It's a Girl on a Motorbike. G...

By SPK147

2M 10.4K 746

The first in the 'Lest We Forget' Series. 18 year old Elle Wickham is on the run. From what, nobody knows. En... More

Note of Importance for New and Old Readers
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Important Notifications - MUST READ

Chapter 2

110K 833 35
By SPK147

Chapter 2

Elle's POV

“Who was that man, Ellie?” Scott asked as I helped him get out of his Pj’s once he calmed down from his nightmare.

“He’s our uncle. You know the one I’ve been telling you about? Well anyway, he’s letting us live here now.” I said with a reassuring smile on my face that actually did meet my eyes.

Scott was the only one who I could be vulnerable around, and he was the only one who deserved it and needed it as much as I did.

“Is he…” The rest of his question got muffled from me tugging on a green t-shirt over his head but I got the gist of it.

“He’s very nice Scotty,” I said as I helped him put his arms through the holes before helping him put his shoes on. “And I want you to behave for him okay? I mean, look at the room he made for you baby. If that doesn’t tell you to give him a chance then I don’t know what will.”

My tone was gentle but stern as I knew first-hand what a trouble maker he could be towards people he didn’t know, and I knew I’d be getting a lot of calls from his new school when he started.

He looked around the room for the fourth time since he woke up, the wonder and glee in his eyes making me have a broad smile on my face in turn as I watched him.

“He made this?” He looked back at me, his green eyes shining and I recorded the image to memory.

My goal in life was to make sure my little brother was happy every day, and now I’d achieved just a little of that target I was going to strive to keep it there.

And since Joe was so instrumental in helping me do that, I vowed to make sure there would be no more screw ups and mistakes where our past was concerned.

I was not going to drag that man down with me.

I nodded, the smile still on my face, and the happiness on his face shone as he no doubt saw the calm on mine that hadn’t been there for years.

“I promise Ellie-belly,” He promised and I held out my pinkie which he took in his and we squeezed the pact between the fingers before letting go.

“Good, now come on; let’s go brush your teeth.” I said as I stood up and took his hand in mine leading him to my bedroom.

“My rooms so much cooler than yours,” He giggled as he looked around and I grinned down at him.

“Yes it is,” was all I said as I lead him to the bathroom, loving how he gasped over the two sinks.

I took the stool from the corner of the room and put it in front of one of the sinks and stood him up on it so he could be in reach of the basin.

“Hey Ellie, how come the magic cream didn’t work on your face today?” Scott whispered as I squirted some toothpaste on his toothbrush.

I froze as I looked at him through the mirror, hating the sad look that entered the expression on his face.

After the first time he was old enough to realise that bruises and cuts were bad and painful (he’d fallen over whilst running) and he saw that I had covered it up with concealer he decided it was ‘magic cream’ that made them disappear, pain and all.

And since that always made him sort of happy again, I made sure that before he got up in the morning, the concealer was on my face so he believed that it actually worked and made it truly disappear – Except for today.

“I probably put the wrong one on yesterday. I’ll put some more on while you brush your teeth.” I said with a smile as I handed him the brush.

“Check it’s the right one this time,” He attempted to scold, and I laughed at how cute he looked when he did it.

“Yes sir,” I said with a salute and he grinned. “Make sure to brush properly okay? I’ll check.”

His grin turned into a scowl which made me laugh again, the funny little boy.

I went back into the bedroom room and grabbed the compacts from the bed before going over to the dratted vanity dresser thing and applied the cover-up to my face expertly until the bruises were no longer visible even if a person were to put their face against mine and inspect it.

Hating walking around in bare feet, I went over to the overly large bed and sat down so I could pull on my shoes, and just as I had finished zipping up my boots, a squeal rang from the bathroom making me rush back to the room in double time, my heart slowing and amusement arising when I saw the froth of toothpaste smeared all over his face as he drew a moustache on himself.

“What are you doing you naughty boy?” I laughed as I tickled him from behind, making him squeal and giggle as he dropped the toothbrush in the sink.

“I wanted to look like Captain Jack Sparrow!” He squealed as I picked him up and into my arms.

“Hmm,” I said as I pretended to inspect his face. “Yes, I see what you were trying to achieve, and I admit that it looks like the exact one that he has.”

He grinned at me. “So does that mean I can keep it on?”

“I don’t know. It won’t stay on, and it will just get sticky with the heat.” I said gently as I walked to the towel rack and took one off.

He crossed his arms over his chest stubbornly and even went as far as sticking his chin out, making it hard for me to hide my smile as any show of amusement would only make him more difficult.

“Okay, how about this. I promise that I will look around the town for a fancy dress shop and buy you one. Or if I can’t find one, then we’ll either make one or I’ll draw one on you with markers.”

His eyebrows scrunched in concentration as he no doubt weighed the wagers in his head and thought of any trick I could be pulling, and I smiled with pride. I taught him well.

“Okay, fine.” He mumbled and took the towel from my hand and rubbed his face clean.

“Good boy,” I said and blew a raspberry on his cheek making him squeal with delight and me laugh in turn.

“Let’s go down and see Uncle Joey then,” I said with a smile as I walked out the room with him in my arms pattering on about what kind of beard he wanted and wondering if he could get it in blue or green.

I wound myself around the hallways thanking the fact that I had an eidetic memory as I knew I would have become lost if not for that fact. As it was, Scott had already become quiet as he looked around the huge house in awe as we walked down the stairs.

Once on the landing I looked around, taking in the dining room and the living room on either side of the open hallway, not knowing which one to go into.

“Joe? Where are you?” I called as I hoisted my brother higher in my arms.

“I’m in the kitchen,” He called back, and from his voice I could tell that he wasn’t still in angst at what he saw earlier and had time to cool off, much to my ever-lasting relief. “Just walk through the living room and you’ll see me.”

Scott squirmed in my arms so I bent down so I could put him on the floor, but as I walked forward he grabbed my hand tightly in his making me smile reassuringly down at him.

As we walked through the large living room, Scott hid slightly behind me but he was also taking in the light area decorated in creams and reds with awe, but most probably looking at the flat screen TV hung up on the wall and I knew that I would soon have to be enduring baby cartoons.

Promising myself to at least introduce him to SpongeBob I finally saw Joe in the kitchen attempting to put coffee into the coffee machine but failing.

“Why do I get the feeling that this is the first time you’ve actually been in the kitchen?” I said with a raised eyebrow, but my tone was light so he knew he was joking.

He grinned. “It’s going to be really hard getting anything past you isn’t it? I can’t even impress you with my cooking skills because I don’t have any.”

Scott giggled from behind me but quickly became quiet when he felt both of our eyes on him.

“Scotty, say hello to Uncle Joey,” I said gently with a smile on my face as I peered down at him, squeezing his hand reassuringly.

He looked up at me, no doubt saw the lack of mistrust that I normally had around people, and walked forward so he was beside me and gave a small, hesitant smile and a wave to Joe.

Joe in turn smiled and walked around the counter top that separated us so he was in front of us, before kneeling on the floor with his hand outstretched toward Scott.

“Hi Scott, it’s very nice to meet you,” He said gently with nothing but a warm smile on his face that no one could ever distrust.

Scott once again looked up at me for assurance and at my nod he gave him a larger smile and put his hand in Joes and shook it. “Thank you for the room Uncle Joey, it’s so cool!”

Joe grinned at him, “Glad you like it kid. Did you see the train track?”

He nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah, it’s so big! Does it work?”

“Yeah, there’s a remote control with it that makes it go. I could show you later if you like?” Joe said with a smile knowing just as much as I did that he found his key to be able to bond with him.

Scott’s eyes sparkled again and my heart warmed even more at the sight, “Yeah! Could we do it now?”

Joe chuckled as he stood up to his full height, “Well, I was actually thinking about taking you and your sister out for some breakfast, how does that sound?”

“Um, you know you don’t have to do that right?” I said as I hoisted Scott up in my arms as he had put his arms in the air in a gesture for me to do so. “I know how to cook.”

“Oh that’s cool. You have no idea how much having take-away muddles your body up,” He fake shuddered, making a silly face that Scott laughed at. “But honestly this is so that we can make a start on the tour of the town whilst also showing you guys off to the towns folk.”

I couldn’t help the slight smile of amusement at that last comment, and I knew I was under threat of being vulnerable around another living person.

But then I thought that, he was family after all. Wasn’t it okay to be like that? Deciding to give it more thought, I controlled my features once more.

“Show us off? What do you mean?” I said as he moved around the countertop and picked up his coffee mug that he had poured his hot beverage into, Scott giggling at the face he pulled again as he tasted it.

He shrugged as he dumped the liquid down the sink.

“I’m usually the talk of the gossipmongers around here. You know, on the account that I’m a single business owner and that no matter what any of the local women do to either set me up with someone or ask me out themselves, I’m just not interested. They even got a man to ask me out.” He shuddered and my tiny smile appeared again. “That did not go down well.”

“And buying this house must not have helped either, huh?” I asked as I put Scott on the counter, my ribs acting up from my exhaustion and having to keep holding the weight of him, but he didn’t mind sitting there as he liked being at the same height range as us.

He nodded, his smile growing, “Got it in one; which is why I need you guys to go with me; my treat of course.”

“Absolutely not, you are already housing us and giving me a job. You are not paying for our breakfast.” I stated with a roll of my eyes.

“Oh, please? I promise once you’re there, you’ll understand why at the attention you guys will be getting. It’s a favour, nothing more.” He pleaded, but I just crossed my arms stubbornly but didn’t go as far as sticking out of my chin like Scott had earlier.

He sighed in resignation. “Okay, fine. I’ll take it out of your next pay check.”

I nodded once to show my assent and uncrossed my arms, making Joe roll his eyes and Scott laugh at us.

“Okay then, let’s go now as I’m sure the two of you must be starving.” He said as he walked around the island again and stood next to us, and I noticed then that he had changed out of his dirty clothes.

It was my turn to sigh. “Fine, let me just change into some jeans and get my keys.”

“You look fine like that, and why are you getting your keys?” He questioned just as I turned to do just that.

I looked back at him, then glanced down at the self-cropped jeans that I was wearing, that now resembled mini-shorts, which along with my black tank top, leather boots and trademark silver-studded black wrist-bracelets, I didn’t think it was exactly the kinda look that Joe wanted when he presented his niece to everyone.

He seemed to read my mind. “I don’t care what other people think, Elle. And if you feel comfortable with how you dress and who you are, then why should I change that? I just want to show people I’m not alone and therefore have them leave me alone, that’s all.”

I shrugged. With the life I had led, stranger’s opinions of me was not important to me and didn’t affect me. If he said it was okay, then why should I oppose?

“Okay then, I’m ready. But if you don’t want me going on my bike, then what are we going in?” I asked as I picked up Scott from the counter and put him on the floor so we could walk with Joe to the front door.

He smiled as we stepped outside. “My jeep of course.”

We walked down the steps of the porch before walking around the house, our feet crunching on the gravel much to the amusement of my baby brother who stamped and slid his feet in it, where we came to a stop at the garage.

“I’m sorry for not showing you this earlier, but I thought you’d want to get settled in first,” Joe said as he tapped in a few numbers on the keypad on the wall beside the entrance to the garage, making the door open automatically, much to the wonderment of Scott who gasped out loud making Joe and I smile. “I’ll tell you the passcode when we get back so you can move your bike in.”

I just nodded and smiled as Scotty immediately ran toward the black jeep inside the spacious confinement. “That’s fine.”

Joe unlocked the car as we got next to Scott, and both mine and my brother’s eyes widened when we saw the seat in the back when Joe opened up the door for Scott to climb in.

“It’s a child seat for Scott, as he’s still quite little.” Joe whispered next to my ear, whatever instincts this man possessed telling him that Scott wouldn’t like to hear that, and he was right.

“Is that for me?” Scott asked hesitantly as he looked up at us.

I nodded. “Yeah buddy. It’s your special seat.”

“Special?” He murmured as he inspected it again. “Can I sit in it now?”

“Course you can little man,” Joe smiled at him. “Want me to help you in?”

I held my breath as Scott adorably scrunched up his eyebrows again in concentration as he weighed his proposal up, knowing that this was crunch time to see if he was warming up to Joe.

Though I knew Scott wouldn’t want to be alone with him yet, and neither could I let him, I hoped that he’d at least try to warm up to him whilst I was there ‘supervising’.

“Yes please,” Scott said hesitantly much to both mine and our uncle’s relief and Joe hoisted him up and placed him gently inside where Scott scrambled into the chair and Joe proceeded to strap him in.

“You all good Scotty?” I asked a smile on my face as I saw the glee on his face as he perched on his ‘special’ seat.

He nodded enthusiastically and my smile grew.

“Okay, well I’m going to sit in the front.” I said gently and when his face didn’t look any less happy I shut the door and began moving to the other side when Joe cleared his throat and instantly I knew the moment I was dreading was about to arise.

“Look Elle,” He said gently when he saw the cold apprehension in mine. “I’m not one to pry, nor am I going to change that. So believe me when I say I’m only gonna say this once and then drop the subject.”

I waited for him to carry on, but when he didn’t I gave one abrupt nod for him to continue.

“If there’s ever a time that you need to talk, not necessarily about…what I saw earlier, but about anything. Anything you might need help with, or someone to unload on, I’m here okay? I know that might not mean much right now since we’ve only just met face to face, but ever since I got your letters and we’ve been talking…I just feel…well, I care.”

I sighed as I saw the sincerity in his eyes and I knew he meant what he said and that he truly did care.

But my problems were just that. My problems.

And he was too nice of a guy to be tangled in my dangerous mess.

I offered him the first true sincere smile that I’d ever given anyone except for my brother, because he truly did deserve something, even if it was a tiny show of vulnerability from me.

“Thanks, that’s nice to know.” I said gently, not knowing how to phrase what I wanted to say and to do it nicely. The only feelings I’ve ever had to spare were Scott’s and that was normally a rare thing as I always made sure he got whatever he asked for. “I have nothing to talk about, and I guess I’m not used to it either. But, if there ever came a time where I would need help…I promise I will let you know.”

He smiled and nodded. “Okay then. Well, now that’s in the air, let’s go.”

With an upturn of my lips in an amused smile I walked to the other side of the car and got in, turning my head around the seat so I could smile at my baby brother, who still had the same smile on his face and was completely oblivious about what had occurred outside.

“Well then my niece and nephew, let’s go show you off to everyone and show you around where you will now be living.” Joe said with a smile for the both of us before starting the car and driving down the drive, the garage door closing behind us automatically just as we exited.


Need's editing I know, but I started to watch the Closing Ceremony of the Olympics in my country, and that had to come first. Seven years for it to come in England, and it's over in two weeks. Where's the bloody justice lmao.

Anyway, Votes, comments and fans are, as always, extremely appreciated.

Love xxxx :D

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