His Human Mate

By Well-then-

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Amber is a completely normal girl. She sings at parties, goes out with her best friend Stacy and is one of th... More

Chapter 1- My Now Ex- Boyfriend
Chapter 2- I Get To See Her Again
Chapter 3- Love you Daddy
Chapter 5- I'm sorry I wasn't there
Chapter 6- No boys until you're twenty
Chapter 7- More like a slave
Chapter 8 - I'm A Werewolf
Chapter 9- Thank You
Chapter 10- You ok?
Chapter 11- Mate
Chapter 12- You get me
Chapter 13- Your son
Chapter 14- Where is Dahlia?
Chapter 15 - I Forgive You
Chapter 16- Story Time
Chapter 17- Hi Dad
Chapter 18 - Come out
Chapter 19 - I Love You Too
Chapter 20 - Halloween
Chapter 21 - Who Screamed?
Chapter 22 - Something's happened
Chapter 23 - Brothers
Chapter 24 - Dead
Chapter 25 -To The Hospital
Chapter 26 - Make Sure To Scream
Chapter 28 - Pregnant
Chapter 29 - Will you marry me?
Chapter 30 - I Miss You
Chapter 31 - Baby
Chapter 32 - What's Wrong?
Chapter 33 - Everything Will Be Fine
Chapter 34 - Bad Baby

Chapter 27 - Ready To Attack

755 20 0
By Well-then-

Chapter 27 - Ready To Attack

Brandon P.O.V- 

Xavier and I spotted Tristan stood on the top of a hill his back facing us, he held a phone to his ear.

"Do it now." He ordered. He turned to look at us. "Yes, now." He smiled creepily and tossed the phone away.

'Ready to attack' I nodded at Xavier's words through the mindlink. 'Three, two on-'

A pained scream pieced our ears, it was impossible not to hear. It was impossible not to know who it was.

I saw Xavier shaking in anger. He wanted nothing more than to run and find his mate but Tristan needed to be stopped.

'Go' With that simple order I sprinted in the direction of her scream.

My breathing stopped at the scene in front of me. Amber screaming clutching her face. Danny on the floor a knife in his hand and his throat slit.

I ignored the fact that there was a dead body and rushed to my sister.

"Amber!" I kneeled down pulling her into my lap. "What's happened? Show me." My eyes welded up as she continued to scream.

I pulled her hand away from her face gasping at the sight. The knife had cut a deep line down her face.

Through her eye.

Blood was pouring from her face but I was frozen not knowing what to do.

"He can't see me. Xavier can't see me." She sobbed, I hardly understood what she said.

"He won't care." She began to cough blood coming out of her mouth. Her hands moved to her stomach.

That's when I noticed it.

Another knife was lodged in her stomach. More blood was leaving her body.

"I'm going to die aren't I?" Her voice was weak now.

"No you're fine. It's not that deep." Liar. Liar. Liar.

'Doctor I need help now! It's the Luna!' I shouted into the mind link.

'I'll be right there.' He spoke rushed.

"I don't want him to see me." Amber's eyes were drooping now. "He can't see me until I can tell him I'm okay."

"Okay." A tear dropped from my eye. "Whatever you want."

"I love him." Her eyes were now fully closed.

"I know you do." I smiled sadly at her moving so I could apply pressure to her wound.

"I love all of you guys." Her voice was a whisper. "I love him."

She was unconscious by the time the doctor arrived. To say he was shocked was an understatement.

Xavier came running towards us in wolf form his fur matted in blood but he didn't seem to be injured.

I jumped up as his eyes turned black. He couldn't get in between Amber and the doctor, Ace was in control which meant all rational thoughts were out the window.

He ran towards her but I tackled him before he could reach Amber.

"No!" I growled at him. "He's helping her."

He struggled against me his eyes focused on his mate.

"Please. If you want her to live stop." I begged. I knew I was crying but I didn't care.

Ace didn't shift back and he didn't give Xavier control but he stopped struggling. I let him go once I could trust him.

He rested his head two feet away from her watching her and the doctor cautiously. His ears were perked up, he was listening to her heart.

More footsteps entered my hearing. Tommy, Tim, Stacy and a nurse. The nurse didn't seem fazed as she ran towards Amber.

Tim walked over sitting next to me, while Tommy and Stacy kept there distance. Stacy was sobbing hysterically so much that Tommy ended up taking her away.

Tim hugged me but I made no move to hug him back. He understood that I was to focused on Amber but his contact was somewhat reassuring.


The hospital was cold and the chairs were uncomfortable. Tim hadn't left my side, I think he was expecting me to break down any second.Tommy and Stacy had gone to get us food.

Xavier hadn't spoken. He had only just shifted back and gained control. He was staring at a picture of him and Amber on his phone. He had done nothing else for two hours.

A nurse had given Tim a pair of earphones so he was listening to music in hopes it would distract him. I tried but it didn't work.

I noticed movement in the corner of my eye. Xavier fidgeted in his seat, he turned of his phone putting it in his pocket. He noticed me watching him.

"Xavier?" I wanted to ask him if he was okay but I knew that was a pointless question.

"What did she say?" His voice croaked. He could hardly manage talking. "Did she say anything when you found her?"

"Xavier..." I trailed of unsure of this conversation.

"Tell me!" He growled suddenly.

"She said she loved everyone." I blurted out. He nodded stiffly. "She said she loved you. Twice."

"Really?" His voice was a whisper.

"Of course." I watched him. "She loves you so much."

"What else?" His voice was desperate.

"She thought she was dying." I mumbled hating what I just said.

Xavier's eyes watered and he took a deep breath.

"And-" I stopped my self. I knew he wouldn't like what else she said.

"Brandon?" He turned to look at me.

"You won't like it." I muttered to him.

"Brandon please." He pleases me.

"She said she didn't want you to see her." I confessed. "She didn't want you to see her like this."

He stood up suddenly. "I should leave."

"No Xavier!" I exclaimed standing up as well.

"I wouldn't want to disrespect her wishes." He was already the majority of the way down the hall. I couldn't stop him.


Two weeks.

That's how long she's been in a comma, but they want to wake her up today. I watched through the glass as she began to move. The doctors were still doing things but I didn't care anymore she was awake.

They let me in after ten minutes. It was night so Tommy and Stacy were at home while Tim insisted on staying with me. He was sleeping on the chairs outside her room. Xavier hadn't came back after our conversation. He had thrown himself into pack work, I knew Tommy was updating him on her condition though.

"Hey Amber." I sat on the edge of the bed. Her head turned to me but she couldn't see me. Bandages were covering both her eyes. I saw her hand reach up to feel if her eyes were open. She sighed in relief once she realized they were covered.

"Hi." She whispered her voice hoarse. I noticed Tim standing in the doorway rubbing his eyes as he woke.

"Tim can you get Amber some water please." Tim nodded walking away with a yawn.

"Who's here?" She croaked.

"Me and Tim." She frowned at my words. "It's late so Tommy and Stacy went home so they could get some sleep." I explained but it was obvious who she wanted to hear about.

"Everyone's okay?" I helped her sit up.

"Yes everyone's okay." Tim spoke as he walked in with a cup of water he gave it to me. I grabbed Amber's wrist so I could place the cup in her hand.

"Did we win?" She asked after a sip of water.

I nodded although she couldn't see it. "Yeah, we won."


"Can I take my bandage of?" Amber gestured to the material over her eyes.

"You should probably wait until the doctors do it." I told her.

"Well can you ask the doctors? I don't like not being able to see."

Tim nodded getting up and walking out of the room.

"Time gone to get them." I told her. "You know there's not much to see, it's me and Tim, and you already know what a hospital room looks like."

"I still don't like it." She mumbled. There was a moment of silence. "Where is he? I thought he'd be here."

"Um, I told him that you said you didn't want to see him." I explained. "So he wanted to respect your wishes and he hasn't visited since."

"Oh." She looked down.

"The doctors are here." Tim announced as he walked in.

"Amber I've heard you have some questions regarding you bandages but there is something we need to tell you before we take them off." The nurse told her.

Amber P.O.V-

"Ok." I nodded.

"Well the wound to your face effected your eye. I'm afraid we were unable to restore your vision in your left eye." She told me, a weak smile on her face.

"Oh." I thought about the news. "That's okay." I finally mumbled.

"We'll leave you alone for a moment." She left along with another nurse.

"Amber? Are you okay?" Brandon cautiously asked me. I felt a dip to my right and assumed that he had sat on the bed.

"I'm fine." I swung my legs off the bed standing up. Wincing as I did so. "Can you show me to the bathroom?"

"Yeah of course." Tim answered. I heard his footsteps run up to me before he gripped my arm and guided me away from my bed.

He told me we had reached the bathroom after a few seconds.

"Where's the mirror?" He turned me around slowly and placed my hand on the sink.

"Right in front of you." He told me.

"Thank you." I said.

I moved my hand so it hovered over the right side of my face. I tugged at the bandages and it began to unravel. Eventually I could see.

I looked into the mirror and held in a gasp. There was a scar from the middle of my forehead diagonally through my and it ended on the left side of my chin.

My left eye looked normal except it wasn't really looking in the same direction as my right eye. It was weird, my vision was the same there was just less of it.

If I had to loose my sight in one eye for everyone to be safe then it was definitely worth it.

"You okay?" Brandon asked making me jump.

"Surprisingly I am." I nodded turning to look at him.

He smiled warmly at me. He didn't seem to care that my face was scared actually he seemed not to notice.

"I want to go and see him." I looked at Brandon waiting for his reaction.

"The doctors won't like that." I frowned at his words. "So I guess we're going to have to sneak out." He grinned at me.

I laughed. "Let's go then." I began to walk out the bathroom but he stopped me.

"Ha nice try. I'm carrying you." He picked me up avoiding my wounded stomach.


We arrived after a few minutes. Tim had been telling me about what I had missed on tv in the last two weeks, which I found entertaining.

"I can go from here." I said as we arrived outside his office. Brandon nodded walking away with Tim.

I opened the door slowly and looked around the room. The office was normally clean and organised but what I saw was the opposite.

There were papers scattered on the floor along with plates of food which had hardly been eaten. The sofa was broken and the bookcase had fallen.

I looked towards the desk and spotted Xavier. Xavier had bags under his puffy eyes and he now had stubble on his chin. He was gripping a pen tightly as he scribbled words onto a piece of paper.

"No, no, no!" He suddenly shouted throwing the pen. It missed me by a foot. "Damnit!"

"All my pens have ran out! Now I have to get more!" He stood up beginning to stomp towards the door when he spotted me.

"Amber." He whispered in disbelief.

"Hi Xavier." I smiled weakly at him.

"Thank god!" He ran up to me hugging me tightly. "I've missed you." He mumbled into my neck.

"Well you should've visited me then." I joked but he didn't seem amused.

"I'm sorry." He muttered.

"You didn't do anything wrong." I told him sternly.

"I should've protected you." I felt tears land on my shoulder.

I lifted his head of my shoulder and looked him in the eyes.

"You did protect me." I said.

He nodded slowly. "I love you."

I smiled at him. "I love you too."


I woke up when Brandon had burst into the room.  

"What?" Xavier growled at the intrusion. 

"The doctors found out Amber isn't in hospital they want her back." Brandon explained. 

"Ok." Xavier nodded. He picked me up suddenly making me laugh. "To the hospital."

We arrived back in our room and after a lecture from the nurses we were relaxing. Xavier and I were in the hospital bed, while Tim was sitting on Brandon's lap in the hospital chair. 

"Oh honey you're awake." Carla, Xavier's mum, shouted as she walked into my room. "Xavier has been crying on my shoulder everyday you've been unconscious."

I smiled turning to look at Xavier to find his jaw slack and his eyes wide. 

"Mum..." He muttered in disbelief. 

"Oh don't look at me like that." She turned to me. "It was heartbreaking. He loves you so much."

Xavier's cheeks had gone red which only increased when we heard Brandon laughing. 

"Brandon, I'm not sure why you're laughing. You cried too." Tim crossed his arms looking at Brandon who had frozen.

I laughed at both of their embarrassed faces. However it didn't occur to me that it would hurt when I laughed. I yelped, mainly in surprise, as a pain struck my cheek. 

"Does it hurt?" Xavier looked at me concerned. I shook my head.

"No I'm fine." I smiled slightly at him. 

"Good." He kissed me.

"I love you." I leaned my head on his shoulder. 

"I love you too." He grinned.

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