Daddy? || y.min

By ParkSugaKookies

217K 11.8K 9K

"Jimin what the hell is this?" "Yoongi, wait-" "I've known you for five years and not once did anyone ever me... More

Teddy bear
Colouring Books
Toy Cars
Pillow Fights
Sippy Cup
Odd Socks
Fluffy Jumpers
Time outs
Thumb Sucking
Wishing Stars
Midnight Munchies
Naughty Corner (PART ONE)
Naughty Corner (PART TWO)
*Thank you*
Play Dates (PART 1)
Play Dates (PART 2)
Tea Party
*Authors Note*

Tag You're It! (PART 1)

4.4K 205 132
By ParkSugaKookies

I do apologise immensely for being gone for months. I had an idea for a chapter it was just that the motivation to put it from my head into words was not there at all. I hope you'll forgive my sorry ass. 🙈💜

Also not edited at all so if there are mistakes please just comment and I'll fix it.


It's as suffocating.

This feeling weighing his chest down. He could feel it, pressing onto his heart through the thin material of his shirt. It was holding him down, sizing him up, making him feel so small that all he could do was take it.

The grip tightened, five digits feeling so real against him, squeezing his heart like a hand.

His hand.

God no, this couldn't be happening. Not again. Scream! Just scream somebody has to hear you.

Help! Help us!

From within the darkness a figure, tall and broad stood  menacingly over him, eyes slender and piercing. The hand moved from his chest to his neck, pushing down with so much force he could feel the hot blood bubbling past his lips.


Where is Jimin.

"Help!" "Leave us alone!"

He can't find Jimin. No.

No, no, no, no-


Yoongi sat up within seconds, completely awake with heavy panths slipping through his chapped lips.

A groan managed it's way out of his throat as he took in the surroundings around him.

He's in his room. In his bed. And Jimin is right there.

Oh Jimin.

"Hyung are you okay?" The younger asked hesitantly as he placed a warm hand to the elders warmer cheek. His forehead creased with worry as he moved closer to the elder.

Without another word Yoongi flung himself onto the unsuspecting male, knocking the wind out of him and nearly throwing both of them off the bed.

"Babe talk to me." Jimin insisted, running circles into Yoongi's skin. He had just gotten up to put some breakfast together when he heard screaming coming from the bedroom. It was very unlike Yoongi to be so terrified.

"It was just a nightmare Jimin, don't worry about it,  I'm fine-"

"Was it about him?" Jimin piped up, catching Yoongi mid sentence but he knew it was coming.

A sigh slipped past his lips as he pulled away from the younger, pushing his stray blonde locks behind his ear. Gently, his hand slid over the thick material of the blonde's pj top, so happy that it was just a dream.

It was just a dream.

"Yeah....yeah it was about him." Hey finally whispered, looking deep into the worried younger's face.

All Jimin could do was pull Yoongi in close, one hand wrapped around his neck and the other tousled in his dark ebony hair.

"Forget about it hyung, we're past that now. He's long gone and he can't hurt us anymore."

"I'm sorry Jimin," Yoongi finally speaks again, moving away to get up out of the bed. "I didn't mean to worry you."

"I'm always gonna worry about you hyung, I care about you that's why." He could hear Jimin say as he began undressing himself from his pajamas that were now doused in sweat.

"How about we do something today hm?" Jimin found himself asking. "Why don't we go out? We're always inside and I think it's high time we did something new."

Yoongi turned slightly to look at the younger, slipping on a fresh shirt he moved to stand infront of the blonde's between his legs that sat limp against the bed.

"What do you have in mind Jimin?" He asked as he threaded his hands through the younger's hair. He watched as his eyes fluttered closed momentarily before locking onto his again.

"The zoo maybe?"

Yoongi's brows furrowed and a confused smile couldn't help but grow on his face.


"Yeah," Jimin stood up, placing his hands on either side of Yoongi's face, his eyes forming slight crescents to go with his slight smile. "We can look at the animals and go see the monkeys! And say hi to the sea lions! And-"

"Okay okay," Yoongi shushed, removing the younger's hands from his face. "We'll go to the zoo, but first-" he paused raising one finger into the air for dramatic effect.(earning a tiny giggle from his boyfriend)

"You might wanna make sure the kitchen isn't on fire."

Jimin's cute smile dropped at that and his eyes grew wider.

Oh shit.

"Oh my God! Breakfast! Fuck!" Was all he said before sprinting out of the room in his little pajama shorts Yoongi liked so much.


Breakfast had been saved much to Yoongi's happiness and the two had begun their day with taking Yoongi's car to the zoo.

He wasn't overly fond of leaving the apartment but their first little date was enough to have him knowing going out wouldn't be so bad if Jimin was there.

And when wasn't he.

He had been ignoring Jungkook's desperate attempts to rope him into a career with music but that wasn't anything new, he just wanted to live his life now that he finally had everything he wanted. Well, almost everything.

"Just park here, we'll be closer to the entrance." Jimin spoke up over the music they had been playing on the way down, and as soon as it was safe to do so they both stepped out of his dark car and into the semi-busy street.

"When was the last time you were here?" Yoongi asked as he moved to walk side by side with Jimin . He quickly slipped his hand in his and placed them both in his thick jacket pocket. Exchanging small smiles with dusted pink cheeks.

"School ecology trip few years back, Taehyung and I wandered off from the class and enjoyed it the way we wanted to. It was a good day." Jimin smiled to himself as he snuggled closer into his scarf. The January morning air seeming to blow through every layer he wore. "What about you hyung?"

Yoongi's eyebrows furrowed as they neared the entrance, he pulled out his wallet with his free hand. "Can't say I remember ever being here, I probably have been when I was young but I'm not sure."

"Well don't worry, I know my way around!" Jimin exclaimed excitedly, bouncing slightly on the balls of his feet.

Once payed for and free to explore the small piece of the jungle around them Jimin let out a quiet gasp of joy.

"Oh hyung isn't it so pretty?oh look! Red pandas!" Yoongi chuckled at his kiddish behaviour.

"C'mon let's go."


To say Yoongi wasn't tired would be the biggest lie the wold had ever heard. For he infact was exhausted.

They had been around the entirety of the park, looked at (and fawned over) every single animal aswell as the ones not behind bars and stood the whole time.

That mornings struggle was long forgotten about instead the need to sleep for a thousand years had taken over. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep.

"Jimin do you mind if we get some food? Looking at the ducks eating our bread is kinda making me feel hungry." A small pout resonated on the elders small pink lips, a quality about himself Jimin couldn't get enough of.

"S-sure thing hyung," Jimin chirped, throwing the leftovers of bread he had into the icy cold water where the ducks swam. Yoongi shuddered, too cold.

"There's a cafe at the top of the path right by the gift shop." And Yoongi clapped his hands together because finally,  he could catch a break.

"Great! Let's go I'm starving."

The two made their way up the small path surrounded by, you probably guessed it, trees and we're greeted with the sight of two surprisingly larger-than-yoongi-thought buildings, where everything was over priced but who cares.

"Jesus I could eat a cow," Yoongi sighed happily, practically dragging Jimin along with him.

"Hyung, will I grab us a table and you can get food?" Jimin spoke up, looking around at the scarcely available seats.

Yoongi looked to deciding it was probably a good idea.

"Alright sure thing." He muttered quickly,  giving a chased kiss to the younger's cheek before walking on ahead.

But of course, this was Yoongi, and when Yoongi is so close to getting what he wants the universe decides against it.

He was finally standing in line, and big line at that, to get food when his phone (Which he thought was on silent) started buzzing in his back pocket.

Cursing to himself he slid it out and swiped to answer the call.

"Jungkook what the fuck do you want?" He hadn't checked it was actually the kid calling, so now he was silently hoping.

"Hyung you know what I want, I want to talk." His voice sounded stern and slightly demanding, but the boss act wasn't gonna work on him.

"Jungkook looked,  I'm busy right now, and it's not the right time or place to talk about this. I'm out with Jimin right now but when I get home maybe then we can talk-" he looked back at the array of tables and smiled to himself when he saw Jimin, who was looking intently at a few kids playing with toys they must have bought in the shop next to them.

"Might talk? Yoongi c'mon I can't wait forever and neither can this deal! It's what you said you've always wanted remember? You-"

"Jungkook I have what I wanted." Yoongi sighed into the phone as he turned around to eye up the menu hung on the wall, his eyebrows knitted together in anger because this kid just didn't seem to get it. "I have you, Hoseok, a good job, a good home and a beautiful boyfriend so can we please just get passed this."

Jimin looked over at his Yoongi who seemed to be having a serious discussion over the phone, odds were it was his job or Jungkook. Yoongi seems to be only half way up the queue, and with nothing left to do his eyes wandered to the children sitting near by on the cold ground playing.

He nervous thawed at the loose three on his jumper, feeling the pit of his stomach do a small flip.

He watched intently as the kids, who barely looked over the edge of eight played with no care in the world.

He couldn't help but think about Billy and bringing him to see the animals, they always loved watching Disney Nature together on TV so maybe Billy would've wanted to come.

He pouted to himself. Poor Billy must be upset that Jimin didn't bring him.

Or maybe he should've brought his colours with him so that he wouldn't be bored while Yoonie got food.

His eyes soon wandered back to his boyfriend, taking in the form as stood with his phone to his ear and the other arm flailing slightly as he spoke.

From there he looked over at the gift shop. He pouted in thought.

Maybe Yoonie wouldn't mind.

And as quick as his feet could take him he was up and off in the direction of the toys.

"Jungkook yes I'm certain I'm making the right choice....yes Jungkook I know you think it's a mistake....." And that's pretty much how that was going. All the way up to the top of the line where a tall dark haired girl with an apron and piercings that ran along to shell of her right ear.

"Can I help you sir?" She spoke in a monotone voice. Probably hated working there.

"Jungkook I gotta call you back." And with that he hung up there and then.

"Yeah can I get I large coffee with a cheese sandwich and.." looking over to the table where his boyfriend sat but to only notice that infact...wasn't there.

His he'd cocked to the side in confusion because Jimin's bag still sat at the table but a voice finally sapped him back to reality.

The tall girl looked at him expectantly with a tired expression. "Sir? A lage coffee, cheese sandwich?and..."

"You know what? It's okay, I won't take anything have a good day." He spoke quickly as he moved out of the queue and over to the table.

He picked up Jimin's bag and let his eyes roam over the people around him.

Why would Jimin get up and walk off without his bag?

He shrugged it over his shoulder and began walking around the area, not quite leaving just incase Jimin came back. It still ml seemed odd though.

He pulled out his phone and quickly dialed Jimin's number, but when the soft tune of adventure times ending credits song played through the bag he knew something was definitely wrong.

He rummaged through the bag and as he expected but wasn't hoping for, Jimin had also left behind his keys, wallet and every else.

What the fuck was going on?

No Yoongi calm down, breathe in. Breathe out, and go look for him.

First place he checked were the toilets. The usual place for someone to go but to no luck he wasn't there. And for all he knew there were many toilets located around the park. Wouldn't mean he'd be in them as the liklihood was slim to none.

Okay Yoongi, you're a cop, and cops are good act these sorts of things. You've been doing it for years so how hard could it be to find your own boyfriend.

Alright, his favourite animals here seemed to be the sea lions and the the elephants, we'll check there and maybe-


Wait one god damn minute.

He stopped in his tracks back down the path towards the ducks and sighed to himself.

"Could he have regressed into little space?" He wondered out loud, catching the attention of some of the people around him.

Bowing slightly, he made his way back up the path (with diffulty) and made a b-line towards the gift shop.

Inside was filled with shit. Literally, jam packet with bright coloured animal-everything. Keyrings,stuffed toys,magnets.

He walked around for a bit before realising he was the only person there bar the small girl at the till.

Approaching her he noticed that the was foreign, and had long blond hair aswell as a. inviting look about her.

"Excuse me miss?" He asked as he stood infront of her, and now that he was he noticed she barely reached his neck in height.

She smiled lightly,her pink braces on show. "Can I help you?" She asked, placing down her mug of tea.

He sighed lightly. "You didn't happen to see a guy my height, with blond hair and a fluffy jumper, he's kinda hard to miss." He scratched the back of his neck lightly because this girl seemed to have understood just by the glint in her eyes.

"Matter of fact I did." She said confidently, her korean speaking skills not as bad as being he was expecting. "Came in here and started picking up and touching every stuffed animal on every shelf. He even sat and talked to me for a good twenty minutes." She giggled to herself but Yoongi couldn't help but squeeze his eyes shut and let out yet another exhausted sigh.

"Look I need to find him, it's  kinda important. Did he say anything?" He finally spoke again and the girl looked around I thought.

"Um...oh yes! Jimin right? He told me he wanted to go see the rhinos and come back and eat with...'Yoonie'?" She paused and eyed Yoongi up and down.
"Can I take a wild guess and say that that's you?" She smirked.

"Yoongi" He answered shortly.

"Emmy. Now go find Jimin." She let out another giggle before picking up her mug for a quick swig.

Yoongi smiled thankfully at her. "Thank you so much." He said before running out the door.


"Yoonie got me this ring, isn't it pretty?" Jimin asked the rhinos that lazily sat near the back of their pen. Jimin had taken it upon himself to name all three of them, Bob Shelly and Bob the 2nd.

"Yoonie's gone to get food." He informed the animals."So I came to play." He smiled brightly at them fiddling with his pretty ring and failing to notice  the fuming man string towards him.

"Park Jimin!" Yoongi's voice boomed when he was near enough. He was relieved he had been here like he hoped but kissing him would have to wait. "I have been looking everywhere for you!"

Jimin practically jumped up to his feet his eyes wide. "D-daddy?" He gasped shocked to see his boyfriend here.

Why was he looking for him? He wasn't gone that long. And the line to get food had to have been at least a day long, atleast that's how it felt.

"We're going home right now, c'mon." Yoongi's voice was stern, and whenever it sounded like that Jimin knew that he was in trouble. He had yet to be punished but his angry voice never failed to hold a lot of authority.

"Daddy n-no!" He cried, pulling against the elders hold. His voice and tone managed to catch the ears of a few walking by who only returned the look of confusion and judgment , making Yoongi realise they weren't alone and this would be hard to deal with if Jimin didn't listen.

He couldn't help the pink that rose on his cheeks from the constant and growing stares.

"Jimin if you don't follow me right now swear to god this won't end well." Yoongi's voices had gone dangerously quiet only making Jimin more afraid of what awaited him at home.

"Daddy p-please! I p-promise I'll be good-" he begged, tears already slipping down his h cheeks as the elder prpractically dragged him out of the zoo grounds.

"Sorry Minie but not this time, when we get home your going to be punished, now get into the car before I do it right here." He opened the passenger's door for the younger, staring at him expectantly with cold and angry eyes. Although Jimin refused to meet his gaze as little hiccuped sobs fell from his lips.

When it seemed to be taking too long Yoongi grabbed Jimin by his arm and pushed him in, not too forceful, but enough to get the boy to act.

Once in he slammed the door, earning a small whimper as he made his way towards his own side and hopped in.

There was no getting out of this one.


3091 words.
I seriously hope this makes up for the loss of time.
That if anyone is still here😂

*sweats profusively*

Next chapter will be an part two and we're gonna have some punishment time. Might even be a little/very saucy seeing as I've deprived most most of you.

Why is she so pretty I don't understand

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