darkest_Rose

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Standing on the path, my life flashed before my eyes. The gun directed at me, went off. I could see the flash... More

So it begins
No Humanity
Black abyss
The Night Club
Capture or Kill
Getting into his head
My Accomplish
Final Fight
Becoming Whole

The End

23.3K 1.1K 107
By Darkest_Rose

Chapter 18

Surrounded by the light of my soul, I feel like I'm suspended in mid air, unmoving. Maybe this is what my after life holds for me, safe in the comfort of the light, rather than burning in hell. Buy something doesn't feel right, I feel stuck some way between this place and what comes next.

My heart shattered completely, its left with Maximus and Caine. Its like thinking of them triggered something. Like the first I died, except instead of Maximus giving me his blood, Caine is. Then the pulling started, except this time I'm not bring pulled in two, the whole of me is leaving, moving towards my body. Then its a blur, til I feel myself reach out and taking Caine's arm. His blood flowed into my mouth. But it didn't bring forward the monster in me that fights to take it all. His blood makes me feel alive, warming my body from the inside out. Bonding me to him for the rest of my life. His only and that knowledge repaired my shattered heart, falling more in love with him, my salvation.

Then everything when dark, my body now fighting the poison inside.

Opening my eye's, I looked around and found myself in my room. Did I dream all of that or did it actually happen. Getting out of bed I tested my strength, I feel stronger than before but I feel like the real me, before I was reborn. Walking in front of the mirror, I shocked myself.

My chocolate brown hair is back but with streaks of red running it. My eye now the ones I love, warn with love and humanity. Some of my vampire traits still obvious with my pale skin and  blood red lips. I'm getting a proper chance of a new life, a life with my emotions, a man I love and the father I wished I was born with.

Looking at the state of my clothes, I know for definite last night happened. Pulling them off, I grabbed a sweat pants and tank top, dressing myself quickly. My heart raced at the thought s of seeing Caine again. Taking a deep breath, I opened my bedroom door and heard two different sets of footsteps coming towards me. First I spotted Maximus who looks completely shocked like myself to see him here but so happy at the same time. Then my eyes found Caine's, my senses and feelings must have really been dull before because the man standing in front of me is heart stopping hot. Every detail I memorised so I won't ever forget.

The only thing I can think of to say is "Hi" looks like he is the same. His voice is rough and sexy with that one word. The emotions inside me came to life and all I can think of is what his lips feel like and if like everything else, my memory won't do him justice. So in that second, I decided I'm going to find out right now. Walking towards him, I placed my hand either side of his face and brought his lips to mine.

His lips are like nothing I have ever felt before and I can't get enough. He is my new monster because he is something I will never get enough of, I'll always want more. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer to him, luckily because I'm sure my knee's are about to give way. This is what love feels like, not the love we think we find every so often, like pure undiluted love where you know you would die to protect each other, do anything to see them smile and see the love you hold even when sometimes you think your not strong enough to hold something so pure and real.

A cough reminded that we aren't alone. Breaking our kiss, I smiled at Caine before he let me go. A equally strong but different love came to the surface. This man standing in front of me has risked everything for me and I will never be able to thank him. Walking towards him, I wrapped my arms around him, he is what home feels like for me, his scent makes me feel safe and protected like s daughter should.

After a few days of getting to know Caine's team and them getting to know Maximus and myself. We had to face reality, well for me the council and what fate now awaits me. They don't know about Maximus changing me, he would face severe punishment or death for changing me. Whatever they decide, there is no changing it, it's final. Walking into the council's headquarters, my heart thumped erratically inside of me. Know matter how much I prepared myself for this I can't help but think being soulless right now could have it'd benefits with my nerves right now. I had forgotten what sheer panic feels like. But then again, I have Caine and his team with me, right now I don't know whose worse, him or me.

The large solid oak door's opened as we got closer, making this moment feel like something out of a horror film where you scream at the girl for bring so stupid to keep walking instead of running as fast as possible in the other direction and never looking back. Then I did it, I took a step into the room, then another and another.

It looks like a grand courtroom but instead of having one judge, I have six. Three of which are vampire's and the other three human. All six pairs of eye's zeroed in on me like hawks, watching their prey carefully. But I don't let myself buckle under their scrutiny, so I raised my head and met each and everyone of their stares.

"So this is the soulless vampire we have been hearing all about, but it looks as if you are no longer a soulless creature, you have found your beloved. Where is he?"  a snooty old haggard looking vampire asked. Before I could answer Caine stepped forward " Right beside her where I belong" he answered smoothly.

Well that wiped the smirk off her face and seems to have left her speechless.

"Wow, this is a surprise Caine, a vampire and a powerful,s mates. You know better than anyone how this council works. What do you propose we do now?" a human council member asked.

Looking at Caine, this question doesn't seem to surprise him nor shock him. His body language hasnt even changed, where as I'm trying not to shuffle from one foot to another as I also wait anxiously for his answer. Seconds are dragging by before he answers,

"As you know, she has killed human but none of them are innocence's. You have their file's, they were all murder's, drug dealers and put weapon's on the streets along with drugs. All these men played a part in Ivy dying as a human, she was shot and left to bleed to death. She never killed as she fed which shows great restraint as a soulless vampire. I propose you allow her to stay in the care of my team. Helping us hunt down soulless vampire's who have been unable to control their selves. Her power's will be a great asset to our team" he said smoothly.

My heart is thumping faster as I watch them discuss among themselves. Caine reached out and took my hand gently squeezing it. I gave him a sad smile hoping this isn't the last time I get to hold him hand. The council now hold's my faith in their hands, whatever they decide, is definite. They don't change their mind's once a decision is made.

"Before we make our decision, I have a  couple of questions for you Ivy, like who changed you, how did you manage to get control of your power, which I must say is quite impressive" a friendly council member asked.

This is the moment I have been preparing for. Calming myself, I looked at them,

"I don't know who changed me, when I woke up, I was alone in a wooded area. I knew something had changed inside me but I didn't know exactly what. So I ran towards home, when I arrived there in a time that wasn't humanly possible, but I tried to reason it away, that was until I got out of the shower and looked in the mirror. Everything about me had changed, my hair, my eyes and my skin. Inside I felt powerful, stronger than I have ever felt in my life" I explained.

"You have a bond to the vampire that changed you, do you still feel that bond?" one interrupted.

"I didn't realise I had a bond to that vampire, til I felt it break a couple of months later, I didn't understand it at the time but the more I learned about vampire's about what I am, I knew what and why I felt it" I told him.

And your power, how did you learn about it and learn to control it?" the friendly one asked.

" I was searching for information about what I had become, I could tell who were human and who weren't. One night, I walked into a group of soulless vampire's, when they moved to attack me, I went to scream at them to stop. When I open my eye's to look around and found them unconscious around me" I said clearly, looking at all of them steadily, willing them to believe me so I can keep Maximus safe.

One again, they started to discuss among themselves. Caine squeeze my hand a little tighter but I couldn't bring myself to look at him, I'm so close to breaking right now that if I look at him, I will fall apart. His team and him have gone out of their way for me. They all agreed that I'd the council agrees, I can be apart of the team, their secret weapon for hunting soulless vampire or helping vampires that were like me, not completely soulless. The bonus for me is knowing that I can do everything in my power to protect Caine and his team. All of which have welcomed me with open arm's and no grudges. To them the slate has been wiped clean. I have the possibility of having such a good life with Caine, being happier than I have ever been in my life and then on the other hand I could face death or life imprisonment. Which if I end up imprisoned, Caine has vowed to break me out. Something I laughed at but deep down I'm praying he will if it comes to it. I snapped out of my thoughts when their voices faded and they all sat back in their seats to face Caine and myself.

"It seems we cannot harm or make judgement on a hunter's mate. We do not control you or your law's, it is you who have made the decision to work with us to keep humans safe. Ivy will have to register with us and have her power and level of power recorded. I hope you use her power's to help you keep the humans safe. But be warned if she becomes out of control or her powers cause the death of any innocence's, we can step in then without breaking your laws" the nicer woman said.

My body sagged with relief, I didn't realise how tense my body actually was. I get to have my happily ever after, something I never thought I deserved, something I wished for secretly. Caine pulled me into his arm and held me tightly as the other hunters cheered behind us.

"I love you, this is the start of our life together" he whispered in my ear.

"I love you too, more than anything" I replied

We practically ran out if their in case they changed their mind's. Then I registered as a vampire and my power and what level. To say I shocked them is an understatement. Walking out of the council house, I have only one place and one person in mind. The drive feels longer than usual, probably because I'm over excited. Eventually, we arrived and I jumped out of the car before Caine could actually stop fully. Running in, I can hear Caine's laugh behind me.

The elevator is taking to long so I uses the stair getting there quicker than waiting for the elevator. Walking into the office, I smiled when I saw my old work place. Walking closer to his office, I can see Maximus pacing the floor, probably making a hole in it. I leaned against his door frame, waiting for him to notice me. After a couple of minutes, he looks up to find me smiling at him. His whole body relaxed like the weight of the world has been removed from his shoulder. Then he ran at me, picked me up and hugged me tightly.

"You have know idea how scared I have been for you. I'm so glad your alive. To me, you are my daughter. I prayed I wouldn't feel our bond break" he said happily.

"Their not going to do anything now, Caine is my boss so to speak. I will be helping the hunter's and you are safe, they know nothing about you" I said as he released me.

"I'm so happy for you Ivy, you deserve happiness and Caine is a good man" he smiled.

"I not worthy of him, but I will try every day to be. This is the start of my new life. Everything is changing for the better. Whatever comes my way, I know I can deal with it as long as I have him beside me. But right now, I'm going to enjoy spending time outside if here without worrying someone could find us and expose us" I smiled at the thought.

Life is going to be a hell of a lot different, but for the good. I have a beloved who is gorgeous and would do anything for me. 

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