I'm The Biggest Star Here! ~c...

By kwfishy00

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This a Black * Star x reader. (Y/N) and Krissy are ninjas, but not just any ninjas, ninja princesses to be ex... More

Meeting (y/n) and Krissy!
The Great Fight with Witch Beatrice!
Author's Note
Going to DWMA!
Meeting the Star!
The Big Arena!
The First Fight!
First Day at DWMA!
Our First Assignment!!
What Happens Next?
Saving Crona!
The Punishment Game!
Fighting the Kishins!
The Journey Begins!
How Much Longer?!
Is This The End?!
What Have I Done?!
Is This The Madness?!
Where Are We Now?
What Is This?!


27 2 0
By kwfishy00

As I stood there frozen in shock from the kiss on the cheek that Black Star had given me, I realized something didn't feel right. I looked over at Ron and Black Star who were now in a hand to hand fight. Black Star had the upper hand but Ron was holding up pretty good. I then turned to Jamie and Krissy who were just chatting, everyone else were talking amongst themselves. I then looked at Dakota who was picking up Beatrice's soul. I then looked to the woods, and there was Ivan again....Wait was he crying?! I looked at everyone, before quietly sneaking away to go over where Ivan was. No one saw me leave. I reached the woods, but I didn't see him anywhere. So I went into the woods to see if he went a little deeper. That's when I heard, "Did you come here to kill me too?" I turned around and saw Ivan standing right there. I smiled a bitter sweet smile at him, "No. Not at all. I wanted to see if you were okay. I know you only did all of that because you love Beatrice." Ivan smiled for three seconds and then frowned, "How would you know?! You don't know what it feels like to love someone but not have them notice you, have them use you! Don't talk to me like you know how I'm feeling right now!!" I looked at him and saw the pain in his eyes. "Ivan, you need to clam down. All of this anger and mixed feelings are going to your head." Ivan laughed evilly, "Oh! That's where you're wrong! You see, what I want is revenge on you! YOU! YOU TOOK AWAY FROM ME THE ONLY THING THAT I LOVED IN THIS WORLD NOW I WILL RUIN YOUR LIFE! NOT TODAY BUT ONE DAY! IT WILL KILL YOU TO KNOW WHEN I WILL COME!" I then let out another laugh, and jumped off into the sky. I watched him go, and let the words he just said sink in. I then shook it off. "What is he going to do that I can't handle? I have Black Star and all of my other amazing friends." I then walked back to where everyone else is. When I got there I saw that Black Star had beat Ron, and Jamie was comforting him. Krissy was laughing at everything. Black Star then walked up to me, "So what did you think about that, (y/n)?" I looked at him and smiled, "Well....I wasn't exactly watching." He then laughed and said, "Well I guess I'll just have to do it all over!" I giggled and said, "I think he's had enough. I believe that you were great though." He smiled and said, "WELL OF COURSE I'M THE ALL MIGHTY BLACK STAR, THAT WILL SURPASS GOD ONE DAY!" I smiled at him and we all laughed. Dakota then approached Krissy and I. "What do you girls think we should do with Beatrice's soul?" I thought for a minuet and said, "Do you think Lord Death Would let Krissy eat it?" Before Dakota could say anything Krissy did, "(y/n), I think you should eat it. You can eat souls, and you worked hard for that one. I don't even have 99 kishins souls yet." Dakota smiled and said,"Well, I don't think Lord Death could say anything about that, since you don't want to be a death weapon." He then handed the soul to me. I looked at it and shrugged my shoulders. "Might as well....what's the worst that could happen?" I then opened up my mouth and tilted my head back. Then I ate it. It didn't taste like much, but the texture was amazing. It was kinda slimy but in a good way. I felt a sudden shift in my body. "Whoa! That felt wired yet awesome!" Everyone laughed. Krissy then said, "Well, how about we go back to the DWMA?" We all said 'yes' at the same time, then we joined hands. Krissy and I teleported back to the school. I looked up at the big DWMA and smiled. It felt good to be home.

We all walked into the school, and down the hall. Everyone looked at us and whispered to each other. I feel like they weren't good whispers. We made it all the way to the Death Room. When we entered Ron and Jamie were blown away by it all. We got the mirror and Ron called out, "Don't tell me the whole number mirror trick is real!" Krissy and I giggled and said, "You wanna try it?" He looked at us and slowly went to the mirror, and wrote the numbers. Lord Death then appeared and said, "Hey, hey, hey! I'm glad to see you all made it back okay!" Ron jumped back and said, "It really does work!" We all laughed and Lord Death said, "I really need to educate the other DWMA students better." I looked at Lord Death and said, "What did you ever do with the other Death Scythes?" He thought for a second and said, "Well, I sent them back, because it seemed like you kids had the whole thing under control." Krissy and I face-palmed at that. Spirit then came in right then and said, "May I ask what you did with the witch soul?" Krissy and I looked at each other and I said, "Well...I...uh...kinda, ate it?" Lord Death laughed and Spirit looked shocked. "That's fine. It's not like you want to be a death scythe and you did earn it." Lord Death said, while Spirit didn't know what to do. I giggled a little bit and then Lord Death looked at Ron, Jamie, Ace, and Jett. "How would you four like to join this DWMA? You all were rather good in the battles you fought." Ron and Jamie replied first in unison, "Yes!" Then Ace and Jett looked at each other and said, "Well....why not?" Krissy and I gave them a thumbs up. Then Lord Death dismissed us to go and Dakota stayed. We all walked back to class. When we got there Stein nodded at us. Class was a bore and hard to focus in because I was still thinking about Black Star. More so then usual because of the whole kiss on the cheek thing. "Man, if I'm this hung up over a kiss on the cheek, then I can only imagine what I would be like if it was on the lips." That's when a note fell on my desk. I looked at it and saw it was addressed to me. So I opened it. "Hey! We should, go on our first date today! Meet me at the front doors after school!
Black * Star

Then another note fell on my desk, it was also addressed to me, but it was in different hand writing. I opened that one too,
"(y/n)! You shouldn't hang out with that Black Star kid! He's no good! I'm a way better choice! I know how to treat you. I love you.
Love, Ron" 

I sighed, Ron always confesses his love for me. It's rather annoying. I looked down at him (He is only one desk below.) and he smiled up at me and gave me a thumbs up. I sighed and shook my head. He chuckled knowing that I liked Black Star, okay at this point I think it's safe to say that I love Black Star. Class felt like hell. It was going way to slow. Once the bell rang I dashed out of there. I didn't beat Black Star to the doors, but that was okay. It's nice to let him win every now and then. I giggled to myself. Once I reached Black Star he smiled at me and I smiled back. "You ready for this, (y/n)?" I giggled and said, "Hell yeah!" He then quickly pulled me in for a kiss on the lips. My eyes went wide as his lips touched mine. I soon closed them and melted into the kiss. Once we pulled apart he smiled a closed-eyed smile at me and I giggled, "Well, now I'm prepared for anything else you throw my way!" He chuckled and said, "I wouldn't be so sure about that!" He then took my hand and started running, pulling me behind him. We went to the park and just talked. Black Star, nor I, went on about how awesome we are, instead we actually had a conversation. Then we went to a nice place for dinner, and he paid for it! Then he walked me home. We are now standing outside of the door to mine and Krissy's place. "Thanks for tonight, Black Star. It was amazing." Black Star laughed and said, "That's because I'm the amazing Black Star." I giggled and kissed him goodnight. "Night, see you tomorrow." He was too shocked by my action to say anything so I just walked into the house.

~While the date was going down, Ron's P.O.V~

I watched at the school's doors as Black Star kissed (y/n). "Awww...they look sooooo cute! Wait! What am I thinking!" I then followed them to the park. As they laid in the grass talking to each other I hid in a bush. "They really are cute together.....Wait! I have to stop thinking that kind of stuff!" I listened to their conversation. I then went to dinner with them. At a different table, though. I watched them again, and ordered some food for myself. "They are getting cuter together the more I think about it....Wait! What am i thinking again?!" I sighed and followed them back to (y/n)'s place. I watched as they said their good nights and such. Then (y/n) kissed him. Wait....(Y/N) KISSED HIM! I watched as she then enter the house and Black Star stood there for a couple of seconds and then he broke out into a happy dance. I can't blame him. If (y/n) kissed me I would do a happy dance too. I then watched as Black Star walked away. After what felt like a couple of minutes I walked up to the door and knocked on it. (y/n) answered. "Oh, Ron. What's up?" I looked at her and said really fast, "IthinkyouandBlackStararereallycutetogether!bye!*" I then ran away. I faintly heard her say, "Wait.....What?!"

  *I think you and Black Star are really cuter together! Bye! (A/N: Just in case you didn't understand that.)  


Disclaimer: I don't own Soul Eater or you. I only own the characters that I make up.

Guide to x reader format:

y/n- your name

h/c- Your hair color

e/c- your eye color

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