Wowderful world ☆ [Wow (A.C.E...

By Nanami_yuchan

2.3K 115 40

"In a world where nothing looks normal, yet everything seems familiar. Sehyoon finds a magical box that bring... More

[Chapter 1]
[Chapter 2]
[Chapter 3]
[Chapter 4]
[Chapter 5]
[Chapter 6]
[Chapter 8]
[Chapter 9]
[Chapter 10]
[Chapter 11]
[Chapter 12]
[Chapter 13]
[Chapter 14]

[Chapter 7]

110 7 2
By Nanami_yuchan

It is getting dark, the sun disappears from in between the trees and Donghun wants to take out his puff.
"Wait! Wait just a little." He wants to ask why but just goes with it. After a minute you see a whole swarn of fireflies.
"Whaa," they all say in unison. They freeze for a while, infatuated with the sight.
BK: "Are those your cousins," Byeongkwan jokes.
J: "That's not funny, Byeongkwan."
"No, they're not." You giggle. "But they're very good friends. You suddenly turn into your butterfly form and go into the swarm. The guys can still easily spot you, since you're the only blue one in a whole yellow-orange lampyridae of fireflies. Sehyoon watches you, his eyes glowing, a big smile on his face. He doesn't let you go out of his sight for one second. Donghun pokes Jun with his elbow, pointing to Sehyoon with his head. Jun sees Sehyoon's expression and shrugs.
J: "Just let him be." After a while the boys go a little further and settle there.
SY: "I'm going back to the fireflies."
J: "Sure, diner will be ready in ten." Sehyoon sits on a small uplifted piece of grass, like a mini hill. He watches the fireflies dance in the night breeze. You come fluttering back and transforming back to your human-like form.
"Okay," you sigh in satisfaction, "I've said hi to most of who I wanted to."
"That's good," he smiles slightly. You're a little out of breath and go rest next to him. Sehyoon is in deep thoughts while you catch your breath.
"I'm sorry for earlier. I didn't mean to upset you."
"I know."
"You really matter to me you know. To think that I have to leave you here in this dying world where a whole army is waiting to attack you. I just... don't want you to get hurt." Flustered, you don't know what to say. You can't help but feel touched. I matter to him...he cares about me? A firefly comes towards the two of you, you both focus on it. As it comes closer it goes right in between your two heads.
You giggle: "That's my best...," you freeze. Because both of you were focused on the firefly, you turned your heads towards each other. You didn't notice how close you are sitting. Both of you are looking in each other's eyes, your faces very close. So close your noses are touching. "...friend." His eyes are just as wide as yours. Neither of you can hide away your blush.
CH: "Diner's ready!!" Sehyoon and you quickly turn away.
SY: "Let's go," he can't help but sound awkward.
"Eung." You eat and then go to sleep.


Y/n. Y/n, wake up. Y/n, watch out! You jump up and see a creature coming your way.
"Guys, wake up!" The five of them wake up instantly, as if they recognize the fear in your voice. Out of reflex Sehyoon splashes the creature with water. It comes to a stop and everyone spreads out to hide behind a tree. Chan tries to point a ray on the monster and is able to blind it a little.
"We will try to distract it while you run away. They're almost here, so be prepared!"
"Eung. Thanks, Lizzy."
"Be careful."
"Guys, the fireflies will distract him so we can escape. I'll transform, so follow me!" Since your human form isn't your normal form, you can't run very fast. But as a butterfly you're still quite quick. The two with powers try to keep him busy until the fireflies come. Once the fireflies have surrounded the creature, you transform. As you flutter, the guys follow. But as Byeongkwan comes from behind the tree and runs past the monster, it is able to grab him by his lower leg.
BK: "Ah!" He falls on the ground. Chan and Sehyoon quickly help him up and run away together. They follow you to a valley with yellow dried out grass. You transform back and come to a stop.
"We should be safe here," you say in between breaths. They all have to catch their breath.
DH: "What was that?!"
"Like I said, there are also bad creatures living in the forest. The closer we get to Kul Tamar the more we'll encounter."
DH: "That looked horrifying."
J: "Are you sure it won't come here?"
"I'm sure, they can't stand the sun. That's why they live in dark corners of the woods." The other three come from out of the forest.
SY: "Guys, Byeongkwan is hurt!"
DH&J: "What?!" Chan let's go of Byeongkwan and he goes sit on the ground.
BK: "Ah." The guys gather around him, looking at the bleeding cut on his lower leg. "Agh, it really hurts." Jun quickly rips off a piece of clothing and winds it around his wound.
DH: "Should we go back to the village?"
"That's probably best, but that monster is still there, we can't go right away. We'll have to wait until he leaves." A sudden idea pops up in your head and you start searching for something. Byeongkwan holds his leg where the wound is. You come back with some herbs and pluck it's flowers. Then you place it on the wound.
"This should help a little."
BK: "Th-thanks." He holds his leg, now with the herbs on the wound. His expression slowly eases a little.
BK: "Hey, it's actually starting to feel better. The herbs are working really well."
"Let me have a look." You remove the cloth to see that the wound is already healed half way.
"The herb can't be that strong! It must be you Byeongkwan!"
BK: "What do you mean?"
"You're healing yourself!"
DH: "Wha. Maybe we won't have to go back to the village after all."
"Just keep holding it. Maybe you'll be able to heal the rest."
BK: "I'll try." After a few minute you check again and only a slight scar remains. Sehyoon washes it of with some water and puts the cloth back on.
CH: "Will you able to walk?"
BK: "I think so." Chan takes Byeongkwan's arm around his shoulders and helps him up.
BK: "Thanks, bro." He let's go of Chan and tries to walk. He limps a little at first, but quickly gets used to it and can walk normally again. "This is weird. I can still feel the pain, but I can walk perfectly."
"It's seems that you're doing fine, is it okay if we start walking again? Or do you want to rest first?"
BK: "No, I think I can walk."
J: "Okay, let's go then."
DH: "You scared the crap out of me, Byeongkwan."
BK: "I'm sorry," he chuckles as all of you start walking again. You stop more often during the day, to give Byeongkwan some rest. More and more trees start to appear again, until you decide to cut it for the day. The scar completely disappeared by the evening. Throughout the whole day, everyone was a little tense after what happened. But in the evening Chan knows how to loosen up the group again, with one of his funny stories. The little puff in the air watching you sleep, until the next sunrise.

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