How the blue paladin And red...

By MariahHoltzberger

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So the paladins of voltron have been fight the glara and things are still hard even after the finally battle... More

Chapter One The last words that Were said to the red paladin
Chapter Two The paladins finally battel comes ever closer
Chapter Three The fight to Save a planet Begins
Chapter Four The fight conuites Zarkon send a new monster to end voltron
Chapter Five The battle On a water planet
Chapter Six The finally Battle will begin
Chapter Seven The war may have Been won but the fight is Far from over
Chapter Eight A new evil will make it's move
Chapter Nine Memories are losted The fight with glara Is far from over
Chapter Ten It hard to get Passed what hurts you In the pasted
Chapter Eleven Trying win ones love All over again
Chapter Twelve Will the plan work to win love Or has it gone up in flames
Chapter Thirdteen A fight to end all But will it end in death?
Chapter Fifteen A fight with the passed Become a kidnapping
Chapter Sixteen The hurt passed Comes to an end
Chapter Seventeen Nightmare is gone the Memories are back
Chapter Eighteen Time heals all wounds Feeling of love return
Chapter Nineteen love heat's up And family is found
Chapter Twenty A proposal is made Kind of
Chapter TwentyOne A family Is reunited
Chapter TwentyTwo The finally meeting a new enemy
Chapter TwentyThree The search begins
Chapter TwentyFour The fight begins Also the escape is made
Chapter TwentyFive The night before The wedding
Chapter TwentySix The return to earth passed mistake appears
Chapter TwentySeven A wedding will happen but can one be forgiven
Chapter TwentyEight The wedding will go on an evil plan is being made
Chapter TwentyNineThe day/night before the wedding
Chapter Thirty The wedding day an evil is successful/another proposal
Chapter ThirtyOne The rescue/crash royal wedding Break the spell
Chapter ThirtyTwo Broken spell now the wedding can happen/surprise
Chapter ThirtyThree The war goes on but comes to a bloody end
Chapter ThirtyFour A homecoming/become family
Chapter ThirtyFive End the /Is just a new beginning/

Chapter Fourteen Prince lotor makes his move/ broken bound of love mended

42 1 0
By MariahHoltzberger

Prince lotor pov:

I had just left the mainship and was on my way to find the princess that my father had been searching for along with voltron but my father as unable to get his hand on either.Of course I was able to find books about princess shannon kingdom that were found in well hind libaray well until I found and kept it to myself.As my ship is going to the last place the princess might have been with the help of a crystal which had a tracking spell I was able to cast on it by using magic that I had learned how to use.And the crystal was glowing so this must mean she is nearby or she was here in the this area at some pointed in time.Once I find princess shannon I still insted on making her my empress and if anyone get in my way I will end them.In order to get what I wanted of course I be able to win her heart willing or by forces she will be mine and mine alone.

Meanwhile the paladins counited freeing planets with the help of the blades of marmora it was easy but this would soon change because prince lotor was made a where of what was going in the emiper and he had plan on setting a trap from the paladins.of course the paladins had free the planet the blades of marmora had left the planet so it was just the paladins shannon had wanted to leave but deciced not to insted she stayed because something in her heart told her,she should stay with the paladins it was this pull that she couldn't shack away.

Shannon pov:

After we had free another planet from glara rule it was then that the blades of marora decided to leave they had a feeling that zarkon son may try to take the thoren as well as comtrol of the empier so they went out to try and find out if he had been called back now that his father is gone.But as for my feeling they have been uncertain for shiro,he is sweet careing it has my heart in knot's even when I see him my face becomes a littel red.That it some hard to hided from him so I've gone to the training deck to try and hid from shiro which has worked but I could say that apart of me wished that he would just show up on the training deck.Also keith has knowested the way I've been actioing lately and I have this feeling he going to ask me why I've been avoiding shiro.Well to say I'm still kind of shocked about finding that ring of course I still don't who the ring was for but my heart is wishing it was for me.

Meanwhile in the castel of loins shiro was on the main deck thinking about what happened he knew that his feeling had not changed for shannon but he wished he could help her remember the loved between the two of them.As he was think this shannon just had to be coming in to the main deck of course shori was blushing alittle becuase his heart still belong to her also he tried to hind that fact he was blushing somehow shannon could tell that shiro face was alittle pink but she didn't know why it was.Unitl after shiro had left did somehting come back to her that made her go after him to tell him that she was feeling the same way of course she didn't get the changes because enemy alarm went off so she would have wanted until the enemy was defented.

Shiro pov:

I was on the main deck think about what I could to get shannon to remember the love between the two of us but I'm not giving up,my heart still belong to her.As I was going back our bedroom shannon just happened to be coming up to the main deck.Once I saw her my face was alittle red I tried to hind it but I think that she could tell that my face was alittle red.Of course I left I could tell that she was hot on my heels until the alarm stytem went off this only mean that a glara ship was near by in the area.So we went to our loins and fought the glara battleship which end being destoryed but this didn't seem right it was just one glara battleship.Why was there just one and not a hole fleted of battleships this bug me but for now it going have to wanted until we can have the answers.

Meanwhile lotor had made his way to a planet that had been freed by voltron of course the leared of the planets people was able to send a call for help before glara made it to the main city.As the call went out he made sure to destory the communicator so that this new enemy would not be able to find out who he was ask for help in the end he was successful in getting the message for help out to voltron.Of course the new enemy was prince lotor and his commaders who made it to the main city or the capitle when he made to the cities leared who had been already apprehended by lorot's commaders.It was then that lotor knowested a broken communicator on the floor of the offices he ask why is there a broken communicator on the floor of course all he said was we will never be under control the glara again.

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