His Son (BTS x male child OC)

By xxMonster_Stars3xx

69.3K 1.2K 344

When Yoongi had a one night stand he got a woman pregnant and know she is giving Yoongi his son. How will BTS... More

I have a son?!?!
Telling the others
A little trip to the doctors
Just a relaxing morning
A park celebration
Self Promo

Baby cloth shoping

6.8K 145 13
By xxMonster_Stars3xx

OH MY GOD!!! Guys thank you so much for over 1K reads it means a lot to me that people actually like to read my stories. So here is another chapter!

No one's POV

After the trip to the hospital, BTS and Yoongi's new found son went to the mall to try and find some clothes for little baby Matsu. Once they got to the mall they immediately went to the baby store.

They saw so many cute stuff. Like baby clothes, little shoes, dummies, hats, stuffed animals, baby blanket and etc. Everyone was in shock that there was so much stuff for babies, but they were immediately ripped out of their thoughts when they heard a squeal coming from Yoongi's arms. They looked to see Matsu had found a light grey bunny, and the stomach, ears, and feet, with white and blue strips.

Yoongi gave him a small smile and put the bunny in the cart, showing the others that they were buying it. They kept on walking around the store getting stuff they would need, and some other stuff that Matsu likes like dummies, blankets, onesies, and some other stuff animals. Once they were done with the shopping they were getting out of the mall when they were suddenly swarmed by the fans. They were screaming, shoving their phones into the idol's faces, and pushing everything in their paths.  

Then they heard a very loud scream. It wasn't any of the fans scream's but once they heard it they all froze in their spots. They turned to see where the screams and cries where coming from and it was coming from baby Matsu. He was crying and shaking in the crook Yoongi's neck, it had appeared that a fan was trying to get a photo with Matsu in her arms and he didn't like it one bit

Before anyone could register what was going on, the security were coming to BTS to try and get the fans away from them. They were able to clear a path and everyone got in the van. Once they were all buckled in they all turned their attention to the still crying baby in the car. Yoongi went to try and calmed him and once he did, Matsu fell asleep from all the energy put into crying getting to him. 

Once it was quite no body dared to make a sound, in fear of the results of  crying child. Maybe he got that side from Yoongi. Once they got to the dorm they wen't to put all of the baby items away, and Yoongi put Matsu in his bed as he slept. He quietly left the room and closed the door after turning on the newly bought baby monitor just incase anything happens.

Once he was out of the room, he went to the living room to see the rest of the group sitting down. Then he felt a buzz in the back pocket of his pants. He pulled out his phone and saw that there were a bunch of notification's on the just recent topic at the mall.

"Let's turn on the TV." Taehyung said and he did, once the TV was on Yoongi immediately turned down the volume so it wouldn't wake up his baby boy. And they were already on the news channel.

Female Reporter: Yes and in other news, K-pop band BTS, member Min Yoongi, who also goes by Suga and August D, posted a few hours ago, the band has adopted a baby boy, his surname is 'Min' which leads us to suspect that he, is the adopted father of the boy, who is said to be named 'Matsu'

Male Reporter: Yes and not long ago, they were spotted by fans at the mall, buying baby clothes and other item, they were swarmed by fans and were getting shoved around, from what witnesses had said, they wanted to meet the idols, and the new addition to the 'Bangtan Family', the baby however did't expect this and became a hero, saving his uncles and adopted father from the mob of fans, by screaming and crying.

Female Reporter: Well that child must not be used to the idol life yet, stay tune because next we will bring you the report on the-

The TV reporter was cut off by Jin turning off the TV. "Well we had a long day, let's rest up and i'll call one of the staff to bring us some take out knowing that we shouldn't be going out right know. Yoongi please go rest with your child to get your mind off of things."

Everyone nodded in agreement and Yoongi just sighed and went to his room only to see, his baby boy sitting up rubbing the sleep away from his eyes.

"Hey buddy why are you awake, you should be sleeping right know." Yoongi said in a soft voice as he went to pick up Matsu and placed him on his lap. Which Matsu put his face to Yoongi's chest, tried to hug his but due to his small arms, he decided on gripping his appa's shirt.

"Mmipshed apha." Was all Yoongi got in a reply, then he felt his son go limp in his arms, his breathing steady signalling he was asleep again. Yoongi layed down with his son in his arms and though about what he said.

'Mmipshed apha'

'Missed appa'

Yoongi smiled, a small smile, and looked down at his son. He kissed his son's crown and whispered, "Good night my baby boy."

1019 words typed

AAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Im so soft at the end uwu!!!!!!! Anyways, thank you guys so much for reading, and a very very big THANK YOU!! For getting this story more than 1.2K views. Also I have the week off from school because of Thanksgiving so hopefully I will be able to upload a bit more this week, but I don't know. Hope you guys have a wonderful Thanksgiving, eat a lot of food, and read a lot of Wattpad. But if you don't celebrate Thanksgiving, then take out the Thanksgiving part.

Bye my lovelies,


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