Cold Embraces and Hot Kisses...

By BrujaWrites

10.4K 175 114

It's been about 6 years since you've left Japan because your father scored an official hero job in America. N... More

Blissful Memories
An Interesting Start of The Day
A Grand Reveal
Old Friends and Old Enemies
Revenge is A Dish Best Served Cold
It's Not Your Fault
Friends and Strangers
Mysterious Feelings
What Does Love Feel Like?
A Decision is Made
That Unforgettable Smile
A Hero in Need
~ Lemon ~

The Wonders and Mishaps of Dorm Life

530 6 8
By BrujaWrites

"When I talk to my friends so quietly

Who he think he is? Look at what you did to me
Tennis shoes don't even need to buy a new dress
If you ain't there, ain't nobody there to impress
It's the way that you know what I thought I knew
It's the beat my heart skips when I'm with you"

~ Beyonce, Crazy in Love

It's been about a month since you've been attending U.A. Thanks to Yamada and his great convincing skills, you're finally moving into the student dorms today. You took your Provisional License Exam not too long ago and passed. Everyone, especially your family, was so proud that you passed. You were assigned to do rescue missions during the exam with Uraraka, Iida, Ashido, and others. Even though you really wanted to face the villain, you were fine with it the task assigned to you. Unfortunately, Todoroki didn't pass. You spent a couple of days with him after school, assuring him that mistakes are fine and that he will pass next time. He would take his exam in late April, so you still had hope for him. That feeling that you get around him only grew more as the days passed and you were still confused. Meanwhile, there has been rumors going around that the Yakuza has teamed up with the League of Villains. The pro heroes have been working on the case, but they haven't attacked yet.

You groaned, placing the last box in the hauling truck. Today was the day that you would move into the student dorms. 'Why is everything so damn heavy?!' Aizawa helped you move the boxes and rolled his eyes at your over-exaggerated exhaustion. He shut the hood of the truck and looked down at you with a blank expression.

"The boxes aren't even that heavy, (F/n). There's not too many either," Aizawa said.

"Whaaat?! You're lying. There were at least 15 boxes!"

"When you buy a house and start moving in, this will be nothing," he sighed while getting in the truck.

You rolled your eyes and approached the truck. The mailman stopped you before you could get into the truck. He gave you a letter and you thanked him. Getting into the truck, you fasten your seatbelt and held the letter. 'A letter for me? Open immediately?' Aizawa started the truck as you were opening the letter. You pulled out a neatly, handwritten letter. 'Hm, the handwriting is pretty neat.

Dear (L/n) (F/n),

Hey, sorry for getting back to you so late! The Yakuza investigations have been really a pain lately! Anyways, I'm interested in hiring you as my intern. An intern of mine, Amajiki Tamaki, recommended you to my internship. After reviewing your application, I believe you are more than qualified for my internship! I've set up an appointment so that I can meet you and get a better feel of your quirk. I have attached the appointment time and address to the back of this letter. See you soon! P.S. if you pass by a takoyaki place, get me something! :)
~ Fat Gum

You felt a grin tug at your lips as you read the letter. 'I've been accepted?!' Although you wanted to be accepted into Endeavor's internship so you can work alongside Todoroki once he gets his license, you were fine working with Fat Gum. 'His quirk is so cool!' Aizawa glanced at your letter curiously while driving.

"So, what's that (F/n)?"

"I've been accepted for an internship!"

A small smile crept onto Aizawa's face as he asked, "Who's internship?"

"Fat Gum. He seems pretty cool," you said while reading the paper attached to the letter.

"Yeah, his quirk is pretty strong. I'm proud of you," he said while ruffling your (h/c) locks and grinning.

"Thanks, Uncle Shouta. You know I couldn't have done it without you."

"Heh... that's what you say."

You scanned the page attached to the letter. 'I need to meet with him tomorrow after school? That shouldn't be so bad. Maybe I'll ask Amajiki to come with me.' Seeing your uncle happy always brought a beaming smile on your face. He hardly shows emotion and when he does, it is genuine. You tucked the letter in your backpack and stared out the window as cars passed by. 'Finally, Uncle Shouta is letting me do something.'

Soon after arriving at the dorms, you and Aizawa hauled the boxes your empty room. He already had the furniture placed in your room which was pretty convenient. 'Hmm, seems like nobody is awake,' you thought while setting the boxes down. Aizawa used his scarf to bring in the rest of the boxes since you were struggling again. 'How nice of him,' you smile and thank him. He merely nods and says goodbye before going back in the truck and driving back home. 'Looks like I have to unpack by myself,' you sigh and start unpacking the boxes. You hung (f/c) fairy lights on the ceiling and placed the frames of you and your family on the desk. You made the bed using the new bed set that Aizawa had bought you, which was cat themed. After hanging up a couple paintings and posters of heroes that you like, you hung up your clothes in the closet. 'I've been up since 6:00 A.M. What time is it now?' You glanced at your clock that you had hung up not too long ago. '7:30 A.M... it took me that long to unpack?' Sighing, you lugged a couple boxes into your closet that you didn't want to unpack. After shutting the blind to keep the sun out, you flopped on the bed and embraced its warmth. Before you could even get a minute of sleep in, your door burst open.

"(F/n)-chan!!! You're finally here!"

"Uhhh.. yeah?"

"Oh! I'm so sorry! Were you sleeping? Please forgive me!"

"It's fine...I'll probably take a nap later," I stood up and greeted Ochako.

"Wow, your room is so pretty! Is this your family? Wait... is Aizawa sensei your dad? Why is Time Weaver in the photograph? (F/n)-"

"Ochako-chan, p-please don't tell anymore," you gave in, revealing your secret.

"But what is Aizawa sensei to you?"

"He's... my uncle. Time Weaver is my dad. The woman by Aizawa is that picture is his sister and my mother."


"Please keep it down! I don't want everyone to find out... I don't want special treatment because my uncle and father are heroes."

"Oh... I see. That's so cool though," Ochako grinned.

"Thanks? It gets tough sometimes since their expectations are high," you awkwardly giggle.

"Come on! Everyone is in the living room, even the boys! I'm shocked that they are awake so early," she said while dragging you out of the room.

You groaned in reluctance and let her drag you to the living room. 'I'm waaaay too tired to deal with this,'' you sighed. She took you to the couch and you immediately plopped down on the edge of the couch and made yourself comfortable. Before you could close your eyes, a pair of strong arms pulled you into a hug. You glanced up and met with crimson orbs that beamed with excitement. 'Oh, it's just Eijirou-kun.'

"I'm so excited to start working with you! We are seriously going to kick some ass working with Fat Gum!"

"...Huh? Wait... you work with Fat Gum too? Who told you this?"

"He told me himself! He's a pretty manly guy if you ask me," he grinned.

"Oh, I see... Well, I can't wait to start working with you," a small smile formed on your lips as you softly hug him back.

"Y-yeah! I can tag along with you tomorrow. He said that your appointment was tomorrow," a shy blush formed on his cheeks.

"I was going to ask Amajiki but I'll go with you since you know the way there."

"If you were going with Amajiki, that's fine! I'll ju-"

"No, I'll go with you. Amajiki-kun is so quiet and it makes things awkward," you giggle, earning a redder blush from Kirishima.

"Well, if it's fine with you, then it's fine with me! Hey, Katsuki-kun is making us all breakfast since he lost a bet. You should tell him what you want," he laughed.

You nodded and stood up, yawning while stretching your arms. You walked over to the kitchen and seen an angry Bakugou violently flipping an omelette and stirring miso soup. 'Mmmm, tamagoyaki and rice sound nice right now.' You sat at the barstool at the edge of the counter, watching him cook. 'He's about to burn the salmon. Maybe I'll help.' Getting out of your chair, you walked over to the pan where the salmon was sizzling and flipped it over using chopsticks. Before you could turn back around, your gaze met with Bakugou's intense glare.

"Why the fuck are you here?"

"Duh, I moved into the student dorms. More importantly, why the fuck did you almost burn the salmon?"


"Sheeesh, calm down. I came in here to help you since you're struggling," you sigh and add seasoning to the rice.


You approached him with your brows furrowed, "You're burning almost everything in this kitchen."


"The people eating give a fuck. I'm going to help you if you like it or not," you glared at him and got closer to him, pressing your chest against his.

"...WHATEVER THEN," a blush crept on his cheeks as he immediately turned around and went back to cooking.

You smirked to yourself and helped him with tasks. You couldn't help but admire him. 'He's so angry all the time but why does that make him so... attractive? He is still an asshole though,' you snickered to yourself while preparing everyone's plate. After the food was all done, you called everyone to the table. You set the plates on the table as your classmates excitedly came over and took their seats. Of course, you chose the seat next to Todoroki. Everybody talked while eating, sharing laughs. You and Todoroki sat in awkward silence before he cleared his throat.

"Do you like it here so far?"

"Yeah... it's pretty chill. I'm just tired," I whisper while slurping on the miso soup.

"I see. Do you want to watch a movie after this?"

"Movies?! I love movies! We should all watch a cheesy romance," Ashido pitched in, giggling.

"No way! I wanna watch some action, something manly," Kirishima argued.

"What about an adventure movie? I always love those," Ochako said.

"I will only watch a horror or thriller," Tokoyami said, picking at his salmon.


"You're so crude," Jiro said while smacking the back of Mineta's head, "a musical sounds nice right now."

"Why don't we let (F/n) decide? It is her first day here anyway," Kaminari winked at you, which made you roll your eyes.

"What do you wanna watch (F/n)?"

"Uh- I don't know... I have some movies in my roo-"

"Just bring those out! I'll fire up the DVD player," Ashido giggled.

You went to your room and picked out some of the DVDs in your box. You came back and laid them out in front of everyone. You didn't have much of a selection, but they were good movies.

"Woah! Black Panther looks so cool! I wanna watch that one," Kirishima beamed.

"Beauty and The Beast looks interesting! I've heard it was a good romance movie about a prince who was turned into a beast and he has to find true love to turn back into a human," Ashido grinned.

"I've heard of Ghostbusters! Let's watch that," Kaminari said.

"I will not watch anything except It," Tokoyami asserted.

"Hmm... what about Dirty Dancing? It looks cool," Jiro said with a rather bored expression.

"Let (F/n) decide," Iida said, adjusting his glasses.

"Um... I'm fine with whatever... What about The Avengers? Some of the heroes have quirks like ours in that movie," you said, rubbing your eyes a bit.

"I didn't even see that one! It looks cool," Sero grinned.

"Yeah, let's watch that one," Ochako beamed and put the DVD in the player.

You sat beside Todoroki on the edge of the couch. Everyone took a seat and chatted about their excitement. You tiredly leaned your head on his shoulder, which made his cheeks flush violently. He turned his head away and snaked his arm around your waist. A faint blush dusted your cheeks as you felt his warmth. Your heart throbbed with the emotions you have been feeling for weeks. You were finally convinced that you have a crush on him, but you didn't understand why. Why do you feel this way around Todoroki? More importantly, does he feel this way around you? Only time will tell. Your eyes fluttered shut as you heard the movie opening play.

A loud alarm blared, waking you up from your sleep. 'How long... was I out?' You heard a familiar voice over the intercom.

"Yo! Sorry to interrupt everyone's day! We need all students with a hero license to get on their costumes and report to the quad immediately! It is confirmed that the Yakuza is working with The League of Villains. Meet your intern boss at the quad. We need to act now!"

Everyone scrambled to get their hero costumes while you groggily stood up and trailed to your room. You slipped on the costume with ease and followed your classmates to the quad. You were looking for Todoroki and suddenly remembered that he cannot come. 'Hopefully, this isn't anything too bad,' you thought. You followed Kirishima and seen a rather large male in a jumpsuit standing next to Amajiki. He laid his eyes on yours and a small smile formed on his lips.

"You must be (L/n)! It is nice to meet you! I wish I could've met you under different circumstance, but this is how it had to be," he said.

"Nice to meet you as well, Fat Gum sensei! I'll do my best out there," you grinned.

"Just don't do anything reckless!"

As you were following Fat Gum down the street and a couple alleyways, you spaced out in your thoughts about Todoroki. 'What if... I confess to him? Should I?' You pondered while walking. 'Maybe I can ask Kirishima?"

"Hey, Eijirou-kun... I have a um... question."

"Yes? What is it?"

"So if you had a crush on somebody... do you think it's a good idea to tell them?"

"Wh-what? I-I mean... what if they don't like you back?"

"But would you still try to tell them?"

"Well... yeah. At least you would get your feelings out there," he said with a slight blush while looking away.

"(L/n), this is no time to talk about crushes! But if I were you, I'd tell my crush that I like them. Anyways, be on the lookout for a man with a bird-like mask," Fat Gum said while scouting the area.

"I see. Thank you guys."

You looked around the area while debating in your head. 'What am I going to do?' You looked down an empty alleyway and seen nothing. You searched around and a surge of confidence flowed through you. 'I'm going to do it. I will tell Todoroki my feelings when I get back.'

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