Crimson Moon

By mwendlandt

10.1K 720 18

Cain, Alpha of the Crimson Moon Pack, would rather be left in peace. He has neither the time nor the patience... More



313 27 0
By mwendlandt

They were simply waiting at this point. The kids were in the living room watching A Bug's Life with little Henry to keep him distracted while the rest of the pack stood in the kitchen. Cain and his wolf were both extremely on edge. It had been four hours since Darryl, Paul, and Lou had left. They had cleaned the entire house, top to bottom, and any trace of Lou was gone. They'd spread elk blood across the snow where she had walked to disguise any scent she might have left outside. It looked like a murder scene out there, the scarlet standing out brightly against the snow, but that was easy enough to explain should Xander asked. They'd gone hunting this morning and the elk had made a mess when they'd pulled it off the sled.

Cain paced in the kitchen, well aware that he needed to relax, but the thought of seeing his older brother again was enough to send his mind reeling. He'd held deep resentment for Xander through most of their childhood, and that hadn't changed in the slightest in the near decade since he had last seen him. Xander had been threatened by Cain, who was six years younger. Despite being the younger of the two, Cain had always been just as dominant. The difference was that he could connect with people, he could empathize with his pack. Xander struggled with earning respect the way Cain did. Instead, he demanded it and wolves didn't respond well to that until Xander began to get violent. His violent streak didn't begin until Cain hit a growth spurt, suddenly rising up past Xander. Sure Cain was only fifteen and Xander was nineteen, and Cain was skinny as a bean pole while Xander was muscular and strong, but he didn't like having to look up at his younger brother, even if it was only a few inches difference. If anyone made so much as a comment about Cain's height compared to Xander's, Xander beat the absolute shit out of them. That shut the pack up quickly. Upon realizing that the pack fearing him meant they didn't dare cross him, Xander beat anyone who so much as disagreed with him. It wasn't long before the pack cowered in his presence. Everyone except for Cain. Cain had never feared his brother, and that had set Xander off more than anything.

That was why Xander had done what he did, the thing that finally caused Cain to decide enough was enough and to leave with the pack members who were in danger. Well, he snuck away more than he just left. His father never would have let him just walk away, as he was second in line for Alpha. Xander wasn't on the High Council then, that had only happened a couple of years ago, but if he had been Cain would never have been granted permission to start a new pack.

A heavy hand landed on his shoulder, pulling him from his thoughts. He turned to look at Ryland, whose face held very little amusement. He was no more looking forward to Xander's arrival than he was. It was hard to forget the man who tormented you so throughout your entire childhood and into the teen years before Ryland went to college just to escape for a while.

"It'll be all right," Ryland told him. "He hasn't seen you since you were twenty-one. If I recall, you were kind of scrawny." Though he was somber, Ryland was always good to try and cheer others up.

Cain scoffed and shook his head. He wouldn't have considered himself scrawny as a young man, but he certainly wasn't the imposing figure he was now. Back then he'd had the height, but not nearly the muscle mass he had now. He had known that one day he would have to protect his pack, so he'd made sure he was a strong Alpha for them. He hoped he wouldn't have to use that strength today, but he didn't mind utilizing it as an intimidation factor.

"I doubt Xander will even recognize you," Will added. "You don't look anything like what you did last time he saw you."

"You mean on the ground with my guts hanging out?" Cain snarled bitterly.

Will growled in return. "You know that's not what I meant. You should've kicked his ass that day, everyone knows it. Your head wasn't in the right place, not after what he did to Gr-"

"Don't," Cain snapped, facing his Beta. "I don't want to think about her right now, or ever again. Is that clear?"

Will clamped his mouth shut and nodded. "I know, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring that up."

Cain sighed. "I hate that he still has such a hold over us. Specifically me."

Caroline placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Cain, he's your brother and he betrayed you. No one expects you to just get over something like that. Just know that we all stand behind you, and maybe today you'll get the opportunity to kick his ass for us."

He glanced at her kind face and smiled softly, something he didn't do often. "If that opportunity arises, you know I won't pass it up."

She grinned at him and patted his arm before walking back over to her husband. Riley looked like was about to say something when all the wolves turned to the front door. The distinct sound of a boot on the wood planks had reached their ear, right before someone knocked. They were here. Cain scowled at the door before he turned to the pack.

"A few of you go to the living room with the pups. The rest of you stay here and act natural." He kept his voice low, well aware of how sensitive the ears of the wolves at the front door were.

All the wolves except for Ryland and Vince moved to the living room. The two warriors were on edge and angry at the threat being presented to their pack. Ryland, for all he was a goofball, was a fierce wolf. Xander wouldn't recognize Ryland anymore than he would Cain. Ryland had been a short, skinny eighteen-year-old when he'd left for college. Now he was well over six feet and had filled out nearly as much as Cain. He was an imposing man, which was usually overshadowed by his friendly demeanor, but now that he was itching for blood, it was easy to see he was a powerful warrior.

Cain stepped into the entryway and pulled the door open, making sure his expression was as unwelcoming as always. Four people stood before him, all but one of them a stranger. Two were very obviously warriors. They were broad and muscular and they glared at Cain as though he were the unwelcome one. Xander had brought bodyguards, how insulting.

The third wolf was shorter than the warriors with a leaner, but no less muscular, build. His hair was black as midnight and he stared up at Cain with inquisitive green eyes, but he wasn't threatening. Cain studied him a moment longer, recognizing the eyes; they were Lou's eyes. This man had to be related to her somehow.

He finally looked at the man closest to him. A man who was only a couple inches shorter than himself, and less muscular. All around smaller. Blue eyes so like his own glared up at him, and the dark curly hair was pulled back in a small bun at the back of his head. Xander hadn't changed a bit since Cain had last laid eyes on him.

"Xander," Cain growled low. "I can hardly say this is a pleasant surprise."

Surprise flared up in the blue eyes, along with recognition at hearing his voice. "Cain? Hardly recognized you."

"I've changed a little. What are you doing here?" Cain had always had a magnificent poker face.

"Aren't you going to invite us in? It's been almost a decade, little brother."

"I highly doubt this is a social call."

"Don't worry, I'm not here about your pack of mutts."

Cain growled low in warning. He would not stand for insults to his pack.

Xander's eyes flared in anger. "Don't make me pull rank on you, little brother. I've always been your superior, and I always will be. Now step aside. I have some questions for you."

Knowing he didn't have much of a choice, Cain stepped aside to allow the four wolves into his home. He didn't have much of a choice, after all. Terrible brother or not, Xander was on the High Council, the precise council that could take Cain's pack away from him.

Xander looked around as they stepped in. The warriors stayed close to him, not letting their eyes wander other than to give Cain warning glances. The black haired wolf's nostrils were twitching as he sniffed the air. A tracker then. Cain could only hope he was right in assuming this wolf was related to Lou. If he was, perhaps he'd want to protect her too. Cain knew they hadn't missed a spot, but just in case, it would be nice if the tracker was on her side.

"Big place you've got here, Cain," Xander said thoughtfully. "Smells like humans and half-bloods though. How the hell do you live with that?"

"They're my pack, Xander. I'd appreciate you not talking about them. At all."

Xander just narrowed his eyes, familiar anger flaring up there. Cain wasn't the same wolf he was when Xander knew him. When he was younger, he had tried to avoid confrontations with Xander simply because his brother never kept it between them. He always let the anger and violence leak out to affect those around him as well. Now, though, Cain had no patience for Xander. He wanted him to leave and never come back. If he made it no fun for Xander to be here, perhaps he would leave him alone.

"An Alpha of traitors, half-bloods, and humans," Xander sneered. "Suits you."

Cain just crossed his large arms over his chest and arched an eyebrow. Xander mirrored the action, and Cain was reminded just how much and he and his brother looked alike. The third Beauford son, their younger brother Kyle, had the same dark, curly hair and eyes as well. They all took after their father, hence why Cain had changed his look when he left. He wanted no reminders of his relation to the Beaufords.

"Don't you dare try to intimidate me Cain. I beat you once, and even though you've gone and made yourself into a huge beast, I can still kick your ass," Xander spat.

"Let's get around to why you're here, Xander. Then you can leave."

"I'm looking for Luana Black."

Cain didn't react, and he kept his face carefully blank even though his wolf was emitting a steady growl at the thought of Xander getting his hands on Lou.

"And what makes you think I could help you with that?"

Xander didn't trust Cain as far as he could throw him, that much was obvious.The brothers had played poker once upon a time, so he knew exactly how good Cain's poker face was. Cain knew this could be a long, strenuous visit. It would take more than a few words to convince Xander that Lou had never step foot in this house.

"She disappeared from Fort Yukon during the blizzard, where she was being turned over to the custody of the Council. We lost her scent quickly due to the snow. You can imagine my surprise upon discovery that your "pack" as you call it is the only one around for hundreds of miles. This also happens to be the only pack that doesn't give a damn that she's the last purebred female."

Cain allowed some shock to show on his face, even though he didn't feel it. He already knew all of this. "The last purebred huh? What exactly were you planning on doing with her, brother?"

Xander smirked. "Simply persuade her to do her duty."

"By forcing her to breed with you and your Alphas?"

His brother shrugged. "Whatever it takes to preserve the purity of the Lycans."

"Cain!" Riley called from the living room. "Who's here?"

Cain growled to himself. Although he acknowledged that it was a good idea for his pack to feign ignorance, he wanted them nowhere near Xander.

"Is that who I think it is?" Xander asked with a chuckle, not waiting for Cain's permission to enter the house further. He pushed by the larger man and stepped into the living room. Cain followed close and nodded at Ryland and Vince, who had stepped into the doorway of the living room. They positioned themselves carefully on either side of the room, Xander not leaving their gaze for a second.

Xander chuckled and shook his head. "Well if it isn't the first of the traitors," he sneered as he took in Riley on the couch with Caroline tucked under his arm. Cain growled low.

"Watch it, Xander. High Council or not, you're still a guest here and will treat my pack accordingly."

"Your pack is hardly a pack with humans and half-bloods," Xander snapped. "There's only five purebred wolves in here compared to the seven humans and half-bloods. Weaklings does not a pack make."

Will rose from his seat on the couch, Henry clinging to him and hiding is face in his shoulder. "Xander, if we weren't a pack, the High Council wouldn't have given Cain the title of Alpha."

"I'd hardly consider him an Alpha, Will." Will hadn't changed very much since Xander had known him, so he had no trouble recognizing the Beta. He glanced down at the toddler in Will's arms, and his nostrils twitched. It was easy enough to recognize the child was half-human from his blood alone. Xander sneered at him. "He let you mate with a human, didn't he? No self-respecting pure-blood would allow such a thing under his rule."

"Xander, I'll warn you one last time to respect my pack while you're in my house," Cain warned in a low voice as Will growled in defense of his mate and son.

"You're not my Alpha, brother. There's nothing you can do to me that won't land you in a heap of trouble."

Ryland stepped forward, crossing his arms over his chest. "I'd listen to Cain, Xander."

Xander cocked his head to the side and looked at this new wolf. His nostrils flared, obviously trying to figure out how he knew the warrior. Realization dawned on him and his eyes widened. "No shit, it's Ryland Michaels, the little faggot."

Cain roared and wrapped an hand around Xander's neck, slamming him back into the wall. "You don't talk to him like that. Ever."

He sensed Xander's warriors behind him getting ready to pull him off their Alpha, but Xander just raised a hand. He wasn't any more afraid of Cain than Cain was of him.

"Cain, it's in your best interest to put me down."

"And it's in your best interest not to talk to my pack. You have no right to talk to any of them like that. Do you understand me?"

Xander just glared at him, so Cain's fingers tightened around his neck. "Do you understand me."

His brother finally conceded. "Won't speak to them like that again, you have my word."

Cain nodded once and took a rough step back. Henry whimpered behind him. His pack hadn't seen him like that since they left his father's pack. He got irritated, but he never felt that rage. He'd never gotten violet around them, so those that had joined later, or were too young to remember, were likely surprised by his outburst.

The two Beauford brother stood facing each other for a moment, each waiting for the other to make the next move. Xander glanced at the pack gathered in the living room and finally broke the silence. "You are on record having fifteen members in this pack. There are only thirteen in the room. Where are the other two?"

"Patrol," he said sharply.

"Call them back," Xander demanded. "I want everyone here while we search the house and the territory."

"For the female? She isn't here. We'd hardly have a reason to hide her," Cain responded. "Why would I draw attention to my pack like that."

"Because you hate the Purists, brother. You would hide her away simply to spite us. I'm not stupid, and it might have been nine years since we last saw each other, but I know you. You will all remain in here as we search the house."

"I'm not calling my patrols in when I can simply tell you we haven't seen a female. She probably got lost in the blizzard. For all you know she could be dead. If she is so important, perhaps you should have kept a better eye on her," Cain snarled. He couldn't call Darryl and Paul back. That would mean Lou would be left alone in a cave for as long as it took Xander to believe they hadn't seen her.

"Yes, you will. That's an order from the High Council," Xander growled, his eyes flashing angrily. Whatever patience he'd had coming in, it was gone now. He turned to the pack. "Everyone will stay in here. No one leaves, and my warriors will make sure of that."

Cain realized his error when he'd defended Ryland. He'd embarrassed Xander by physically overpowering him. What had happened when they were teenagers was repeating itself. Xander would now prove he was the stronger, more dominant wolf by using fear to his advantage. It was obviously working. The pups were huddled around their respective parents. Will had sat back down next to Kristine, who was now holding Henry close. Jack and Elle had their three pups squeezed between them. Jack glared at Xander, and Cain sensed how close his wolf was to the surface. Jack wasn't the most dominant wolf, he was hardly dominant at all, but his mate and pups were being threatened. He wouldn't hesitate to protect them.

"Ryland, call Darryl and Vince back," Cain said in a low voice. There wasn't a chance in hell that he would step out of the room and leave his pack with Xander. Lou would be okay by herself, he had to believe that. He just had to hope she would stay in the damn cave.

"Cain-" Ryland started to argue, but his Alpha shot him a look. Cain knew he was worried about Lou too, but the faster Darryl and Vince were back here, the faster Xander would leave.

Ryland gave him a tight-lipped nod and went to the back porch to shift and howl for them to return.

"I appreciate the cooperation," Xander said emotionlessly. "Now, Joseph here is not only a tracker, but he is Luana's brother and he's very familiar with her scent."

Kristine gasped quietly, but Xander either didn't hear her or was ignoring her. Cain glanced at her curiously, but she was just staring at the black-haired wolf with wide eyes.

Xander continued. "Joseph will comb the entire house, looking for any trace of Luana. Then we will comb the territory."

Cain crossed his arms. "Did you not travel here in wolf form?"

"We did," Xander nodded.

"Which means you came from the town, which is where this Luana would have come from. Would you not have scented her if she were nearby?"
"I didn't smell her," Joseph said. "He has a point, Xander."

Xander hesitated for a moment, obviously seeing the truth in the words. "She's around here somewhere. She can't just disappear."

"She could have caught a ride out of town," Vince spoke up from where he stood in the corner of the room. "I'm sure they've been clearing the roads since the storm broke up."
Xander growled. "If Joseph finds so much as a hint of her here, we're searching the territory." Cain nodded his agreement. They had cleaned well. They wouldn't find her here. He'd even changed sweatshirts, grabbing another one out of his closet so that there was no trace of where her hand had touched his arm. Those that she had touched in the closet were sprayed down with Febreze and then rubbed all over him again to renew his scent.

They paused as Ryland howled from the back of the house. Cain sighed in relief as he used their code. Two long howls and one shorter. Danger. Darryl and Paul would come back alone.

As they waited for his warriors to return, Cain held his hand out to Joseph. He wanted to get a read on the wolf before he left him wander all over his house. "Cain Beauford." Joseph was probably about six feet tall, which hardly made him short, but he was still six inches shorter than Cain himself. The man looked up at him with intelligent green eyes, studying him intensely, trying to figure him out. Cain didn't like it, but he understood the reasoning.

"Joseph Black," he responded his a gentle voice. There was a calmness about him that made Cain feel like he could trust him, even though he was working with Xander.

As their hands collided in a firmer handshake than Cain had been expecting, Joseph's nostrils flared. He glanced at the right shoulder of Cain's sweatshirt, his eyes widening slightly. It took Cain a moment, but he realized that was shoulder that faced out in his closet. No, no, he'd checked this sweatshirt himself! It didn't smell like Lou anymore, much to his wolf's disappointment. But Joseph was a tracker, which meant he had a more sensitive nose than anyone.

But after his initial surprise, Joseph's face relaxed again. He said nothing. Cain refrained from sighing in relief, but he allowed the feeling to wash over him and fill him with a sense of calm. Joseph was on Lou's side. She would be safe from Xander.

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