Give Me One Chance (Ziall/Lar...

By TommotheHomo

328K 6.3K 1.8K

Niall is one of those kids who has his own little group of maybe one or two friends. Zayn is the 'badboy' bul... More

A/N 6/29/13
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 Part 1
Chapter 15 Part 2
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 11

15K 290 43
By TommotheHomo




Quote of the day: Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.


Chapter 11


Niall couldn't stop thinking about how great yesterday was. Zayn treated him so..........Lovingly. Niall had never felt more adored in his life.

Maybe the feeling were mutual? Niall could only hope. He wanted someone else's view on this so he called Louis on Zayn's home phone.  Zayn went out when Niall was asleep.

No answer... That's weird. Louis always answers. No matter what.

He dialed Hary's number and it was the same.

Maybe they're busy, Niall concluded. He dialed Abby's number and she answered on the third ring.

"Hey Nialler." Her voice sounded in Niall's ear.

"Hey Abs! I was wondering if you could come over?" Niall said hopefully.

Abby sighed sadly. "I'm really really sorry Ni, but I can't. There's a lot going on with my family and....I promise I'll explain later! How 'bout Friday?"

It was Monday. Niall sighed. He would just have to wing it until he could talk to someone about this.

"Yeah, alright. See you then." Niall hung up before she could say anything.

He didn't just want to talk about Zayn. He wanted to talk about the nightmares he was having. It was always the same.

Josh would come back and hurt Zayn and make Niall watch as he bleed all over the floor. Niall would beg and scream but he wasn't able to move. He just stood there and watched Zayn die. He'd wake up every night in a cold sweat and hot tears staining his face.

He never wanted that to happen.


Niall grabbed a tub of ice cream and a spoon and put on Bambi, like he always did when he was sad and lonely. There was something nagging at him in the back of his mind but he ignored it as he watched the screen intently. 

Soon enough the movie was over and Niall had eaten the whole tub of ice cream.

He positioned himself comfortably and buried his body into the couch, seeking some type of warmth. 

He coughed and shivered slightly as his eyes shut themselves and he faded into the black.



Louis scrolled down Google on his laptop looking at ways to lose weight when Harry walked in. Louis slapped the laptop shut and stared at him with an innocent look on his face. Harry sighed and sat down on the bed next to his boyfriend.

"Louis, we need to talk."

Louis felt his heart sink to the pits of his stomach and felt like he was being mangled by piranhas.

Harry was breaking up with him.

But truth be told, Louis should've seen this coming. Harry could do so much better and it wouldn't have taken long for better to come by. Louis wasn't perfect. He constantly stared at his stomach when he was alone. He knew his ribs didn't show enough and he was too fat.

People at school had told him he was fat and ugly. At first, he didn't care for what they thought. But that was when he had his mum. She always told how they were just jealous of how perfect and wonderful he was and she brought him strength to ignore it. But when she told him to get out of her life and that he was disgusting, he knew it was true. Since then, he strived to be perfect. For Harry, for Niall and Abby, all of his friends, and especially people who had to look at him. He didn't want them to be disgusted. He thought not eating for almost three weeks and making himself sick was a small price to pay.

But it seems that he wasn't quick enough.

"Louis? Lou?! Boobear!!?" Harry waved his hands in front of Louis' face, which had a depressed look etched on it.

Louis just sat there warm tears threatening his eyes. He looked up at Harry and gave him a small nod. "I know what you're gonna say. I'm really sorry, Harry."

Harry wrapped his arms around Louis and rocked him back and forth. Neither of them were on the same page though. They weren't even reading the same book.

"It's okay, Boo. We just need to get you some help! Then you'll be fine!" Harry managed a weak smile and rocked Louis back and forth.

"Help with what? I'm not crazy or something Harry. I-I.....thought you were breaking up with me!" Louis pulled out of Harry's grip and stared, confused.

Harry's eyes widened. "Break up with you?! Why would I do something so stupid?"

Louis let out a sigh of relief. "Then what're you talking about?"

Harry took in a deep breath and exhaled. "I know you're not eating Louis," he mumbled, before staring at Louis' face for a reaction.

Louis didn't know what to say. Should he be flattered that Harry noticed  or scared because of what could happen now? He settled for angry because Harry had implied that he needed 'help' as if he had some sort of sickness.

"So?" Louis crossed his arms with a challenging look on his face.

"So it's not good for you Louis! You can't just stop eating!" Harry exclaimed. Did he really not know how bad this could get?

"Well I already have. And nothing bad has happened yet! I'll be fine!" Louis knew he was lying. He wasn't fine. His stomach felt like it was eating itself. It probably was. He felt so empty inside. He literally shook every time he had to use energy.

Harry huffed, frustrated. There was no way that Louis didn't know the damage this could cause. Harry had looked it up on line. He could pass out at anytime, his muscles could deteriorate, or he could eventually die. Harry had passed up talking about this before and now that it was happening, he wasn't going to let up."Louis. why would you do this to yourself? It's not healthy! Something could happen to you!."

Louis felt anger burst up inside him like a volcano. Harry didn't understand. "THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH WANTING TO BE PERFECT!" he yelled as he shot up off the bed. Unfortunately, he got up too quick and weak his head spin as he fell to the floor. He had literally no energy in his body. He clutched his stomach as cramps set in and thrashed around in his guts. His eyelids felt like tons and they shut themselves, not giving Louis a choice.

Harry rushed over, pulled Louis into his lap, yanking out his phone. He quickly dialled 911 and rocked Louis like a baby, as they waited for the paramedics.

Tears caressed Harry's face as he muttered over and over, "You already are."


Zayn walked towards Liam's apartment. He knew he should be at home with Niall but Niall could take care of himself for at least an hour right? He was asleep when Zayn left anyway. Plus, Zayn didn't need Niall knowing about this.

Zayn knocked on Liam's door twice and picked the lock, walking in, not bothering to wait for Liam to open it.

"You know, I don't see why you even bother to knock." Liam said from the kitchen. The smell of tea filled the air and Zayn lazily threw himself on the couch.

"So what's this about." Liam said plainly. Zayn rolled his eyes.

"Don't act like you don't know Li." Zayn smiled and took his tea. Liam sat down next to him and sipped his own. "Have you found him yet?"

Liam sighed. "Zayn. You of all people know it's not that easy. It's only been a week. He couldn't have gone far without any money." 

"Liam. I'm counting on you to find him." Zayn spat out harshly. "The police haven't even tried. I want him to pay for what he did."

"Zayn, don't worry!" Liam could tell he was getting angry. Angry Zayn was not pretty Zayn. "I'll ask around farther out and put out some tails. We'll find him, you beat his ass, and he goes to jail."

Zayn sighed. "Alright. But let me know the second you find something." Zayn held out his index index and Liam held out his. They tapped them together like a 'finger high-five'. It was stupid but they'd made it up when they were younger and Liam refused to change it. It basically meant that they were best friends. No matter what.

"Don't worry mate. You'll be the first person I tell. Josh isn't gonna get away." Liam said, seriously. He hoped for more Zayn's sake than Niall's that they find Josh. Liam knew Zayn and Zayn would never stop until he found him.

They sipped at their tea silently and Liam put on Meet the Robinson's. Zayn hadn't intended at watching the whole thing but when Wilbur took Lewis back to the orphanage when his mother was leaving him, Zayn noticed the time. He'd been here for almost three hours. He muttered a quick goodbye before pulling on his jacket and walking briskly back to the house. He prayed Niall had remembered his meds. 

He opened the door and called Niall's name. No answer. Zayn immediately thought the wost until he saw him, curled up into a ball on the couch.

He noticed the empty ice cream bucket on the floor. It had been full. Zayn stomach dropped. It was against the doctors orders for Niall to eat anything too cold.

Zayn placed the back of his hand to Niall's forehead. He was burning up.

'Niall? Niall?" Zayn shook him a bit and Niall groaned, opening his eyes slightly. He looked like a baby.

"Hey Zayn. When did you get back?" Niall grumbled out, but with his sore and scratchy throat, Zayn barely heard it.

"You're sick, babe. Why'd you eat ice cream? You know you're not supposed to." Zayn said softly as he gently puled some of Niall's hair back. It was soaked in sweat.

"Zayn, I'm cold." Niall whined and buried his face into the couch pillow. He groaned annoyed and flipped himself over multiple ties, trying to find a comfortable position again.

Zayn smiled slightly at his cute and puppy-like actions. He silently picked Niall up like a toddler and Niall wrapped his legs around Zayn's waist and arms around his neck, leaning his head into Zayn's neck. Zayn clutched Niall's thighs and walked over to Niall's room. 

He set him down lightly and tucked him in. Niall whimpered slightly.

"Are you still cold love?" Zayn smiled at him when he nodded.

Zayn grabbed more blankets from the closet and wrapped them firmly around Niall. Niall sighed happily and cuddled into the sheets.

'Should I call the doctor?' Zayn wondered. They had said his system would be weak. Zayn decided it'd be best to call because he didn't want to risk Niall getting worse.

The doctor said to keep him hydrated, let him have plenty of rest, and give him some syrup for his throat.

Zayn let Niall sleep for about three hours while he made soup. He constantly checked Niall's temperature and folded a damp towel onto his forehead. 

It didn't seem like he was getting any better. After five hours of Niall asleep, Zayn decided it was time to wake him up.

He set the soup bowl on a tray next to the cough medicine and walked into the room.

"Niall. Niall." He tried to wake him as gently as he could but Niall didn't even budge. Zayn set the tray down on the nightstand and gently pulled at Niall's hair. His eyelids fluttered open and he slapped Zayn's hand away, obviously irritated.

"Nialllllllll! You have to get upppp!' Zayn said in a sing-song voice.

"Gerwah." Niall voice was muffled through the blankets that he wrapped tighter around himself.

"Niall, you have to eat something. I have food! You like food right? I do too! We should talk more. Maybe you should get your head out from under the sheets and talk to me." Zayn teased. Niall poked his head out slightly to glare at Zayn and covered his face with the blanket again. Zayn sighed. "C'mon Niall. Don't you want to feel better?"

Niall pulled the blankets down and nodded slowly. He felt like shit. He was cold but drenched in sweat. His throat was sore and he kept coughing and sneezing. His chest had these low cold rumbles that made him feel strange.

"Then you have to eat and take your medicine." Zayn helped Niall sit up a bit and slowly fed him the soup. Niall's head flew back and he let out a small sneeze. "Awww. You sneeze like a kitten!" Zayn said cutely. Niall gave him a glare and Zayn rolled his eyes, continuing to feed him the soup.

After, he'd eaten half the bowl, Niall whispered that he was tired and wanted to sleep. Zayn carefully poured the cough syrup onto a spoon and held it in front of Niall's face.

Niall's brain chose that moment to make his head fly back into a sneeze, making the medicine spray everywhere, including Zayn's face.

Niall immediately started laughing at the look on Zayn's face but his laugh's turned to coughs quickly.

Zayn wiped his face on his sleeve and sighed. "Let's try that again." Niall gave him a sheepish look and opened his mouth as Zayn gave him the medicine. Niall choked it down, doing his best not to focus on the horrid taste. It was easy if he treated it like water.

"There. Now you can sleep." Zayn tucked him in again and pecked his forehead as Niall fell asleep.


After taking a shower, Zayn found himself in Niall's room, staring at the sleeping boy. He felt so Edward Cullen like right now. Just standing in the corner of the room staring. Bit creepy.

Zayn was only there just in case Niall needed something.

Yeah, just go ahead and believe that, Malik.

I will, thank you very much.

Niall groaned and shuffled around the bed uncomfortably, before sitting up and rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands. Zayn panicked. How was he going to explain this?

Niall flopped back down onto the bed lazily and turned, his back towards Zayn. Zayn didn't move until Niall's breathing turned calm and steady.

He slowly crept out the door, without making a sound.

He quickly tiptoed into his own room and laid down in bed.


Harry sat in the waiting room, tears falling down his cheeks as the doctor explained to him what happened. Louis hadn't had any nutrition in his body for three weeks so his stomach acid boiled in his stomach, threatening to burn through. Luckily, they fixed it before it happened but one more day and Louis would've died.

Harry hadn't called anyone yet. He wasn't sure who to call. He thought Niall still needed rest and Zayn was already busy taking care of him. Liam had been busy with something as well and had no time on his hands. 

The doctor said Harry could see Louis now.

Harry walked into the room and Louis was laying on the bed, weak and vulnerable, and IV stuck in his arm. It took everything Harry had not to break down then and there. He should have mentioned it sooner and none of this would have happened.....

Louis gave him a weak smile and Harry returned it. He took his limp, cold hand in his firm, warm one and stroked his thumb over the palm. They didn't say a word. Just stared into each others eyes.

The doctor walked in and cleared his throat, breaking their intense stare down. 'We have some news. There's good news and bad news. Which one would you like to hear first?" 

"Good news." Harry answered automatically.

 "Well, we've found a rehab center that would be willing to take Louis in with no long wait. It's a really high-classed and famous place, so they can ensure he gets the best treatment."

Harry smiled at the thought. His Boo being his usual, happy, healthy self. Not weak, limp, and self loathing. "And the bad news?"

"Well...It's in America." 

Harry's world fell. He knew there was no way he could go to America with Louis.

"He still has to agree to going. But if he does, he can be there in less than five days. He just has to sign this." The doctor handed Harry a clipboard with a pink paper on it and a pen.

"How long would he have to be there?" Harry asked. He didn't know how long he'd be able to go without him.

"Well, it all depends on how much effort he puts into the rehab and how well the treatments go. It varies for everyone."

Harry took a deep breath and turned to Louis. Sure enough, he was already crying at the thought of leaving Harry.

"Boo. You have to do this." Harry pleaded, his thoughts contradicting his words.

"H-Haz. I'd have to leave you then. I don't want to leave you!" Louis rubbed the tears from his eyes and Harry carefully pulled him into a hug. Louis hugged him as tight as he possibly could, which wasn't much. He cried into Harry's shoulder.

"You have to, Boo. I promise we'll keep in touch and when you come back we'll be better than ever. But right now you have to be strong. For both of us, okay? Promise me you'll try. For us.?" Harry rubbed Louis' back soothingly trying to calm Louis' loud sobs. "Promise me, Louis." He repeated when the sobs died down a bit.

"I promise." Louis sniffed. He reluctantly signed the paper and stared at Harry, who gave him a nod, letting him know this was the right thing to do, no matter how much he wanted it not to be.

Harry scooted Louis over in the hospital bed and Louis immediately cuddled into his arms. They lay there, talking about how they would stay in touch, how they'd tell everyone, how they'd stay faithful to one another.

Louis fell asleep due to the injection the nurse had given him, saying he needed rest. Harry lay there, lovingly playing with the boy's hair before drifting into his own slumber.




SO school starts and I'm going to be updating only ONCE a week now. Maybe twice if I have free time. SORRYYYYY. I WOULDN'T GO IF I DIDN'T HAVE TO! :((



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