The Body Swap (5SOS/Luke Hemm...

By 1DNiallnation

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Body Swap
Chapter 1: That Night
Chapter 2: Walking Up A Stranger
Chapter 3: Stuck
Chapter 4: Interesting
Chapter 5: Next Best Thing!
Chapter 6: Switched Back?
Chapter 7: "So what? One kiss for one hour?"
Chapter 8:
Hi Hey <3
Chapter 10: "I'm smarter than you think"
Chapter 11: I could get used to this
Chapter 12: Viva Las Vegas
Chapter 14: What Happens In Vegas Part 2
Chapter 15: What Happens In Vegas Part:3
Chapter 16: Bass Down Low

Chapter 13: What Happens in Vegas...P1

779 34 22
By 1DNiallnation

(Krissy's P.O.V.)

I woke up feeling very shitty. I sat up and rubbed my head to attempt at easing my headache. I pulled back my hair so it was out of my face, then it hit me.

I ran to the bathroom to see my own reflection in the mirror. I began to start laughing uncontrollably, I felt my face not believing I was back in my own body.

"LUKEEEE!!!"I shouted giddily as I ran into the living room of our hotel room. 

I looked around trying to remember where Luke was crashing. I saw Louis on the couch passed out, which was weird since he should have stayed with the other boys from 1D. The room arrangements were all the One Direction boys in one Penthouse suite and all the 5SOS boys and I in another so that way it was 5 to a room.

I ran over to Louis and shook him awake. 

"LOUIS LOUIS LOUIS!"I shouted as the sleepy eyed boy arose from his sleep.

"Krissy?"Louis asked as if testing if it was really me or just my body.

"ITS ME. IM BACK!"I said happily, his eyes widened 

"SWEET!"He said jumping up and hugging me. "So the crazy psychic lady's thing worked?"

I nodded smiling, soon the awkward giant stumbled out of his room looking tired.

"Whats with all the lou-"He stopped mid-sentence and his eyes widened. 


I nodded grinning widely, I ran over and hugged him tightly. He lifted me off the ground and spun me around before placing me down, his arms still around me as he looked down at me his eyes shinning.

Once realizing his was still holding me he pulled away awkwardly, "Er uh sorry.."He mumbled, I giggled.

"So, time to celebrate eh?"Louis asked smirking holding up a bottle of booze.

"Sweet! We're drinking already! Pour me a shot!"Calum said as he walked out of the bedroom.

"It's still the morning, who in the right mind drinks at, what time is it? 10AM?"I asked 

"Actually its already 2 in the afternoon."Calum said smirking as he took a shot from Louis.

Louis held out a shot for me, I shook my head, "No thanks."I said.

"What? It's okay Kris I know you're not old enough, its cool."Louis said.

"I know, I'm just not in the mood."I said.

"C'mon stiff."Louis said teasing me.

"Stiff? You did not just call me that."I said laughing.

"Take the drink...Take the drink!"Louis began to chant and Calum and Luke joined in.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the shot glass so they'd shut up. I downed the shot and shook my head.

The boys cheered slapping me on the back. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"So hey, we have a few hours until the show tonight, how about we hit the pool?"

"Which one? The one in our room or the one downstairs?"Louis asked smirking.

"WE DO NOT HAVE A POOL IN OUR ROOM. YOU'RE JOKING!"I shouted in disbelief. I never really got to check out our room since yesterday was so hectic.

"Oh but we do."Louis said looking over to the balcony.

"Shit Vegas is amazing!"Luke said running over to the balcony.

I followed him and we went outside, 

"I don't see a pool."I said turning to Louis,

"Thats because it's upstairs."Louis said guiding me over to a staircase.

"Holy shit this hotel room is as big as my house." Luke said pushing past Louis and up the stairs.

I followed and sure enough there was an upstairs and a pool. 

"Krissy! I dare you to jump in."Luke said smirking at me. 

"You do it."I shook my head. 

"Fine we'll jump in on three."He said walking over to the edge.

"We?"I asked laughing, "You mean I."

"So you wanna do it alone?"

"No I meant you're doing it alone!'

"Aw c'mon don't be such a stiff."

"Don't call me that!"I said punching his arm.

"Then stop acting like one."He said holding his hand out, "On three?"

I narrowed my eyes, "One"

He smirked, "Two.."

"Three!" I jumped into the water, alone.

"ASSHOLE!"I shouted before crashing into the water. As I rose to the surface I saw Ashton and Calum were now there too, they joined Louis and Luke laughing as they saw me.

"You better get in now!"I said trying to stay afloat.

"Nah, I think I'm good."Luke said laughing then turning to the other boys.

"Same."Calum laughed placing the empty bottle of booze on the table next to him so he wouldn't drop it from laughing to hard.

I gave them dirty looks, then got an idea.

"Oh shit!"I shouted before going underwater. I rose back up and splashed water around, pretending I was drowning.

"I cag- crampghs, HELP." I took a deep breath before going back under and staying there.

Soon enough someone dove in next to me. I kept my eyes shut as they pulled me out of the water and laid me down outside the pool.

"Kristina??"I heard Ashton's voice say.

I felt him grab my head. Then something was on my chest.

"I think she needs CRP."I think Calum said that.

"It's CPR you dip shit."Ashton said then before anything could happen I opened my eyes and spit out water to whoever face was about to give me CPR.

"FUCKING HELL."Ashton said backing up quickly and wiping his face.

I began to laugh hysterically. 

"Shows, hahahah, you."I laughed.

"Not cool."He said shaking his head, but smiling.

I smiled, "Yeah I know."

"Well darn, guess you don't need CPR."Ashton said looking away.

"Well maybe I still do."I said smirking, I moved Ashton's head so he was facing me and kissed him softly, he kissed back, a smile on his lips.

"Alright! Alright! Get a room!"Calum groaned.

I pulled away, a giggle escaping my lips. "Hey Calum, can you help me up?"I held my arm out, he grabbed my hand and I pulled, Ashton grabbing his other hand, then we threw the drunk into the pool.

"Who's  next?"I asked smirking,

Louis looked to Luke who just shrugged. They then ran and cannon-balled into the pool splashing me and Ashton.

I shrieked as the cold water splashed over me. 

"The fuck?"

I turned to see Michael starring down at us,

"You guys decided to have a pool party with booze and don't invite me?"He asked.

"But you don't like sunlight."Ashton said laughing.

"Dick."Michael shoved Ashton back into the pool making me laugh.

"There isn't even any music on this is lame."Michael said,

"I know,"I agreed, "Shouldn't there be a radio somewhere?"

"There's speakers on the wall.."Michael said looking around then he walked over by the door to a little panel on the wall, then next thing you know some Pitbull song was blasting from the speakers.

"I'm ordering more booze."Calum said as he walked past me.

"And pizza please!"I said smiling. 

"Well, I'm going to change into my swim suit."I said to the boys before going back inside. I looked around realizing how big our room actually was. I walked past the living room and into my bedroom. I grabbed my blue bikini then went to the bathroom to change and put my hair up.

By the time I returned there was food and drinks all over the table, and the boys were still swimming.

I walked over to the pool chair and laid out, letting myself tan.

"Krissy! Get in!"

"Nah I'm good."I mocked the boys from earlier.

"You better get in!"Louis shouted.

"I'm not leaving this chair!"I said shutting my eyes and absorbing the sun rays.

"Fine!"I heard the boys shout.

I sighed in relief, it was surprising that it was that easy to win that fight. But boy I was wrong. Because next thing I know the whole chair was picked up and tossed into the pool.

"ASSHOLES!"I shouted as I rose back up to the surface. 

They all laughed before jumping in.

I messed around while having the occasional splash war with the boys.

After my third time beating Ashton at a chicken fight I got out to get a drink.

"Heyy Krissy! Shots!"Calum said handing me a shot. 

I went to grab it, but before my fingers even touched it he pulled it out of reach.

"Wait, are you even old enough to drink?"He asked,

"In England yeah."

He starred at me.

"Legal drinking age is 21 here, are you old enough?"I raised an eyebrow.

"You aren't."

"I have a fake id. I can drink."He said smirking.


"Then lets drink!"He handed me the shot and I downed it.

I felt two arms wrap around me from behind. I smiled as I felt a small kiss being planted on my neck. I turned to see Ashton.

"Just be my girlfriend already."He said whining.

"You're drunk."I rolled my eyes laughing.

"Am not."He pulled me closer. "You look great in that bikini by the way."He whispered in my ear.

I giggled. And before I could reply Ashton pulled away a look of disgust  on his face. He then pulled a pizza slice off the top of his head.

"Nice one!"Michael high fived Luke.

"Oh it's on."Ashton said grabbing a chocolate milk off the table and opening it before chucking it at Luke. Next thing I know I was in the middle of a food fight.

I hid in the by the staircase watching the boys attack each other with food. I was just about to stop them when someone came up behind me.

"Whats going on here?"Someone asked from behind me sounding a bit pissed.

I turned to see Liam.

"Oh hey Liam."I smiled.

"You all were supposed to be at the arena half an hour ago! Soundcheck is in 10 minutes!"

My eyes widened, I grabbed Liam's arm and read his watch, 4:52. Hours had passed without us even realizing.

"GUYS WE NEED TO LEAVE NOW!" I shouted running over and rushing the half wasted boys out of the pool.

I ran back to my room and put some clothes on then helped Liam drag everyone from the room to the arena.

Once we got there we managed to sneak Louis over to soundcheck without the tour managers noticing his lateness.

I collapsed onto the couch backstage and sighed. 

"Hey Krissy, you ready for tonight?"Rick, one of our stage producers asked me as he came into the room.

"Yeah, nervous though."I said smiling.

"Don't worry, you'll do great."He said before heading back to the AUX booth.

As soon as he left I buried my head in my hands. I was just now realizing how tonight I'd be singing my own songs in front of thousands of people.

A knot in my stomach began to form, just thinking about it. 

It was a lot easier pretending to be Luke because that was just like acting in Theatre, I wans't Kristina I was Luke. I didn't have anxiety because Luke didn't.

But now that I'd be myself, that it was going to be all me,

Was I really ready?

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