Chapter 21

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For PTX_Pentaholic99

A/N: So the plan for the week is that there is no other updates for any other story until I'm done with this. Five more chapters.

I made a little groan as I began to wake up. I kept my eyes closed, the sun making my vision red. I felt amazing. I was a little sore but otherwise everything seemed perfect. I rolled onto my stomach and pushed one of my hands to Scott's side. My fingers gripped empty sheets.

"Scott?" I shot up, my eyes finally opening to our hotel room. My insecurities filled my mind. What if spending the night with me made him realize that I'm not worth it? I looked towards Scott's side. There was a small note on his pillow.


Your breakfast is on the nightstand. I didn't know what you liked but I hope I did okay :) Don't panic. I'll be back soon.


I laughed quietly. He was adorable. And he knew me well. I guess last night helped reveal my problem with people leaving me. I didn't want Scott to leave. I just had to wait until after graduation and my eighteenth birthday to announce that I was dating Scott. Then it wouldn't be bad because he wouldn't be my teacher. I mean right now, if he was caught, he-he could be thrown in jail. Then his sister would be given to his horrible aunt and I would go back to not sleeping. And eating. I would probably even go back to drugs. Then I would lose my family that I'm just starting to get back.

"You okay Mitch?" I jumped at the sound of Scott's voice. He came to sit next to where I was with my knees pulled up to my chest. I poked at the half eaten food on the tray in front of me. He put his arm around my waist.

"I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry for?" I smiled at him. God he's handsome. He laughed. "You're not so bad looking yourself." I blushed as I realized I said that out loud. He leaned over to press his lips softly against mine. I slipped my arm around his neck. How did I get do lucky? Even though the unlucky part is that he is my teacher.

"Scott...." I giggled as he lowered me onto the bed.

"We have to go home today." He was kissing down my neck.

"Right now?"

"Soon." I groaned as he stopped kissing my neck and pulled me to sit back up. "You should take a shower."

"You should join me." I brushed my lips against his. I wish he would say yes. But of course he would be a goody two shoes.

"No sweetie." He leaned over to kiss me firmly.

"You're not being fair, Mr. Hoying."

"God Mr. have no idea what that does to me." I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Can we just lay here?"

"Yeah. Of course." Scott slid off his shoes before laying down. I cuddled up to his chest. I looked up at him.

"I thought you left."

"Yeah, Mitch. I left you three hours away from home." He tried to joke but I found myself crying. God I'm fucking pathetic. "Woah, woah."

"I thought you wouldn't be here. I thought you would realize I was worthless." I propped myself up on my arms to look down at him. "I'm sleeping now and I'm eating. And I don't even want to think about drugs anymore. You did that. If I lose you, I don't know what I'll do." He caressed my cheek.

"You don't have to worry. I'm not going to leave you."

"But what if we get caught?! We broke the law and I don't want you to go to jail because you're not a pig like Chris was. He hurt me and you...." I searched his face for my answer. "You saved me. You saved me from myself and years of destruction on my part."

"Hey." He pulled me closer so my face was hiding in the crook of his neck. "It's going to be okay. No one is going to find out and I'm not going to go to jail. As long as we are both careful, I will always be there for you Mitch." I wrapped my arms around his torso.

"If I were to die right now, I think I would die the happiest I've ever been." I kissed his cheek.

"We need to go." He slid off the bed and went towards the bathroom. Then after a shower (without Scott) we were driving back. Back to where I have to pretend that I'm not with my amazing boyfriend. Scott's just my teacher. And then tomorrow's Monday. I haven't forgotten Troy's threat. I just hope he wasn't going to kill me. Or make me do something I did not want to do.

"Hey Zel." The little girl got in the back seat and smiled at my hello.

"Hey Z. How was the party?" She proceeded to tell Scott and I how much fun she had. I laughed. Right now Scott was acting like such a parent. He was listening intently and nodding with a serious face. He threw a smile my way. I think my heart skipped a beat. I wish I was eighteen. I wish he wasn't my teacher. I wish I could show my affection anytime I wanted. How could I not want to kiss him any chance I get? His hand slipped on my upper thigh while the other was driving.

"Mitch?" I turned to look back at the little girl. "Can you help me with my math?"

"Yeah. Of course." I loved this. I wasn't allowed to do this with my siblings yet. So being able to help with simple math made me extremely happy.

"Did you finish your homework?" I pursed my lips at Scott's question.

"All my classes are up to A's now." I said proudly. Thanks to some convincing by Scott, I was able to make up my work. He gave over to give me a kiss while Zel went to the bathroom.

"My boyfriend is smart and handsome." I didn't want to go back to school tomorrow. I wish I could stay in this weekend forever.

I Can Show You How To Love Mr. HoyingWhere stories live. Discover now