Cardfight!! Vanguard: Spiral...

By kaiishida

6.5K 453 1.6K

Set 28 years after the end of "Cardfight!! Vanguard G: Z World", the story of Spiral Terra follows the life o... More

Opening 1
Ending 1
#1: A Fighter's Dream
#2: The Queen's March
#3: The Real Hero
#4: Ace of Aces
#5: The Manager's Request
Q n A #1
#6: Kaminari's Roar
#7: Heiwa's Venomous Joker
#8: Tales of Taira Ansei
#9: The Brave King of Heiwa
#10: Spiral Terra
Q n A #2
#11: Ryuzaki
#12: Real Blaze
#13: King of Knights
#14: Hikaru's Lesson
#15: Goodbye, Old me
QnA #3
#17: "We were"
#18: Aftermath
#19: Broken Promises
#20: Hikaru Hata
Opening 2
Ending 2
Q n A #4
#21: Hammer To Fall
#22: Jack of All Trades
#23: Makings of a Coach
#23.5: Turkeyman Begins
#24: Malest Storm
#25: Nova
Q n A #5
#26: Queen of the Celestial Realm
#27: Dragon Empire Rumble
#28: A King's Final Stand
#29: Sunset Train to Nowhere
#30: Strelzia
Q n A #6
#31: Kaido
#32: Beach Break
#33: Yacht People, a Beach Story
#34: Graduation Day
#35: Take Off
Q n A #7
Opening 3
Ending 3
#36: Oracle Queen, Himiko
#37: Guys Meet World
#38: Ryuzaki-con
#39: Renji
#40: Apex
Q n A #8
#41: "He will be mine."
#42: Hatred Burning Like No Other
#43: Masato and the Messiah
#44: Outdated Logic
#45: Spiral Terra and Apex
#46: One
#47: Last
#48: Battle
#49: Until
#50: The Endgame
The Final Author's Note
Cardfight!! Vanguard: Spiral Soul PV (11/09/2019)

#16: The Past

60 6 7
By kaiishida

"Winning tastes good, doesn't it?" Hikaru asked. "But you know what tastes better? 'Em meatballs! Nom nom nom nom!"

Fujiko looked at Hikaru with disgust. "Stop eating your lunch like an animal, it's disgusting..."

"You know what's more disgusting?"

"You getting slapped?"

"Me cutting your tongue with my katana?" Emon asked.

"My old anxiety issues?" Ryuuga added.

"Yes, very yes, and super very mega yes. You know what's more disgusting than me eating these meatballs like an animal? Me taking a mean ass shit on the bathroom during the finals 'cuz of all the damn beans I've eaten ten minutes ago."

"Ewww, don't mention when you have to do your stuff! Goddammit!" Ryuuga said, closing his eyes so that he could stop his mind of the finals being stopped due to a flooded toilet.

"Those are things you wouldn't say if you hadn't fought Boruto's Dad Edgelord 445." Ryuzaki said, approaching the table with Inu, Maverick and Mina by his side. "Let me tell ya, there's a certain amount of edge that we can handle in this regional tournament."

"Wait a sec..." Hikaru got up and looked at Inu from up to down twice. "Your tie is the same as Richboy Ryuzaki's!"

Inu squinted at the comment, taking a step back. "What? No it isn't! I'm stylish unlike Gucciman over here."

"I feel targeted by that." Ryuzaki said to himself.

"No, your ties really are the same." Emon explained as he looked at his own plate. "I'm a master when it comes down to ties and your ties are the exact same. You can't prove me wrong."

"He gotcha there. What can I say? Iku finally knows how to dress up correctly and is using a good tie that I got him."

"It's Inu, not Iku! Emphasys on the K goddammit!"

"Shut up Iqu, you wore a half skirt once on that crippling tournament."

"At least I got to the crippling tournament, you lost on the first round!"

"Shut your bitch ass, I used pure Idea-Drones, you used Blademaster and probably lost to Spectral or something. Now get your ass moving, I've announcing too much stuff today and need my lunch."

Maverick and Mina looked at each other before looking at Ryuzaki. 'Yeah, announcing with big quote marks.'

"Anyway, you four have fun on the finals and try your best to win. See ya soon!" Ryuzaki said, waving his hand at Spiral Terra as he and his group walked away. 'These four are up against those three, out of all people. I'm sure that they didn't enter the tournament to go to nationals, they just entered to mess with Spiral Terra. Maybe jealousy, maybe revenge, maybe hatred. All are plausible motives, but just which one is the most correct one?'


"Oh, we're done with lunch already? Aight." Ryuzaki shrugged, bring the microphone closer to him. "Ladies and gentlemen, we've seen badass fights, we've seen funny fights. we''ve seen fighting fights about fighting people fighting and while that's good and all, everything must come to and end. That's right folks, we're bringing to you the finals of the regional tournament! How will this play out? A simple 3v3 just like always. The ones entering it? The teams who won the group finals of Group A and Group B. You know these guys since you've been watching them ever since the regionals started, Team Spiral Terra!"

Already standing on the same side of the stage theyw ere before, three of the four members of Spiral Terra wave at the audience for a bit while the lights pointed at them. Emon reached for Ryuuga's shoulder and tapped it, getting the attention of the boy. "Where's Hikaru?"

"Hm? Oh, Hikaru said he wasn't feeling too well after the lunch and took a cab home. He said he felt really sorry for not being able to be here to, quoting him, 'spreading 'em final cheeks'." Ryuuga replied.

Emon sighed and nodded. "I hope he gets well soon and that he watches our victory from home."

"You know them, they beaten Despair and Expo, the super special awesome ninja guys and some edgy guys here and there. But their opponents are someone they don't know! Ladies, gents, an applause to the winners of Group B! Team Royalty!"

Coming out from the shadows of the corridor opposing to the one Spiral Terra had on their side, Akira, with a smirk on his face, Aijou, with a giant smile, and Ichigo, with a serious face, entered the stage.

Fujiko glared at Aijou. "Aijou!"

"Hello, No-Boobs!"

Emon simply looked at Akira. "Akira..."

"What's up, pal? I haven't seen ya in ages. Sorry to interupt the party." Akira replied, winking at the opposing team.

Ichigo looked at Ryuuga but just closed his eyes. "That scrub thing isn't here... Minor, this weakling will have to do."

'Scrub... Does he mean... Hikaru?' Ryuuga thought to himself.

Hikaru leaned back against the backseat of the cab he was using to get home, watching the finals through his phone. "I'm sorry that I couldn't be there, dudes. There are just some people I can't face."

"Welp, looks like these two are having some beef. All right kids, just wait for the finals to start to settle it down, okay? Just give it five minutes. Each team will decide who goes first and whatnot and we'll start. Im not making anyone wait another stupid load of time just for a fight. Spiral Terra, Royalty, you got five minutes from now to decide who goes first."

Fujiko turned to Ryuuga and Emon. "I'll go first and take down Aijou."

"That's sudden... I know you two aren't the greatest of friends, but are you su-"

"Yes Ryuuga, I'm sure. Akira nd Ichigo both surpass her in skills so she'll obviously be the first one to be sent out. I've had it with she butting in whatever I do because of her issue with getting over the past. That's why I'm ending it here and now! Are you two with me?"

Ryuuga and Emon looked at each other and back at Fujiko, both nodding their heads as a sign of telling her to go for it.

"Great! I'll be back with a clean victory!" Fujiko said, turning back to the stage to see Aijou already there holding her deck. Taking out her deck and placing it on the stone pillar, she looked one last time at Aijou. 'I'm done with any regrets you created in me. I'm ending it now!'

Aijou placed her deck on the stone pillar aswell and waved her hand over it, making the holographic board appear as five cards popped up in front of her. 'I'm ending your reign as the Queen here and now, you good for nothing No-Boobs!'

"GO AIJOU! WE LOVE YOU AIJOU! YOU ARE OUR ANGEL AIJOU! DEFEAT HER AIJOU!" A portion of the audience screamed. All of them were Aijou's personal fan club.

 The Joker turned to them and smiled, nodding. "I will, everyone! I love you all so much for coming here today!"


Fujiko rolled her eyes at Aijou. "Are you done stalling with your fans? We have a fight to take care of."

"Okay, okay. You're no fun, No-Boobs." Aijou said, stucking her tongue out. "But you'll go from No-Boobs to No-Queen in no time! I'm challeging you for the title of Queen right here and now!

"I've defended that title for many fights and will keep defending it! Aijou Fukai, you will not become the Queen of Heiwa aslong as I'm here!"

Aijou grit her teeth. "That's what we'll see after this match! You say that I will never be the Queen, butt it's not like you deserve it either! Stand up, the Vanguard! I ride Machining Worker Ant! (Grade 0|6000)" Her vanguard circle expanded in a poisonous shade of green.

"Stand up, Vanguard! I ride Lozenge Magus! (Grade 0|6000)" Fujiko's vanguard circle expanded purple as per usual.

Emon placed his hand on Ryuuga's left shoulder, looking at him with a serious face. "Sawada, I have a favour I need to ask you. An important one."


"I'll take first turn!" Aijou declared, drawing a card. "I ride Machining Hornet! (Grade 1|8000) I will gladly draw a card using Worker Ant's ability and end my turn at that!"

Hand: 6
Damage: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

"Draw! I will ride Circle Magus! (Grade 1|8000) Lozenge Magus allows me to draw one card. Attack now! (8000)"

"I remember when thing were simple for you. You didn't had a specific card to ride or something like that. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. No guard!"

'Her sickening words... She might aswell just give up on them because they won't work!' "Drive check! (Luck Bird) No trigger here."

"Boy oh boy, I hope I get lucky with this one. Ddamage check! (Machining Stag Beetle) This trend of my losing my Grade 3s early on needs to-"

"Turn end."

Hand: 6
Damage: 1

Hand: 7
Damage: 0

"You really... Need to... STOP INTERRUPTING ME WHILE I'M-"

"If you said something useful, I wouldn't need to shut you off." Fujio calmly said, looking at her hand cards.

Aijou bit her lip before waving her hand to draw a card. "You want to hear something useful? I'll tell you something useful! I ride Machining Mantis! (Grade 2|9000) Using it's skill, I pay one counterblast to look at the top six cards of my deck and add Ant Lion to my hand! Then, add 6000 power for the turn! (9000>>15000) Now, what to do, what to do... I know! I call Water Gang! (Grade 2|9000) Let's see... Oh, and let's add Butterfly Officer too! (Grade 1|6000) By resting her when she's called, I get to add Water Gang a good amount of 10000 power. Now let's battle! Mantis, slash her down! (15000)"

"No guard!"

"Drive check! (Stealth Millipede) Oh goodie goodie, look at what wonderful card we have-"

"Damage check. (Promise Daughter) No trigger."

Aijou growled, gritting her teeth. "I'll have Water Gang attack next! (19000)"

"I'll no guard again! (CEO Amaterasu)"

"And one Amaterasu hits the out. I end my turn. Since Water Gang was the one gifted with Butterfly Officer's effect, it goes into the soul and I countercharge one."

Hand: 6
Damage: 1

Hand: 7
Damage: 2

"Stand and draw. I ride Yellow Witch, MeMe! (Grade 2|9000) Circle Magus' skill, I draw one card! Then, I call Farfalle Magus (Grade 1|8000) and Luck Bird! (Grade 1|6000) Farfalle Magus' skill, I look at the top card of my deck and decide where to put it. I'll leave it at the top. Then, I use Luck Bird's skill. I soulblast two to draw a card and give Luck Bird 5000 power! (6000>>11000) MeMe will attack the vanguard! (9000)"

"You wanna hit me that hard? Keep trying, No-Boobs! I guard with Shelter Beetle! (24000)"

"A no pass, huh? Drive check. (Promise Daughter) No trigger. Boosted by Farfalle Magus, Luck Bird attacks! (11000>>19000)"

"Now I'll let it hit. (Paralyze Madonna - Draw) I could add something, but I won't add a special comment to this one. (19000)"

"Turn end."

Hand: 6
Damage: 2

Hand: 8
Damage: 2

Akira leaned back against the wall, releasing a yawn. "She'll most likely lose as always. If only she stopped thinking so highly of herself. You're better off focusing on beating the good for nothing newbie or whatever his name is. I wanna make sure I get to fight Emon at the real final battle of this tournament. That'll teach him a thing or two."

Ichigo, sitting on the opposite edge of the bench, kept his eyes on the fight. "The not so mighty king calling someone that name? I'm surprised. Maybe all that big man talk is just bark with no bite. But again, who am I to doubt a jealous scrub? I will win, that's what I do best. But you know I came here for a specific oppoennt, not for Mr. Anxiety over there."

"I stand and draw. This is where the fun begins... But I'll toy with you for a bit more! Rising from the depths of the muddy earth, the fiendish hunter will turn you into nothing more than a wasted corpse! I ride Death Warden Ant Lion! (Grade 3|12000)" Aijou chanted, making her vanguard circle expanded light brown instead of her usual venomous green.

"The more you know!" Akira said to himself between laughs.

'Ant Lion at this stage? Why would she ride it instead of Spark Hercules?' Fujiko thught.

"Imaginary Gift, Protect! Now let's spam a bit. I call Spark Hercules (Grade 3|12000), Stealth Millipede (Grade 1|7000), Machining Mantis (Grade 2|9000) and Butterfly Officer. (Grade 1|6000) Officer's skill! Add 10000 to Spark Hercules! (12000>>22000) And then, Mantis' skill! I add Spark Hercules to hand and add 6000 power! (9000>>15000) Are you ready for some fun? I sure am! Death Warden Ant Lion, attack! (12000)"

"No guard."

"Twin drive time! (Phantom Black|Shelter Beetle - Critical) Now this is the stuff. I give the power to Spark Hercules and the critical to my vanguard! (22000>>32000) (12000>>12000/2)"

"Damage check. (Psychic Bird - Critical) Critical trigger, all to the vanguard. (19000) (Battle Sister, Torte) No trigger here."

"Boosted by Millipede, Mantis attacks! If this attack hits, Millipede's skill will allow me to countercharge! (15000>>22000)"

"Farfalle Magus! (29000)"

"Damn you... Spark Hercules! (32000)"

"No guard! (Luck Bird)"

"I end my turn." Aijou sighed with a smile. "Spark Hercules goes to the soul and I countercharge. Hurry up your next turn because it will be your last, No-Boobs."

Hand: 5
Damage: 2

Hand: 7
Damage: 5

"Stand and-"

"Not so fast, No-Boobs." Aijou said, looking at Fujiko with a snake gaze. "Since Millipede is on my field, your rear-guards on the same columm as it can't stand during your stand phase. So your Farfalle Magus and Luck Bird will stay in place for a good while."

"Fine then. I stand my vanguard and draw! Imprisioned daughter of the emperor, break free from the chains that restrain you from your true power! I ride Imperial Daughter! (Grade 3|12000)" Fujiko's circle expanded purple once again.

"Not Amaterasu? Awww, that is so sad." Aijou mocked, pretending to shed a tear. "I guess traitors can't get good things in life.

Fujiko let go of a deep breath. "You still with that? No wonder you keep trying to piss me off. But you should know by now that I'm done running from that!" She said, raising her head to look at Aijou with a confident smile. "You keep thinking that I changed to become the Queen, but in reality, I changed to become the person I am today! Imaginary Gift, Protect!"

Aijou grit her teeth again. 'That damn No-Boobs did what? She can't move on from that! She needs to keep running away from that! Damn you, you thot! You bretrayed our friendship! You can't run away from that!' "As if! You'll keep running away from it, I just know it."

"Wrong answer. If a certain someone can run away from a part of his past then so can I! Imperial Daughter's skill! I pay a counterblast and look at the top two cards of my deck! One comes to my hand and the other, to the soul!"

Ryuzaki squinted, looking at his tablet's screen, which showed the info on the on-going game. "The card she placed into the soul was Amaterasu! This means that she just needs to ride a Grade 3 to make Victorious Deer online!"

"You heard the man! I call Promise Daughter! (Grade 2|9000) I'll also call Farfalle Magus! (Grade 1|8000) With her skill, I check the top card. I'll leave it at the top. Imperial Daughter's skill! I soulblast my Lozenge Magus and give Promise Daughter 6000 power! (9000>>15000) I'll attack with my vanguard right off the bat! (12000>>20000)"

"Such a chibi cutie attack! No guard."

"Twin drive! (Sphere Magus - Heal) Heal trigger! I heal one damage and give all the power to Promise Daughter! (15000>>25000) (Oracle Guardian, Gemini) No trigger."

"A tiny damage check! (Bloody Hercules)"

"Promise Daughter! Her skill adds 6000 power! (25000>>31000)"

"No... I wanna beat you without you going past three damage! Imaginary Gift, Protect!"

"She was reckless enough to use it to guard a fourth damage attack? I'm surprised no one one tries to steal her seat as a Joker." Akira said to himself, holding back a laugh. Ichigo looked at him briefly before shaking his head and looking back at the fight.

"Turn end." 'She has three cards, and knowing her oversized ego, she'll try to end the game on her turn.'

Hand: 3
Damage: 3


Hand: 9
Damage: 4

"Stand and draw. FINAL TURN! The wait is over, I'll end this game now! You may have a bunch of cards in your hand, but all will be useless against this master plan of mine! First you're stung by their stings, and then the venom tries to cut it's way out of your body! That's the philosophy of the Megacolony crim syndicate! Ride the vanguard! Machining Spark Hercules! (Grade 3|12000)" And just like when she started the game, Aijou's vanguard circle expanded on the same venomous green as before.

"I've thought about it and..." Ryuuga looked at Emon, nodding. "I'll do it. We're relying on you to bring the victory home."

"Imaginary Gift, Protect! I call Machining Stag Beetle over Mantis! (Grade 3|12000) And with his skill, come on out, Death Warden Ant Lion (Grade 3|12000) and Water Gang! (Grade 2|9000) Spark Hercules' skill! I move Buttlerfly Officer to my soul and add 5000 for each rested unit you have! Now let's see... Five? I like that number! (12000>>37000) Now I'll call Phantom Black from hand! (Grade 1|8000) I'll end you right her and now and the only cards I need are these two! The ultimate and the perfect combo! Death Warden Phantom!"


"W-what?! What dd you just say?! I dare you to say that again once I've dealt with-"

"Predictable. You're using your clan's guard restriction abailities thinking it will win you a game. But I wouldn't be here if I wasn't ready for that!" Fujiko stated. "There is nothing ultimate or perfect! Those aren't even real terms! If you're going to try to beat me, then don't think or act as if you already did! I still don't have six damage! And as for long as my damage count is less than six, you still haven't won!"

"You... You... YOU INSOLENT INSECT! NO, YOU'RE WORSE THAN THAT! I'M GOING TO ENJOY ENDING YOU HERE AND NO, FUJIKO ABE GOOD FOR NOTHING NO-BOOBS TRAITOR!" Clenching her left fist close, Aijou placed ehr open right palm over the holographic playmat. "Spark Hercules' skill! All your units lose, all my rear-guards gain 5000 and stand! (12000>>17000) (7000>>12000) (9000>>14000) (12000>>17000) (8000>>13000) Then, Water Gang's skill! Counterblast, move to the soul, I draw two cards! ANNIHILATE HER, SPARK HERCULES! (37000)"

"Be summoned by the power of my imagination and protect me! Imaginary Gift, Protect! The attack is nullified!"

"Twin drive! (Death Warden Ant Lion|Water Gang) No trigger! But no problem, it'll work just fine! Boosted by Phantom Black, Ant Lion attacks your pathetic vanguard! Now, Death Warden Phantom! I soulblast a Grade 3 unit and discard three cards from my hand to use both Phantom Black and Ant Lion's abilities! I add a total of 16000 power, one critical and you can't guard with neither sentinels nor normal units! NOW BEGONE FROM MY SIGHT, YOU FAKE QUEEN! (17000>>30000>>46000/2)"

"Guard! Sphere Magus, Psychic Bird and Gemini! (51000)"

"W-what...? Impossible! STAGE BEETLE END HER! (17000>>29000)"

"You forgot that I was at just for damage and that Millipede's skill is obligatory! No guard! (Imperial Daughter)"

"You little... Millipede is forced to move into the soul and I countercharge. Turn end. It doesn't matter, I still have the upper hand! Three hand cards and three damage! And this time, none of those cards is a Grade 3!"


Hand: 3
Damage: 3

Hand: 4
Damage: 5


"All you do is talk about how great you are and how much better you are... It just goes to show who's the real traitor! Stand and draw! 'O glorious horns shining under the radiant sun, show us to victory you've forseen! I ride Victorious Deer! (Grade 3|12000) And now, Imaginary Gift. Protect!"

"It doesn't matter how many times you use that dumb deer! Your units are still weak from Spark Hercules' skill!"

"You still have a small number of hand cards that I can easily break through! I call Circle Magus (Grade 1|8000) and CEO Amaterasu! (Grade 3|12000)"

'She got to Amaterause now?! That damn card will just get stronger by herself! It doesn't matter! I can simple guard it!' Aijou thought. 

"Victorious Deer's skill! I soulblast two Grade 3 units and discard a hand card to look at the top seven cards of my deck! Two critical triggers go to the top of my dekc and the remaining five go to the bottom of my deck at random! Two Nikes stay on the top and other five go to the bottom! Then, all my units get 10000 power! (4000>>14000) (8000>>18000) (12000>>22000) (3000>>13000) (12000>>22000) (3000>>13000) And then, thanks to her own ability, Amaterasu gains another 5000! (22000>>27000)" Fujiko tapped on her forehead with her index and middle finger, making the face someone would make when trying to remember something. "What was it? Death Warden Phantom? Let me show you how a real combo should be named! Sunsteel Roar! Boosted by Farfalle Magus, Victorious Deer! (22000>>35000)"

"That's useless, useless I tell you! Protect, complete guard!"

"You already know what my drive is going to be, we all do! (Oracle Guardian, Nike - Critical|Oracle Guardian, Nike - Critical) I give all the effects to Amaterasu! (27000>>47000/3) Now boosted by Farfalle, Amaterasu attacks! Sunshine Impact! (47000/3>>60000/3)"

"No no no no... I'll get a heal and you on my next turn! Damage check! (Sharp Nail Scorpio - Critical|Death Warden Ant Lion|Stealth Millipede) Not again..."

"Spiral Terra takes the first win with them by defeating Aijou Fukai of Royalty! Good job, Spiral Terra! Get ready to send out your next fight! He might end this right here and now!" Ryuzaki announced.

Aijou sat down between Ichigo and Akira with her arms crossed and a pout on her face. 2I hate her."

"You got cucked to an extremely big degree." Akira replied.

"Oh shut it, Izuku!"

"It's Akira, don't clal me by that name!"

Ichigo sweatdropped at the two and got up, returning his phone to his pocket and walking towards the field.

"I did it!" Fujiko said, approaching her teammates. "You got this, Ryuuga! It's all up to you now!" She added, raising her hand.

Ryuuga nodded and high-fived her before making his away to the stage. 'Ichigo Akio... He said earlier that the opponent he wanted was someone who wasn't here... Was he really refering to Hikaru?'


The battleifled was an acient roman house near a cliff, nighttime, , the house's garden zone to be more exact. Coming in with an energy filled fist, General Seifried went straight towards The Dark Dictator's face, who defended using his sword as. Pushing the robotic giant back a bit, he attacked the robot with a blade, causing an injury on the robot's shoulder before going for a slash on the knees, making General Seifried fall to his knees and starting to pant from exhaustion. The warrior pointed his sword at the robotic fight, looking down upon him. The Dark Dictator's face became Ichigo's while Seifried's voice became Ryuuga's. "I have a question for you, scrub."

Hikaru left the cab that had dropped him off at the building his apartment was, still holding in his hands the phone he used to check on the finals of the regional tournament. "Good luck, Ryuuga. You totes got this my dude."

"Do you know who Hikaru Hata really is?"


Aijou: Here's the preview!

On the next chapter:

#17: "We were"

"Do you know who Hikaru Hata really is?"

"I believe that trust is the foundation to everything in this world. It was through trust that you and mean got to where we are now. But you ignored that trust as if it was invisible."

"Do you play Vanguard?"

"Isn't it great, Izuku?"

"That's wrong. We were."


MINI TERRA: "Combo Name!"

Aijou: Check out my super special awesome Death Warden Phantom!

Fujiko: You think that's a good name? Psssh, my Sunsteel Roar is the real deal!

Aijou: Deers don't eevn roar!

Hikaru: Oh ladies, the real best name here is obviously my Cheek Spreading Tactics.

Emon: That's disgusting. I call my combo the Prismatic Dragon's Roar!


Fujiko: I call it The Combo That Gave Me The Chance To Slap Hikaru.

Hikaru: That's evil...


Ryuzaki: At last, we're almost done with the tournament arc and I can get back to just be there since I'm rich. Or maybe I'll narrate a chapter! Yeah, that idea rocks!

Hikaru: Whatever you do, don't let this madman narrate again. Last time he did it, a british giy almost killed a thicc bitch on a chicken shop.

Ryuzaki: Pfffffft stop telling people that I told you everything in  Z World.

Hikaru: I only care about the Luard tree hugger being a bad player by not using CSD.

Ryuzaki: I don't if I should be proud of not. Shida, end this before I enter an existential crisis.

I don't even get to speak in my own A/Ns at this point.

Thanks for reading, don't be ghost reader, vote and comment if you enjoyed and I'll see you later. Bye bye!

Ryuzaki: To late.. The crisis... Is here...

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