Descendant of Hogwarts #2

By ASarabeth

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Anastasia Potter is back and ready for her second year at Hogwarts, but when a house-elf warns her of a dange... More

Chapter 1: Stupid House-elf
Chapter 2: Weasley Burrow
Chapter 3: Knockturn Alley
Chapter 4: Mr. Goldilocks
Chapter 5: Going Back
Chapter 6: A New Friend
Chapter 7: Attention Seeker
Chapter 8: Things Do Get Better
Author's Note
Author's Note
Chapter 10: Voices

Chapter 9: Mudblood

271 5 2
By ASarabeth

  The next time I wake up is when Professor Snape shakes me awake for dinner. Yawning while nodding my head, I slowly get up before hurrying out the door behind Professor Snape. We have minimal conversations on the way to the Grand Hall, but I don't think either of us minded. As we get closer to the hall, the loud noises that are being created by the other students and teachers progressively becomes worse. I am not awake enough to deal with loud people right now. The professor must have heard my internal complaining, because I see him smirk for a few seconds before opening the doors.

Sighing, I start to walk to the Slytherin table when I notice my brother motioning me over. With confusion clearly evident on my face, I walk over to them before asking my brother what's wrong. He explains that during Quidditch training today, the Slytherin Quidditch team stole their time on the Quidditch pitch. I pat him on the back because I know how much Harry loves this sport.

"Did you know that Draco is the new Slytherin seeker?" the Weasel asks me, and I shake my head while I go into complete shock. Why hasn't Dra said anything about being part of the Quidditch team? Before I can continue my inner breakdown, my brother also explains about the main problem about the whole ordeal, because it gets even worse.

The Slytherin captain called Hermione a MudBlood. Confused, I look at Hermione for an explanation and she explains that a 'MudBlood' means dirty blood. Usually, a MudBlood is a muggleborn, because in the eyes of purebloods and half-bloods, muggleborns have dirty blood. My hands clench into tight fists as I continue to listen to her explanation. I hold back my urge to go to Flint and punch him in the face. I may be nice and innocent to others, but once you hurt my family and friends, I will protect them and get revenge, if need be. If I go and punch Flint in the face, then most likely I will get detention or worse. So, unfortunately, that means that a physical confrontation is not on the table. Sighing, I go over to Hermione and give her a giant hug, which she does not hesitate to recuperate. Pulling away from the hug, I grab my notepad and decided to write down my feelings on this entire matter.

"I can't believe he said that to you, Hermione! You are a bright and talented witch! Especially for being a Muggleborn! The only reason anyone would say such a disgusting word is because they are jealous that they can't do half the things that you can do, especially a first year. Don't ever forget that, Hermione! Or so help me I'll throttle you until you know that I'm right like always," I tell her with a smirk on my face. She laughs while agreeing that she won't forget it. Laughing, I tell them that I'm going to eat and start to walk to the Slytherin table.

As I am heading over, I look over and notice Kitty sitting by herself at the Hufflepuff table. Feeling bad that my friend is by herself, I redirect myself over to the Hufflepuff table and place my hand on her shoulder. I feel her flinch from underneath my hand before quickly looking up to find that it's just me. Kitty relaxes before giving me a smile that shows she is still slightly hesitant around me.

Giving her a hand motion to follow me, I wait for her to get up before walking us to the Slytherin table. Smiling at Draco, I sit Kitty between me and my honoree big brother because I'm pretty sure the other Slytherins do not appreciate what I just did. Feeling a pair of eyes on me, I look down the table to see Flint giving me a disapproving look, but I just give my best glare before turning back to my friends. Kitty looks very uncomfortable being at the Slytherin table, but I simply give her a reassuring smile before promptly filling my plate with food that I like. As I have a conversation with both of my friends, I make sure that Kitty and Draco are eating enough food because they need to stay healthy.

Sadly, dinner comes to an end, and I have to say goodbye to my friend. Kitty gives me a hug before rushing off with the rest of the Hufflepuffs. Right as I am about to follow Draco down to the dungeons, I see a pair of identical red heads and I instantly remember what Flint called my friend. A devious smirk appears on my face while I motion for Draco to go on without me. Rushing over, I tackle one of the twins, but I didn't have enough strength to take him to the ground. Ironically, instead of Fred falling to the ground like I imagined, I am the one that has fallen to the ground after running full force into him. I hear the twins laugh at my expense before helping me off the ground.

"Hello, Anastasia!" the twins say together, and I give them a smile before my smirk from earlier comes back. Fred and George quickly notice my sneaky behavior before identical shifty smiles appear on their faces.

"Well, look at what we have here, George. I think our little innocent friend might be taking a page or two out of our book. What do you think, Gred?" the older twin asks his brother, and I am briefly confused at the new name, but I quickly ignore it thinking that it must be a nickname between them.

"I agree with you, Forge. It makes me wonder what she has in mind if she has come to us. I'm kind of worried for the person that has made her this upset," George replies while they look at me with badly hidden excitement. Smiling, I write down about what happened to Hermione and how I want them to prank Flint. I give the page to George, but the twins didn't even fully read it before talking to me.

"Oh, yeah! We were there when it happened. Don't you remember that we are the beaters for the team?" Fred and George look at me with their eyebrows raised. I give them a sheepish smile with a blush appearing on my face. Slowly, I shake my head while looking down at the ground. They chuckle while putting their arms around my shoulders and we head out of the Great Hall.

"Anyway, Forge and I will gladly pull a prank on Flint for calling Hermione such an awful name. You leave the pranking to us, but we do need your help," George tells me, and I quickly nod my head while giving him a questioning look. He smiles while they continue to guide me down to what I realize is the dungeons, "We need a way into the Slytherin dorms. This is where you will come in because we need you to allow us into the dorms. Unfortunately, we won't do the prank tonight because everyone will be expecting that, but we will send you an owl when we have decided to do the prank."

I nod my head, and we arrive at the entrance of the Slytherin commons. Giving them one last smile, I hug them before showing the password to the painting which lets me into the commons. The first thing that is waiting for me inside the commons is Dra sitting on the coach with his homework. Laughing quietly, I shake my head slightly while plopping down next to him. I can tell that he is startled from his work, because he jumps a couple of inches before looking over at me. Giving him a smirk, I watch as he rolls his eyes before lightly punching me in the arm. My mind briefly flashes to what the Weasel told me earlier, and I immediately sober up.

"Why didn't you tell me that you are the new Slytherin seeker? In fact, when did you try out for the position?" I ask him, and I hear a very loud gulp as Draco reads the sentences. After reading it, he looks up with an uneasy half smile while he tries to explain.

"W-Well, you see," he starts to say before sighing with his shoulders sagging, "I kind of wanted to surprise you when Quidditch actually started. I wasn't going to tell you until you saw me on the team on the day of the match. I'm sorry about not telling you, and, please, don't be upset with me. I asked Flint if I could try out during one of my class periods and after some convincing he finally allowed it."

My goldish eyes blink and blink again before finally pulling him into a hug. Yes, I am upset that he didn't tell me that he got onto the team, but I also understand that he was trying to surprise me. I don't think it would have been a good surprise, though, if I didn't hear about it until the day of the first Slytherin match. I mean, I am really happy for him, but I am now afraid to death for his safety as well as my big brother's. Quidditch isn't a sport that can be taken lightly. With this in mind, I tell him exactly how I feel, but I also explain to him that I am not going to hold him back from playing. At the end, all I ask is that he stays as safe as he possibly can.

"Thank you, Ana for not being upset with me!" Dra says while hugging me before pulling away as quickly as he started. A look of seriousness appears on his face, "I'll try to be safe, Ana, but I can't make any promises. If I get hurt, you will come visit me in the hospital wing, right?"

"Of course! You are my best friend and my honoree big brother!" I tell him with a smile on my face. He smiles as well before hugging me again, but this time I have the opportunity to actually hug back. After a couple of minutes, we pull away from each other and turn our attention back onto the dreaded topic of homework.

A couple of days later, all thoughts about the prank on Flint have almost completely left my mind. The key word is almost because the twins finally decided to make their move tonight. The school owl lands a letter onto my plate during breakfast. Confusion envelopes my features as I open the letter which only has one word on it: tonight. Trying to not act suspicious, I just nod my head while putting the letter back into the envelope. Putting it until my robes, I can't help the smile that appears on my face slightly as I start talking to Draco, while thinking about Flint's upcoming fate.

That night, it takes until almost midnight before everyone is finally asleep. Cautiously, I pull the curtains around my bed open and slowly tip toe my way across the girls room to the door. The real problem is opening the door without it squeaking everyone awake. Thankfully, Lady magic was on my side tonight, the door stays absolutely silent as I slowly open it.

I pull the Slytherin common room door open and the twins are outside whispering to each other while holding stuff for the prank. Unfortunately, I still don't know what the prank will be because the twins wanted me to find out the same time as everyone else. Softly knocking on the portal draws their attention towards me. They both give me a sly smile while hurrying into the Slytherin house. Right as they enter my commons, I quickly realize that they've never been here before because they look around the room with fascination on their faces. Within a few seconds, their prankster faces come back, and they quickly head up the stairs to the boys' dormitories. I decided that I should probably wait for them to come back so I sit down on the couch.

I don't know if it was because the boys were taking too long, or it was because it was midnight, but I ended up falling asleep on the couch. At least, I was sleeping until someone started to shake me awake. Mumbling incoherently, I open my eyes to see that Draco is the one shaking me awake and there is light seeping in from the window that looks into the lake. Draco is already dressed with his hair gelled back, and I can see concern in his eyes.

"Why are you sleeping on the couch, Ana?" he asks me, and I just shrug my shoulders while popping my back. Giving him a sluggish hug, I head up towards the girls' dormitories in order to get ready for the day.

Honestly, not even three minutes into breakfast before everyone hears Flint's reaction to the prank. A loud shout fills the Great Hall as the doors banged open with someone that had Flint's features but looked completely different from the Slytherin captain. Instead this person is as tall as a toddler and looks like a mix between a Weasley and, naturally, Flint. I get why the twins made him into a toddler. From my understanding of magic, children with magic can't really do any magic and if they somehow do magic it's usually accidental.

"Who did this to me?!" the high pitch voice shouts and the room is silent until everyone, except the teachers, bursts out laughing. I have to cover my face with my hands in order to keep my laughing silent, which I technically don't need to do, but I decided to do it anyway. The only reason why I don't want to laugh is the fact that I would be technically laughing at a toddler. I don't know why but Flint catches my eye and I can see his small eyes narrow at me before rushing towards me. If it wasn't for the fact that he was a little kid right now, I would be very scared about him being angry.

He quickly reaches me and yanks on my sleeve, but it doesn't do much. Flint realizes that he doesn't have the strength to get me out of my seat and instead of doing the smart thing which is to stop, he decides to pull hardly until he finally falls backs. He lands on his butt and his face flushes in shame. I can hear the other people in Slytherin laughing even harder, but I decided to be nice and give him a hand up. The Slytherin captain sees my hand raised as an offer of help and he quickly slaps it away. Flint pushes himself off the floor before putting his hands on his hips.

"I know you did this to me, and you better turn me back or else," he very cutely growls, and I hold my hands up in innocence while shaking my head no. Flint looks at me with a look that says that he knows that I am lying. "I know you did this to me!" He shrieks again, and I sigh before writing down one sentence. The toddler Flint reads the sentence before storming off in anger.

I turn around to look at my friend and see the look of confusion on his face. Setting my notepad in between us, I just shrug my shoulders while going back to my breakfast. As I start to eat my not so healthy food, I notice that out of the corner of my eye that Draco leans closer to me in order to read the one sentence that made Flint leave in anger.

"Never call someone a 'MudBlood' again."


Hey, everybody!!!! I'm sooooo sorry that this chapter took so long to upload. I'll be honest with everyone, but I needed to take a break from writing this story. For almost an entire month, I have not typed anything until I watched Who Killed Markiplier. I started to write a story for that and then school start on the last week of August. I'm a senior in high school and I'm already feeling the effects of senior stress. In total, I've probably already cried three or four times because of school. I have had no time to do this story, and I'm very sorry that I couldn't get to this story sooner. I know that a lot of people love this story and love to read it, but it's hard right now. Fortunately, this is the last week of the first quarter of this year so I won't be as stress for now.

VOTING TIME!!!! There is a new Fantastic Beast movie coming out on November 16th, and I was wondering if y'all would like it if I made a story for that series. I will make it as a Grindelwald love story. What I want to know is do y'all want me to write it/would y'all read it? Or should I not write it? I'm leaving it up to all of you! I'll leave the voting up for a week or so and tell y'all the results!!!!! Please, tell me below your vote!!!

I just want to say thank you to everyone for your patience and I'm really trying to work on stuff. I hope to update more in closer intervals, but I will not say for a fact that I will. Please, comment below your votes, criticisms, questions, or if you just want somebody to talk to. I'm here, and I love reading your comments. Peace!

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