Skeletons in the Closet (Sue...

Door JSMarlo

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Framed for murder, Jack uncovers a different murder while hiding with Sue. Meer

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One

Chapter Nineteen

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Door JSMarlo

Jack watched with a huge smile as Sue meticulously transformed the little crib into a cozy bed for their baby.

When she asked for his advice in the store on their latest shopping spree, he told her he gave his preference to the sheets and comforter with the bears, but he instantaneously caved in when she showed him the bedding with the ocean theme. Multi-coloured little fishes, yellow starfishes, purple octopus, blue dolphins, pink whales... his eyes only catching a few from the distance.

She was tying the bumper pad around the crib when she lifted luminous eyes in his direction after sensing his presence. She was happy and serene, and Jack liked to think he might be responsible for at least the first adjective.

Amelia's dreams were still haunting her, despite the events of the last few weeks. They followed the story through the newspapers like everyone else in town, while at the same time he dissected all of them for the slightest mention that Davis' murder case was solved.

When one morning Rosie told them she was interviewed over her encounter at the waterfall, Jack knew Tatinger was as thorough as Myles described him. The only thing that actually surprised Jack was how quickly it all unravelled. Tatinger successfully proved Patrick innocent and insured his immediate release. And Vixen pleaded guilty to all charges to avoid the death penalty. They had solved the mystery, and justice had been served.

In time, Jack hoped for the connection between Sue and Amelia to lessen, and for her spirit to finally rest in peace.

"You're very far away," she said, wrapping her hands behind his neck, her belly firmly pressed against his stomach.

"Six days before baby gets here," he counted, still marvelling over the life they created together and that she was carrying.

Baby was in position, ready to enter the world, and his parents were waiting impatiently to greet him.

"Assuming he's punctual, and doesn't take after you," she teased, while soft moans also escaped her lips at his hands massaging her sore lower back.

"I wish I could have taken you home, Sue."

She could see the regrets in his eyes, and imagine it in his voice.

She gazed lovingly at him. "With you, I am home, Jack."

"I love you," he whispered before lowering his head.

Her lips were soft, parting under his gentle pressure to allow for mutual exploration.

"Did baby scare you?" she asked when he suddenly broke the kiss.

"It was quite a kick," he chuckled. "And no, he didn't, the door did. Are you coming down with me?"

She followed him, curiosity rising with each step down the stairs. They rarely got visitors, and considered them a treat, but none were quite ready for the sight when they opened the front door.

"Hi," Sue greeted, finding her voice first. She never had that many people standing on the porch before. "Would you like to come in?"

"We honestly didn't mean to intrude or bother you," apologised Sonya.

"Yes, mom, we did," corrected Annie, with a smile, glancing from Sue to Jack. "If it's okay with you?"

"It's no bother," assured Jack, greeting the visitors.

Jack assumed the young man with an arm around Annie's waist to be her husband, only to be proved right moments later. Julian was standing by his dad. Patrick was much older than on the pictures they saw of him, but there was no mistaking his identity.

"If those nice people have no objection, I'll wait here," Patrick said, gesturing towards the swing.

Sue welcomed the group in, while Jack stayed on the porch with Patrick.

Jack invited him to sit. "May I offer you something to drink, Mr. Carson?"

"No, thank you. You're the writer who just couldn't leave the past alone?" Patrick asked, eyeing the younger man.

"Yes. My wife and I just couldn't walk away," Jack replied honestly.

"Then, I will have to thank her properly, too," he said, extending his hand.

"You're welcome," said Jack, his voice trembling as he witnessed the man fighting to keep his tears at bay.

"I really hope we're not disturbing," he apologized, his gaze wandering over the cliff. "But the children, actually more Annie than Julian, she needed to come back."

Jack nodding in understanding.

"You know, I never searched the caves. It never crossed my mind that Amelia might have hidden them there. Kri... Annie... Sonya gave them beautiful names. Julian didn't have one yet. She raised them well, too. That day I thought I lost everything, and my world shattered into pieces in front of my eyes. I can still see the trail of blood to the cliff." His eyes followed the path. "I cannot go inside. Too many memories. Annie wanted to show them the caves. She loved it there, played there all the time, knew them better than I did. You know, someone was truly looking over their shoulders that day, because to go from here to the McCaff--"

"I'm sorry for everything you lost," said Jack, the words sounding shallow to his own ears.

"Sonya is feeling quite guilty about hiding the children," he said, making eye contact with Jack. "But if twenty years in jail was the price to pay for them to survive, it was well worth every second, and Amelia would agree. She was a good woman. I never knew about her past. We all have skeletons in our closets. She tried to deal with hers. Wish she had let me help, though I doubt it would have stopped that monster from going after her since he went after that other woman too. I'm staying in Sonya's basement. She wouldn't have it any other way. She's sharing her memories of them with me. We're going on a little family vacation. Annie, her hubby, Julian... Still trying to convince Sonya to come with us. The woman is stubborn." A small smile curled up his lips. "And a darn good mother. She didn't rob me of my past, that monster did. Instead she protected my future, but she has a hard time understand it. We'll be sharing a grandbaby, you know." His eyes lit up, while Jack arched his brow. "Annie has a little bun in the oven. She wants to name the baby Krissa if it's a girl. Not sure what I think of that. Her hubby said she's had that name in mind before she learned about me. Strange thing is, Annie and Julian turned out exactly how I pictured them."

"Many men in your position would be bitter," observed Jack. "And with good reasons."

"Yah, well... We all make choices, I guess. I went to hell when I lost them. Compare to it, this is a blessing. I wish I could, but I cannot change the past. And I refuse to waste a brand new future. We're getting to know each other. Julian is a bit more shy. Annie is more outgoing. They may never see me as a father. Not sure they still need a father. But they both want me in their lives. I don't want to screw that one up."

"What is it you don't want to screw up, Pat?" asked Julian, as he came out, his mother and Annie's husband just behind him.

"The family vacations, son, which is why your mother should be coming with us," he said, looking at Sonya.

"You're a stubborn old man, Patrick Carson," she sighed.

"Yah, well... look who's talking." Patrick smiled at her. "Between my stubborn streak and yours, those kids stand no chance. Is Annie ready?"

"She was coming," informed Sonya.

Annie was slowly pacing the kitchen, while Sue observed her.

"You feel her presence, don't you?" asked Annie once her family had exited the house to join the men outside.

"Yes, and I dream and share her memories," Sue answered softly. "I cannot explain it."

"You don't need to. I sense her too. She is here." Taking a deep breath, Annie released it slowly. "All my life, I knew there was something missing, not quite of this magnitude, though," she said, chuckling. "I was so scared when she pushed me in the tunnel alone. If the roles were reverse, I don't know if I would have made the choices my two mothers made," she shared earnestly, rubbing her stomach. "But I can understand why they made them. I just wish I'm never faced with those choices. Thank you for letting me roam in here. I needed closure."

"I hope with closure comes peace. God watched over you and your little brother for a reason," she said, taking the young woman's arm. "Come, before they send a search party."

Jack and Sue watched them leave, after wishing them good luck.

"Did you have a nice chat with Patrick?" she inquired, cuddled against him on the swing.

"Not quite," he answered, his eyes riveted on hers. "Instead I did what you taught me."

"And what did I teach you, Jack?" she asked, slightly puzzled.

"You taught me to listen, so I listened."

The slow rocking put both of them to sleep for a few hours. That Sue had a request when she opened her eyes didn't surprise him. He was more than happy to indulge her ice cream craving as long as she shared with him, but he wasn't ready for the subsequent one.

"You want what?"

"I thought I was the deaf one, Jack Hudson," she chortled.

"A quad ride? With baby?" he repeated, rubbing her belly. "Are you sure this is safe?"

"Of course it is. You're not planning on letting him drive, are you?" She burst out laughing at his stunned expression. "Jack, there's not a cloud in the sky. The sunset will be gorgeous tonight, pretty pleeeeeeeease."

The joy irradiating from inside enveloped her completely.

How could he refuse her anything? And she was right. They rode to the beach and sat on the sand his back to the wheel of the quad, while she leaned against him. Levi played along the shoreline. Sunset was beautiful. He couldn't help but notice how quiet baby was tonight as he bestowed tender kisses along her neck.

"Maybe we should go home," she whispered, shivering under his touch. "And you could give me a massage?"

Massage? He could very nicely do massage. He was very thorough. And with their afternoon nap, it was a very long time before sleep entered their minds as they rested in each other's arms.

Levi's barking got Jack up with the sun, but as soon as the dog made his morning visit to his favourite trees, Jack left him in the kitchen before seeking the warmth of his wife's body.


Her scream woke him up instantly. He instinctively reached for the lamp, only to realise by the amount of sunlight shining through the window that it was already late morning.

"It's all right, sweetheart," he said, stroking her cheek.

"You forgot the baby," she uttered, her voice slightly eerie, fighting to lift the fog in her mind. Slowly her eyes focused on him. She reached to caress his bristled chin, erasing the worry lines creasing his forehead.

"What baby, sweetheart?"

Her sudden laughter stunned him.


"Our baby, Jack," she chortled. "You put Levi in the car seat, with a bonnet on his head, and left baby in his crib."

"Sue, this is so not funny," he said which only increased her laughter. "This is one of the weirdest dreams I've heard you recall."

"That's just it, Jack," she pointed out excitedly, her hands vigorously kneading his shoulders. "I dreamed, a real dream, a crazy dream, about us, something that doesn't make any sense..."

"It's over?" The implication finally sank in. "Amelia left you?"

Sue nodding energetically.

"What did our baby look like?" he asked, grinning like an idiot.

"No hair. Crying. After all, you did leave him in--" Her face froze mid-sentence.

"Sue, what's-- Tell me the puddle I'm feeling in the bed is an accident?"

Her sudden intake of air as her face contorted with pain, and her belly contracted tightly a few seconds later gave him his answer. The warm liquid he felt was her water, and he finally understood the purpose of the plastic mattress cover.

"You breathe, sweetheart. That's it," he praised, taking her hand into his, and rubbing it.

As the contraction lessened its hold, she relaxed.

"You did good. We need to get you to the hospital," he said, getting out of bed to get their clothes. "Want my help to get dressed?"

"Yes, please, I-- Jack!" She grabbed his arm as another contraction rocked her body.

"Another one? You're supposed to wait fifteen minutes in between," he exclaimed in disbelief, regretting the words as soon as they came out of his mouth, and tried to ignore her glaring look. "Breathe, sweetheart."

"Easy... for you... to say," she muttered through clenched teeth as she leaned back on her pillow. "Call... doctor."

The doctor told them to call if the water broke or when the contractions were regular. She chuckled when she saw him fumble with the cell, before he searched everywhere in the room for the number. She rode through two more contractions before he reached the doctor. She lost her concentration when she felt her inside twist again, Jack almost dropping the cell when she gripped his thigh.

"Like every minute, like one after the other," Jack told the stunned doctor. Wasn't a first pregnancy supposed to take hours, if not days? "Maybe you want to tell my baby that?" he argued, his voice many notches higher than usual. Like Jack didn't know labour was progressing way too quickly. "Hold on. Sweetheart?" He brushed a strand of damp hair away from her face. "The doctor wants to know how you feel about a car ride?"

"I don't think I can-- Jack!" Her nails dug into his skin.

There was no way she would make the two-hour ride to the hospital, or that he would survive it. Even driving forty-five minutes to town would be pushing it. And the last thing he wanted was to deliver his own baby in a car in the middle of the woods.

"I'm not even sure I can get her down the stairs," he said, Sue shaking her head. "Okay. Yes." He listened for instructions before hanging up. "The doctor is on his way."

She gazed worriedly at him. "No hospital?"

"An ambulance is also coming, but I have a feeling they may load two passengers." He smiled tenderly at her. "I know a home delivery wasn't what we planned but-- Breathe," he reminded her, holding her hand and breathing with her. "You're doing good," he praised, forcing himself to remain calm.


Myles reviewed what they had while he flew East.

The murder occurred in a small community. He wished he could have talked to the adoptive woman, maybe she could have told him how that Matt Johnson got involved in the first place. As far as Myles was concerned, a writer stumbling on the murder while doing research was just a tad too convenient. Ron was tracking her down, but had not been unable to reach her yet.

Myles was an urban man. Those cozy little towns where people were wary of strangers and kept to themselves were not to his personal likings. It was mid-morning when he arrived. Driving around town a few times to familiarise himself with the layout, he noticed most businesses were still closed.

Since he needed to fill up anyway, he made his first stop at the gas station. The attendant was a teenager with earrings in more places than he had body parts. The name Matt Johnson or the picture Myles showed him of Jack and Sue rang no bell to the youth. But then, Myles doubted much made sense to the kid to begin with.

Though Matt Johnson was the name used to meet Sonya Whelan, the adoptive mother, Myles had to consider that Jack might have used yet another alias while he and Sue were investigating in town, assuming they ever came here at all.

This was starting to sound a lot like looking for the elusive Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

"Jack, why on earth do you have to be so resourceful?" Myles complained out loud, as he drove by a grocery store before stopping in the nearly empty parking lot. "Here goes nothing."

An elderly woman was operating the only cash register.

"I'm with the FBI." Myles showed her his badge. "Do you recall ever seeing this couple in the last six months," he asked, holding the picture under her nose. "The man may have used the name Matt Johnson, John Smith or Jack Hudson. The woman is deaf."

"I know a Matt Johnson, but it ain't him, and his wife ain't deaf," she said, looking at him over her spectacles before pushing the picture away. "Are you buying something? Cause if you're not I have work to do."

"Thank you very much."

The local hotel provided no clue either. No guests using any of Jack's alias registered in the last nine months, and no one recalled seeing any visitors looking like them.

He was going to try the local restaurants next, when he drove in front the library. It would be the perfect place to research a murder, and librarians were usually helpful people. The sign said closed, but the lights were on and he could see a silhouette inside. He parked across the street, and went to the door. Strangely the door wasn't locked.

"Small town," he muttered under his breath. "Don't people know crimes occur everywhere?"

"I'm sorry," informed an elderly gentleman, walking towards him. "The library won't be open for another twenty minutes."

"Special Agent Myles Leland," he said, pulling out his badge. "I'm looking for a man who may have done some research around here." Surveying the room, he noticed the computers lined up along the sidewall. "Maybe even some online research?"

Myles showed him the picture.

"Don't you think you've done enough damage already?" accused Chuck, ignoring the picture. "You're lucky Rosie took the day off or she would be ripping you apart."

"And who is Rosie?" inquired Myles, taken back by the man's defensiveness.

"The main librarian, like you don't know," Chuck answered in an icy voice, wondering what kind of game the agent was playing, but determined not to let him get away with it.

"I see," Myles said, not quite understanding. "And you are?"

"I'm the assistant librarian," Chuck answered, exaggerating his title. "People call me, Chuck. You can call me, Mister," he said defiantly.

"Well, MISTER, would you look at that picture?" Myles asked again, placing it in the man's hand. "Remember seeing any of them in here in the last six months? Asking question about the Carson's murder? The woman is deaf."

Chuck raised his brow. "Deaf?"

"Yes, deaf, like in she cannot hear. She has a hearing dog. A golden retriever."

Chuck frowned. There was some resemblance with Matt and Becky. Except, Becky heard just fine, and the only dog they had was the mutt Rosie gave them after Richmond dumped her. It certainly wasn't enough to warrant a positive identification, and get them in trouble with the feds, not with the baby about to pop out any day now.

"Can't say I did. No."

"Heard the name Matt Johnson, John Smith, or Jack Hudson before?"

Chuck knew if the agent asked around town, he would quickly find Matt.

"Might have," he reluctantly said, flinching ever so slightly. "We have a Johnson family. No, two. Been here forever. Look nothing like them." He returned the picture, hoping it would send him away. "You may want to try the next town. They have a bigger library."

"Thank you for your time," said Myles politely. "I can see myself out."

Chuck waited a good ten minutes before locking the building behind him. He knew there were inconsistencies, especially when it came to Becky. But he also remembered hearing Becky call her husband Jack once. That was one coincidence too many. Despite whatever problems they seemed to be having with the law, they were good, decent people, and they corrected an awful injustice. They deserved to be warned the FBI was searching for them.

Chuck walked briskly to his car, and then drove towards the Johnsons' house.


Waiting on a side street, Myles watched the librarian exit the building.

Years of training, and a keen sense of observation made Myles suspicious of the old man. It wasn't only one detail in particular but his body language as a whole, and the flicker a recognition that lit in the man's eyes at either the picture or the names, though Myles wasn't sure which one. But he would bet his career on the fact the man was hiding information. Either it was relevant or not was yet to be seen. In the meantime, Myles saw no harm in following him.

Tailing someone on a deserted road was more complicated than in a DC's busy street. Myles followed from quite a distance, and almost missed it when Chuck turned on a dirt road. He debated his options of taking the road through the woods or not. He didn't think he had anything to lose, unless the old man was involved in some kind of scam totally unrelated to Jack and Sue.

His rental car equipped with a limited suspension shook the cup holder and sprayed coffee over the upholstery.

"Just great," he mumbled. "This little scenic detour is better be worth it."

Though he couldn't think of any reason for the librarian to be on this road when he should have been ready to open the library instead.

Chuck drove as fast as the twists and turns permitted. When he hit a straight section, he accelerated. But just before he took the next curve, he caught sight of the car he thought might have been following him.

Myles cursed. Without realising it, he closed the gap between himself and Chuck, and when the road extended in a straight line, he caught sight of the car. And if he did, he could only assume Chuck saw him as well. Myles' speculation was put to rest moments later when Chuck's vehicle came to an abrupt stop before making a U-turn and heading in his direction.

Hoping the agent would think he was leading him on a goose chase, Chuck changed direction and drove back towards town. He passed the federal agent's car, noting the perplexed expression on the blond man's face.

"Come on," Chuck urged. "Keep following me."

A trail of dust accompanied his request.

Myles watched the car disappear though his rear-view mirror. Could Chuck have led him here on purpose? If so, a trap could wait for him farther down that road. Or did Chuck just get scared when he realised he was exposed? If so, down that road might be the answer to what the old man was hiding.

It took Myles less than five seconds to decide.

When Chuck realised the agent wasn't following him back, he headed towards the only person he could think of that might be able to help get the Johnsons out of trouble.


Myles cleared the woods abruptly. A house overlooking the ocean welcomed him. He parked beside a shed, cutting the escape route of the old car already parked there.

On the porch, a swing was swaying under the gentle salty breeze. He tried the door handle first. It wasn't locked.

"Don't anyone think about crime around here?" he mumbled.

He slightly opened it.

"Anyone home?" he called, his voice reasonably loud.

When no one answered, he entered, only to be greeted by an enthusiastic dog. He took a peek under the dog's belly.

"Levi, glad all your parts are intact, boy," he said, scratching him below his ears. "Where are Sue and Jack?"

After barking a few times for good measure, the dog led him to a set of stairs.

"Up? You want me to go up? Is that where Jack and Sue--"

"Jack!" Sue's scream resounded stridently in the house.

Taking two steps at a time, Myles rushed upstairs, his urgency fuelled by the guttural sounds Sue was making. He pulled his gun as he entered the bedroom, ready to stop whoever was assaulting Sue, but totally unprepared for the scene in the bedroom.

Jack turned from Sue to the door when he heard the footsteps. "Myles?"

Another contraction hitting her with increase intensity refocused his attention on her.

"Breathe, sweetheart." He wiped her forehead with a wet facecloth. "Myles, I need your help," commanded Jack without questioning his unexpected appearance.

"What have you done to her?" he asked, approaching the bed from the side in order not to scare Sue who was kneeling facing the wall, while hugging a pile of pillows.

"Myles, put the gun away," Jack shouted, getting an immediate reaction from Myles.

As the contraction lessened Sue caught sight of him. Slightly turning sideways, she exposed her huge belly under her thin nightgown.

"Myles?" she whispered, beads of perspiration glistening over her skin.

Myles stared in shock as another wave rocked her body, her eyes closing to ride the pain.

"Myles, the baby is ready. I need your assistance," Jack requested, waiting for the opportunity to get his wife to lie down.

"She's pregnant," uttered Myles in disbelief. "When did that happen?"

"Guess?" he answered, trying to get Sue to loosen her grip on him.

"How did you manage that?" he mumbled, frozen in place, unable to break his stare.

"Jack," she whispered weakly. "Baby... coming."

"MYLES! I don't have time for the birds and the bees," shouted Jack. "Sue is about to give birth to my child."

"I was afraid of that," Myles voiced anxiously.

"MYLES!!!!!" he yelled, shaking his colleague out of his trance.

"You need to get her to a hospital, Jack," he observed as he regained his faculties.

"Why didn't I think of that," replied Jack sarcastically. "Get here. NOW!"

"Jack, I've never done anything like that before," he argued.

"Good thing I have," said a voice from the doorway.

Jack sighed in relief as he quickly glanced at the man who came in followed by his assistant.

"Sweetheart." He brushed her cheeks so she would open her eyes. "Doctor is here," Jack whispered, and was rewarded by a weak smile.

"Mrs. Johnson, let's get you comfortable--"

Myles retreated in the hallway, collapsing against the wall.

He could still hear Sue's soft moaning mixed with Jack's encouragement. He forced air into his lungs, hoping to stop the swirling of emotions hammering him.

But when he heard the first cry of the newborn, he couldn't stop a lone tear from escaping his blue eyes.


"Coffee?" smelled Jack as he entered the kitchen hours later.

"I couldn't find anything stronger," replied Myles, lifting his head from his cup to meet Jack's gaze.

There was no mistaking the pride and joy on Jack's face, as he introduced the infant he reverently held in his arms.

"Sue gave me a perfect little boy," he presented, his voice quivering with emotions.

"He is gorgeous, Jack," Myles softly answered gazing at the squirming little boy. "He looks just like his mom."

The baby had fuzzy blond hair, and when his dad stroked his cheek, the infant opened big blue eyes.

"He does, doesn't he?" said Jack, totally amazed by his tiny son who already had his name written all over his parents' hearts. "Sue would like to see you, Myles."

"I wasn't very useful in there earlier," Myles apologised.

"Not sure I was either. Labour hit Sue like a storm. He took us by surprise. He wasn't due for another week." He gazed tenderly at his son, kissing the tiny forehead, before returning his attention on Myles. "Follow me, I was only allowed a short visit downstairs, and I learned not to argue with my wife."


"Yes, Sue is my wife," he announced, unwilling to argue the legality versus the sanctity of his union with Sue, or the status of their son. "We got married a few days after we were forced into hiding."

"Well, your exile is over. Garrett--"

"Unless you want to repeat the story twice, I would wait upstairs to start," laughed Jack, relieved they would be able to share their happiness with their family and friends. "The doctor and the nurse are ready to leave."

The ambulance had been cancelled, the doctor seeing no point into transporting her to the hospital, Jack and Sue agreeing with him. However, he would come back later on tonight for a house visit, and bring the birth registration paper.

The second time around, Myles entered the bedroom quietly. Only then, did he take into full account their new appearances. No wonder no one recognised the picture, especially Sue. And he guessed they told no one she was deaf.

Sue welcomed Myles with a hug, before retrieving her son from her husband. Leaning comfortably into Jack's embrace, with her newborn son cradled in her arms, she listened with Jack as Myles gave them a thorough review of the last nine months.


Disappointment couldn't even describe what Chuck felt when he came face to face with a locked door. The message affixed to it saying the occupant should be back by evening didn't leave much hope to Chuck that he would be able to intervene on the Johnson's behalf. But he still wrote a note asking to be contacted as soon as possible.

Chuck was at the librarian desk when the man showed up.

"You're back early." Chuck was pleasantly surprised. "You should have called instead of coming all the way here."

"It sounded urgent, Chuck," remarked the man.

"It was," Chuck admitted. "Just not certain if it still is. It's about the Johnsons. A FBI agent was looking for them, and I'm afraid I led him directly to them."

"It doesn't necessarily mean trouble," observed the man. "Though Rosie didn't have much luck with them, did she?"

"No, she didn't," Chuck replied.

"Were you seeking divine intervention on behalf of the Johnsons?" chuckled the man.

"More like earthly help to diffuse whatever situation was about to come up between Matt and the agent. Their little one is due any day, now. Stress is not good for the young mama."

"Then let's go. You can tell me about it in the car."


Only when Myles finished the story did he realise he forgot to call the bullpen.

"I got distracted," Myles voiced as an excuse. "Next time, do me a favour. Please, place a do not disturb sign on the door. You nearly gave me a heart attack, Sue."

"I will try to remember," she promised, her entire person glowing with pure joy.

"I think, Jack, you should do the honour," Myles said, offering his cell.

Myles watched Jack hook the blackberry to the phone and cuddle to Sue so she could follow the conversation.

Myles successfully hid his smile at finally seeing them together. But had they closely looked at him, they would have seen the glint of happiness shining in his blue eyes.

"I'll put the speaker on for you, Myles," Jack told him, grinning in anticipation as he was about to dial Bobby's desk.

"Maybe you should be aware that Sue's parents shared your marriage proposal, Jack," remembered Myles. "Though they never mentioned your little miracle."

"You all knew about Sue and I being together?"

"Not quite that together," he quipped, flustering both of them.

"Myles, our parents don't know about the baby. Do you think you could keep it quiet for a little while longer?"

"My lips are sealed," swore Myles, grinning. "Besides, I don't want to miss the look on Bobby's face when he finds out."

"Very noble reason, Myles," mumbled Jack, before finishing dialling.


"Long-time no see, Crash."

"Jack? Jack!" The entire bullpen agglomerated around Bobby's desk. "Myles found you?"

"Was there doubts in your mind, Manning?" quipped Myles loudly, only to hear the entire team cheer.

"No, mate, never," laughed the Aussie.

"They are cheering," said Jack for Sue when the blackberry didn't quite render the message.

"Is Sue with you?"

"Of course she is," exclaimed Jack. "Did you really think I would let her out of my sight?"

"Maybe," commented Lucy. "God knows it took you forever to make a move, Jackson. I hope you're treating her right."

"Yes, Lucy, he is," Sue chortled.

"Sue! It's so good to hear your voice. When are you coming home?"

"Soon, Luce," she promised, her voice quivering slightly.

"Give us a few more weeks. We need to tie up a few details here," Jack said, smiling at his wife and son. "And we may visit our parents before heading back to DC."

"Mate, you--"

"Sorry to interrupt, Jack, but Bobby has a briefing in five," informed D.

Myles watched as the couple grinned at the colourful exchange between D and Bobby. He had no doubt a part of them missed the activity inside the bullpen. However, Myles wondered how the dynamic would change with the arrival of their son. Time would tell, he supposed.

"We have to go, D," said Jack, seeing his son waking up.

"Nice to talk to both of you. And take as much time as you need to get home," granted their supervisor. "But please, send Myles' back. His desk is being buried under paperwork."

Their laughter at Myles' grumble covered the wailing of their son long enough for Jack to terminate the conversation.


"I'm assuming you won't be going anywhere for at least a week?" Myles observed, as Jack escorted him to his car, after they gave Sue some privacy to nurse the baby.

"I'm not rushing, Sue," acknowledged Jack. "We won't be travelling until she has completely recovered."

"I would do the same," Myles assured. "Is there anything else I can help you with?"

He had already given them all their IDs back.

"We can manage. If not, I'll call you," assured Jack gratefully, offering his hand. "Thank you, Myl--"

Both agents turned their heads at the car clearing the woods.

"I think you can relax, Chuck," chuckled the driver. "They are shaking hands. It doesn't look like anyone is being arrested."

The elderly man sighed in relief before disembarking from the car.

"Isn't that our friendly helpful local librarian?" yelled Myles loud enough for the two approaching visitors to hear.

"Myles, don't rub it in," Jack warned quietly. "The town had some problems with inconsiderate FBI agents from the local office. Something I will deal with when I get back to DC."

The episode along the muddy road was still fresh in his mind.

It still didn't explain the hostility, thought Myles, who introduced himself to the two men.

"Myles Leland. Maybe I should have mentioned I came in peace," he said, eyeing the librarian. "By the way, Jack, he knew who you were and he tried to cover for you. It was very admirable, Mister."

"Myles is a friend," briefly explained Jack. "Myles, you already met Chuck, and this is chaplain Jim."

"Nice meeting you, son."

"Likewise." Highly amused, Myles shook the clergyman's hand, before turning towards Chuck. "You were bringing reinforcement?"

"Can't be too careful with federal agents," Chuck said neutrally. "I caught Becky calling you Jack once, but I didn't want to expose any secret you might have."

"As much as I would like to hear your lengthy explanation, Jack," teased Myles, bidding his farewell. "I have a plane to catch since my mission has been accomplished. See you at the office. Gentlemen, it was a pleasure meeting you,"

After announcing his son's birth and inviting them in, Jack went to check on Sue. He knew he owed both men an explanation and preferred for Sue to be present as well.

Once she was ready to welcome the visitors, Chuck and Jim reverently entered the bedroom.

"Let's have our priority straight," said Jim, smiling at mother and son. He extended his hand over the baby's head and blessed their newborn son.

"Thank you," Sue whispered, choking on her words.

"You're welcome, my child," replied Jim kindly. "A baby is a miracle to cherish forever. Now the whole story would be nice." He rubbed his hands together in excitement. "It feels like you solved one mystery, only to give us another one."

Jack smiled at the clergyman. After letting Chuck congratulate Sue, he sat by his wife's side, inviting the two men to get comfortable in the room.

"First, I want to say we never meant to deceive you. I know we did but--"

"Matt, son, sometimes lies are necessary," forgave Jim. "We would just like to know why."

"Maybe you could begin with your names," volunteered Chuck.

"Jack Hudson and Sue Thomas. Sue is more than my partner in life, she's also my partner at work. We're FBI agents."

Jack couldn't help but grin at Chuck's and Jim's stunned expression.

"To make a long story short, Sue and I witnessed a murder. When it became apparent the perpetrator was after us, we were sent into hiding with new identities while my team investigated the crime. We did such a good job at eluding the murderer, that even my team lost track of us. Agent Leland is also a colleague. He was looking for us to bring us back now that the case is closed and our lives are no longer in jeopardy."

"I'm sorry," apologised Chuck. "If I had known, I would have gladly taken him here."

"We're touched that you trusted us enough to protect us," said Sue, unconsciously tightening her hold of her son.

"Now I understand why you were so good at investigating the Carson's murder," admired Chuck.

"This is what we're trained to do," shrugged Jack casually. "When Sue started noticing inconsistencies in the crime report, we just couldn't stay away."

"You risked your secret existence in order to bring justice to a man you didn't know," voiced Jim, impressed. "This was a noble gesture."

"It was simply the right thing to do," corrected Jack. "And I did take precaution in order not to expose ourselves."

"I don't argue with humble men, Jack," smiled Jim. "Would you tell me about the wedding I performed here nine months ago?"

"We were given the identities of a married couple, except we wanted to make it genuine while knowing at the same time that we couldn't use our real names," tried explaining Jack. "I'm not sure I'm making much sense."

"Surprisingly, you do. I was out of town today for a very good reason," the chaplain explained to the couple and the man who waited for him all day. "I was meeting with the church representatives, and they fully reinstated me." Pride showed in his voice. "They are also allowing me to register the ceremonies I performed while under review."

He then waited for the significance of his announcement to seek in.

"You cannot mean that--" Sue's face lit up like a thousand stars, as where Jack's eyes just widened in delight.

"The way I see it, God knew exactly who he was marrying, but at the time we were lacking a witness," he recalled, rubbing his chin thoughtfully while arching his brow at Chuck.

"I would be honoured," offered Chuck.

"Should you repeat your vows right now," he said, looking at the couple. "I could officially validate your earliest marriage."

Gazing deep into Sue's lovely eyes, Jack placed his hands over hers, their son stirring under the added touch.

"Sue Thomas, would you become my wife all over again?" he asked, unconsciously holding his breath.

"Yes," she whispered, leaning in his embrace as tears of happiness glistened in her eyes.

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