A Slice of Love

By Juls131415

234K 5.4K 368

Olive Halls needs a job. So why not work at the famous Pizza Star? Oh did I mention there's a hot guy that wo... More

A Slice of Love
First Day
First Date
Just Another Day at Work
Opening up
Hanging Out
A Day With Matt
Maria Lily
Hitting The Clubs
The plan with a twist
A Little Secret
Girls Day, Guys at Night
Going Downhill
Her Wish
The Bet
Best friends and Walmart
School Starts
First Day Drama
Hanging Out...Alone.
A Surprise
Rumor Has It...Maria's back.
The Collapse
I Quit
Leaving You
Running to You
The End.

How To Say What Needs To Be Said

5.4K 136 0
By Juls131415


"Yes but you've been in the hospital twice, I needed to come back." She said and I nodded in understanding. "I don't like the idea of you being so far away from me Olive." She says and I nod again.

"Yeah, I missed you Aunt Lisa." I say and she nods again.

"That's why I decided that you're moving out ot California with me."

I nod.





If I had been drinking water at the moment Aunt Lisa had claimed we were moving to California then I think I would have spit it right out. My jaw had dropped and my eyes were wide.

"What?" I exclaim, and Aunt Lisa looks at me, confused.

"I'm saying you're moving to California with me. To make sure you don't end up in any more danger." Aunt Lisa says with a nod, as though it were that simple. Yeah. It's not that simple.

"But I have a job, and Sarah, and Matt..." I trail off, and it hit me. Matt. How will he take this? I mean I'm in the hospital one day from a panic attack and now...I'm moving? Does god hate me?

"You can get friends in California." She says and gets up. "I actually have a skype call with my manager so I have to head out." Aunt Lisa says while walking to the door. She stops halfway out the door before turning to me. "I'll give you a week." She says with a smile before walking out as Matt walks in. He gives me a curious look.

"A week for what?" He asks. Damn. I might as well be straight with him.

"Er until the milk goes bad in the refrigerator." I say quickly. So much for telling him straight up. Matt ignores that but sits on the side of my bed, giving me a warm smile.

"I was really worried about you baby." Matt said softly making warmth erupt inside of me. I bite my lip from saying how adorable he really is when he calls me 'baby'. 

"I'm sorry I worried you." I say honestly and he gives me a sad smile.

"I'm sorry I scared you. Was it anything I did?" Matt asked guiltily.

"I just had a flash of your father, I think it was from my nightmare." I say and he frowns.

"You had a nightmare? Why didn't you come to me?" He asked, taking my hand and looking at me carefully.

"I thought you didn't want to see me." I said, directing my gaze to anything but him in the room. He took my chin and forced me to meet his green orbs.

"I always want to see you." He said and I felt myself melt inside.

Hours later, I was at Sarah's house. We were surrounded with used tissues and random boxes of tissues littering the floor. There was an empty bucket of multi-flavored ice cream on Sarah's side table and we lay side by side on her bed. I could tell Sarah was trying to keep down her tears but to no avail. I felt the shaking next to me from her silent sobs. I didn't really know how to comfort her, because I was also crying. I had told Sarah about my Aunt's plans for moving me and we hadn't taken it so well. I got up, grabbing a glass of water and drank all of it, satisfying my parched throat. I came in and sat down next to Sarah. I took my pillow in my hands and hugged it, shutting my eyes. Tears filled the inside of my eyelids and I quickly blinked them away before glancing at Sarah. She was wiping away her tears and turning to me, still sniffling.

"What are you going to do about Matt?" She asked, blowing her nose into a tissue.

"I don't know." I admit.

"You need to tell him soon. If he just finds out he'll be extremely angry." Sarah says, wiping stray tears with the back of her hand.

"I know. I hate disappointing people though. I'd hate to see Matt disappear from me. I love him." I say and feel tears pricking my own eyes. Sarah wraps an arm around me and I lean my head on her shoulder. Sarah is like my sister. She is like me but not. But most of all, when one of us hurts, so does the other. There really isn't anything I'd do for this girl. I'm serious. The thought of leaving my (nearly) sister, makes me want to burst into a fresh round of tears.

"I have an idea." Sarah says and my ears perk and I turn to her. She begins whispering the plan. At first I grimace at the idea but figure it will be for the best. I decide to take my plan into action tomorrow. I say goodbye to Sarah and drive to Matt's house. I come in and Matt's making dinner. He looks up and gives me a smile.

"Hi Olive." He says, giving me a peck on the cheek when I go to grab a drink from the fridge. I look over at the stir fry he's making and raise an eyebrow.

"Whatcha making?" I ask and he looks at the food in the pan and back at me.


"Oh well tomorrow I'm cooking for you." I state, but continue. "So you better find me that outfit you wanted me to wear." I say and Matt stops stirring the spoon in the pan and stares at me in pure shock. Well that's what I'm going to guess, I'm acting casual, looking around the room.

"You're going to do that?" He asks me and I just nod, reaching his eyes now. A glint of happiness appears in his eyes. "Don't worry about the outfit, it won't be too bad." He says looking at the pan with a grin. What is he thinking? I wish I knew what I'd be wearing. The suspense is killing me.

After dinner, we head to bed and lie down. One of Matt's arms are around my waist and the other is stroking my hair. I have shut my eyes and am starting to drift off. I feel Matt relax next to me and I snuggle up to him, quickly letting myself fall into a deep sleep.

I'm awake. Alright that is the first thing I know. Now why am I awake? I open my eyes slightly to see that Matt is no longer next to me. I sigh, knowing I'm not going to go back to sleep without the warmth of his body. I get out of bed and walk into the kitchen where Matt is standing with a t-shit. I fur my eyebrows and cock my head.

"What are you doing Matt?" I ask and he holds out the t-shirt to me.

"You will be wearing this t-shirt." He orders and I frown then realize I'm supposed to be cooking in an 'outfit".

"This is just your t-shirt." I state, picking it up.

"Yep. Go change." He says and pushes me toward the bathroom. I sigh but take off my shorts and put on his shirt. His shirt stops mid-thigh, so at least it's not horrible. I come out and Matt grins as I head into the kitchen. I whip out some milk and eggs and began making scrambled eggs. I fry some bacon and put that on the side with a piece of toast. I hand the plate of food and orange juice to Matt before taking a seat next to him and eating my food and downing it with a glass of milk. Matt takes a bite of his food and stops. I look at him; waiting for some type of emotion. He turns his head to me, swallowing his food. "Baby you should cook more often." He says before stuffing his face. I can't help but let out a chuckle as I finish my breakfast. When I finish cleaning the dishes I notice Matt sitting on the couch, patting his belly happily. I grin as I take a seat next to me and rest my head on his chest. I must've fallen asleep because Matt shakes me awake and says something about lunch so I get up and cook him lunch. I have to say, cooking really takes energy from me. I felt so tired that I took another nap. When I woke up, no one was home.

"Matt?" I call, but find no one. I had just entered our bedroom when I notice something on the bed. It's a small green cocktail dress. There's a post-it on top and I take it off to read it.

'Olive, went out to help Al at work. Could you make dinner...in this? Thanks- Matt"

I pick up the small piece of fabric and cringe. It is extremely tight and I'm worried that I won't fit or it will turn out to be very uncomfortable. I begin making my mother's old pasta and meatballs recipe. I quickly fry the meatballs and put them in the sauce to boil before I begin frosting the chocolate brownies. My phone goes off and I grab it and notice it's a text from Matt.

be home in an hour and a half. Love you- Matt. I grin and shoot him a text back before finishing dinner. Matt sends me another text an hour later, saying he's on his way so I run into his room and slide on the dress. It stops at mid thigh and feels extremely tight. I try to pull it down but then my cleavage practically hangs out so I pull it up and huff when it looks how it did before. I slide on 4-inch black heels and quickly head to the kitchen to turn down the sauce. I put two plates of pasta and meatballs on the table just as Matt is walking in the door. He comes into the room and stops dead. I bite my lip and unconsciously pull down my dress.

"Err. I'll change." I say and begin to leave before Matt stops me.

"No. You look....gorgeous." He finishes and I nod shyly before we sit down and begin eating. Matt tells me all about how Al has been and how work seems good. I tell him that's great and we finish our meal. I put the dishes in the kitchen and Matt is heading to the living room before I stop him.

"What about dessert?" I ask. Matt stops and turns around.

"Dessert?" He asks and I nod, smiling. He grins and takes a seat again. I grab the brownies and head toward the table. I'm about to sit across from Matt when he suddenly frowns.

"What's wrong?" I ask, glancing down to make sure my clothes are in check.

"I want you to sit somewhere else." Matt says and I frown but walk to his side of the table. Matt pulls me down on to his lap and my eyes widen. "Feed me won't you Oli?" He says huskily in my ear and I gulp but nod. I grab a brownie and let Matt take a bite. "This is good Olive." He says appreciatively.

"Well I did this for you." I say with a shrug.

"You only did it for me? I figured there was a real reason." Matt said and I felt unease taking over me. I sigh and look into his eyes.

"I did it...so I could have you remember me." I say and Matt suddenly looks serious.

"What do you mean remember you? Where are you going?" He asks me.

"I'm.....moving." I say and I feel Matt tense under me.




"A week." I say and he just sits still. I can see his mind thinking everything through and I feel so bad. I don't think I'll ever get the confused look out of my mind. I wish I could kiss away his pain like he does to me. Matt helps me stand before pushing out of his chair and getting up. He walks to the door, pausing for a moment before opening it and walking out again. What have I done?

Here's the chapter. Sorry it's been a while. Softball camp is intense. Plus my mom kinda sucks. And not in that way where she just gets on your nerves, like she just hurt my feelings. I don't think she knows what she did but I'm still pretty upset. So I'm sorry if my emotions show through in this chapter. I put the song Pictures Of You by The Last Goodnight on the side. Oh and Olive's dress she wore in the chapter. Please let me know what you think. I do know more people are reading this because my reads went up a lot. So thank you for that. Alright well have a good day and will upload as soon as I can.


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