Chapter 5: Going Back

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NOTE: Bold = Anastasia's written response Slanted = Anastasia's mind-link response

The morning light shining through my window makes me scrunch my eyes in protest to the light change. A sigh escapes my lips as I reluctantly open my eyes and peer out the window in my temporary room at the Burrow. My mind slowly recounts the school shopping trip with Draco and Mr. Malfoy. That day, a couple weeks ago, actually was a pretty fun day. Draco and I told each other jokes and at the end of the day, Mr. Malfoy took us to the ice cream shop in Diagon Alley. Remembering that day brings a smile to my face, and I slowly get up from my bed. Wait! Wait a second! Today is the day! Today, we are going back to Hogwarts!

Excitement bubbles up inside me, and I quickly rush around to put on my muggle clothes for the train station. A knock on my door makes me hurry up even more then I already am. As I am heading towards the door, I accidently stub my foot against my trunk and I shed a few tears from the pain. Taking a deep breath, I limp over to the door and find my big brother on the other side. I give him a smile while moving all my weight onto my other foot.

"What is wrong, sister?" he gently asks me after seeing the hurt look on my face.

"Nothing much, big brother. I only stubbed my foot against the school truck," I tell him, and he nods his head at my answer with a roll of his eyes. A smile appears on both of our faces as he grabs my arm and leads us down the stairs towards the loud kitchen. I can only assume that all the Weasleys are awake from the loud conversations that are coming from the breakfast table.

"Good morning, Harry, Anastasia," Molly greets us when she notices us on the staircase, "Come sit down and eat before we head to the train station."

I nod my head and sit down in the same sit that I sat at when I first got here. The twins are the last people down for breakfast. They ruffle my hair as they pass me to sit in their seats. I give them a playful glare as my happy mood starts to come back to me. During the time that my brother and I have been here, I have become closer to the ginger twins. We would make pranks and prank everyone in the Burrow. Fred and George are still the masters of pranks, but if I do say so myself, I'm starting to become good at it.

After almost choking on my food, and tapping my foot impatiently, everyone is ready to head to the train station. Thankfully, after what happened last time with the Floo powder, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley decided that we are going to take the flying car to the station. At first, I look at them with confusion before looking back at the small car that has the maximum capacity for six people including the driver when there is exactly nine of us. Before I can write down the problem, Molly takes out her wand and says a spell that I quickly recognized as the expansion spell. Oh, I get it now! Silently calling the very back, I immediately rush into the back seat and I notice that the twins sit with me. Smiling at them, I listen to their banter as everybody slowly starts to fill up the car. Finally, after what feels like forever, Arthur and Molly get into the very front of the car, and we fly our way towards the train station.

We trying to rush through the train station because we are going to be late getting through the barrier. Of course, the train station is just filled with muggles bustling about trying to get to their destinations, but all that does is make it even more of a challenge to get to the Hogwarts Express. Percy, who is far ahead of us, runs through the barrier between the muggle station and the wizarding station. Fred and George are about to run through the wall as well when they suddenly look back at me. Quickly, their signature smirks appear on their faces before linking their arms through mine. Before I can even think about asking them a question, the twins start to rush towards the wall and successfully dragging me along with them. Let me just say that it is hard to control the cart that has my luggage while being dragged forward.

Once the boys and I arrive onto the 9 ¾ platform, they finally let my arms go, and I give them the best glare I can muster, but all they did was laugh. Why can't I scare anyone?! They ruffle my hair before we hear the rest of the Weasleys come through onto the platform. I watch as Ginny's face lights up with excitement as she looks at the train, because this will be her first year at Hogwarts. Molly and Mr. Weasley walk through the entrance and guide Ginny to an empty compartment on the train.

Right as I go back to waiting for my brother and the Weasel, I hear my best friend calling my name. As I turn towards the voice, ash blonde hair takes over my entire vision as arms circle around my body. Giggling, I hug Draco back as I hear the ginger twins chuckling in the background. I continue to smile as he pulls away from the hug, and footsteps approaching us makes me look past my friend shoulders towards the two people behind him. I instantly recognize Mr. Malfoy from Diagon Alley, and the woman with dark brown hair that turns into ash blonde hair must be Mrs. Malfoy.

"Hello again, Miss Potter," Mr. Malfoy greets me, and I give him a smile with a wave. Turning my attention to Draco's mom, I give her the same treatment as his father.

"So, you are my son's best friend. My name is Narcissa Malfoy, but you may call me, Narci," Mrs. Malfoy tells me, and I nod my head while grabbing my notepad.

"It is very nice to meet you, Narci. It is an honor to meet my honoree brother's mother!" I show her the paper with a smile. She chuckles as she reads the last part with the honoree brother. Honestly, I do think of Draco as another big brother, but no one replaces my actual big brother. Narci looks back at me while showing Draco my response and pats my head. Before we could even talk more, the train whistles, letting everybody know that the Hogwarts Express is leaving very shortly.

Nervousness strikes through me as I look around to see if my brother and the Weasel arrived on the platform. Turning to look at the twins, I think that they already know what I am worried about because they put their arms around my shoulders.

"Don't worry-," George starts to reassure me.

"They will probably-,"

"Meet us at Hogwarts," they finish together, and I nod my head at their words. Even though I know they will meet us at the school, it doesn't change the fact that I am starting to get anxiety from not truly knowing where my brother is at.

All three boys start to guide me onto the train after we say goodbye to the two adult Malfoys. We walk through the train until I notice a compartment with only one familiar person inside. Before the twins and Draco can walk us past the space with Hermione in it, I quickly push the sliding door open and quickly sit next to my other best friend.

The brunette girl and I give each other a side hug while the twins and Draco sit on the other seats. As my friend starts to talk about the rest of her summer, I look around at all my friends and I honestly can't believe how lucky I am to have this many friends. Just a year ago, I had no friends and the only person that cared for me is my brother. Now, I have four friends, and two places to call home: Hogwarts and Malfoy Manor. Well, I hope to call Malfoy Manor a home soon. I think that this might just be a good school year.

Hey, everybody!!! I am so glad to be back! Also I am soooooo sorry for taking a long time to get back to all of you. After being absent on all of my writings for two-three months, I can honestly say that it was very hard for me to finish this chapter. Anyway, also I'm sorry for that this chapter is short and just a filler, but I think that this is a good start to getting back to my writing. I'll try to update the next chapter sooner than I did with this one. Also, please, leave comments and thoughts telling me what y'all think! I love reading them and it honestly keeps me going on this story. I hope y'all have a great day!!! :-)

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