Why Is Loving You So Hard?(on...

By Acacius

742 13 2


Why is loving you so hard?(one direction fanfic BoyxBoy)
What have i done?
Bye Boo Bear
I dont care
And so i did
I Understand

There is still hope

63 1 0
By Acacius


Umm well I don’t really have much to say except I hope I entertain you and hopefully this chapter wont bore you J also please now that I sort of make the story up as I go, I don’t really “brainstorm” another thing I’m going to start a new story but not exactly a One Direction fanfic, just a normal boyxboy fanfic and it will be very different from this story (hopefully)

Chapter 5

Harry’s POV

            You know that feeling that you get when something terrible just happened? I don’t really know how to explain it and what to compare it I can only tell you what im going through. I feel very dizzy like my body is trying to stop me from uncovering something, sort of working like a defense mechanism, my hands are shaking and my palms are sweaty that when I was coming here it was hard in itself. I made Zayn drive me because I didn’t trust my hands to drive a car. Then there were my legs, they were absolutely numb and I felt like if I didn’t have the wall next to me I would have fallen any second. But then there was the feeling inside of my stomach, it was like it hurt but it was a weird kind of pain almost numbing in a way.

            That was what I went through while going to the flat where Louis should be. I had finally made it to the door that would lead me to the room that I had left. I still had the key and pulled it out of my pocket and inserted it into the key hole and twisted it feeling the weird sensation again. I took a step inside not knowing what to expect and I was thoroughly shocked. The place was very clean to say the least. I was expecting a mess from Louis throwing temper tantrums but everything was spotless. It scared me. It made it seem like absolutely no one lived inside this flat.

            “Louis” I said evenly expecting him to run from the hallway and give me a hug, but he didn’t.   

            “Lou it’s me, Harry where are you?” I said a little bit louder this time hoping that maybe the first time he did not hear me but I still received no response.

Maybe he was sleeping, he had always been a heavy sleeper, I chuckled at some memories that I had at sleeping with him and having to literally drag him out of the bed, I missed him. I was hoping that when I opened the door he would be there, Blue eyes, feathery fringe, slim body and all but the room was empty but the room was terrifying. Blankets had been put up on the windows to black any possible sunlight making it extremely dark inside of the room on the floor were Louis belonging, shirts shoes but there were also things that weren’t supposed to be there, broken bottles, books, cds, the television had been broken and thrown into the closet which was a mirror door leaving broken glass allover the floor. Then Harry found some papers that were made into crunched up into balls. He couldn’t help himself so he opened one of them up to see what it said.

            Dear Harry, ummm well I don’t really know what to say. To be honest I cant tell you how sorry I am but hopefully you know that by now. Uhh its just well, hazza I never really told you this but I really care about you, well you know that, but its just I don’t know. I cant handle you being mad at me. I know I made a very big mistake can you ever forgive me?

                                           With love Louis Tomlinson

            There were about 20 other letters that gave the same message but were all different in a way. It hurt me in a very big way because I never knew that me leaving him would cause such a big change in him. I was getting worried with every letter and I was even more scared because I was not able to find him yet. There was only one place that I hadn’t checked, the bathroom. I made my way and opened the door but I wasn’t ready for what I found.

            “Oh Oh my god. L-Louis? LOUIS!!! Wake up Louis? wake up boo. Please, I’m back, Louis I came back for you, Please don’t leave me, not like this. Oh my god, oh my god LOUIS!!!!!”

            When I opened the door I saw the water overflowing from the bathtub which could not be good but what scared me was the fact that the water was a shade of red, when I moved the curtain I found my BooBear unconscious, wet, cold, skinny, pale. I grabbed his bony shoulders shaking him spilling more scarlet water to the floor in an effort to wake him up. But, he wasn’t responding.

            I started to cry and mumble incoherent words but that was short lived because I was then overtaken by a strong sense of anger. I was angry at myself for leaving him, I was angry at Zayn for not telling me to come earlier, I was angry at Louis for doing this to himself.

            “FUCK!!! LOUIS WHY DID YOU DO THIS?! WHY Boobear? I started hitting the water splashing it everywhere until I got a hold of myself and let my more intelligent side take over.

            I started to pull him out of the dirty water and placed him on the floor. He was skinny and I could easily see his ribcage as my eyes traveled down to other regions, this wasn’t the first time that I had seen Louis naked but it was different I had this need to be there for him, to protect him in his weak state and to hold him close and never let him go and that terrified me, I should not feel like that, not toward Louis.

            I quickly ran into the room where I found one of Louis towels seeing as he didn’t bother to bring one in and I wrapped him n the towel where he would be protected and hopefully warm. That was when I called the police. The operator picked up on the second ring.

            “H-hello-o I-I need, my friend, he isn’t, an ambulance, I-I need an ambulance”

            “They are on their way”

I was thankful that they didn’t ask for more seeing as my mouth was starting to betray me at this point. ZAYN!!! He is still downstairs in his car waiting for me. I need to text him.

Zayn umm there was an accident Louis he………. He cut himself.

He isn’t conscious either. I already called the ambulance


            I finished texting him with my shaking hands, thank god for auto correct, as I laid next to Louis sobbing uncontrollably and holding him close to my chest, I could see that he still had a pulse which was more than I could hope for, there was a chance, there was still hope that he could come back I thought to myself as I smiled, cried, and dug my face into the crook of Louis neck waiting for the ambulance.

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