Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Elle's POV

I bit my lip as I looked out the window of the car, not believing what I was seeing but couldn’t take my eyes off it nevertheless.

Everything looked so…well, clean, and orderly and…well, well-kept I guess. No place is supposed to look this perfect, surely?

I mean, with the perfectly trimmed trees, cream and red brick buildings holding petite shops and businesses, and people walking and stopping each other in the street to say hello…

For someone who had lived in a city their whole life, it was definitely different and something to adjust to.

“Looks different than what it did when you drove in, huh?” Joe asked and I realised my grudging awe must have shown on my face.

“Everything looks different under a tinted visor. But yeah it does.” I mumbled, not wanting to mention that I had been so exhaustedfrom my exertions that night plus with the pain of having a five year old rest against my sprained ribs, that it was all I could do to keep the bike in motion without crashing into anyone throughout the whole four hour trip, and therefore sight-seeing had been the furthest thing on my mind.

“Yeah, it’s something us city people have to get used to for sure. I mean it took me a while to do it too, so I promise it can happen.” He grinned at me, and I gave him a begrudging smile in return.

“It’s like the ones from TV, on those films people live in.” Scott said from the back and I instantly looked back at him, smiling when I saw his face split in joyous awe as he looked out the window at where we would now be living.

I grinned at him and looked back out the window, trying to see what he meant and getting it. “Yeah it does, doesn’t it?”

“I like it,” He said and my face softened when I saw how happy he looked in the rear-view mirror.

“Then that’s all that matters, Scotty.” I mumbled under my breath as I turned my attention back to the window, my eyes taking in the town in a new light.

I reluctantly admitted to myself that it was a great place for someone to have a fresh start, and definitely a great place to give Scott a different upbringing than the one I had. Even if it did look so…weirdly perfect.

But the best thing about this place was that no one would ever look for us here, that much was certain. This place required everyone to have everything in the open as everyone obviously took in everyone else’s business like they had a right to, and they knew I liked my privacy.

I was just hoping they wouldn’t bank in my love for Scotty to do everything I hated for his safety and happiness, and the fact that I had now found my living relative.

“Okay here we are,” Joe declared as he parked in front of another petite looking building, but this one had a sign saying ‘Aunt Julie’s Café’. “The best place to get breakfast and coffee.”

“Yum,” I mumbled under my breath sardonically already hating the place, but got out the car nonetheless.

But I grinned and bared it (without the grin, so I guess that made that saying a bit of a moot point) when I saw how excited my brother was after he got out the jeep with Joe’s help.

Scott immediately took my hand in his as we walked toward the door, already jumping up and down in excitement at the smell of syrup, but my appetite was instantly gone when I took in the many stares we were already getting from the customers inside as they looked at us through the large window that took up most of the front wall.

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