better man/worse than nicotin...

By QuickCharade

25.2K 1.1K 562

Joy Winchester is the youngest Winchester sibling who made a deal with a Reaper named Billie seven years ago... More

better man - book i
one: i don't exist.
two: go to hell.
three: don't make me get my gun.
four: would you mind staying?
five: you're lucky you're a good kisser.
six: who's jealous now?
seven: you are dangerous.
eight: i'm lonely and i miss you.
nine: it's for us.
ten: i'm only telling you what i see.
eleven: of course, we knew.
twelve: and i am only telling you the truth.
thirteen: it's a problem, truly.
fourteen: i understand...because i've been there.
fifteen: i'm not an idiot.
sixteen: inside the bunker
seventeen: the world needs you.
eighteen: i'm not asking you to agree with it.
nineteen: i'm not sure who's more pissed off with who.
twenty: she is different.
twenty-one: it's all too good to be true.
twenty-two: he seems different.
twenty-three: who are you trying to convince there, love?
twenty-four: the pleasure was all mine.
twenty-five: no one knows where she is.
twenty-six: i don't know who you are.
twenty-eight: i thought he was a better man.
worse than nicotine - book ii
one: a different world
two: after everything that's happened.
three: that will be you.
four: imagine.
five: i'm jack.
six: do i look stupid to you?
seven: brave, but sad.
eight: bull in a china shop.
nine: i still love you.

twenty-seven: you're not you right now.

446 24 13
By QuickCharade

A/N: I'm back! And the end is near. But hey! Good news! There will be a sequel :)

The next few days have hardly felt normal.

Ketch walks around the compound, talking to Dr. Hess like he is so overly heartbroken that Lady Bevell was "lost" on our mission to the Winchester's bunker. He claims the tall one had a grudge – Sam. When all along it has been Ketch.

I'm not an idiot. I know Ketch and Toni used to have something. And I also know they were up for the same position here at the compound. Like I said, it doesn't take an idiot to put the pieces together on that one.

Ketch has also been overly insistent on keeping me here at the compound. At first, I thought it was sweet. I would mention leaving, and he would immediately turn around and ask for my help on something, claiming he needs my intelligence to do it. It was sweet because he used to make such a scene out of asking me for help. But now he was doing it because it appeared as though he didn't want to make a scene, he just genuinely wanted help and was no longer afraid to ask for it.

But then it was simpler tasks. Like identifying a creature. Or making hunting plans. Stupid things that I know he is better at, all the way. Or things that I know for sure he is capable of completing on his own because he has before.

So I have to be sneaky. All I want is to go see Jody. I just want to let her know I'm okay, that's all. But Ketch is so overbearing you'd think I told him I was going to leave forever.

After he enters a meeting, I make my way back to my room, acting like I'm going to rest for a minute. But what I really do is take a right at the end of the hall and grab the keys to his Bentley from his room.

I smile as the engine purrs to life, immediately grimacing at the smooth jazz music coming through the speakers. That's the first thing I shut off.

I back out of the garage and exit the compound, thankfully getting past all the guards and gates. It's smooth sailing from here.


Jody's place feels farther than I remember, but I drive without thinking about it too much. I can't find my phone anywhere, which is annoying, but I assume I lost it in the midst of fighting with the Djinn. I don't feel too bad about not calling ahead, though. I'm practically a daughter to her.

By the time I pull into her driveway, it's almost two in the afternoon.

I knock on her door after finding that it's locked, waiting patiently. It looks like she's painted since I've been here last.

The door opens, revealing Jody who looks incredibly relieved to see me. I don't get a single word in before she's pulling me in for a bone-crushing hug.

"Your brothers have been so worried!" She rubs my back furiously, pushing away from the hug to look into my eyes. My confusion must be evident. "Joy?"

"Brothers?" I ask.

She pulls me into the house, sitting me down on the couch. She sits next to me in her reclining chair, still close enough to rest a soothing hand on my leg.

"Are you okay? Did you hit your head?"

I give her another strange look. "Are you talking about Sam and Dean? They said I was their sister the other day, but I don't..."

"They've been worried sick about you," Jody replies, still not sure of how to handle this.

"They're alive?" I blurt. That's impossible. The spells and everything Ketch put on that bunker were the harshest I've ever seen.

She blinks. "They're...alive. They've been calling every day. I've been looking for you since last week, Joy," she pauses. "What happened?"

"I don't know what's going on, I—I was attacked by a Djinn and um, Arthur Ketch saved me. Brought me back to the British Men of Letters compound and—I've been trying to leave for the past couple days, but only managed to sneak out today and come see you and—" I pause, taking a deep breath. "I keep dreaming. About Sam and Dean." I shake my head. "I'm an only child, Jody, helped raise me. I don't know where these Sam and Dean guys are coming from, but...every time I dream about them I just...I don't know."

By the time I look back to her, she looks like she's seen a ghost. Or worse.

She pats my leg. "Let me give them a call and let them know you're okay. How about you go take a shower?"

I run my fingers through my hair. "That obvious, huh?"

She smiles knowingly. "Showers have always helped you think." She pats my leg one last time before standing, heading into the kitchen.

I take her advice and get in the shower. I find some of my old clothes in the closet, grabbing a new flannel and pair of jeans.

I wash my hair and my body, but nothing feels clean anymore. Nothing feels right anymore. There's something missing. My damn guilty conscience has me thinking about Sam and Dean, feeling bad that I helped Ketch lock them in that die. I left them there to die. And they seem to care about me so much. For what reason? I can only think that I must have helped them in a hunt or something, but I would have remembered them clearly. Not in such a haze that I do right now. Like I knew them much deeper than as hunters. But I don't know why.

I step out of the shower and change into my new clothes, putting my hair up in a towel. I stare at myself in the mirror, rubbing my hands across my face.

I don't even recognize myself.

I seriously need a drink. Or something.

Thankfully, Jody has beer in the fridge. I grab one of them, popping the cap off with my teeth. I'm halfway through my second one by the time she comes back inside from calling Sam and Dean.

I don't trust Ketch, not anymore. After he kept essentially trying to keep me locked down the past couple days, I'm growing more and more wary of the guy.

"Sam and Dean should be here any minute. They were already on the way when I called."

I nod, downing the rest of that beer. I place the second bottle next to the first, reaching toward the fridge. My hand is blocked before I can get there, though.

Jody pulls me away from the counter without giving me room to protest. She motions for me to sit down at the table. She joins me a few seconds later, sliding a glass of water my way.

"I see the love of alcohol is still in you," she smirks. "But you don't need to be drunk at three in the afternoon."

I chuckle. "Yeah..." I chew on my bottom lip. "How long have you known Sam and Dean?"

"Joy..." She pauses, grabbing my hand and squeezing it for comfort. "I don't know what happened to you. But Sam and Dean are your brothers. I've known them as long as I've known you, I just know you a little better. You spent three years with me from when you were twelve to when you were fifteen. But Sam and Dean are your brothers. Your name is Joy Winchester."

I blink, her words hovering in the air, but...none are registering in my brain. "I don't..." I shake my head. "I feel like I know them. Like I helped them on a hunt, but you're telling me they're my brothers?" I take a deep breath. "And then, this house, I remember living here. For a long time. But it doesn' doesn't feel like a home. Like I thought it did."

She frowns. "I'm sorry." She pauses, furrowing her eyebrows. "You're saying you were caught by a Djinn?"

I nod. "I think...that's what they told me – the British Men of Letters."

Her eyes widen. "You did say that..."


Our heads turn toward the sound.


"In here!" She calls, looking back at me softly. "We're going to fix this."

"Jody, hey, she—" Sam pauses, staring at me for a moment. "Joy, you're—"

"A little tipsy," I admit, standing from the chair. "I'm apparently your sister. Nice to meet you, I guess?"

Dean looks to Jody. "Have you filled her in?"

"Kind of. She said she was attacked by a Djinn, and they saved her."

The look on Dean's face is almost lethal. "They've fucking brainwashed her. Wiped her memory." He turns to me. "How old are you?"

I give him a strange look. "Seventeen, Jesus, are you okay?"

His face immediately falls, along with everyone else's. The three of them share a look that hardly seems like it has any good news within it.

"What's going on?" I finally ask.

Dean nods to Sam. "Go get her out of the car." Sam nods in return, taking the keys and going outside. Then Dean looks back at me. "You're not seventeen. You're twenty-three."

"Twenty-three?" I nearly lose my balance. "You're not serious."

But all Dean does is nod. "I'm serious."

"Don't you think I'd know if I was six years off!"

"I think the problem here is you're brainwashed!" Dean yells. "And we're going to try to fix it, but this isn't going to work if you can't accept that you're not you right now!"


"What?" He snaps.

Jody raises her eyebrows. "Calm down. This isn't going to work if you don't calm down."

Instead of responding with some sarcastic remark, Dean takes a deep breath and nods, staying quiet. I take that as my cue to also keep my mouth shut.

Sam returns a second later with a handcuffed Toni Bevell.

"You're supposed to be dead."

"And you're supposed to be back at the compound," Toni retorts.

"Enough," Sam interrupts, nudging Toni's shoulder.

"Alright. You said you could fix her, so..." Dean gestures toward me. "Fix her."

"Well, I can't."

"You said you could."

"I lied," Toni replies harshly. "You were about to kill me. But I can't fix this."

Sam pinches the bridge of his nose. "What exactly did you do?"

Toni turns to me. "Joy. What do you remember?"

I look to Jody for help, but all she does is urge me to answer her. "I remember waking up at the compound. They told me a Djinn had attacked me and...Arthur Ketch saved me in the nick of time. I remember meeting him before in a diner but leaving town. I..." I glance around at Jody's home. "I remember living here...being raised here. But Jody tells me I only lived with her for three years." I take a deep breath. "And I remember my age as seventeen, but apparently I'm twenty-three. My name is also apparently Joy Winchester," I pause, Winchester rolling off of my tongue so easily, "but I don't remember a last name."

Toni gestures to me before looking at Sam and Dean. "I cannot fix an erased memory."

"Can you reverse it?"

"I beg your pardon?"

Sam glances at me before turning to Toni. "Can you reverse it."

"I would need my equipment, and it's all at the compound where everyone assumes I am dead—"

"Can you. Reverse it."

Toni sighs. "Yes. With the right equipment, I should be able to try something to reverse it."

"There should be something in the bunker," Sam offers.

Dean nods. "I'll take them." He grabs Toni by the arm, taking the keys back from Sam.

"I'd suggest you run," Toni says, shaking herself out of Dean's grip. "This will not stop. The Men of Letters are going to hunt you down and kill you."

"Not if we kill them first," Sam replies with a tight smile. "Jody is it okay if we get everyone here first?"

She nods. "I'll start making calls." She pauses, glancing at me sadly. "Go with Dean. We're going to fix this."

I take a deep breath and nod, giving her one last hug before I head out with Dean and Toni Bevell...who can supposedly fix whatever is happening in my brain.

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