#16: The Past

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"Winning tastes good, doesn't it?" Hikaru asked. "But you know what tastes better? 'Em meatballs! Nom nom nom nom!"

Fujiko looked at Hikaru with disgust. "Stop eating your lunch like an animal, it's disgusting..."

"You know what's more disgusting?"

"You getting slapped?"

"Me cutting your tongue with my katana?" Emon asked.

"My old anxiety issues?" Ryuuga added.

"Yes, very yes, and super very mega yes. You know what's more disgusting than me eating these meatballs like an animal? Me taking a mean ass shit on the bathroom during the finals 'cuz of all the damn beans I've eaten ten minutes ago."

"Ewww, don't mention when you have to do your stuff! Goddammit!" Ryuuga said, closing his eyes so that he could stop his mind of the finals being stopped due to a flooded toilet.

"Those are things you wouldn't say if you hadn't fought Boruto's Dad Edgelord 445." Ryuzaki said, approaching the table with Inu, Maverick and Mina by his side. "Let me tell ya, there's a certain amount of edge that we can handle in this regional tournament."

"Wait a sec..." Hikaru got up and looked at Inu from up to down twice. "Your tie is the same as Richboy Ryuzaki's!"

Inu squinted at the comment, taking a step back. "What? No it isn't! I'm stylish unlike Gucciman over here."

"I feel targeted by that." Ryuzaki said to himself.

"No, your ties really are the same." Emon explained as he looked at his own plate. "I'm a master when it comes down to ties and your ties are the exact same. You can't prove me wrong."

"He gotcha there. What can I say? Iku finally knows how to dress up correctly and is using a good tie that I got him."

"It's Inu, not Iku! Emphasys on the K goddammit!"

"Shut up Iqu, you wore a half skirt once on that crippling tournament."

"At least I got to the crippling tournament, you lost on the first round!"

"Shut your bitch ass, I used pure Idea-Drones, you used Blademaster and probably lost to Spectral or something. Now get your ass moving, I've announcing too much stuff today and need my lunch."

Maverick and Mina looked at each other before looking at Ryuzaki. 'Yeah, announcing with big quote marks.'

"Anyway, you four have fun on the finals and try your best to win. See ya soon!" Ryuzaki said, waving his hand at Spiral Terra as he and his group walked away. 'These four are up against those three, out of all people. I'm sure that they didn't enter the tournament to go to nationals, they just entered to mess with Spiral Terra. Maybe jealousy, maybe revenge, maybe hatred. All are plausible motives, but just which one is the most correct one?'



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