One Piece Katakuri x OC

By Winter767

10.1K 203 12

A young girl by the name of Iris the Reaper sets sail to seek revenge against Big Mom and along the way forms... More

Katakuri x OC
Katakuri x OC
Katakuri x OC
Katakuri x OC
Katakuri x OC
Katakuri x OC
Katakuri x OC
Katakuri x OC
Katakuri x OC
Katakuri x OC
Katakuri X OC
Katakuri X OC
Katakuri x OC
Katakuri x OC

Katakuri x OC

759 17 0
By Winter767


To no surprise, Hakuriki Town was very similar to the appearance and architecture of Sweet City. The only difference was the amount of donuts that manifested on the island. Donuts could even be considered the island's trademark.

As I was passing by it was clear the people of this island were extremely kind. Many offering to give me clothes or sweets for my welcome to the town. According to them, it's rare to see outsiders come into town so they were delighted to see me.

Suddenly, a disturbance occurred in town. A candy monster raged through town, destroying everything in sight. The creature appeared to be from the ocean as it had colorful scales and gills.

People ran away in terror. I began to run in the direction of the monster.

From what I saw, the chess soldiers were struggling to defeat the candy monster, getting taken out one by one. The chess soldiers were too distracted to see a child on the ground. A young girl appeared to be in distress, too afraid to move in front of the beast. I quickly reacted, I sprinted and grabbed the girl before the monster could eat her.

Moving the child out of harm's way, I slowly squatted down and reassured her, "Everything's going to be alright. I won't let this monster continue destroy the town. You'll be safe here."

As I stood up, I sprinted back toward the monster. Since I've used up alot of haki recently, I chose to kill the monster with my bare fists. The monster saw me and began to charge. I jumped high into the air, pulling back my right arm and clenching my hand into a fist. The creature jumped and landed straight into my punch. It span rapidly in the air before crashing to the floor below. My punch was so powerful that the monster created a huge crater. I could see its blood oozing from all over its body and its eyes had gone white.

Landing back to the floor, I could hear the people begin to cheer, "Hooray! We're saved!" They all started to gather around me, saying "Thank you! Thank you! We must know the name of our savior."

I responded, "I'm Iris, Katakuri's new assistant."

They looked in awe, "Katakuri-sama's new assistant?! My word, it's about time Katakuri-sama got someone to help him. He's always worked in solitude compared to his other siblings who all have at least one person to assist them."

The townspeople all slowly began to shake my hand, saying, "We are extremely grateful for your help."

I said, "You are all too kind."

From the outside of the crowd I saw a large figure approach. It wasn't long before Katakuri found me as he headed toward me through the large crowd. You could hear the townspeople look surprised as they stepped aside to let Katakuri through. They cheered and applauded, "It's Katakuri-sama! Katakuri-sama is here!"

I sighed, "I guess my time here has been cut short."

I began walking toward Katakuri. I could hear the sound of his clanking shoes and saw Katakuri's glare was as intense as ever. Drawing closer, on the surface Katakuri appeared to have a calm demeanor, however, I felt his aura exude an extreme anger. Now standing right in front of me, Katakuri's body was inches away from mine.
Before I could speak, the townspeople said, "Thank you Katakuri-sama for sending Miss Iris when you did! If she wasn't here when the monster came, we would have had many more civilian casualties."
Katakuri only nodded in response.

I said, "Should I assume I'm in trouble?"

He glared at me in distaste as he said, "Follow me."

We started to leave behind the crowd. Before we left I waved and yelled, "Thank you everyone for such a warm welcome!" In response, everyone waved, "Goodbye Miss Iris! See you soon!" From the crowd the little girl I saved came running toward me. I stopped and bent down to her height. She gave me a big hug which I gladly returned. The little girl said shyly, "Thank you, " before returning to the crowd.

My first part of my revenge plan to gain the trust of the townspeople was a success. Now the next stage of my plan was how I was going to get over the hurtle of gaining Katakuri's trust. He's so closed off to the idea of ever trusting an outsider, especially since he's been reluctant for me to work along side him.

As we walked back to the castle, Katakuri said, "I see you've befriended the townspeople."

"Why yes, the townspeople are quiet friendly compared to you."

When we arrived at the castle, there were servants outside the grand castle doors holding a giant mirror. They yelled, "Welcome back Katakuri-sama! We've brought what you've asked."

Katakuri suddenly gripped my wrist, tightening his grasp.

I winced, "That hurts. What are you..."

Before I could say more, Katakuri forcefully threw me into the mirror.

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