Humanity 1 "The Encounter"

By Fiveboyfriends

221K 4.9K 1.1K

"You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 19

7.2K 163 46
By Fiveboyfriends


So some where during the horrifying events with the tomb vampires, Elena let Stefan feed from her to get his strength up. I’m going to have to tell her that that is a big no no. He’s trying to act like everything’s fine but it’s not. I may not be the best older brother but I know when something is up.

I walk into his bedroom with a glass of blood in my hand. He’s doing push ups on the floor, music blaring. “Could you turn it up a little bit? It’s not annoying yet.” I yell and he stands up.

“Sorry.” He says seriously.

I flip the switch on the stereo and turn it off. “When are you going back to school?”

“Soon.” One word answers…I love it.

“Oh, come on. Just drink already. Come on, this self-detox is not natural.” I tempt him with my glass but he ignores it.

“Can you please get that away from me?”

“How long did it take you to wean yourself of it the last time you indulged?” He continues to ignore me which means I’m right. “That’s not good.”

“I’ll be fine. It just takes a little bit of time.” He says.

“I don’t get it; you know, you don’t have to kill to survive. That’s what blood banks are for. I haven’t hunted a human in…God way to long.” I conclude to myself.

“Oh I’m impressed.”

“It’s completely self-serving. I’m trying to get the town off the trail of vampires which is not very easy considering that there is an entire tomb of them running around.”

“What are we planning on doing about that?”

“We are not going to do much of anything if you don’t have your strength. There’s nothing wrong with a healthy diet of human blood from a blood bank. You're not actually killing anyone.” I try to tell him.

“I have my reasons.”

I frown at him and step closer. “Well, what are those holier than thou reasons? You know, we never actually discussed this. You know, I’d love to hear this story.” I take a seat on his bed.

He smirks at me and crosses his arms across his chest. “You’re really enjoying this, aren’t you? Watching me struggle?”

“Very much so.” I nod.

“I hate to break it to you Damon, but…I actually have it under complete control.”

“You do? Well, then you should just carry on, making the rest of us vampires look bad.” I say, standing up, leaving my glass on the table and walking towards the door. “Have a great day, Stefan.”

I know the blood is killing him and when I walk back into the room he is staring at it. “Oh, hey, almost forgot something. Oops.” I tease as I grab the glass, putting it to my lips and exiting the room.


I wake up for school and get dressed before heading to Elena’s. This is the new routine. I’m always up before her and have to go get her moving so that we aren’t late for school.

When I walk in the front door, she is yelling up the steps for Jeremy. “Come on Jeremy, going to school! Walking out the door now!”

Jenna comes around the corner with a thermos in her hand. “Forgot this.” She hands it to Elena and smiles at me. “Good morning, Ashley.”

“Good morning.” I smile back and Elena finally acknowledges me with a weak smile. She is super stressed right now.

She walks over to the front door and opens it to reveal a man who was just about to knock. “Elena!” He exclaims and her face lights up.

“Uncle John! Hi.”

“Jenna.” He nods to Jenna who is standing behind me.

“John, you made it.” She says flatly. She doesn't look as happy as Elena did.

“I said I’d be here before noon.” He says coming into the house with a suit case.

“Oh what you say and what you do are typically two very different things.” Jenna fires coldly and I look at Elena. This must be normal behavior for these two because she doesn't seem fazed.

Jeremy finally come down the steps. “Uncle John, what’s up?” He smiles lightly.

“Hey!” Uncle John responds with a smile and Jeremy gives him a brief hug before walking out of the house.

John turns back to Elena, Jenna and I. “I’m sorry for not introducing myself. I’m John Gilbert, Elena’s uncle.” He extends his hand and I take it.

“I’m Ashley, Elena’s friend. It’s nice to meet you.” I say politely and he smiles.

“I had some business in town. I thought a visit was in order.” He says to Elena.

“How long are you staying?” She asks.

“I don’t know yet.”

“Okay, well, we’re gonna go to school. See you later.” Elena turns and I follow her out of the house.


We get to school and I find out that Elena’s happiness to see her uncle was all fake. “It doesn't make sense that his trip is open ended. Jenna’s probably pissed.” She tells me as she pulls books from her locker.

“Yeah, I noticed some tension.” I admit.

“It’s always like that.” She sighs and I can tell that she has a lot on her mind.

“Well, I’m here for moral support if you need me.” I say and Matt walks up to us.

“Hey guys.” He smiles and I know that he’s probably the one that needs to moral support. “I wanted to say thank you guys for everything you did at Vicki’s funeral and the memorial. I couldn't have done it without you.” He says and I think back to that sad day a couple days ago.

“Of course Matt.” I say and put my hand on his arm.

“Is Caroline still baking for you guys, around the clock?” Elena asks with a smile.

He shakes his head as his smile grows. “She finally went to her dad's, which is a good thing because my mom was going to strangle her if she dropped off one more lasagna.” He says and we all giggle before heading to class.


There’s another council meeting today regarding Vicki Donovan. I walk in and take a seat as Sheriff Forbes starts talking.

“The coroner’s office has officially ruled Vicki Donovan’s death as a drug overdose. Her family has been notified, the truth will stay in this room and we can put this behind us.”

Mayor Lockwood steps forward. “Thank you Sheriff. And on to a more passing issue, John Gilbert has asked to say a few words.” He says and my head snaps up as a man with short blonde hair stands in the corner. Who the hell is the guy? “Welcome back John, it’s good to see you.” Back?

“Hello everyone, it’s wonderful to see you. I wish it were under better circumstances. As a founding family member I find it’s my duty to report some very distressing news.” He starts talking.

I lean into Liz and whisper in her ear. “He’s a Gilbert?” I ask.

She nods, her eyes staying forward. “Elena’s uncle. His name is John but I call him Jackass.” She says and I smirk before tuning back into what he is saying.

“A hospital blood bank in the neighboring county of Amherst has reported several break ins over the past two weeks. 7 hunters, 4 campers and 2 state employees have been reported missing as well. All of this within a 75 mile radius of Mystic Falls.”

When murmurs erupt throughout the room, Mayor Lockwood interrupts with a forced smile on his face. “Okay, okay, no need to get alarmed right at this moment.”

Sheriff Forbes leans into me. “Meaning he doesn't want to cancel the Founder’s Day kickoff party.” She whispers and I nod.

John continues to talk. “You think all of your problems are over but I’m here to tell you, nothing has been solved.”

I shift uncomfortably. Every time I think we’re in the clear, someone bold comes to town.


So Elena has been freaking out because Alaric told her that Jeremy wrote a paper on vampires. She doesn't like how big of a coincidence that is, especially with Anna hanging around. My mind flashes back to the night when Vicki attacked me and Jeremy saw. I made Damon wipe his memory and Elena has no idea. I need to figure out what’s going on.

I told her that I would talk to Stefan about it. He’s been MIA since Elena apparently fed him her blood and she’s super busy with John being here so I called Stefan.

We’re standing in my room and I explain the situation to him. “Why would he write a report on vampires? Do you think he’s starting to remember?”

Stefan shakes his head. “Damon took away his memories for good, you don’t have to worry about that. I tell you what; why don't you just ask him?” He suggests and I shake my head.

“I…I can’t.”

“Why not? I mean if he doesn’t know anything then it’s just an innocent question.”

“I don’t even know how to talk to him. I mean when we first met, we were able to talk about anything and feel comfortable. But now, all of these secrets are piling up. You know, Elena hasn’t even told him that she’s adopted.”

He nods in understanding. “Maybe it’s time you both talk to him. I’m not saying tell him everything but at least try to find out what he does know and be prepared for it.”

“Stefan, what about you? How are you doing?” I ask gently.

“Much, much better. I’m still, you know…a little jittery, a little bit on edge, but I’m gonna be okay.” He reassures me.

“Elena has been worried about you…and I have too.” I say awkwardly.

He nods with a frown. “I just needed to lay low for awhile and let my body readjust. It’s only been a few days.”

I smile at him and he takes a step closer. “Well, I’m glad you’re okay.” I tell him but his face freezes. A gust of wind blows through my open window and I watch in horror as veins appear under his eyes.

“Ashley, don’t move.” He says quietly and I listen as he takes a step closer.

I can see his fangs extending and he is inches away from me. “Stefan.” I whisper as he reaches his hand up to my face. “Please.” I add and tears form in my eyes.

Suddenly, he flies back against the wall, knocking a lamp over and falling to the ground. I gasp in fear and hurry out of the room. I don’t want to leave him alone but I can’t be in there. It’s too much for him.

I need to do something because my brother just got home about five minutes ago.


Someone knocks on the front door and I open it to see the person I was waiting for. “Good, you’re here.” I breathe a sigh of relief as Damon walks in.

“You ask I come. I’m easy like that.” He says and I roll my eyes, pointing upstairs so we can talk without my brother hearing.

Damon looks past me into the kitchen and I see Ryan at the counter. Normally he would have a problem with Damon being here but after that weird night where Damon came for dinner, I think Ryan actually likes him.

“No Ashley, I will not go to your bedroom with you.” Damon says loudly and I quickly grab his arm and pull him up the steps. “Ah, home sweet home.” He says as he collapses on my bed.

“Stop messing around.” I try to fight a smile. Damon knows how to change my mood when I’m upset.

“Did you know that Elena’s uncle has been kicking it with the Founder’s Council?” He asks and I pause.



“Perfect, we’ll just add that to the list of everything that is falling apart.”

“What happened right there?” Damon asks, pointing at the broken lamp in the corner. I just want to talk about Stefan but I don’t really want to go into detail about what happened.

“Uh…nothing.” I shift under his gaze. “Look, Damon, I’m worried about Stefan. He says that everything’s okay but he’s clearly struggling.”

“You do realize that he’s Elena’s boyfriend…not yours. Why do you care so much?” He asks and I roll my eyes.

“Because he’s my friend, Damon. How long is it gonna take before he gets back to normal?” I change the subject.

“A few days. Give or take.”

“It’s been a few days.” I say and he gets up from my bed.

“Give then, I don’t know. What’s the big deal?”

“He’s not himself, Damon.”

He walks over to my dresser. “Again, I’m not sure why you care. Anyway, maybe the problem is that he has spent too long not being himself.” I blush as he pulls a bra out of my drawer.

I hurry over to him and snatch it from him. “Please don’t make me sorry for asking you.”

He picks up a picture of me and Ryan. “It is what it is, Ashley. The Stefan you know was ‘good behavior Stefan’, ‘reign it in Stefan’, ‘fight against his nature to an annoyingly excessive level Stefan’ but if you think there isn’t another part to this then you have not been paying attention.”

I grab the picture from him. “He’s not you, not even close.” I defend Stefan.

“Well, he doesn’t want to be me.” He steps closer to me and my breathing increases. “That doesn't mean that deep down he isn’t.”

He leaves me with that thought as he walks out of the room.


I text Elena and she decides that she’s going to tell Jeremy about being adopted. She’s also going to dig a little bit to see what he really knows about vampires.

I decide to get dressed for the Founder’s day kickoff party. I wear a light blue dress with tan sandals and once my hair is done, I head out to my car. Ryan said he would be coming later, not that I would see him. I’m sure I’ll be busy with all things vampires.

Elena said she would meet me there so I decide to take off. When I arrive, I see Stefan and Damon standing out front and I walk over to them.

“Oh god. I shouldn't be here.” I hear Stefan say as I walk closer.

“Come on, don’t be a downer, it’s a party for the founding families! That would be us. It would be rude to skip it.” Damon tells him.

“I really liked you a whole lot better when you hated everybody.” Stefan fires back and I laugh.

“Oh I still do.” Damon says as he turns to face me. “I just love that they love me. Miss Ashley.” He states and I smile at them both.

Stefan tenses up when I reach them, but I know that he won’t hurt me. “How are you feeling?” I ask Stefan.

“I’m good, I’m fine.” He doesn't make eye contact and Damon turns to him.

“No cravings? No urges? Is that whiskey you’ve been drinking all day doing the job?” He teases him. “We are who we are Stefan. Nothing’s gonna change that.” It sounds like the same speech that he gave me earlier.

“Nothing will make you happier than to just see me give up, Damon.”

“Whatever, it’s inevitable.” Damon smirks as Stefan starts walking away.

“Well, I’m gonna find Elena.” He walks into the building and leaves me with Damon.

“Why do you have to torture him like that?” I ask Damon with a smile forming on my lips.

“I just want you both to see the monster that he is.” He turns to me and steps closer.

“Damon, he’s not a monster…and neither are you.” I whisper and he frowns at me. “Now, can we please just enjoy the party?” I ask him and he extends his hand to me.

I take it with a smile and he guides me into the party. We walk inside and I see that most of the town has come. I notice Matt’s mom who he has a lot of problems with. I feel so bad for everything that he’s been through. His mom, Kelly, is talking to the mayor and she seems to be drinking…a lot.

We walk towards the bar and Damon pours himself a drink. I see Stefan on the other side with a drink in his hand, talking to Elena. He actually does look better and I’m glad.

“He feels horrible, you know?” I hear Damon’s voice and I turn my attention back to him. “He never wanted to hurt anyone; especially not you.”

“He didn’t mean it.” I defend him.

Damon shakes his head and steps in front of me so that I have to look at him. “Why are you always so quick to defend my brother and I?”

“Why do you always have to question it?” I ask and I notice him looking behind me.

“Have I entered an alternate universe where Stefan is fun?” He asks and I turn to see Stefan and Elena dancing together. The music had suddenly picked up and a lot of people are starting to dance.

“Is he going to be okay?” I ask Damon again.

“Eventually.” He sighs. “One way or another. Would you like to dance?” He asks and I’m taken back. Last time I danced with Damon, it was to blend in and look for a vampire that wanted to kill me. Now he actually wants to dance.

I look up and see him looking into my eyes. “Of course.” I smile and he leads me to the dance floor. He places his hands on my waist and I wrap mine around his neck as we sway to the music. It’s actually really nice and for the duration of the song, I feel like a normal teenager dancing with a boy…man.

Damon leans his mouth to my ear. “I need to talk to the Sheriff.” He whispers and I nod as I see Caroline’s mom standing in the conner.

We walk over to her and Damon turns his cougar flirt on. “You know I love a woman in uniform but I have to side with this look. You look…smashing.” He winks and she blushes.

“Thank you Damon. I needed that. You know I had my doubts about you at first but like everyone else on the council, you’ve won me over.” God, they really have no idea.

“Thanks Liz. It’s really nice how welcoming the council has been. I like my life here in Mystic Falls. Starting to feel like home again.”

Her face falls like she has news. She wants to say something but her eyes land on me. Damon shakes his head at her. “Liz, Ashley’s cool. She’s been helping me.” He whispers and Liz nods.

“Well, you’re not gonna like what I have to tell you. Jonathan Gilbert’s claims check out. Blood banks, the missing people, all of it’s true. We might have a problem.”

She’s about to say more when Jeremy walks up to us. “Hey Ashley.” He smiles and then turns back to Liz. “Excuse me Sheriff. I was curious if there’s been anymore information about what happened to Vicki Donovan?”

“It was an overdose, Jeremy.” She says and I look at Damon.

“Yeah, but her body was buried. Somebody must have done that.” He says and Damon shifts next to me. Without thinking, I intertwine my fingers with his and squeeze his hand reassuringly.

“We’re aware of that. The investigation is ongoing but there’s nothing more I can tell you at this time. I’m sorry.” She says and Jeremy’s face falls.

“It’s okay.” He mumbles and walks away. 


The night goes on and I make my rounds through the crowds of people, making sure to say hello to everyone that I know.

Damon went off to flirt and make himself look as normal as possible and I find myself standing on the edge of the crowd watching Stefan and Elena. They seem to be having a good time until Elena bumps into a man that gets angry. Stefan compels him to apologize and I feel like something is going on.

I look across the room and see Damon standing at the bar so I walk over to him. “Have you noticed what your brother has been up to?” I ask.

He turns to me with a smirk. “No, I’ve been too preoccupied with Elena’s.”

“I don’t understand why he’s asking questions. He told Elena that he knows her death was ruled an overdose.”

“Really.” He changes his mood to mock Jeremy. “Oh but Sheriff, someone buried her. Who would do that?” He teases and I roll my eyes. “I know I know, me! I mean I would compel him but he’s wearing vervain.”

I snap my head up to look at him. “No, I don’t want you to compel him.”

“If he keeps asking questions…”

He starts but I cut him off. “Damon, no. I’m serious. I’m not going to do that to him again…or Elena.”

He smiles and pulls a rose out of a flower arrangement before handing it to me. “Okay. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

I laugh lightly as he nods for me to follow him. We walk out onto the balcony and I freeze when I realize where we are. Damon notices and turns around.

“You coming?” He asks as he walks to the railing.

“I…I um…I think I’m gonna go…back inside.” I stutter and he frowns at me.

“Come on. It’s a great view.” He starts walking towards me and takes my hands, pulling me towards the edge.

I dig my heels into the ground and struggle against his grip. “No, Damon really.” I try but he continues to pull me. “I’m afraid of heights.” I blurt out and he pauses.

I except him to laugh and tease me but he lets go of me and places his hands on my face. “Why?” He asks with concern.

I shrug my shoulders. I’ve always been afraid but I’ve never thought about why. “Well, is it the height or the fear of falling?” He asks.

“Both.” I whisper.

“Well, I promise you that I will not let you fall.” He says and I stare into his eyes. “Ashley, I’m vampire. How many near death experiences have you had since you met me? If you can handle those, I think you can handle anything.” He reassures me and grabs my hands again.

He slowly guides me to the railing and I don’t fight him. He’s right. I can do this. We reach the edge and he snakes his arm around my waist, pulling me close. I look out over the town and take in the view. “It’s beautiful.” I whisper.

“I know.” He says but when I look up at him, he’s staring at me and not the view.

Suddenly, I hear the door open and a voice. “Damon and Ashley, right?” I turn around along with Damon and see John Gilbert standing on the balcony, walking closer to us.

“John.” Damon says.

“We didn’t get the chance to meet at the council meeting.” John and Damon were at the meeting together? 

“Yeah. It’s a pleasure. Are you enjoying the kick-off.” Damon remarks and I smile as he plays the nice guy.

“Oh yeah. I forgot how much fun these small town celebrations can be.”

“Yeah. When was the last time you were here?” Damon asks and I feel like I should leave but when I try to sneak past Damon, he grabs my wrist and pulls me next to him.

“Hasn’t been that long, my brother’s funeral. How long have you been in town?”

“Oh, not long at all.”

“So what do you think Damon? You know this vampire problem is real, right?” He asks and I tense up but Damon stays calm. “It’s a potential blood bath.”

“I wouldn’t overreact John.”

“Oh, I think it’s like 1864 all over agin, vampires running amok. I guess we’re just gonna have to hunt them down, throw them in a church and burn them to ash.” He definitely knows.

“That’s the story, huh?” Damon plays dumb.

“Part of the story, yeah.”

“Oh, there’s more?”

John smirks at us both before answering. “Oh, there’s more. See, it seems there was a tomb under the church, where vampires were hidden, waiting for someone to come along and set them free. But then you already knew that didn’t you?”

I watch as Damon looks away from John. He knows that he’s screwed. 

“I mean, you’re the one that did it.” John adds.

“And you’re telling me this why?” Damon asks in frustration.

“I just thought we get the introductions out of the way.”

Damon takes a step closer, positioning his body in front of me. “You know that I could rip your throat out before anyone would notice?” He asks flatly and John nods. “Yeah, okay. But you probably ingest vervain so…”

“Why don’t you take a bite and find out?” John taunts.

Damon smiles and shakes his head. “It’s not worth my time.” He smirks and starts to walk inside. I follow behind him but freeze when he stops.

He turns back around towards John who is facing the other way. Damon rushes over to him, breaks his neck, and throws him off the balcony. I scream in fear as Damon turns back to me.

“Damon, what the hell?!” I yell and he looks at me with a straight face.

“It had to be done. He knew too much.” He says quietly before walking past me into the party.

I hurry after him. He killed Elena’s uncle. This is not okay and there is no way for me to defend this. I come around the corner and see Matt’s mom kissing Tyler. Matt freaks out and rushes over to them, pulling them apart. They start beating each other up as Elena yells for them to stop.

I need to tell someone about what Damon did but I can’t tell Elena. I weave through the crowds to find Stefan but my face falls when I see him with Damon.

“You want to hear the bad news or the really bad news?” Damon asks Stefan.

“Actually, I don’t want any news, Damon.”

“Alright, let me rephrase. Do you want to hear how the council is back in vampire mode or how I just killed Uncle John Gilbert?” I guess I don’t have to tell Stefan.

“What?” He asks in the same anger I had.

“Great party by the way, huh?” Damon asks sarcastically before walking away. Stefan walks away too and I walk after them.

I finally reach Damon and Stefan is out of sight. “Hey!” I call to him and he turns around but my eyes dart to the doorway where I see someone walking in from the balcony.

“You gotta be kidding me.” Damon says when I notice that it’s John Gilbert.

I’m about to say something to him about everything when the mayor comes on the microphone. “Thank you all, very much, thank you. Thank you all for joining us tonight. In just a few moments we will officially begin the countdown to our upcoming founder’s day celebration and it’s a very special one this year. The one hundred fiftieth birthday of our town and I would like to welcome back one of our town’s favorite sons to do the honor of ringing our official charter bell. John Gilbert would you please join me up here?”

I look at Damon as John makes his way to the stage. “One hundred and fifty years of community, prosperity, family. We take care of each other, we look after each other, protect each other.” His eyes flash to Damon. “It’s good to be home.”

Everyone claps as Damon leans into me. “Look at his right hand.”

My eyes travel to his hand and I notice a ring. “Well, it looks like Alaric’s ring.” I say quietly.

“Yeah, and that would be a big coincidence if he didn’t just come back from the dead 5 minutes ago. Where the hell did Alaric get that ring?”

“I think Isobel, his wife.”

Damon nods, putting the pieces together. “Who gave birth to Elena, under the medical care of the esteemed doctor Greyson Gilbert, John’s brother.”

“Do you think John knew Isobel?” I ask, thinking about Elena.

“I think John knows a lot of things.”


John took off and Damon insisted that we follow him, so I went with him. We brought Alaric too and explained the whole ring thing to him.

“Going somewhere?” Damon asks John as we get outside.

“I’ve never liked to be the last one to leave a party. It’s too desperate. You’re going to kill me again or you’re gonna let Mr. Saltzman do your dirty work?”

“Okay, you obviously know who I am.” Alaric says in confusion. 

“I do. Alaric Saltzman, a high school history teacher with a secret.”

“Sure know a lot for someone who just go to town.” Damon accuses.

“More than you can imagine, Damon. My knowledge of this town goes beyond anything that any of you or the council know. So, if you’re planning on some clever high speed snatch ring vamp kill move, know that if I die, everything I know goes to the council including the fascinating little tale of the original Salvatore brothers and their present day return to Mystic Falls.

Damon stands dumbfounded and doesn't know how to respond so I speak for him. “How did you get that ring?”

John’s eyes land on me. “I inherited one, my brother the other. This was his and I wouldn’t have given mine to Isobel if I had known she’d hand it over to another guy.”

“So you did know her?” I ask again.

“Who do you think sent her Damon’s way when she wanted to become a vampire?”

“You sent her?” Damon asks.

“Guilty. Why, did you think someone else sent her? Maybe Katherine Pierce?” John brings her up and that’s all it takes to control Damon’s mind.

“How do you know about Katherine?” He asks.

“How do I know anything Damon?”

“What do you want?”

“So many questions. It was a pleasure meeting you, Ric. I’ve heard so much about you.” John starts walking away and turn back around. “And Ashley, you may want to think more about the ‘people’ you surround yourself with.”

I shift uncomfortably in his stare and Damon steps closer to me before John turns around and walks away leaving us all confused.


How dare John call me out in front of Ashley like that? This is none of his business. I walk her home in silence and I wish I knew what she was thinking right now.

“What’s on your mind?” I ask her quietly and she looks at me with her beautiful brown eyes.

“Nothing Damon. I’m not worried about what John said.” She says reading my mind. “Stefan lost control tonight.” She adds changing the subject.

“He’ll be fine.” I try to reassure her as we reach her front door. “I’ll check on him and make sure that he’s okay. Don’t worry.”

She smiles at me before opening her door. “I would ask you to stay for awhile but I’m fried.” She admits and I smile at her.

“It’s no big deal. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I wink and she blushes before walking inside.

I don’t care what John says, I’m not going to lose this girl.


I’m sitting on the couch in front of the fire with a glass of blood in my hand, thinking about today’s plot twist called Uncle John. I hear the front door open as Stefan walks in.

“We have a problem Stefan.” I say without turning to face him. “And when I say problem I mean global crisis. It seems Uncle John has…” I trail off as he steps in front of me.

I can see the change in his eyes. I told Ashley that he was okay but I was wrong. “You don’t look so good. It’s different this time, isn’t it? The need is too strong. Of course it would be after all these years.” I smirk knowing that I’ve been right this whole time.

Stefan cannot survive without human blood. I stand from the couch and place my glass on the table in front of him. “Have a good night brother.” I tease walking out of the room.

I’ve been his brother long enough to know that he gave in and emptied the glass before I even made it upstairs.

***Author's Note***

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