I Can Show You How To Love Mr...

By NikkieSmiles16

195K 9.1K 2.8K

School is where the flirtatious Mitch Grassi rules over all the boys. He flirts with every boy in sight, incl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 20

7.5K 371 84
By NikkieSmiles16

For MoopyMips

"Scott. It's Saturday. Why are you walking me up at six?" I pulled the covers over my head. Scott came under the covers with me, kissing the back of my neck.

"I have something to make up to you. Wake up." He whispered seductively into my ear. I rolled onto my back. He lowered his lips to brush against mine. "But not that." I groaned in frustration.

"Are you fucking serious?!" He pulled the covers from where they were over my face. "I hate you." He raised one of his eyebrows.

"You know you love me." He sat on the edge of the bed next to me. I pulled his into a soft kiss. I smiled as I pulled away.

"And I know you love me." He grinned, leaning down to capture me in another kiss. I slipped my arms around his neck. I just wanted him to give into me. I thought he trusted me enough after I helped him yesterday with the whole Elena thing. I gasped as he moved one of my legs out of the way so he could place himself between me. He moved to kiss under my jaw, taking the most sensitive parts in his teeth.

"I have a surprise for you today."

"Uh-huh...." My breath caught in my throat when he bit a certain spot.

"Zel is at a friends until tomorrow." I think I was beginning to like the sound of this. He put his lips near my ear. "I'm taking you on a date." I pushed his chest away.

"A d-date?" I scrambled up to a sitting position. "Like out to dinner?"

"Well yeah. I thought you would be excited."

"We can't." He looked at me in surprise. "What if we get caught? You could get in trouble and-" He put a finger on my lips to signal me to be quiet.

"If you would let me explain the whole situation you would know that we would be three hours away from this town. Three hours away from being caught."

"Is three hours enough?" He brushed his fingers along my cheek.

"I think so." He placed a kiss on my forehead before getting up to get dressed. I brought my knees to my chest.

"This will be my first date. Ever." He came over to brush a piece of my hair to the side.

"I hope I make it perfect for you." I sat up on the bed on my knees.

"It's impossible for you not." I pulled him into a tight hug. I felt content in those moments. They didn't have to be extremely intimate. In fact, the less intimate moments is what made my heart beat faster. Like hugging him. "So where are you taking me?" I asked Scott as we began driving.

"It's a surprise." He put his hand on my thigh. It wasn't to tempt me. It was to make me more comfortable. It was working too. I relaxed in my seat, leaning awkwardly on the console so I could rest my head against his shoulder.

"How did my test come out negative?"

"Because that was my test." He switched the tests for me. "They were going to send you to rehab. A very bad rehab." I held the hand he had resting against my thigh. I laced my fingers through his.

"Thank you." He quickly kissed my forehead.

"It's no problem." He gave my hand a tight squeeze. "I want you to be safe. Happy. You deserve it after all the shit you went through."

"Aren't you sweet?" I think I actually fell asleep for the rest of the ride. Three hours in a car. It was so boring. Scott wasn't much fun either. He would be talking to me then all the sudden cut mid sentence to focus on the road. It was like he couldn't do two things at once. Strike that. I know he can do two things at once.

"Mitch. Darling. Wake up." Scott moved his shoulder gently to shake me from my sleep.

"Five more minutes."

"You can sleep in the hotel." My drowsiness seemed to disappear into thin air.

"Hotel?" I got out of the car to follow Scott after I made sure I looked presentable.

"You think I'm going to drive three hours again tonight. Fuck that." I giggled. It was still weird to hear my teacher cursing like this. I barely heard Scott curse anyways. When we were walking into the hotel, I made a daring move and slipped my fingers between his. He smiled, giving my hand a little squeeze. I was able to touch Scott in public.

"You know, I probably look like a pedophile." He spoke once we were in the elevator.

"Nah. You look my age."

"You keep saying that but I don't believe it." I looked for the next stop before ours.

"I can prove it." Before the doors opened I pulled Scott into a kiss, placing his arms around my waist. I pulled away in fake surprise when someone made a noise of disgust. "Sorry."

"Damn teenagers." The woman muttered under her breath as she stood to wait for another elevator. When the doors closed, I looked at Scott in triumph.

"Are you kidding me?" I shrugged in response. I had proven my point. I win. I waited until Scott unlocked our hotel room before I ran in. It was amazing. I jumped onto the bed.

"This is so cool!" Scott came to the edge of the bed to watch me jump on it with his arms crossed. He had this look of authority on his features.

"Get off the bed."

"Make me." He rolled his eyes, going to the bathroom. I frowned. He was suppose to be more fun than this. I jumped off the bed. It made me smile. There was only one bed. Even though I sleep in Scott's bed with him at home. "Why are you being a buzzkill?" I flopped back on the mattress.

"I'm not. Come on." Ten minutes later, I was walking with Scott to wherever he was taking me. I was hugging his arm. "What's up with you?" I hummed shyly.

"I could never do this before. It makes me happy." He placed a kiss on my cheek. I felt like I was in a real relationship right now. Especially when we sat down for dinner in this cute restaurant. Right now, Scott wasn't my teacher. He was my boyfriend. A wonderful boyfriend. I moved over to his side of the booth to hug him. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For making me feel like a human." He looked at me weird.

"Well you are Mitch." He brushed his nose against mine. "You're my smart and very beautiful boyfriend." Almost five months with Scott. I couldn't believe it. He was my longest relationship ever. This was pretty much my only relationship. I wouldn't consider quick fucks as something to go off.

"And you're not a monster."

"Don't start that." Scott moved back from me.

"Stop thinking that you are." I backed him up into the booth until he was cornered. I turned his face so he was looking at me. "You are an amazing guy. You didn't do anything wrong."

"Can we not bring this up tonight?"

"Not until you believe me." He sighed, resting his elbow on the table.

"Why are you so set on this?"

"Because you aren't a murderer." I brushed my fingers along his cheek. "I love you. I wouldn't stay if I though you had blood on your hands." He leaned forward to connect our lips.

"Thank you. I needed that."

"So you believe me?" He pulled me closer by wrapping his arm around my waist.

"I'm getting there." When they set my food down in front of me, I felt hungry. I was so confused. I was getting tired and hungry again. I never imagined that I would be getting better. "I wanted to take you somewhere-"

"This is perfect." In my mind, it was absolutely perfect. Nothing too fancy or admitting that he was trying to hard. It was small, had good food, and....it was the best first date ever.

"So....how's your family?" Scott asked the question as we were walking back.

"My dad is getting better. He says I'll be able to move in soon." I shivered as a chill went down my spine. Scott shrugged off his jacket and put it over my shoulders. "You're adorable."

"What did I do?"

"Being all gentleman-like." He rolled his eyes.

"It's nighttime and it's chilly."

"Gentleman." I teased lightly.

"You're like a child."

"At least I'm fun." He scoffed in disbelief.

"I'm fun." I raised on of my eyebrows but didn't say a word. Then it was back up to the hotel room where I went to jump on the bed. Scott took his placed at the edge of the bed. "Mitch. The people below are trying to sleep."

"Buzzkill." A small smirk pulled at his lips.

"Get off the bed."

"Make me." I repeated the challenge from earlier. I yelped when my feet we pulled out and I fell back on the bed with a bounce. Scott climb on top of me, pinning my arms above my head with one of his hands.

"Tell me something Mitch. Are you ticklish?"

"No!" It was too late. He started attacking my sides and I couldn't stop how loud I was laughing. "Scott....stop." He didn't give up the assault. "I said st-" I was cut off by his lips being pressed against mine. It was a complete accident to both of us but I don't think we wanted to stop. I felt Scott's jacket get slowly pushed off my shoulders. He broke the kiss.

"How far is this going?"

"I don't know. How far do you want it to go Mr. Hoying?" I used his last name to make him realize that I'm still his student. He could back out of this. I wouldn't blame him in the slightest. He searched my face.

"Enough to break the law." My arms wrapped around his neck to bring his lips down to mine. He began unbuttoning my shirt, making me lift off the bed to throw my shirt off to the floor. I tried lifting Scott's shirt up but it got caught on his elbow. He finally got it off and we both laughed. I felt myself panicking we were got down to our boxers. This was really happening. "Mitch?" Scott caressed my cheek.

"I'm okay." I had waited forever for this. I thought it would be a breeze. But I was actually nervous. I was afraid if anyone found out what is going to happen that Scott would be sent to jail. "Scott wait. Think about it." I put my hands on his chest.

"I have. For awhile now." He went to kiss me and I know he could tell I was nervous. What if we were caught? What if this was all it took to make him realize I'm worthless? What if- "Relax Mitch. Nothing bad is going to happen."

"Okay." My hands went around to flatten against his back as he kissed me in the most gentle way. Then it happened. That moment where he was breaking the law. I squeezed my eyes shut, my nails digging into his skin, and a small whimper escaping me.

"I'm sorry. I should have-"

"No. It's fine." I opened my eyes and a stray tear went down my cheek. I didn't mean for a tear to form. It didn't hurt. Okay. It did a little bit. But it wasn't enough to make me cry and make Scott freak out.

"I should-"

"Scott...." Another tear fell. "Don't leave me." I whispered. He put his forehead against mine.

"I'm not going to, love."

"I-I love you." I felt like I was a mess. Like I was screwing this up because I was being too sensitive. Too much crying. He smiled.

"I love you too." I found myself finally able to relax. Enough to the point that I found myself giggling, craving every touch, and enjoying sex for the first time in my life. Not sex though. This was something more. Something I couldn't place. "How are you feeling?" I was on the verge of falling asleep on Scott's chest when he asked the question. He was brushing my damp hair out of my face.

"This is the best time I've had." I cross my arms over his chest to rest my chin on top of them. I wanted to be able to watch his reaction. "Not because of the sex. Even though it was phenomenal." He chuckled and I closed my eyes for a split second to really feel his chest vibrating with the action. "You treat me right. You take me on a date, get a cool hotel, and you put your jacket on me like a true gentleman. I'm glad I met you."

"And you don't think I'm ecstatic I met you? School isn't that bad when you're sitting in the front row." I couldn't stop the grin that formed on my lips. I put my head in the crook of my neck, wrapping one of my arms around his chest.

"Thank you." He rubbed his hand on my arm. I felt myself drifting away until finally sleep took over me. Best day ever.

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