The Anything black hero: Izum...

By Galactica-Sama

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What if Izuku Midoriya was a girl? And instead of being quirkless/powerless she had a quirk/power? What if Iz... More

character info
Chapter 1: How it all began
Chapter 2: Training with all might
Chapter 3 - First day at UA part 1
Chapter 4 - First day at UA part 2
Chapter 5 - First day at UA part 3
Chapter 7 - Sports Festival Part 1
New Book And Other Informations

Chapter 6 - Attack on USJ

7.1K 137 110
By Galactica-Sama

TIMESKIP ( If there is anything important that happens between the last part and this one)

Izuma's POV

I was preparing to leave my house, and head to UA, but when I got there I was met with a horde of news reporters outside the gates, questioning students about all might, and trying to get information from them. Then a couple of reporters recognized me and said, "It's Black Star!" The moment they said that the reporters swarmed me and started asking me questions like, "Black Star, not only are you All might adopt daughter but also his student. Can you tell us what you think about him teaching at UA?" "Umm, well, All might used to train me as well as teach me to use my quirk when I was little, I think he is a wonderful teacher, and if it weren't for him, I wouldn't be here today." After I finished saying that, Uncle Shota appeared out of nowhere and told the news reporters to leave the students alone as they need to go to class. Afterwards, they calmed down and me and Uncle Shota left. But just as we were leaving, I sensed a powerful presence which sent chills down my spine, I ignored it, not thinking too much about it. But, oh, how wrong I was to do that.

Someone's POV

"Heh, so that is all might's daughter, huh? She looks like no one special, but I shouldn't underestimate her powers, after all, she is able to beat both Villains and heroes." I was looking at the young girl as she was leaving, observing her every move until I notice she shivered but shook it off. "Heh, wrong move." She had noticed my presence but shook it off, that was a bad mistake.

Izuma's POV

It was another normal school day, except for the incident at the front gate. Then, Uncle Shota, Aizawa told the class to pick a student president and Vice President for the class before starting class.

We decided on a voting system which the students had to vote for someone and not themselves. In the end, I got the most and momo got second place. So I became student president of class 1-A as well as the schools representative, and momo was Vice President. I also chose Tenya to be the class representative as he got third in the voting election.

At lunchtime, the students were having lunch and communication like normal, when all of a sudden a breach alarm sounded in the hall and made everyone run out screaming. As everyone was panicking I sensed the same presence as before, stronger this time, and when I looked at the direction it came from, I saw the source of the alarm, the news reporters somehow got in through the gate.

I signal Tenya and point towards the news reporters and when he understood, he used his Recipro Burst and landed on top of the lunchroom door and said, "Calm down, everyone, the breach was caused by the news reporters getting in. If you look carefully, you can see the teachers already dealing with it." the students looked the direction I was pointing to and saw the teachers leading the reporters out.

With the panic gone, everyone went to class in an orderly fashion. Leaving me and class 1-A the only ones left. I congratulated Tenya for his smart thinking and told him I wanted him to be the class president, he refused and said he was more than happy to be the representative.

And so with that done, we went back to class, and Aizawa told us we will be going somewhere for training today and to get our PE uniforms on and meet him in front of the school.

We did as told and we found ourselves in front of a yellow school bus, going to who knows where, but I knew where we were going and I couldn't wait, as I've been there before with all might and some other heroes before the school year.

The bus ride was long and boring, uneventful, I, however, was thinking about that presence I felt earlier and if I should tell Uncle Shota. I could feel that it was powerful, and even both the angelic and demonic voices told me I should, so I went to Uncle Shota and told him everything. He had a neutral face on but I could tell he was just as worried as I was, I mean, not a lot of people's presence effect me, but this one was different.

He told me he will keep his eyes and ears open, just in case, and he also thanked me for telling him. I also told him I sensed the presence within the horde of reporters who broke in, and told Uncle Shota that it might have been the presence who broke the gate.

After that, the conversations on the bus were normal, gossips, girls talking about girl stuff and occasionally questions were asked, mostly involving me. One of the girls, Mina, asked me if I liked someone, or was going out with someone, this surprised me and I blushed, and out of know where Kacchan says, "She's mine, and no one's getting her." which made me blush even more, after becoming friends again and All Might's first class, he confessed to me, saying he wanted me to be his girlfriend, which really surprised me as it was so out of character for him, he mostly shouted, screamed and swore at people, so I was taken aback and asked him to give me some time to think about it and process it.

But out of nowhere, Todoroki intervened and said, "You can't do it like that, what right do you have over who she dates and is with?" This surprised the class as the boy was known to be ice cold, but I knew a more carrying and gentle side of him, we have been friends for a while. Also, he kind of confessed to me a week after school began, also wanting me to be his girlfriend, I was torn between the two boys, and recently I noticed a sort of rivalry between the two.

After that conversation, everyone went back to doing whatever they were doing. And soon after that, we had arrived. I was the first to get out then momo and then tenya. As we were class 1-A's presidents and representatives. Tenya ordered everyone out and told them to stand in two rows like the ones they sat on the bus.

After that, the students saw the big sign saying, 'USJ' and as we enter we saw Thirteen, the rescue hero who deals with natural disasters. Since I haven't seen them for a while, I run and hug them, saying: "Thirteen! I haven't seen you for so long, did you miss me?" They laughed and said, "I did, It's been a while, hasn't it? How are you getting on, Izuma?" "I'm very well, I can't wait to start and show you how much I improved." They replied.  "That's the spirit, Izuma. I can't wait to see it then." after they said that, they explained that they knew me and that we will be training to rescue people from natural disasters, and that instead of actual people, It will be dolls programmed to act as much like a human as possible.

But the teachers were cut off from assigning us to our groups and respective area, because a portal appeared in the centre of the USJ and out came villains, "Whoa look, they actually got villains to make it more real!" Hiroshima said, "Those villains are not part of the exercise, their real villains." I and Aizawa said, shocking the students. The fact I knew it wasn't part of the exercise surprised them even more. "Leave the villains to me, Izuma. You and Thirteen should get the students out." He said in his normal tone, it becomes more serious and deadly with every word. "I don't think so, Thirteen can handle this on their own, you, however, won't stand a chance." After I finished saying that, I whispered "Time stop" and as if on command, everything froze. I went to the school, got my hero costume on, and left a voice message to play the moment I continue time, one that sounds across the school, it says "Trouble at the USJ, need assistance immediately, bring as many pro heroes as possible." afterwards I flew back to the USJ, and positioned Thirteen and the students close to the door so they can escape the moment I continue time. And rounded all the villains together, so it's easier for me and Aizawa to take them down.

After I was done I said, "Time continue" and everyone and everything started to move again, I could tell my message was being heard right now, and the surprised looks on the students faces when they found themselves close to the door, I then told them all, "Go, get out of here, I alerted the school of the villains, me and Aizawa will fight them off." I said. "okay, just be careful!" Thirteen said. And just when the students were getting out, the most villain, who created the portal in the centre of USJ said, "Not so fast, heroes, you will remain here." Before he engulfed the students and send them who knows where, I intervened, blasting fire then ice at him. He backed away, getting injured in the process.

He looked at me and all of a sudden a smile crossed his face, he then said, "It's an honour to finally meet you, Black Star, we have heard so much about you from your father, and we're here to take you back to him." I looked at him, my eyes widening in shock and realization. My real father was still alive and he was working with the villains!?

But before I could ask him about it, there he was, my father, my real father emerging from a portal in front of me. The students and Thirteen were so surprised to see him, Aizawa was fighting off villains down below.

"Hello, Izuma. It's been so long since I've seen you after I found out about your achievements and the fact you weren't quirkless, I wanted to get you back, but All Might didn't allow me to see you." He said. "Good thing he didn't, I don't know what I would have done to you, especially for abusing me and mom. And now I'm guessing that it was your fault she is dead." I said. "Wow, you really are smarter than you look my dear, Izuma. You will come really useful to me and the villains." He said. "Why would I ever help you?! You're a monster! You are the reason my mom is dead!! You should be giving me a reason as to why I shouldn't kill you RIGHT HERE!!!" I screamed the last part out. Both the young heroes and the villains were sweating uncontrollably, at the death and murderous aura I'm giving off. My eyes started going between a deep ruby red and my emerald green ones. Showing that you don't want to get on my bad side right now.

"Now, now, Izuma. I know you're mad at me for all those things I did to you and Inko but I did it for our own good." He said. "Mad at you!?!! That's not even covering half of what I feel towards YOU!! YOU MONSTER!!! And what do you mean by 'our good'?!! You hurt and abused US!! EVEN KILLED MOM!!!"

I had completely snapped at this point, letting my demonic side take over, and instead of me going into my angelic armours, I went into my demonic armour, Demon form out of anger. Which I barely use as I can't control it very well.

With black wings, sword in one hand and shield in another.

When I did, everyone looked at me, the fact my outfit, wings and how I look all together, completely match my quirk. I could sense both the young heroes and villains were terrified. My father however laughing and applauding me.

"Well done, now, show me the full extent of your power, Izuma. That is, I you don't want them to die." after he said that, A huge human-like creature appeared in front of me with its brain exposed. "This is a noumu, It's a human body who is mindless and can only follow orders, It's I and All for one's creation, be warned, Izuma, it has multiple quirks and can easily defeat all might." He said. "But of course, and I accept the challenge, lets test how strong it is. Then when I'm done with it, I'll come for you, mist guy and hand guy."

After I said that I charged at it, punching it over and over with One for all, at 100%, not a single scratch on me, while it was already taking serious injuries. When I found its weak spot I summon my sword and stab him in his gut. As soon as I take it out, everyone was wide-eyed at the fact I just disabled the gigantic creature, making it fall to the ground unconscious. The only reason I took it down so easily is that I'm in demon form as its more powerful than my Godly Angelic armour.

"Now. It's your turn, father!" I shouted at him, making him laugh as I walked to him, ready to get my revenge, "Yes, come here, my dear Izuma. When you do we will be reunited and I'll take you with me, to the place where you truly belong, with me and the villains!" Before he could finish everything he said, I swung my sword at his head, he dodged, barely, getting a deep cut on his cheek. "Why you, how dare you injure your father, you ungrateful creation!!" He said. "I'm no one's creation or tool, and definitely NOT YOURS!!"

I swung my sword at him again, he dodged and breathed out fire, aiming it at me, I shielded myself from him and sent punch after punch towards him, knocking him down.

While I and he were fighting the other students were split up and teleported to different places where they fought against villains, and just when Tsuyu and Mineta observed Aizawa fighting from the water, hand guy was about to decapitate Tsuyu but Aizawa used his power to stop him before fainting. And just as all hope seemed lost for the students who were also losing, All might burst through the door. But instead of a smile, he had a serious face on. "Don't worry everyone, why? Because I am here!" "All Might!!" some students said.

The villains began to cower before All might, including Hand guy, Tomura and mist guy, Kurogiri. Who was contemplating if they should leave or not, and just as all might was getting ready to attack. A huge gust of wind followed by a Hurricane knocked everyone down. And when they looked at the source, they all had wide eyes.

There I was, my hair flowing up and completely taken over by my demonic side. If you looked carefully you could see my father was covered in scratches and cuts while I wasn't even fazed. "I would kill you where you are, right now, there are just too many people around to watch. If I see you again, I will not hesitate TO KILL YOU." My voice turned demonic as I said the last part, sending shivers up and down the spines of those who saw me.

"Heh, I probably might have won if I did me agitate you so much, right?" He said, "Who knows, but now you don't stand a chance, neither do your other villains.." I say that turning to give a death glare at the villains, who shivered at the colour of my eyes. "Also, the heroes will be here at any moment now," I said that and on cue the heroes burst through the door, to go wide-eyed at my apearance.

"I suggest you leave while you still can, father!" I said it with disgust clear in my voice as well as my face. "Heh, so it is. It's been fun to see you after all this time and how much you've grown, Izuma. I can't wait for the day we take you back to your true home, your abilities and powers are caged as a hero, but as a villain, you would be unstoppable!" He said. "I'll never be a villain, NEVER! So remember this..." I say and change from demon form. To angel and fallen angel form (I duplicated myself)

"You will never win with us around to fight and defeat, every villain you throw at US!!" me and my duplicate self-said, surprising everyone, including father.

"Very well. I know when I have lost..." He turned to Kurogiri and Tomura, and they both knew what this meant, Tomura was really disappointed however that he couldn't get All might or me. Kurogiri opened portals and the villains all got in and left.

As my father walked through the portal he communicated to me inside his head and said, "Izuma, there wasn't a day I didn't regret the decision to kill your mom, I might have abused you and her, but I truly cared about both of you. And the reason I left is to not cause you any more harm. I ordered the villains to kill your mom out of my own anger that neither her or I could make a child that was powerful and was quirkless, but when you got your quirk and defeated your first villain and appeared on tv, I couldn't have been prouder. I know you won't ever forgive me but I hope you can forget about it and move on."

I was in shock and fell to the ground the moment he was gone, tears in my eyes and rolling down my cheek, I didn't know if I should believe him or hate him more, but somewhere inside I wanted to believe what he said was true. As I heard footsteps approaching me, I returned to my normal form and collapsed. As I was collapsing I saw All might, Kacchan and Todoroki coming towards me, they began to run when they saw me and then I blacked out.

All might's POV

Izuma started crying the moment her real father left, falling to the floor. I walked to her to make sure she was okay and Todoroki and Bakugou behind me. I then notice her changing back to normal and I could see she was fainting, I picked up speed and started to run to catch her, The two boy noticing the same thing a few seconds later and running as well.

I got there in time to catch her, but when I did it was too late, she had blacked out. The boys reached us a couple of seconds later and I said to the unconscious Izuma, picking her up bridal style. "Rest now, Izuma, you did well and saved everyone here. I'm so proud of you for controlling yourself and facing your past." The boys then looked at the unconscious Izuma in concern, even when they saw the real her, they still cared about her deeply.

After a while, the rest of class 1-A got there and everyone left the USJ, however, Aizawa and Thirteen were injured and had been taken to the hospital, some student had some cuts and bruises that recovery girl healed. I had fought down the noumu that Izuma took down as it woke up, I got injured a bit but not much, the worse injuries were Aizawa's, Thirteen's and Izuma's, she had used so much energy she was practically drained, It might take a couple of days for her to recover completely.

It had been 2 Days since the incident and Izuma is still to wake up, she had stayed at recovery girl's office until school finished. Then I had to take her home as she was still unconscious.

During the two days, class 1-A's students came to visit her, though they were disappointed that she was still unconscious, I had Katsuki Bakugou and Todoroki Shoto be her most frequent visitors, it made me happy to see they cared about her, but I also knew they like her, I mean, They literally are stopping by every few hours, just to see if she was awake.

On the morning of the Third day, she started waking up and by breakfast time she was wide awake, I made Izuma her favourite food, pancakes and waffles so she could get energy and told her everything that happened, both after the USJ incident and how everyone came at least once during the couple days off to visit her, including the two boys, she was blushing after I told her about them coming over more frequently than the others. It was obvious she liked the both of them which made happy and angry that she was starting to like boys, I'm her dad after all.

Izuma's POV

After I finished eating I told all might about what happened between me and my dad, and why I started to cry after he left. He seemed to understand immediately, asking me if I believed what he said was true, I told him I wanted to believe him, but I can't forget what he did to me and mom so easily.

He told me not to worry about it and to get some rest for the next two days off. I thanked him for the food and went to rest.

The next two days I spent training and going shopping with the girls from class 1-A, they actually dragged me out and dad said it was a good idea to leave the house and have some fun.

However, I was not having fun at all. The girls dragged me around different shops, telling me to try out different outfits that looked cute on me, I truly hated that, and what's worse, I think I dislike this more than I did with Midnight and Present Mic as there was a never-ending line of clothing for me to try. I got recognized by some shoppers and soon we were sworn with people asking my autograph and photos.

At one store, some guys outside the window started to whistle at me and saying "Damn, mama, you look nice." and the girls gave the guys death glares that say, "back off!" and they left afterwards.

We then went to a cafe and had some discussions of what happened after I fainted, and how worried they were about me. They mostly talked about what they did during the time off.

After we finished at the mall and cafe, we went to watch a movie and after the movie, we parted ways.

I also met up with both Kacchan and Todoroki, separately and we hang out, me getting to know the two individually before I decided who I would date and trust me, It took a while to decide, and I still didn't know who. I like both of them and to say yes to one while saying no to the other seems unfair. "Uh, why is love so difficult?" I said to myself.

All in all, it was a great relaxing two days and I felt much better and more relaxed, and I couldn't wait to go back to school.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and boy, It's the longest one I have done so far. I was literally struggling to complete this chapter, as I don't like cliffhangers as I think they are the worse.

Anyway, I hope there are no mistakes here, if you see anything wrong or if I missed stuff out, I'm sorry, I was just trying to finish this as quickly as possible.

Next chapter is the sports festival arc so make sure to keep reading to find out what happens next

Huge spoiler: I'll be changing some things around, not too much just little changes.

This chapter official has 4051 words!!


Luka out :)

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