I'm The Biggest Star Here! ~c...

By kwfishy00

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This a Black * Star x reader. (Y/N) and Krissy are ninjas, but not just any ninjas, ninja princesses to be ex... More

Meeting (y/n) and Krissy!
The Great Fight with Witch Beatrice!
Author's Note
Going to DWMA!
Meeting the Star!
The Big Arena!
The First Fight!
First Day at DWMA!
What Happens Next?
Saving Crona!
The Punishment Game!
Fighting the Kishins!
The Journey Begins!
How Much Longer?!
Is This The End?!
What Have I Done?!
Is This The Madness?!
Where Are We Now?
What Is This?!

Our First Assignment!!

75 2 0
By kwfishy00

Class flew by really fast, and before I knew it Krissy and I were getting ready to show Stein and Death Scythe what we can do. We were still in the classroom but it was empty, so we were doing some stretches. Once we were finished we started walking towards the front door but there was a huge crowd around some board. There was a lot of whispering and I had no idea what was going on. From the look on Krissy's face she didn't know either. That's when Black Star came out from the crowd and yelled at us, "Who the hell do you think you two are!? Do you really think you're that much of a bigger star than I am?!" Krissy and I gave him the same look of confusion, and of course Kid happened to walk up at that moment with Liz and Patty following him. "Just look at the beautiful symmetry of the two!" He said, and I just sighed. I didn't say anything because Krissy was totally love struck. She walked over to Kid and started to talk to him, about the date. I giggled and then looked at Black Star and asked, "What do you mean by that?" He started in a normal way this time, "Well, you took the assignment that may have a witch involved and you don't even have one other soul!! Only a big star like me could pull something like that off!" I giggled at what he said. "He's kinda cute when he's being all cocky like that...Wait what the hell am I thinking!?!?" I thought to myself. I think Krissy picked up on it though because she looked my way and gave me a thumbs up. I sighed and replied to Black Star. "If that's really what you think then how come you don't have any souls either?" Black Star didn't looked fazed at all. "That doesn't matter because I took on the kishin named Asura!" I looked at him shocked and then remembered. "But wasn't Maka and Soul the ones who beat him in the end? And besides, unlike you, I have collected 99 souls and fought a witch. It just ever so happens that I don't like bees and that was her animal." Black Star laughed, but before he could say anything Tsubaki walked up. "Black Star! There you are, I've been looking all over for you!" She than looked at me and said, "Oh! Hi, (y/n)! I hope Black Star wasn't giving you too much trouble." I smiled and said, "No! Not all, but I have to go now. I'm off to do my assignment with Krissy. See you guys around!" Tsubaki waved at me and said, "Good luck, (y/n)! I hope you do good!" Black Star didn't even wave instead he said, "I'll be waiting for you to call a big star like me to help you!!" Then he smiled. I just shook my head and kept on going for the front door. Once I walked out everyone was waiting for me. Krissy ran up to me and smiled, "(y/n)! You're finally here! Are you ready to stared~?!" I nodded my head and smiled, "Always!" We then high fived each other like we always do before an assignment. 

~time skip brought to you by...."Me! Black Star the biggest star around!!"~ (A/N: He didn't get to say too much in the conversion...so I gave him a time skip! XD) 

We got to the location and it was a forest outside the city. It was just far enough that no one would be able to hear us scream. Stein and Death Scythe were so quite it's like they weren't even there. Something felt off about the forest so I used my soul eyes to see if I could see any souls. That's when I saw one it was a mister soul and a weapon one. "Krissy....I sensed a mister and weapon soul. I think we should go check it out." Krissy nodded her head and said, "Okay~! Let's go!" We both nodded our heads and in a perfect sync, "Seed Demon Ninjtsu!" Then Krissy and I disappeared form eye sight and ran in the direction I had saw the two souls. Once we reached the spot we could hear someone talking, "CRONA!!! YOU IDOIT! HOW COULD YOU GET US LOST LIKE THIS?! NOW I'M GONNA HAVE TO PUT THUMB TACKS IN YOUR SHOES!!!" Then there was another voice, I assumed that is was the one that belonged to Crona, "Please don't! I wouldn't know how to deal with that!!" Krissy quietly, giggled at the whole thing. I just smiled and came out from our hiding place.

~Death Scythe pov~
"Man those girls are fast! Where do you think they ran off to?" I asked Stein, but to be perfectly honest I was terrified because I was all alone with him. "Hmm....I don't know but I can't seem to pick up their souls.....I do however see Crona's. I wonder what Crona is doing out here?" I looked at him and saw he had that look in his eyes agian. He must want to dissect Crona. "I-I-I'm not sure why Crona would be out here." I then laughed nervously and thought, "Where are you (y/n) and Krissy?!?!"

~Back to (y/n) pov~

I just smiled and came out from our hiding place. Krissy followed suit. "Are you lost? Would you like some help getting to where you're trying to go?" Krissy asked. The pink haired boy(?) looked really scared. That's when I noticed there was a big, black, living being coming out of his back. Then it hit me, he must be that one kid who is the child of the witch Medusa. I looked down at the child and held out my hand, "Don't worry we aren't going to hurt you. We're new students at DWMA, did you happen to get lost on your way there?" Crona seemed to have clam down a bit and he(?) took my hand. "Y-yes." I helped him(?) up and then said, "Well if you keep going straight you'll get out of the forest and then the city is only about 1 mile ahead, you can see the light once you reach the end of the tress." Crona looked at me like I was insane, "I-I can't go by myself! I don't know how to deal with that!" I giggled, this kid was kinda cute but in a puppy dog way. "Okay then, you can tag along with us on our assignment, but we might run into a witch so be careful!" Crona nodded his(?) head and followed us. It was then that Krissy tapped on my shoulder and said, "I haven't seen Death Scythe or Stein for awhile. Do you think they are okay?" I looked at Krissy and said, "I'm sure they're fine, Stein is the best meister that DWMA has and Death Scythe is Lord Death's personal weapon. With a duel like that I'm sure they are way more than fine." Krissy nodded her head and we continued walking. I didn't know where to but there have been reports of wired activity in the forest, I have a feeling it's only Crona causing them, but I could be wrong. Right then Krissy and I felt a sudden change in the air. "Krissy! Let's do this!" She nodded her head and transformed into her twin, black swords. Crona caught on and had his black thing, that I learned is named Ragnarok. Soon we saw the one person we didn't want to. Beatrice. "So~! I meet my two little ninja princess once again~! OOO~! I get the bonus of the demon swordsmen Crona! Now this is what I call fun~!!"

Crona got all scared and said, "She knows my name! I don't know how to deal with this!" I looked back at him(?) and smiled, "Don't worry Crona! I know it's scary but I'll deal with this." Crona looked at me like I was a god, but I didn't have enough time to talk to him(?), I had to deal with Beatrice. "What do you want, Beatrice!" She smiled her smile again. It looked so scary yet at the same time it also looked nice. It was enough to send shivers up even Stein's back. "Aw~! That's sooo nice of you to remember my name! If I recall right, you're (y/n), and the weapon is Krissy?" I gave her a death glare, "That's correct. I'm glad you remembered the name of the person who's gonna take you down!" I used the speed ninjtsu and charged at her. She didn't move at all, and caught the blade, causing a nice color of red blood to run down her hand and arm. Her red eyes priced into mine, "I'll give you one more chance, (y/n). Join me and rule over Death City. They clearly don't trust you enough, since they sent their best teachers to watch over you." When she talked it sounded like the buzzing of bees witch only brought the memory from the last time we fought her into my head. The version of Krissy's limp, bloody body filled my head, and I soon grew mad. My eyes turned from (eye color) to a bright blue. Beatrice let go of the sword she was holding and took a step back. Then she smirked and said, "I see, you're upset from what I did last time. I'm truly sorry....NOT!" This made me even more pissed. I stared to shake with anger, that's when Krissy said, "(y/n), you need to clam down." I couldn't hear her, in fact I could hear anything but the witches horrid laughter. "What's going on?! Why can't I move my body?! And what is this feeling! I need to stop this before I hurt someone!!" I thought, but my body wasn't listening. I started charging right for Beatrice, and then I swung my sword back. Right before it hit her I stopped and my eyes went back to their original color. My whole body went limp, "No...no this is not the way I want to win. I won't stoop down to that level!" Beatrice smirked and said, "Aw~! But it was way more fun when you were completely mad like that." Then we heard footsteps. "Well I got to run. I don't want to get mixed up with those two! You see, the only thing I want is you, (y/n)! So I'll see you around!!" She then disappeared and Krissy went back to her normal self. "(y/n)! (y/n)! Are you okay?!" Krissy said. I looked up and two tears ran down my face, but before I knew I was crying. It's been so long since I cried. Krissy gave me a hug and said, "It's not your fault. Don't worry we'll get through this together, I promise." I couldn't say anything as I just cried. To tell the truth I was scared of what might happen to me with all this mad, ninja power inside of me. "What if I hurt Krissy, or someone else I care about? Even worse what if I stay that way forever?" I thought. I finally pulled myself together and Stein spoke first, "You're going to have to tell Lord Death about everything. Oh! And thank you two for finding Crona." I know he didn't say much because I was acting like a total wimp, I blew my nose and followed everyone else out of the woods. Krissy took my hand and held it in hers. I looked up to her and she gave me a big smile. "I'm so lucky to have a sister like Krissy." 


Disclaimer: I don't own Soul Eater or you. I only own the characters that I make up.

Guide to x reader format:

y/n- your name

h/c- Your hair color

e/c- your eye color

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