The Luna Cure

By blankwriter18

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// sequel to Alpha Symptoms, can be read separately // Dante Valentino-Lancaster seems to be out of luck. At... More



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By blankwriter18

Dinner had been a long affair. Long, meaning I had drawn it out and taken as much time as humanly possible to find what I wanted to eat, which really wasn't anything, because I did not feel like eating when my emotions were so out of control. Not that I really felt like eating ever, but I definitely didn't want to after the day's events. Dante refused to let me get a salad, because that was "cheating".

When the food actually arrived, a wonderful hour and fifteen minutes after we had left my family home, the portion they gave me was unreal.

"There's no way you can make me eat all this." I had tried.

Dante's eyes shimmered at the challenge. "Try me."

I furrowed my brows. "You cannot actually expect me to find a way to suddenly eat like a wolf."

He leaned back in his chair, unaffected. "We can always go back to your house. I'm sure—"

"Fine! I'll eat." I grumbled, and then took a bite of my pasta as I glared at him. It was good, but there was so much.

I didn't end up being able to finish it, but I ate everything I could, and I took as much time as possible. I think Dante understood that I could not eat any more food, because he let it be.

We talked, too, but he kept everything light. It was obvious he was trying to keep this a break from my family as much as possible, and I was grateful for that.

All too soon, however, I found myself in the car again, driving far too quickly to the place I did not want to be in. Yes, there was still love for my family, and maybe I'd decide to come back in the distant future. But I did not want to go back. I was horribly, painfully uncomfortable and out of place.

"I don't think we should go back." I finally whispered.

Dante turned his head for a second to observe me. "You'll disappoint Venice."

My head shook. "She'll get over it."

"You'll disappoint your other five siblings." He shook his head. "Your family is insanely huge."

I ignored his second comment. "They'll be fine."

"Your parents won't be."

"Let's just go to Georgia already."

"Georgia is, for the time being, fine. My Betas are taking care of everything. I'm on holiday."

We passed by the same fast food place we had driven past on the way to dinner. There was still a ways to go before we were back with my family, but time was running out. "Georgia would be warm, though. Don't you want a warm holiday?"

"I'm perfectly alright being here."

I sighed, giving it one last shot. "Can we at least wait a little longer?"

His focus left the road for a second to give me a raised brow. "How do you suppose we do that?"

"Anything. I don't care."

"You could just go back home and explain your exhaustion so you can sleep. Quick escape."

That was true. It also didn't hurt that I actually was exhausted, and the idea of sleeping soon was very relieving. But it also brought me back to the house far quicker than I'd like. And where would I sleep? Did they expect me to sleep in my old bedroom? Where would Dante sleep?

But my energy was drained, and sleep sounded perfect. "Okay," I finally relented, leaning my elbow up on the window and supporting my head. The sky had darkened, leaving us only on the dimly lit, empty roads. "When do you think we'll be in Georgia?" A yawn slipped out after.

"I told my Betas a week or two." He slowed the car down as we approached a turn, and then made a smooth right. We were almost nearing the neighborhood.

"That's a long time." I breathed out. Two whole weeks with my family, in that house. A shiver went down my spine.

"If I'm being honest, I don't even think we'll be able to stay for a week. Magnus will take advantage of this opportunity." His knuckles turned white around the wheel.

I frowned. "What do you think he'll do?"

He paused, probably mulling it over. "He's been trying to get my attention for a while, and he knows I don't consider him a threat. He's bound to try some sort of dominance assertion. My betas are on high alert."

I bit my lip. "Wouldn't you being there deter him?" He was here, trying to help me, when he needs to put his pack first.

"Most of his freak-outs have been while I was there. He wants the attention."

We pulled into the neighborhood, leaving us with maybe five more minutes before we'd arrive. It was almost three hours since we'd left earlier, but it wasn't enough time away.

"I think we should leave soon."

He glanced over. "Soon. But not today."

I leaned back against my seat, staring at the familiar houses and noticing all the changes. There were so many. New paint colors that I didn't even think I'd remember, trees cut down, and then an entirely new playground at the old park. It was a new place. Not one meant for me.

Dante made a left, turning onto my street. Tall, thin pines stretched upwards and lined the streets. The house was on the outskirts of the small division, which was why our—the backyard led to the forest. The house was actually on the very perimeter of it, which was a good idea, considering we weren't the same species as the rest of the neighborhood. Or, my family wasn't. I was now the same as all my ex-neighbors. I glanced over at Dante, staring at his painfully handsome face.

My brain didn't work fast enough to stop my mouth. "Is this what you imagined when you met your mate's family for the first time?"

The question wasn't meant to be a joke, and it was more of a voiced insecurity than a legitimate question. However, his lips lifted in a half smirk, half smile, telling me he thought this was a lighthearted question.

"You always seem to think I had a preconceived notion of who my mate would be. I was ninety percent sure you would be a niveus, but I didn't know anything else."

Annoyance filled my veins, and I rolled my eyes. "You spent three—four?" He was twenty-one, right? Shoot, I was a horrible mate. "Years without a mate, you had to have thought about this."

"Three years." So, twenty-one. "I wasn't too stressed about the whole thing. My mate would be mine, and your family would be lovely."

I crossed my arms across my chest and stared at him. "I don't believe that you didn't have any sort of perfect ideal—"

"Do you want me to say I dreamed of a blonde, confident mate? I didn't, to be honest I've always been into brunettes, but—"

I groaned in annoyance. "You lie." We turned into the driveway, and the nervousness in my stomach shot straight into every other part of my body.

My eyes trailed his hand as he pushed the ignition button, and the car shut off, leaving us in a much more quiet, isolated environment. The hum of the car had really kept everything less intimate.

"Oh? What leads you to believe I'm not into brunettes?" He challenged, undoing his seatbelt.

My eyes widened, and I hoped the blush wasn't going to follow. "It's not brunettes, it's me." I shook my head. "That's not really the point—"

Dante had already gotten out of the car, and like always, was at my door in a flash, holding it open for me. His eyes had a dangerous sparkle to them, but stupidly, I brushed it off, undid my seatbelt, and turned to exit the car.

Dante stood in my way, blocking me from getting out and returning to my doom. "You don't seem to listen, do you?"

I rolled my eyes. "Neither do you. Hence why we're back."

"You're beautiful, Florence. I've said it, and you just don't listen."

My cheeks flamed, but I tried to ignore it. "Are you going to let me go back into that horrid place?"

"Of course. After I make sure you understand me."

"What are you even—" I tried, but was stopped.

He very rudely interrupted me by suddenly pouncing and attacking me with his mouth. A squeak escaped me before he made contact, but I was quickly silenced.

Now, I would still call myself a very inexperienced woman, and only woman in the sense that I was interacting with a man. I still felt like a stupid child in every way except for when he touched me and descended his lips on mine, like he was doing now. So very passionately, might I add. Dante had pushed us both back until he was leaned over me, hands supporting himself against wherever in the car as I laid back against the center console, injury be damned.

Those soft lips were moving against mine as if he was getting revenge for my requests of rejection, so vengeful and fierce. I was not going to complain. Especially with the sparks alleviating everything negative inside of me.

He moved closer, pressing his lower half against mine as he attempted to move forward to deepen the kiss, and a moan vibrated out of me. Goddess, he was just so warm, sculpted, and Dante, and I was so inexperienced and naive to sex but this was him on me, and it was hot. My arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer than he needed to be.

Why was I like this? I was completely hot and cold. My body loved every part of Dante, but my mind was doing everything in its power to oppose him. Let me just say, opposing Dante was challenging, and he made sure it was so.

The freezing cold of the air from outside and the open door should've made my body freeze, but werewolves were a warm breed, and Dante's heat was almost fiery. It made his touch so much more shocking.

Maybe we would have continued for a while—a good long while if I had anything to do with it—had the front door not opened and closed loudly.

Dante noticed this too, because he was off of me in a second and standing back up outside the car like nothing had ever happened. I, on the other hand, was stuck still laying in the car, panting. I'm sure my hair wasn't fabulous, either.

Someone giggled by the door. "You two are so lucky that I'm not one of the boys. That would have been priceless, though." Maggie laughed again.

I sat up, watching her take steps toward us. My head spun at all the movement.

"I don't think it would have been an issue unless it was Max." Dante replied, offering me a hand to get out of the car. I took it, and stood up just as Maggie passed us.

She sent me a wink as she walked by. "You might be right, but had I been Thomas? Can't guarantee that would have gone well, either."

I blushed a bright red, imagining any one of the males in the house coming out to find us. It was not pleasant in any of the cases.

Maggie went to the car on the other side of the driveway, opening the passenger door and grabbing something inside. "Venice just wanted her coloring book." She closed the door behind her. The wind caught her shiny blonde hair and blew it all over, causing her to frown. She fixed it, walking back over to us. "Hayden's here, now. Just a heads up."

My stomach dropped. I thought I had a little more time on that one. "Are they all still up?"

She nodded. "It's only, what—8:30? Venice is still up, too, which should probably change, but it's Christmas. Besides, she loves the big family. She doesn't get that with my side of the family."

I bit my lip, hesitant. They were all still up, and it sounded like they were going to be up for a while. Whenever we would have long family nights, just being together, the fireplace would always be on. My eyes wandered to the roof of the house, finding the chimney. Lots of gray smoke emitted from it. Oh, hell.

Maggie followed my eyes to the chimney, and then cringed. "Yeah, fire's on. Guess that should've been the first thing I mentioned."

My arms wrapped around myself, the cold finally getting to me with Dante's touch absent. "Do you think that we could, uh, sneak off to bed? I really don't want—"

Maggie furrowed her brows. "I don't know if you'll exactly be able to sneak off, but you can just tell them you're exhausted. They're trying to be more sensitive now, which I probably shouldn't be telling you, but—"

I shook my head. I did not want whatever the rest of that sentence was. "It's okay. I get it."

She shook her head. "I'm sorry, I didn't know if that was something you wanted to know."

"It's alright."

"We should go inside." Dante interjected, bringing my focus back to him. Blue-greens analyzed my expression.

"Yeah." I said quietly, letting out a long breath. Just go in there, say I'm tired, and get to bed. My heart thudded painfully. In my old bedroom. The windows giving a perfect view of the forest.

Maggie made her way to the door, and Dante waited for me to make a move after her. I did, almost unconsciously, because I was still so lost in my thoughts. The last time I had slept, Batilda had gotten to me. Would that happen again? It couldn't, I couldn't let my family see that. Dante being there with me last night had helped. I don't know if it necessarily stopped Batilda from coming back, but him being there made me feel like it did. He had to sleep with me, at least for awhile, but could I do that here? Would my family allow it?

To hell with their rules, no way was she going to revisit me. It would be... an awkward conversation if they questioned it, no doubt, but Dante was sleeping next to me.

We approached the steps, and Dante held the screen door for me. I froze, just on the front steps.

"You need to sleep with me. I can't... if she—"

His free hand rubbed my forearm, easing my nerves and fears. "Of course. Don't worry about that."

Gratitude filled me, and my eyes welled up with tears. "Thank you." I bit my lip, not knowing how to express just how much everything he did meant to me. Sure, this hurt so excruciatingly much, but him bringing me home was something I'd never thought I'd get, and even then something I would've never had there courage to do alone. He was taking time away from his duties to help me.

His arm rose up, to cup my face with his hand. Unintentionally, I stepped forward, shrinking the gap between us.

"Don't cry." He whispered, his callous thumb rubbing my skin.

I let out a stupid, sad laugh. Almost a bubbled sob, except I wasn't crying.

I blinked. A laugh? What is wrong with me? "I'm sorry."

He rolled his beautiful eyes. "Stop apologizing, too." He dropped his hand, but his eyes didn't waver from mine. "Get inside. You're going to freeze."

My heart skipped another beat, but instead of thinking about my feelings, I listened, and opened the thick front door. Voices came from down the hall, as well as the faint crackling of a fire. Goddess, a fire. They were going to be up for awhile.

Dante followed me, closing the door behind us. Silently, I took off my boots and jacket, as did Dante, before we went down the dark hallway, towards the noise.

My heartbeat sped up as we neared the living room, which stupidly annoyed me. I've been through worse, this shouldn't be that scary. But it was, because I've been through worse. I've changed, my mind reminded me.

I hated my mind.

The living room silenced when we appeared. "Florence!" It was my mother who exclaimed, and instantly she shot up to hug me again, leaving me uncomfortable and feeling awkward in her arms as she crushed me. "Oh, we missed you so much." Her voice got thick, and I practically heard the tears come on.

All eyes were staring at me, and I regretted coming back. "I was gone for a few hours." I whispered, backing out of her hug.

She shook her head, her eyes glassy. Please stop crying. "It's not just that, it's—" a sob, "everything." More tears, and then another hug, this time far more crushing. My ribs were practically pressing into my organs, and I groaned.

"Mom, you're smothering her." Isaac commented, shaking his head. He set a hand of cards on the table next to him.

"She's fine!" My mother insisted, and somehow, pulled me against her even more.

"No." I managed to choke out, and felt Dante's presence grow nearer.

My mother let go, but held me at arms length. "Sorry! I didn't mean to—"

"I'm fine." I reassured, even though my sides still aches. Goddess, I didn't realize my mother had that much strength.

"Come sit, you two." My father said, folding the paper he had on his lap.

"Um, actually—" I started, but seemingly forgot how large my family was.

"Tell us all about your date." Nolan said with a raised eyebrow.

My cheeks grew red-hot at his insinuation, and I tried to argue. "It wasn't a—"

My mother backed away and sat down next to my dad, her eyes still glassy and appearing to hold her tears in. "We agreed it wasn't a date, Nolan." Max said from the opposite couch.

Harrison rolled his eyes. "You need to stop being so butt hurt, Maxwell."

Max rolled his eyes. "You and I both know this isn't about being—"

Nolan interjected again. "She's old enough to date and you're trying to be the big—"

"It's not about her dating—"

A snicker came from Isaac. "It's about her liking the Prince more than you, Maxwell."

Maxwell groaned, smacking his forehead. "One, it isn't about that, and two, she doesn't. We just—"

"I'm really tired!" I exclaimed, ending the argument. I did not want to hear that. "I know you all probably wanted to spend some more time, but I'm exhausted and really can't do that right now." A silent breath escaped me, expelling all my fear and annoyance. "Dante and I are going to bed now." Goddess, this is so weird.

A collective blink was my response.

"Florence?" Someone said from down the hall, leaving the bathroom. Hayden walked towards us, immediately engulfing me in a hug. Thankfully, unlike my mom's.

"It's you." Hayden's words trailed off, in almost a relieved manner. "When I heard that you were back I jumped on the quickest plane here."

I pulled back, dropping my hands back down to my sides. "Weren't you showing up in a bit though?" He really shouldn't have rushed here.

He nodded. "Yeah, but I would've arrived at like two a.m. and I didn't want to wait."

"Oh." I scratched my arms, unsure of what to say to him. Thanks, but I'm trying to avoid all of you right now?

Probably not that.

Hayden turned his dark brown eyes to the warm man behind me, a smile gracing his face. "Hey, heard about you, too." He extended a hand to Dante, which I'm sure he shook. "Damn."

My skin itched with the need to get the hell out of there. I did as much as I could, and tomorrow would be a new day, but I just didn't want any more of it. Not even if Hayden rushed to see me. All of them were here and I was here and it was time to call it a night.

"I'm going to bed." I finally said, running a hand up my forehead. My eyes met Hayden's. "Sorry, I know you rushed here and everything. Goodnight."

"Wait, wait." My dad tried, and I reluctantly turned on my heel to face them again.

He tried again, leaning forward. "Is this something we did?"

"No," I wrapped my arms around myself, the need to leave cooling, but still there. "We've just been up since, uh, really early."

Dante apparently could not contain his laugh at that, because when I went to glare at him he seemed to find it even more amusing, but he didn't let another laugh out. "Yes, very early." He quickly followed, eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Can we at least steal your mate away for a few minutes?" My dad tried, and then his lips lifted in a smile. "We promise we won't scare him off."

I glanced over at Dante, worriedly. Not that I was worried for him, no. My family was harmless, and I knew even the most protective act from them wouldn't faze Dante.

It was my own worries that caused me to pause. Did they expect to me to fall asleep without him? Batilda would take that opportunity and do everything in her power to get to me. I needed him there.

My mouth opened to give a solid 'no', but Dante's hand made contact with my elbow.

"Go ahead. Take a shower or something, I'll be there in a bit." He promised, mischief being replaced by understanding. I shut my mouth, swallowing my fears. He wasn't going to let me sleep without him.

"Alright. Goodnight." I turned around, making my way down the dark hallway to the only door without scuff marks, without a jiggle to the knob, and closed the door behind me.

The white forest from outside was the first thing I saw, and it didn't take any thought to go over there and shut the blinds. I closed the curtains, too. It was almost like the forest wasn't even there.

A heavy breath escaped me. Almost. But not really. It would always be there.

The dark purple walls seemed even darker at this time of night, and I didn't know whether I liked it or hated it. On the one hand, I had spent eleven years of my life in a dark space, and was sick and tired of the dark, but on the other hand, the darkness in the room was almost ironic. Reflective of everything I've come to be, the darkness in me.

I shook my head. No, this wasn't a time to ponder the changes. I was going to shower, change, and get to bed, and no thoughts would occur. Just peace.

Walking around the bed to the bathroom, I turned on the light, to immediately be blinded by just how pristine and shiny everything was. It was so white, too.

As I walked into the bathroom, my mind wandered back to Dante. What did they want to talk to him about? Obviously, me, but what in particular?

I moved over to the shower, playing with it until I could figure out how to turn it on, and then let it warm up.

Dante wouldn't tell them anything I didn't want them knowing, right? I didn't think he would. He knew just how rough this was, and it wouldn't make me happy to know he had told them other things.

Where is the soap? Obviously, this bathroom hadn't been used in ages, so maybe not having eleven-year-old soap was a good idea, but there was absolutely no soap, anywhere. No shampoo or conditioner, either. Shoot.

I searched the cabinets, making sure to close them quietly. My family didn't need to know that I was snooping.

Dante had to give them some information, though. What would he give up? Certainly nothing about whatever relationship we had, because not even Dante was daring enough to tell my family of six males that we were doing anything remotely mate-like. Would he tell them about last night?

I shook my head. I didn't even want to think about that possibility.

The bathroom contained absolutely no soap. Not a drop. I even checked the closet by the door, and that only held towels.

Venturing out back into the bedroom, my eyes locked on Dante's duffel bag. He traveled a lot. There had to be something in there, right?

Without giving it much more thought, I tiptoed over and unzipped the black bag, finding a million of Dante's things inside. Cords that probably charged things, his laptop, a shiny watch. I stuck my hand in, digging around a little bit. People carried their soap and makeup and stuff in tiny bags, right? Not that Dante would have makeup, but maybe a razor?

I shook my head. This did not take that much thinking. Besides, did he even get a lot of facial hair? I hope not. His face looks so beautiful clean shaven.

A groan almost escaped me. I needed to shut up.

My hand felt something leathery, and I grabbed it, pulling out a pouch. Aha! He did have one of those tiny bathroom bags. I literally had no clue what they were called.

I set the bag on the table next to his duffel and opened it up, finding exactly what I expected: a razor, some cologne, and, thank the goddess, shampoo and conditioner. I went to snatch them, but then bit my lip. Would Dante be mad? Even worse, would it technically be stealing from the Prince if he was mad? These were probably a fortune and a half, and looking at their sleek, minimalist black bottles, I definitely didn't doubt these were expensive.

I decided to just send a text to him instead of stand here and think.

To: Dante (8:42 P.M.)
I hope it's okay that I'm using your soaps

I cringed as I pressed send. He could be mad, he could be weirded out, he could be a million things. Stop thinking. I grabbed the two small bottles and my phone and brought them back into the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

The shower was warm enough now, so I stripped down. Just as I went to jump in, my phone pinged.

From: Dante (8:43 P.M.)
I have absolutely NO problem with you smelling more like me

A stupid blush lit up my cheeks, and just as I went to turn away, he sent another text.

From: Dante (8:43 P.M.)
Seriously. Lather it up.

I bit back a smile, feeling the tension ease. Dante was pretty good at doing that.

I stepped into the hot shower, and only then did I realize that my back bandages were still on. It was too late, though, because they had already been hit with the water, and there was no going back. I'd have to change them again.

Shoot. I was so stupid.

I hurried up with the shower, trying to hard not to focus on how aromatic Dante's soaps were, or how soft they made my hair.

The shower was off in maybe twelve minutes, which I'll admit is longer than usual, but the soaps just made the whole room smell so good, warm and earthy. Fresh. 

Stepping out, I rushed to the closet and grabbed the first towel I found, a fluffy white one.

Clothes. I needed those, too. Dante had to have packed those.

Tying the towel right around my body and wrapping my hair in another, I snuck back into the dark room and searched through Dante's bag some more. I only found some of his clothes, but none for me.

Thankfully, I located the smaller duffel bag on the floor next to the table, and I quickly picked it up and searched through it. A sigh of relief escaped me as I found plenty of clothes for me, and I stole the whole bag and took it into the bathroom.

I used the towel to dry off any still-damp parts of my body, and then set it on the counter. My eyes narrowed in on my ghostly white skin, the visible ribs, all of my bones. It was better than when I had first arrived at the palace, far better, but I was still a white twig. Chewing on my lip, I changed hurriedly, choosing a loose shirt that wouldn't touch my open wounds. The bandages were in the trash, and my wounds were left uncovered.

Did I really have to cover them? It was good to let injuries heal, and I really didn't feel like asking Dante for a favor. It'd be fine.

I spent the next while towel-drying my hair, getting it just about dry, when I heard the bedroom door open and close.

"Dante?" I questioned, not worrying to peek out.

A 'Hm?' was my response, and then I saw the lights in the bedroom turn on.

Giving up on my hair, I hung the towel up to dry and dried off the soap bottles, going into the other room to return them.

"Thank you, for, uh, those." I said meekly, setting them down on the table next to him.

"You don't need to thank me for everything." He replied, locking eyes. His words reminded me of earlier, when I thanked him for things I couldn't even admit had meant so much to me. My heart thudded, and I shook my head.

"I do, though." I replied, shrugging. "You do so much." The last part was a whisper, and my eyes started to sting with emotion. Turning around quickly, I made my way to the bed, still cautious of the room around me.

I stood next to the bed, staring down at the mattress with a heavy heart. It had been eleven whole years since I had last spent a night in this house, in this room. So many nights had been spent on the rough floor of that wooden hell, voiceless and so afraid. Those first couple of years were the worst. I was so young, and I had no way to communicate my fears. Wendy eventually listened when she showed up, or she tried to. She helped.

Batilda killed Wendy. That, to me, was a far worse injustice than the years she had stolen from me. Wendy would've survived the outside, she would've made a great queen. Dante probably would've loved her, too. She was beautiful, striking hazel eyes and creamy dark skin, and strong. She never backed down from Batilda, never submitted.

But Wendy was a friend to me more than anything. She wouldn't want me to waste my chance, the chance she should've gotten.

I pressed a hand against the ruffled white comforter, pushing down on the soft bed. It was so foreign to me, so odd. What other option do I really have, though? I thought, as I stared at the bed.

Finally, I ignored every instinct and just did the normal person thing, sliding into the cool sheets and pulling my knees up to my chest. My chin sat on my knee, and I just observed Dante in silence.

He undid his watch, setting it on the table, emptied his pockets, and then slid off his sweater, revealing his toned, tan skin underneath.

Those strong back muscles flexed as he rummaged through his bag some more. His head turned around, and those eyes met mine. "Do you want me to come to bed right now, or can I take a shower?"

I chewed my lip. "Can you just shower in the morning?" I was exhausted, and honestly, needing the comfort this stupid bond gave me. Besides, being in this bed alone was weird. I wanted him here so I wasn't just in this foreign thing by myself.

"Of course." He then dropped his pants, and I squeaked.

"There's a bathroom!" I hissed, using one hand to block my view of him. He laughed, the sound bouncing all around the room.

"Such a prude, Florence." He commented, before laughing some more. Sometime later, while I was still covering my view, the lights turned off.

After another minute, I peeked back out of my hands, to find him with a navy t-shirt on, but still in his boxers. "Shorts, too." I said, and he raised an eyebrow in defiance.

"I don't sleep in shorts, babe." He said, making his way over to me. I shook my head, holding up a hand.

"What if someone, like, walks in?" I questioned, my eyes wide with the horrible scenarios.

"That would be inappropriate of them to do."

I rolled my eyes as he joined me, laying down on his side and facing me. "It would be inappropriate for this—"

"You worry too much. Relax." He rolled onto his back, and then looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "How comical do I look in this bed? I definitely feel pretty laughable."

I bit my lip, staring at this alpha male, enormously bulky man in the soft, canopy, ruffled bed. "Pretty comical." I replied, slipping my feet under the blankets, but refusing to lay down.

Silence descended, and I thought it was fine, but I guess it annoyed Dante, because one second I was sitting up, facing away, and the next I was pulled onto his chest, like the night before.

An 'eep!' escaped me, and I lifted my head to glare at him. "Why do you do these things?"

He offered me a grin. "Give you comfort and a wonderful chest to lay on? Just out of the goodness of my heart."

I rolled my eyes, but laid back down on him. I knew it was comfortable, and he knew I thought it was comfortable, so there was no point in arguing. At least, not while we were here. Once we got to Georgia, it would be separate bedrooms all over again, and I would get peace. But for now, this was okay. It was helpful, too.

"What did you talk to my family about?" I asked after a few long minutes of just listening to his heartbeat.


My eyes rolled. "What specifically?"

He was quiet for a moment. "They wanted to know what they could do. To help you, and make you feel less uncomfortable."

I felt my eyebrows raise. Was it that obvious that I was uncomfortable? It must've been, if they were worried enough to seek out Dante specifically.

"What did you tell them?"

A hand of his moved down to start running hands down my scalp and hair, a relaxing touch. Almost blissful. I shut my eyes and waited for his answer, not complaining at the gesture.

"I told them not to pry. You seem to be more comfortable when things come out naturally." His hand paused halfway down my hair for a split second before he continued. "They wanted to know about Batilda, too. And the basement. I didn't think that was stuff you'd like to get any more in depth into."

No, I certainly didn't.

"I feel like there's more."

"There is." His voice quieted, and he paused again. "They wanted to know about how you were when you first showed up."

A breath escaped me. They wouldn't want to know that.

"I didn't tell them much, if you're worried. Just that I know you're going to be okay."

Another thump to my heart that I fought hard to ignore. "Did anyone give you a hard time? Max probably did."

It worried me, Max's view of Dante since finding out we were mates. I ruined a good friendship, all by being mates to Dante. That didn't make me feel good at all.

"Max is just a jackass by nature. I promise you he loves me." Dante let out a laugh. "Your family was perfectly welcoming."

Good. I let out a breath, waiting for Dante to continue, but when he didn't, I assumed he was done. "It was fine?"

"I was fine, Florence. They're wonderful, and hurting for you. Now, sleep. They mentioned something about Christmas Eve being a huge day."

Oh, hell. Christmas Eve was tomorrow, and it certainly was big.

I felt like thanking Dante some more, for every little thing he does for me, but the silence was nice. The dulled sparks were comforting, too, in almost a relaxing way.

Sleep came easy after that.

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