Impossible they say

By TaAlpha06

24.8K 356 122

"Lucas Im scared" I whimpered. "I'm scared too" he pulled me closer to him so I could try and feel safe with... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Extra Part

1.9K 22 7
By TaAlpha06


I'm sorry if I am using the English terms wrong, I have never used or heard these in my life so I found a site online, please don't hate on the way I use the terms.

5 Years Later

I was now 18, 5 years later after the tsunami, my dad stared his own little business, Jason was now 10 , and Jacqueline is now 5. After the tsunami, Jason acted a little bit more mature, and we haven't told Jacqueline about her family yet, but she still wore the locket, not knowing what is said in the back, since it was in Hawaiian. I started going to collage in England, aka London, so my family had to move, which wasn't alright with Jason, he hates London, he doesn't have any friends in school, he gets bullied, and many more reasons. I tried t cheer him up about London, but still not working, after 6 months. I still remember Lucas and the fun times we had before the tsunami. 

"I wonder how he is now."  That thought would usually pop up in my head. I still missed him, but I had to realize that there are so many people in the world, it would have to be either be a coincidence or fate if we bumped into each other. I was walking up to my apartment, took out my key and opened the door. 

"Hey Jac." I greeted Jacqueline. 

"Roxie! Did you buy it!"   she asked me jumping up and down.

"Yes I got the chips, but I also got-" I got cut off by a excited little girl.

"WHAT'D YOU GET!" She yelled. I pulled out candy floss (cotton candy) and a chocolate ring doughnut. 

"YAY!!!!!!!!!!" She took the candy floss and ring doughnut out of my hands and ran to the couch.

"Jac would you stop yelling every time she brings food." My brother came into the living room, looking pissed.

"What happened to you?" I said putting the chips on the counter. 

"What do you think? School." He complained.

"Aye, I have no idea what to do now Jas, I've already complained to the school. We might as well change you schools by now." I said looking  at him.

"Than how come we haven't yet?" 

"Money." I walked to the my room, leaving Jason and Jac in the living room.

I pulled out my phone and started texting my friends. Madeline and Kylie.  

"Anyone wanna go out later?"  I texted the group chat.

"Sure, around 6?" Madeline texted back fast.

"We're we going?"  Kylie said.

"Mall? club? movie? Idk"  I asked.

"I wanna get wasted!" Kylie said.

"It's Sunday!" Madeline said.

"So?" Kylie said. 

"SCHOOL" Madeline said.

"I'll fail. :>" Kylie said. 

"Jesus." Madeline said.

"Okay so, mall?" I asked.

"Ugh fine, I'm dressing up though."Kylie said.

"Aish, fine" 

I stopped texting and put on my outfit. 

"This will do" I said to myself. I walked out into the family room and saw my dad. 

"Hi dad." I said.

"Hey hon, hey are you going anywhere later?" He asked. 

"Going out with Kylie and Madeline. Why?"  

"I need you to buy this stuff, be home before 8 okay?" 

"Okay, see ya later." I walked out of the door.

"Hey guys going early, gotta buy some stuff for my dad. Meet up at 5:50" I texted them.

"Okay" Madeline texted.

"But my outfit isn't ready!" Kylie said.

"hurry up! I'll see you in front of the entrance"

I closed my phone and headed to the supermarket again and quickly tried to get the stuff on the list. 

10 minutes later

I rushed to the cashier after I saw the time. I accidentally dropped a box of bandages, tried to pick it up, but someone beat me to it. 

"Here you go miss-" I looked up at the boy and he stopped talking.

"Thomas Bennett?" I looked at him confused.

"Miss Roxanne Waters?" He looked confused as mush as me. 

"Is that really you?" I started to smile.

"Y-yes, Miss Waters. How are you?" He asked holding my box of bandages.

 "I'm okay, how's you family?" 

"They are good, my mom was okay after the tsunami, so that's awesome."

"Oh, that's great, I hope she's healthy now."

"How's your mother?" He asked. My smile instantly dropped, whenever someone mentioned my mother I would start looking down at my necklace and started being quiet.

"She sadly didn't make it.." I hoped he understood what I meant. It looked like he had trouble processing it, but he soon understood. 

"Oh I-i'm so sorry.." He said. I just smiled at him and tried not to cry. 

"Well anyways, hows you brothers?" I needed to change the subject fast.

"Oh they're okay. Lucas ad Simon really miss you guys." 

"Oh, I really miss them too.." I looked at my watch and saw it was 5:50. "SHIT"

"Hey Thomas, I gotta go now, but, it was nice talking to you, let's meet up again okay?" I said taking the bandages and started walking away.

"O-oh okay! Bye!" 

I went up to the shortest line for the cashier, paid for my stuff and ran home. Pulled out my key quickly, not saying hi to anyone and ran out to the mall.

At the mall entrance

"There she is!" Kylie yelled.

"So sorry guys, something poped out really last minute. 

"Next time text us before." Madeline said.

"uh Kylie, why are you wearing that? It's a mall, not a club." I said pointing out that she's wearing a short as dress with fish nets, and high- heels.

"Shut up, lets go shop, I'm desperate for some new clothes." Kylie said. 

 An hour of shopping later

"How much shit do you both need?" I said trailing behind the two girls holding clothes and shoes.

"Not a lot of this, but there cute." Madeline said.

"Can we at least eat now please, I'm going to starve if we don't." I complained.

"Fine, but I'm getting a small bite." Kylie said.

"Don't you mean a buffet?" Madeline joked. 


Lucas's POV 

"Hey Thomas, let's get going, I need to meet up with Emmaline soon." I said walking up to Thomas in the supermarket. His face looked shocked, but he was staring at nothing.

"Dude what happened?" I asked. 

"N-nothing, I'll tell you in the car." He started to walk away from me and I followed him.  

Once we paid for our stuff and put them in the car. I started the car and it was complete silence, until Thomas said.

"Do you miss Roxanne?" He asked out of the blue. I looked at my wrist and saw the charm I had of the white ying-yang. 

"Of course man, but it's been five years, we probably won't see her again." 

"I saw her at the supermar-" Before he could finish I slammed the breaks at a stop sign.

"Are you sure?" I asked. 

"Yes, she even said she was Roxanne Waters." I was in real shock. "Is he serious? he knew about my feelings for her back than but still.."

"You better not be fucking with me Thomas." I said as I continued driving back home. 

"I'm not I swear on my life." 

"Okay.." I dropped off Thomas not long after and headed to the mall to meet my girlfriend, Emmaline.   

At the mall

"hey babe!" Emmaline said. 

"Hey babe." I wrapped my arm around her waist and kissed her on her head.

"Hey babe, so I was thinking about we shop for a few hours than last thing we do and go eat than head to my place, my parents aren't home so we can stay up late." She explained with a smirk. I chuckled and ignored the comment.

1 hour later

After about and hour of shopping for make up, shoes, and clothes, Emmaline finally decided it was time to eat. We were heading to the food court until I heard a familiar voice...

Roxanne's POV

"Let's go eat!" I yelled for them to follow. They walked up the escalator and onto the next level.

"i'm getting fish and chips, anyone wanna share, cause I know I won't finish." I explained and getting y money ready to order.

"I'll share. Are you getting a buffet Kylie?" Madeline asked.

"Stop it, I'm getting fish tacos okay?" She said.

"okay great. Me and Kylie will order while one of you go find a seat." Madeline said.

"I'll find one." I started walking away to find a seat. Luckily I found one not far from the food place.

After about 5 minutes, the girls finally got the food. The both sat down and started taking all the food and putting it in their mouth.

"Seems like you both are enjoying your meal." I said giggling at them. 

"Yeah well-" Kylie cut off.

"What happened?" I said turning around.

"No don't look!" She whispered.

"Why who is it?" 

"It's Emmaline and her hot boyfriend." She said in disgust.

"What? Why are you pissed about that, and who's Emmaline?" 

"Emmaline and I used to be good friends, but than she started being more jealous of me because I was staring to dress up and make new friends. She's an actually witch." Kylie said.

"Than why you pissed at the boy?" I said trying to look back, but Kylie stopped me.

"He's falling for her tricks, and he's god damn hot so I'm jealous of her."

I rolled my eyes at her and went back to eating, and so did the girls. Yet about 3 minutes of eating in silence a girl pops out of nowhere.

"Hey Kylie, it's nice to see you again." She said.

"Get away from us you witch." Kylie said not looking up. 

"That's not how you  talk to your friends, now is it?" She said.

"We aren't friends." She said harshly.

"We WERE friends though, and than you replaced me." She said kinda sassy.

"Well I'm sorry that I found better people than you." 

There was silence for a couple of seconds but than Emmaline took a big step.

"Are you eating that?" She asked Madeline. She shook her head yes but she still took it anyways.

"Hey I really love you hair, but there's something in it, can I fix that?" She told me.

"No it's okay I can j-" Before I could finish, I smelt fish and I saw chips under me. I was shocked.

"Tell your FRIEND that if she messes with me I mess you all of you." She harshly said and started walking back to a table. 

"Oh my god Roxie, I-I-I didn't know she would take it that far!" Madeline said, trying to fix my hair.

"That bitch-" Kylie cursed.

"Don't go to her. You'll make it worse." I said bossily to Kylie.

"But she did that to you!" 

"And I can fix myself up, let me go to the rest room okay?" They both nodded and started to clean up the area and I started walking to the restroom.

I walked into the restroom and luckily no one was there. I looked at the mirror, and tried to fix myself up. 

"Goddamn it, why does it have to be so hard to get this out. A woman walked in and stared at me.

"Are you okay sweety?" She asked.

"oh yeah, um, I'm okay." I lied.

"Do you need help?" 

"No I'm okay, thank you though." I explained and went back to fixing my hair.

"Oh okay." She than went into a restroom and closed the door.

"Oh god I better finish fast." I said to myself.

After about ten minutes, I finally was able to get all of the fish and chips out of my hair. Not the smell though which sucked. I walked out of the restroom and saw the girls waiting for me.

"You okay now?" Kylie asked.

"Yeah, still stink though, should we all go home now?" I suggested.

"Yeah, I'll see you two tomorrow okay?" Madeline said walking away.

"Bye guys." I said as well, walking away from them. 

As I was walking to the exit I accidentally dropped my necklace, since I was holding the charm in my hand. I went to pick it up, but some man got there before me.

"Here you..." He stopped. I looked at the man and was in shock. I looked at his wrist to make sure I was right and I was...

"Lucas?" I asked him. He looked up at me and was just as shocked as I was. 

"Roxanne Waters?" He asked with a smile on his face....

                                                              FINALLY THE END

Authors note

Hey thank you so much for reading my story! I really appreciate it. Anyways, I know I said the both were wearing bracelets in the chapters before, but let's just say she moved them onto a necklace chain magically okay? Anyways, I'm thinking about making a second book but it depends on how well this does. If you want a second please tell me! Okay I gotta go now bye and thanks again for reading my fanfic!


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