We're Stuck Here So Lets Have...

By robotdirectionattack

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Toge Senso and Kuraun Kawa have slipped into the Naruto world...from their tv. As they go through the Naruto... More



434 23 0
By robotdirectionattack

When we reached the village entrance, there was Ibiki talking to Izumo and Kotetsu. I stopped Toge, and hid us behind the nearest tree, so we could hear what they were saying.

"We don't know where they are, Ibiki. I'm sorry." Kotetsu. Who?

"I need to interrogate them. Orders from the Hokage, and I am three months late with fulfilling them. I need to see those two. And now. They aren't in the village, so they must've gone out of it. If they ran-"

"We haven't seen them, Ibiki. We've already told you." Izumo. Were they looking for us? They did want to interrogate us, I knew that much. And we did get here four months ago.

"Why do you need to interrogate them anyway? What does the Hokage want from them?" Kotetsu asked. Ibiki sighed.

"Their silver and gold is fascinating, and deadly. We want to make sure that they are loyal to this village. We also need to know more about their powers. The amount we know is even less then them." So they were looking for us. I hid further in the tree, trying to make sure they couldn't see or sense Toge and I. 

"Then I have to look somewhere else. Good day, Izumo. Kotetsu." I heard his footsteps getting even more distant, until I couldn't hear them at all. I waited at least five minutes before I stepped out of my hiding place, taking Toge with me.

"Are you kidding me? Thorns, Kuruan?" Izumo said, unbelieving. I waved, smiling.

"Hi guys." I said innocently.

"You didn't see us, alright?" Toge commanded as we walked by. She glared at the two, making sure they didn't make any sudden movements.

"Why don't we find Ibiki and tell him all we know? It's not like we have anything to hide." She said, making my heart speed up.

"Right?" She asked suspiciously. I swollowed my fear and nodded.


"Then lets go to the Hokage and tell him we know Ibiki is looking for us, and that we will be more than happy to tell them what we know." I slowly nodded, fearing about the plan the Hokage and I set up.


"Hokage!" Toge yelled as she busted the door into the Hokage's room. He looked up from the papers on his desk. Toge stormed in, and I leaned against the wall, crossing my arms and  putting one foot on the wall.

"We know you ordered Ibiki to interrogate us. We have nothing to hide, and we are completely loyal to this village. You could have just asked instead of going to Ibiki to force it out of us!" She raged. The Hokage looked behind her, at me. I kept my face expressionless.

"Well, I am sorry for the inconvenience, and I now know that the both of you..." which was his que to look at me again, "are one hundred percent loyal to this village. But we still need to ask you about your...abilities." Toge and I shared a look, and nodded.

"We will have ANBU record the information while Ibiki asks you questions. Thank you girls." He smiled, as ANBU entered the room and escorted us away. As I left the room, my eyes widened, looking at the Hokage who had an apologetic smile on his face.

He planned it. We fell right into his palms. He knew we would eavesdrop on Ibiki, not confront him. He knew that we would go to him, and he knew what we would tell him. That manipulative Hokage.

The ANBU took us to an interrogation room, which is a nice way of saying a horrifying death room.

"Toge Senso. Follow me." One of them with a wolf mask commanded. Toge looked at me, then walked along with the ANBU.

"Kuraun Kawa. Pleae follow me." One with a fox mask said. I followed them to a room with just two chairs and a table. Well this was definitely a nice interrogation.

"What is your name?" They asked. I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"You just said it, not two minutes ago."

"Please answer my question."

"My name is Kuraun Kawa." 

"You're full name." I growled.

"My name Is Kuraun Yuki-Onna Kawa." I said through gritted teeth.

"How old are you?"

"A month away from being fifteen." 

"And where are you from?"

"The real world."

"This is the real world."

"Not mine."

"That's enough." I didn't turn my head when Ibiki entered. This ANBU was really making me upset, and I was ready to punch him.

"I'll talk to her now." The ANBU nodded, bowed, and left the room. Ibiki stood in front of me, as I was standing too.

"I'd like to first ask you about where your loyalty lies." I groaned.

"The Hokage said this part was cleared." I complained.

"I know, but I want to make sure myself. You seem very suspicious." I mentally smiled. Good, to the grown ups, I wanted to seem at least the slightest bit suspicious. It was good he thought that. I still had a month. Too bad it was my birthday.

"Alright then, ask away."

"What would you do for this village?" He asked.

"Anything." I replied.

"Even if you were bribed with wealth?" I smiled.

"I'd never accept something so irrelevant." I swear, I saw a small smile on his face.

"Even if you were offered peace?"

"I make my own peace." 

"Even if you were offered to go back to your world?" I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Why do you think I haven't tried to go back yet? I don't want to. I hate that world." I sighed.

"Alright then. Now, I need to ask you about your gold power." I lifted my head curiously.

"What do you know about it?" I looked to the corner, thinking.

"There is nothing I certainly know about it. However, I assume that it comes out when I am most passionate about something. That is, until I learn to control it. I assume that I had it in my world, even though there is nothing supernatural there. Since my eyes were almost the color of gold, even there. I also assume that I take in the light energies, which is the most pure, and effective. I am also aware that when I am using it, I obtain a gold aura, and my eyes turn pure gold. Not to mention...I am fairly sure that a golden kings crown floats above my head..." I mumbled the last part, supporting my head with my hands as I thought further.

"Also, I know it can be used for healing. And those I heal, gain a mark. I am guessing, from Thorns's theory, that it is a curse mark. However, it brings positive energy." Ibiki nodded, turning around slightly. There were others watching. Lovely.

"Now, what do you know about Toge Senso's silver power." I breathed out, thinking for a second.

"Well, I am fairly sure that our powers work like the elements, since they appear as such. Gold is precious and extremely deadly. Silver is useful and moderately deadly. Also...since silver is used significantly more than gold, I'd say it'd be better at gathering information. And, gold brings illusions of itself. Most likely why I am a master in genjutsu after only four months. So, I am guessing her power works much like mine, eyes go silver, silver aura surrounds, marking appears. I haven't seen it, so I cannot be sure of this, especially, but I am guessing since it is second most valuable, that the second ranked crown appears." Ibiki looked at me confusing.

"And prince or princesses." I clarified. He nodded, sighing and sitting down.

"And how did you figure all these things?" I laughed. Was he kidding? When I looked at his face, I could see he wasn't.

"I have used mine only once, and Thorns described almost everything that happened, minus the crown. I figured there was a crown, because in all of my genjutsu, I appear with one. That, plus the significant weight on my head while I was using the power. Also, once they were first called 'silver and gold' to me, I immediately assumed the mineral, and and based it off what my power did to the person I first used it on." 

"Who did you first use it on?" He asked. I raised my eyebrows.


"Just answer the question."

"Sasuke Uchiha. On the curse mark Orochimaru gave him." He immediately stood up, moving the chair with him.

"How do you know about that!" I sighed.

"He's my teammate, for one. Also, I was there. The Hokage also talked about it in front of me. Any further questions, Ibiki?" I asked him. He sighed, and shook his head. I smiled, and pushed myself off the wall. When I had my hand on the door knob, Ibiki said, "Wait."

"Hmm?" I turned my head round slightly.

"Is there anything that you can tell us about the future of Konoha?" He asked. I sighed.

"Hmm. I guess...you probably want to keep a good amount of building supplies underground." I finished, clearly confusing him, walking out.


A/N: Yaaaay! Another chapter today!! I'm not sure how many I'm going to upload today, and I'm thinking of continuing this to tomorrow, because I had school all day today, and it's like eleven pm and I have school in the morning, as well. So...I might do it tommorrow, or I might go all week. I don't know, it all depends on how much you guys enjoy these!!

Anyway, this chapter wasn't too eventful, but if I remember correctly (these chapters are pre-written) then the next one gets a lot better :)

Vote and share this chapter, and all your dreams will come trueee~~

That, and I will upload more since these are pre written.

~Stephanie ;)

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