Married But Single

By Estafelly

1.7M 65.7K 4K

"Mum, I can't marry him!" She exclaimed. "Didn't you see the way he looked at me the last time we had a mee... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 4

50.3K 1.7K 167
By Estafelly

"Ah, David my boy," Derek grinned at him. "Wasn't expecting you so soon. I was just trying to woo this gorgeous woman before you interrupted."

David's scowl deepened as he noticed they were still holding hands.
"And that gorgeous woman happens to be my wife!"
He gritted.

Derek's eyes widened. He looked at Annabelle who was watching in amusement and back at David
"Man, are you kidding?"

"Do I look like I am?"

"Damn, I didn't know."
Derek said but still didn't release her hand.

"It's okay, it isn't your fault."
Annabelle said with a smile and David frowned, still noticing their entwined hands.

"Can you let go of my wife now?"

Derek slowly let go.
"But damn, David! How can your best friend not know that you're married?"

Wow best friend? I didn't know my husband had a bestie.

"If I remember correctly, you just got back from a two month business trip to Spain." David replied. "And I never knew I would end up getting married while you were away."

Annabelle swallowed but said nothing.

"But you should have told me on phone, man."

"And would you have left the almighty contract to attend my wedding?"
David asked arching a brow.

"I might have."
Derek replied seriously.

"Alright man, my bad." David said with a small smile. "Just see it as my surprise welcome back present to you."

"Ugh! You aren't forgiven."
Derek said, pretending to sulk and Annabelle smiled. He was adorable.

"I'll make it up to you, I promise."
David said with an eye roll.

He walked to Annabelle's side and surprisingly to her, he placed a kiss on her cheek as his hand circled her waist.

"Derek, meet my beautiful wife, Annabelle and Annabelle, Derek, the pig head that has the privilege of being my favorite friend. And mind you, he is bad news to women."

Derek grinned. "It's not my fault that women always like me."
He wiggled his brows at Annabelle.

"Well I can assure you that my wife is not included." David snapped and Derek grinned the more.

"Alright man, calm down will you? Jeez!" He smiled at Annabelle. "A pleasure meeting you Mrs Maxwell."

"Same here, Derek."
She smiled back.

"David is a very lucky man," he continued. "But you're definitely not lucky to have married him."

He fled from the office as David lunged towards him. Annabelle laughed and David shook his head with a smile.

"I'll wait downstairs!" He called from the other side of the door and they heard his footsteps as he walked away.

"He's right, you know." Annabelle commented. "I don't see myself as the luckiest woman in the world to have married you."

"Was that why you were flirting with him in my office?"
He asked with a serious expression.

"I wasn't flirting with him." She snapped. "Besides, why do you care?"

"Unfortunately I don't."
He said smoothly.

Right, he doesn't.

"And that's a point I want to make now." He continued. "This marriage might be based on a contract but in the public eye, it shouldn't look like it."

"Oh, now I know why."
Annabelle murmured.


She shrugged. "I was wondering why you were acting all loving towards me few minutes ago. So you mean we have to act like the happiest married couple while in public?"

"Exactly." He nodded. "Otherwise, people will wonder why we married when we are not in love with each other. They'll begin to look for possible reasons why we undertook matrimony and I don't want my family name making headlines on an arranged marriage."

"I understand."
She replied drily.

He smirked. "Good."

She took a deep breath. "So since we are going into acting in public from now on, I presume we are to have lunch together as well, from now onwards?"

He nodded. "Yes. Unless a good reason why we shouldn't, arises."

"This is going to be hard." She muttered. "We can't even stand each other, talk more of acting like a couple in love in public!"

"Oh I can stand you." He teased. "And as you said, it will only be acting. Just think of yourself as an actress from now on, who is to be ready at all times when the need for action arises."



"Can we go now? I'm hungry."


In the evening, they drove back home together, having only achieved a near success at lunch.

They had had lunch with Derek in an exclusive restaurant and the three of them had enjoyed each other's company apart from David being grumpy sometimes.

Derek was a cool guy as Annabelle noticed, nothing like her husband. She only met him that day but she already liked him a lot. They laughed and agreed together on certain things, ganging up on David who wasn't pleased at all, with their cooperation and closeness.
But Annabelle didn't mind. She wanted to annoy him as he had annoyed her the previous day. Jeez! He was even lucky that she wasn't the type to have extramarital affairs.

David was still in his grumpy mood when they entered the house. But he ignored her and went upstairs.

She stuck her tongue 😝 out at his retreating back then marched over to the sitting room and sat down, flipping through the tv channels absent mindedly.

Her phone rang and she glanced at the unknown number before picking up.



"Is someone there? I'm actually not too strong for pranks now."

Silence. Then a heavy sigh.


Annabelle stilled.
"D-Dominic. Uh hi"

"How are you?"

She looked around like a child about to steal meat. "I'm okay. You?"

"I'm good too, just missing you." He sighed. "I saw you at the restaurant today with Maxwell and his friend."

"Oh, you were there?"
She asked, not knowing how to talk to him.

"Yes, I came in before you guys." He chuckled drily. "You two looked good together. And looked really happy with him."


"No Ann," he interrupted. "I'm not asking you to explain or anything. I know it isn't your fault that everything ended the way they did."

She sighed. "Dominic can you..."

"Can I see you tomorrow? At anytime you like?"


"Uhm, Dominic, I've started work already so..."

"Like after work?" He chimed in.

"After work..." She contemplated. "Alright I'll see you after work tomorrow."

"Will 7pm be okay for you?" He asked. "I... I want us to have dinner at my place."

Dinner at his place? Now this was something else. I wonder what David would say or think if he found out I went to your house for dinner.
Nah. He won't say nothing. He wouldn't even care. All I have to do is just make sure I get in and out of there unobtrusively in order not to get cut by the paps.

"Okay, no problem." She replied.

"Really? Alright 7 it is then." He said, a hint of excitement in his voice. "Can't wait to see you."

After she hung up, she went up to the bedroom to freshen up.
She entered the room and closed the door then turned before her eyes widened at the scene before her.

"Oh my god!"
She quickly turned away when she saw her naked husband putting on his boxer briefs.
"What in heaven's name are you doing here?"

"Last time I checked, this was my house and my bedroom."
She heard him answer.

"But you've not been sleeping here!"
She exclaimed.

"And no matter how much you want me to, I don't even intend to sleep here tonight."

"Ugh! I'd rather share a bed with a gorilla than with you."
She snapped.

"Whatever helps you sleep. I'm out of here."
He murmured and she turned to look at him.

He was dressed in sky blue shirt and dark jeans. His hair still a little bit wet from the shower.

"Where are you going?"
She asked.

He replied simply.

"But you just got back from work," she reasoned. "Where else are you going to?"

"I don't see how that's any business of yours."
He muttered drily.

"Right. It isn't."
Jeez! Why was she even acting like some caring wife?

He stood in front of her staring and she blinked.


"If you don't want me to leave, you only have to say it." He drawled.

Her eyes widened. "Why would I not want you to?"

"Then step aside." He said drily, gesturing to the door.


He said nothing as he passed by and slammed the door and she jumped.

"Jeez, what's got ants in his pants?"
She rolled her eyes. "Well, thank God it's not my door."

David didn't come back that night. She had waited in the living room till twelve am before she gave up and went to her room.

He must have gone to see his whore, Chanel. Where else could he be?
She lay down on the bed and played some games to keep her awake but didn't know when she drifted off.


"That bastard!"
Annabelle muttered not for the third time as she had lunch alone in a restaurant not far from the office building.

The driver had driven her to work that morning as David did not return home.

Later in the afternoon, before lunch, she had decided to check on him as well as give him some documents to review.

His secretary looked up as she came towards her and smiled rather nervously. She was a young fashionable lady who was obviously a few years older than her.

"Good morning Mrs Maxwell."

"Good morn Miss..." What was the name again? Yes!   "...Oswald. How are you this morning?"

"Fine, thank you madam. And you?"

"Great." Annabelle replied. "Is my husband in the office?"

"Uh y-yes madam." She answered nervously and Annabelle arched an eyebrow at her.

"I need to give him these documents."
She said slowly.

"Oh okay ma'am, just hand it over and let me give it to him."
Gloria said breathlessly.

"Don't worry," Annabelle replied with a too sweet smile. "I'll give him myself, there's something I need to see him about anyway."

"Okay uhm, I'll just tell him that you're here."

"That won't be necessary. I'm his wife."
Without another word, Annabelle walked to the door ignoring the secretary's call.

She pushed it open and went in then sucked in a harsh breath as she witnessed the scene in front of her.

Her husband was sitting behind his huge table and a woman she recognized as Chanel was sitting on his laps, her breasts almost on full display and puffed up in front of his face.
They were making out but turned to look at her when she came in. Though they weren't so fast because she caught them in the act before they could stop.

David looked somewhat shocked and a smile played on Chanel's lips. She didn't even bother to cover herself.

Annabelle cleared her throat and walked further into the room.

"I came to give you these."
She said as she slammed the files on the table, then turned to leave, not waiting for an answer.

She passed his secretary whose face was down and ignored her.
It wasn't really the lady's fault though.

Now she sat alone having her lunch before a voice sounded beside her.

"Hello madam, may I join you?"

She looked up and saw the smiling face of Katherine Barth, then smiled back.
"Of course you may."

"I was going to sit at that table beside this one before I saw you and decided to join you." She said. "I hope you don't mind madam?"

"Of course I don't." Annabelle smiled. "And please, call me Annabelle."

"Oh no, no I can't." Katherine replied with a small laugh. "You're my boss as well as my boss's wife so I can't."

"But I want you to." Annabelle replied.  "Besides we are not in the office at the moment."

"Well..." Katherine

"As your boss, I'm ordering you to call me Annabelle."
She said and they laughed.

"Yes boss."
Katherine replied and they laughed again.

"Do you also wear your spectacles at lunch?"
Annabelle teased with a smile.

"Oh," Katherine said, as if just remembering the glasses were still on her face and took them off. "Don't mind me, I'm used to having them on."

"Oh please, if you're having an eye issue, you can leave them on."
Annabelle said seriously.

Katherine giggled. "No I don't. Just love to wear them when I'm working."

"And it makes you look very serious."
Annabelle commented and she laughed.

"We employees would always want our employers and even our colleagues to know that we are serious in what we do and what other good way do we show that than wearing spectacles?"
They laugh again, enjoying each others company already.

Katherine was definitely not as serious as she looked.
She made her own orders and they discussed on their personal lives. Annabelle skipping the parts that included her marriage to David.
Even though she was already seeing Katherine as a friend, she didn't trust her enough yet, to share such things with her.

They went back together to the office after their lunch and she did well to stay out of David's way throughout the day.
He didn't even come to her office, especially after the incident and that pissed her off a lot.

When it was time to go back home in the evening she didn't check on him or call the driver but hailed a taxi to take her home.

She got home by six pm, then remembered the dinner with Dominic.
After today's incident with David and Chanel, there was no good spirit in her mind that told her not to honour Dominic's invitation.
Even if there was, she wouldn't even listen. David wouldn't be the only one to play in this game.

She got dressed in a blue body con dress with long sleeves and nude platform heels. She did some makeup, then picked up her nude clutch and she was ready.
Not caring what David would say, she picked one of the keys to his smaller cars and drove out of the house.

She came to Dominic's apartment, then took a deep breath and knocked on the door.
He opened it with a smile on his face and was looking very handsome in his burgundy T-shirt and jeans. 

She said.

He opened the door wider and she came in. His house was still as tush and luxurious as she remembered. Dominic was actually a rich guy but David was far richer though.

A soft Rnb song was playing from the sound system and she could perceive the sweet smell of food.

She felt his hands wrap around her waist from behind and she sighed.

"You look so beautiful, tonight."
He whispered in her ear.

"Thank you."
She muttered.

"I'm so glad you came. I almost thought you wouldn't."

"I told you, I would."

He smiled and kissed her neck.
"And I'm glad you did. I miss you."

"I miss you too."

They stayed like that for a moment before he finally let go of her.
"You must be hungry. Come on, let's eat."

He led her to the dining table which was romantically set, with the candles and flowers and of course, food.

He drew back the seat for her to sit, then dished out the food for them both and sat opposite her after pouring some wine in the glasses.

"Thank you."
She said and he smiled at her.

"Anything for you."

They began to eat, throwing glances at each other from time to time and making small talk about work and their families and friends.
She sighed as she looked at Dominic and wished everything hadn't turned out the way they did. She would have been happy with him by now. Possibly married even. But fate had a way of playing with one's life and one would never be able to escape it's claws.

"That was a wonderful meal."
She said brightly as they sat on the couch in the living room with a bottle of wine and All of me by John Legend played.

"I'm glad you liked it."
He smiled.

"I loved it. You've always been a good cook."
She smiled back.

"Can I have this dance?"
He suddenly asked and she blinked, then smiled.

"Of course." She accepted his out stretched hand and he brought her close to him as they moved to Legend's All of me.

🎵 My head's under water but I'm 
      breathing fine.
     You're crazy and I'm out of mind.

     Coz all of  me loves all of  you.. 🎵

It was their favourite song and after a few moments, they both joined in and shared in John Legend's passion.

And as the song ended, Dominic's lips were already on hers.

Ok my lovelies, that was chapter 4. Hope you liked it? The chapter was unusually long and yeah, I decided to write this chapter that way.
Please don't forget to vote, comment and follow.
... And check out my other story - His Angel.

Bye for now. ❤❤❤

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