The Alpha's Unknown Sons

By Miss2005Kamba

175K 4.7K 1.2K

Addison left her life and family behind 18 years ago when her mate rejected her after mating with her for an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 11

11.1K 308 84
By Miss2005Kamba


It’s two days before the BBQ and the full blood moon, everyone is anxious and excited for it considering that they will be getting a knew Alpha soon.

Also that for 3 generations the ceremony was for high rankings only ,so everyone for my ceremony will be coming.

Mom wanted everyone to attend the ceremony but dad and grandpa didn’t want everyone to attend, but after her threatening dad they agreed.

She finally got what she wanted and now pack members are spending lavishly on they outfits and rides to the hall.

I saw one lady getting a huge pink ballroom gown with the highest golden heels I have ever seen.

“Jake you need to go with your father to fetch your father’s cousin” mom says looking at the IPad she is organizing everything we need for the ceremony and BBQ.

She is organizing everything with the other ladies from the pack and making sure everything is grand.

Dad’s cousin Alpha James is coming for the ceremony I get the marking as the Alpha of the pack. He also has never been to one.

Our pack is the only pack that gets a mark as an Alpha and then the ring as concealment.

“Jake we going in an hour” dad tells me fist pumping me then kissing moms cheek.

“Okay but who is he coming with” I ask because Alpha’s don’t like leaving they lands without escorts.

“Luna Jade, his son Joshua and daughter Janet” mom says looking at her invitation list.

“Son remember that he is arrogant and greedy” dad says looking angry.

I am tempted to ask what he did to dad but I know better than to go against moms ‘don’t ask and go away look’.

I leave them both in the lounge and make my way to the front porch swing mom installed.

I sit down and get lost in thought about dad’s many enemies. I can’t help but think that they will become my enemies when I become Alpha.

I don’t think I am ready but I know that with dad’s help I will get there.

We are the biggest and most respected pack. Mom used to say that we were royal but we lost our power.

Though we still better than normal packs and Alpha’s, our power will return to us eventually with the right Alpha.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I saw Skyler’s mother Madison sitting beside me on the swing. Madison is a good woman and one of moms trusted friend.

Madison also used to have a twin sister but nobody knows here she went to. Mom says she disappeared over night and was never seen again.

The Crown family also are the original warrior family from the royal family back in ancient times.

“Hello Jacob” she greets me with a warm motherly smile.

“How can I help you” I ask politely sitting up.

“I figured that you needed someone to talk to other than your family” she says still with a smile.

It’s true that if I needed advice when I was younger from someone who wouldn’t judge me I always used to talk to her.

“Besides you haven’t spoken to me in a while” she says sitting beside me.

“A lot has been happening lately that’s all” I tell her.

Nobody really knows we talk she is like my counselor in a way.

There has been lots of things going on lately that I forgot I could go to Madison’s home, and talk with an apple pie.

“I understand but it’s always good to talk” she smiles encouraging me.

“It’s that sometimes I think what if I can’t be an Alpha this pack needs” I say relieved that it’s off my chest.

“Stop worrying and get to know your pack then you will know what’s good for them” she smiles.

“How do I do that” I ask her looking at the garden my mother made to perfection.

“Go around talk to the elder, play with the children challenge the teenagers work with the parents” she says pointing to the groups of people.

“You will never know your pack by just simply knowing they names. You need to  interact with them” she says wisely.

“Thank you” I tell her pulling her in a hug. She laughs lightly and pulls out of the hug, she goes to the door. She looks over her shoulder and says.

“Good luck” she then walks into the house.

I am thankful for the talk I had with Madison. I see Skyler leaning against a tree near the garden smiling proudly.

I then sees I have seen him and he walks over to where I am sited.

“She’s amazing” he says sitting down looking at where his mother just walked into.

“She is a good listener then gives advice without judging” I say looking at here she just disappeared. I then see Sky looking all of a sudden sad.

“What’s wrong dude” I ask nudging his arms with my eyebrow raised.

“She was a i-don’t-care person and her twin sister was the good listener and gave advice with judging” he says deep in thought.

“Once she left mom started valuing the little things in life” he says with a small smile.

“She didn’t value her twin so much only when she gone did she realized” he says after silence.

“She now lives life in regret and become more like her role model her twin” Sky says in sadness.

“Her twin tried talking to her the night before she went missing that night but mom refused to listen to her and she just left” he says his eyes filled with pity.

“So mom has changed and very one trusts her with all their secrets” he then says with pride.

“Like was you and me” he says grinning at the fact his mom knows my secrets.

“The best part is that she doesn’t tell anyone” I say grinning back. We look at each other and burst out laughing.

Someone cleared their throat and Sky and I both looked and saw dad there looking amused at us.

“Time to go” he says then walks to the garage. I didn’t  know that much time left guess I talk to much.

I look back at Sky and we do our bro handshake, I then walk to dads Land Rover he is already in. I get in the passenger seat and belt my seat belt and look at dad to go.

He then starts the car and the engine roars, we soon head to the airport in silence the whole way. We get to the airport and wait some time then I see them coming.

Alpha James is wearing skinny black jeans, white tee-shirt and a black coat.

Luna Jade is wearing skinny white jeans, a see through white revealing blouse and a hot pink leather jacket with pot pink heels.

Joshua wears skinny Blue Jeans ,white tee-shirt and a navy blue coat.

Janet wears hot pink skinny jeans with a white crop top that shows to much cleavage and a white leather jacket with heels more like death traps.

The family looks Barbie doll type with Janet blonde hair from here mother and pale blue eyes from her father. Luna Jade with blonde hair and Hazel eyes.

Alpha James looking like a younger version of dad with jet black hair and pale blue eyes. Joshua looking an exact replica of his father.

“Wow! “ I all I can say about them they are way different from what I imagined. Dad and I got closer to the family to greet them.

“Cousin” dad greeted formally.

“Dad please can I get in I am going to get sunburnt” his daughter Janet interrupted her father’s greeting.

“Wait dear,  how are you Jason” I told her sternly then giving dad his attention.

“Good,  how has your pack been doing James” dad asked forcing a smile.

“Good, now let’s get back go” his mate Jade told us.

“This is my son Jacob” dad says clearly angry for the disrespect.

“I thought he would be better looking” Janet said looking me up and down.

I glared at her to keep her mouth shut and she just rolled her eyes at me and huffed.

“Let us go” dad said with his eyes darkened.

I think the family didn’t complain again because he was on the verge of shifting. A angry Alpha is a dangerous Alpha but a angry royal Alpha is a wicked Alpha.

The ride home was tension and silence, when we finally reached I got out of the car even before dad parked it.

Mom was waiting outside for us but when she saw my dads expression. She quickly took him to the back of the house.

Grandma then appeared and waited for us.

“James how are you” she asked pulling him in for a hug.

“Good aunt Lisa” he greeted pulling back from the contact. He then turned to his mate and kids behind him waiting to be introduced.

“This is my mate Jade “ he introduced holding her waist possessively.

“Next to become Alpha Joshua” he said looking at his son.

“My princess Janet” he said looking with affection to his daughter. Janet rolls her eyes looking bored and doesn’t have the respect to hide it.

“Hello,  can you show us where our rooms are” she said to grandma putting weight on one hip.

Grandma forced a smile and lead them to the house. I stood there thinking why mom couldn’t just touch down then he will calm down.

A mates touch soothes all your anger and pain away. Something is going on and I don’t know about it.

“You noticing it to” Jessica says leaning on the car with me.

“What you talking about “ I pretend I don’t know what she is talking about. We both know how untrue that sentence is.

“You are still in denial of the facts ” she say looking me straight in the eye as if looking for something behind them.

“You know they might be a possibility” she says still looking at me.

I just don’t want to believe that they might be a possibility that my mom and dad might not be real mates.

And with that Jess leaves me in more confusion about the situation.

What I do know is that mom and dad love each other deeply but I am not sure as deep as mate bond.

I go up to my room needing a distraction from my thoughts. I take out my IPad and start watching Netflix the show Black Lightening.

I am soon called by my mom for dinner. I am dreading dinner right now because they will be Jordan’s family and James’s family.

It feels like the universe is punishing me for something I did. I really hope we eat in silence but even I know how untrue that is,  a boy can only hope.

I get down and see everyone has sat down expect the Barbie was not seen yet. I wonder what she is doing, hopeful not seducing mated men.

I take a sit and mom serves me we all eat in tension silence, I wanted silence but I wish I wonder have not wanted it.

The tension is so thick you can cut through it with scissors. Grandma tried having small talk but everyone answered in one word answers.

Nobody was happy with the tension but in the end we left it.

While eating Janet walked in with swollen red lips and smudged red lipstick. She went to the fridge and took a bottle of water.

She left without saying anything to anybody.

We all looked at each other shocked then at her father James. He only shrugged and continued eating his dinner, like all this is normal for him.

If the air was thick with tension before this then it was 10x after Janet walked in here like that. She didn’t even look guilty or regretful neither embarrassed.

“I think I speak for everyone when I ask, aren’t you going to do anything” Jordan asks looking at James expectantly placing his cutlery down.

“That is shameful” grandma also looks at James .

“Just leave her” he says looking at all of us.

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