I'm The Biggest Star Here! ~c...

By kwfishy00

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This a Black * Star x reader. (Y/N) and Krissy are ninjas, but not just any ninjas, ninja princesses to be ex... More

Meeting (y/n) and Krissy!
The Great Fight with Witch Beatrice!
Author's Note
Going to DWMA!
Meeting the Star!
The Big Arena!
The First Fight!
Our First Assignment!!
What Happens Next?
Saving Crona!
The Punishment Game!
Fighting the Kishins!
The Journey Begins!
How Much Longer?!
Is This The End?!
What Have I Done?!
Is This The Madness?!
Where Are We Now?
What Is This?!

First Day at DWMA!

85 2 0
By kwfishy00

I woke that morning to new surroundings, and at first I didn't know where I was. But as I looked around the room, I remembered that we were in the apartment that the DWMA assigned to us. I looked over at Krissy and saw that she was still asleep, so I just went to take a shower. I grabbed the uniform that Krissy and I had picked out last night. At DWMA you can pick whatever you wish to wear to the school. By the time I was done taking a shower and I put on the black leggings, a long black coat that went to about my knees, and it had a long zipper that allowed me to zip it up and over my mouth. I wore a black tank-top under the black sweatshirt. I also had some throwing stars and throwing knifes in a little pouch on a belt, under the sweatshirt. I had black boots that matched the whole thing. I then put my hair up in the normal way and I tied a blue ribbon on it too. I looked in the mirror and smiled and then I sighed. "How am I going to make some friends? ....What if no one likes me?" I thought to myself. I walked out of the bathroom to the smell of pancakes. I ran to the kitchen to find Krissy in there making pancakes and bacon. She was wearing the same thing that I was, but she had a green ribbon instead of a blue one. I smiled at her and sat down. Krissy put a plate of food in front of me and I instantly started to eat it. She got a plate for herself and sat down next to me and started eating. At first there was nothing but silence as we ate but then at the same time we said, "I can't believe we're going to DWMA!" We both giggled, and put our plates in the sink for me to wash later. I grabbed my bag and put on my black boots. Krissy did the same but she put some books in her bag before she put her black boots on. We headed out the door and to the academy, and we made excited chat the whole way there. We once again reached the front door to the school, and there waiting for us was Death The Kid. I groaned and rolled my eyes. "ugh....Kid, don't tell me your here to 'bask in our glory of symmetry'." I asked. Kid looked at the both of us and said, "...You would be perfectly symmetry if you didn't wear two different colored ribbons." Krissy blushed taking it as a compliment but I just rolled my eyes again. Then I got a great idea. "Hey, Kid...you're a grim reaper, right?" Kid just nodded his head...he was most likely trying to find a good way to take our ribbons out. "How about this..let's fight. If you win Krissy and I will take out our ribbons BUT if we win you owe Krissy a date." Krissy face grew bright red. "(y/n)...." I smirked and said, "So, what do you think about it, Kid?" Kid nodded his head and Liz and Patty turned into to guns. This wasn't a problem for me because I fought Ron and Jamie all of the time. Krissy then turned into her twin swords and I got ready to fight. Kid threw bunches of shots but missed every time, but I hadn't even moved an inch. "DAM IT!!! I CAN'T HIT YOU BECAUSE YOU'RE TOO SYMMETRICAL!" He yelled out. I looked at him like he was insane and without saying a word I stuck on of the black swords that Krissy changed into and put down and the ground. Then I charged Kid and before he even knew it, I had cut off 3 inches off of his bangs. This caused him to fall over with a trail of blood coming from his mouth. Krissy changed back and so did Liz and Patty. I looked at Kid and gave him a little kick/poke with my foot. "You owe Krissy a date now....talk to her for the details." Then I turned on my heel and left Krissy there to sort things out with Kid, but judging the station it was going to take a while for Kid to come to it.

I walked into the school and saw bunches of kid, then out of the all of them I saw some blue hair next to a long black ponytail. I ran up to them and said, "Hey! Can either one of you please tell me how to get to the Crescent Moon classroom?" Tsubaki looked at me and gave me a closed eye smile, but before she could say anything Black Star spoke up first. "You can just tag along with us, we got to classes there too, (y/n)." I stopped and looked at Black Star with wide eyes. "H-how did you know it was me?" Black Star just smirked and said, "A big star like me can tell twins apart easily!" I felt my face get hot and then I heard Tsubaki giggle. I gasped and looked up at her, I then said "Thank you. No one has ever been able to tell us apart. But don't you think for a second that I'm saying you're the bigger star here because it's clear that I'm a bigger star than you!" Black Star chuckled and said, "Say what you want, but....I'M GONNA SURPASS GOD AND BECOME A BIGGER STAR THAN YOU!" I laughed at his stupidity and thought, "He's kinda cute even when he's being an idiot like this." I looked at him and before I could say anything he was hit over the head with a book and a loud "MAKA CHOP!!!" could be heard. As he fell over I saw Maka standing right behind him with a book in her and and Soul was right next to her. "Black Star, that's no way to treat a new student!" Soul added, "Yeah, that's so uncool." I laughed at the two and said, "There's no need to worry about it. I really don't mind. What I do mind it that symmetry obsessed freak. That's a whole different problem." Maka smiled sensing my sarcasm and seriousness in the whole thing. "Well I hope you have some better luck with Kid....I'm sorry to ask this, but which one are you?" I sighed there goes someone else referring to us a things instead of people. "Well at least there is one person in this school who can tell us apart, and I'm pretty sure he can't read souls." I looked down at Black Star who was laying on the floor twitching a little. I looked back up at Maka and said, "I'm (y/n)." I gave her a fake smile, even though she can't tell us apart she would still make a great friend. "Well than, (y/n), follow me and I'll take you to the Crescent Moon class." I stepped over Black Star and walked with Maka and Soul. "So, how did you know that I'm in the Crescent Moon class?" Maka just giggled and said, "With the skills you and Krissy showed yesterday, you would just have to be in the Crescent Moon class." I nodded my head understanding. When we finally got to the classroom Krissy and Kid were all there, and Krissy face was a bright red. I giggled but it wasn't loud enough for Soul or Maka to hear me. "Thanks for showing me the way to the classroom, but now I have to go deal with that." I said and pointed at Krissy, who was still as red as a tomato. Maka giggled and wished me luck while Soul didn't understand. I walked up the stairs and sat down next to Krissy, since hadn't noticed that I had sat down yet I smiled and said, "Wow, it looks like someone is having a really nice day dream!" She jumped and said, "(y/n)! Don't scare me like that! And was my face really that bad?" I giggled. "Yeah you were redder than a tomato, but your face gave off true bliss." I then demonstrated the look she had. We laughed together in perfect sync. When we recovered she said, "Well, at least I've a got a crush on someone decent and not well that." She then pointed to Black Star. I laughed, "Your guy is not perfect, nor is mine. We both picked a couple of idiots." Krissy then smirked and said, "(y/n).....You admitted you liiiike him!" I blushed and stuttered, "S-s-shutup K-krissy! N-no one asked you!" She laughed at my flushed face and speech. I came out of it once I heard something coming towards the room and it was coming in fast. I sat up straight and got ready for the hard day of learning. All of the sudden a person in a chair fell over in the doorway and all of the students groaned. I knew that person, I gasped. HE'S our teacher?!" I thought. I then whispered over to Krissy, "He's the wired professor dude I was telling you about." Krissy made a sound that sounded like "Oh!" but I wasn't a 100% sure if that's what it was supposed to be. He stood up and said, "Most of you know this already, but I'm your teacher Professor Stein. Oh! (y/n) and Krissy, Lord Death would like you to go to the Death room." I sweat dropped at the name, who would call a room that? Krissy and I stood up and walked down the stairs in perfect sync. I turned to Stein and said, "Would you mind telling us how to get there?" He looked down at me and his glasses had the anime glasses glare to them. "I would indeed mind telling you how to get there, but I'll tell you how to anyway. Just go down the hall take a left and then a right, once you see the giant doors go through them and that should take you there." He said. I looked at him and said, "What do you mean by SHOULD?! Wait....you know what never mind. Let's go Krissy." I turned on my heel heading out the door with Krissy right behind me.

He followed Stein's directions exactly but we didn't find any doors. "So...that's what he meant by should..." I said, Krissy just giggled, "(y/n), you should remember what Dakota said 'Everything at DWMA is always a test. They always test your abilities and your mind. So always be on your toes while there.'" I looked at Krissy and said, "What are you trying to say. That the door won't be visible unless we knock it down?" I smiled liking the idea of knocking down a door. "NO! I DON'T MEAN ANYTHING OF THE SORT! What I mean is it probably has something to do with the metal abilities." She gave me a look that said 'What are you stupid?'. I by passed the whole look and said, "DANG! I really wanted to knock down the door!" Krissy rolled her eyes and started to feel the wall. I walked over to her and started to do the same thing. That's when I got the idea to turn around. I tapped Krissy shoulder. "Not know." I tapped her shoulder again, but this time I kept doing it until she finally turned around screaming, "OKAY! WHAT DO YOU WANT!" The second she saw the giant doors right there she sweat dropped. "So...now can I knock down the doors?" She looked at me like I was insane. "No! We already wasted enough time! Let's go!" I sighed and followed her through the doors. When we saw the path in front of us we both sweat dropped. "I think they just like testing our physical strength rather than our mental abilities." I said. It was a long path but not as long as the stairs to get to the school. We started the walk to....wherever the path would take us. I looked up to see blade after blade. Before I could even ask what I was thinking Krissy said, "Don't you even dare say that out loud, you might jinx us." I giggled at her comment and right then we hit the end of the path. There waiting for us was a big, long mirror. Krissy and I walked up to and I walked all the way around it. "Um, do you have any idea what the mirror is for?" Krissy shook her head and said, "No idea, but I think it might have to do with the legends we heard about back at the other DWMA." I looked at her and asked, "You don't mean the ones about Lord Death's soul being around all of the death city therefor causing him to live in a mirror?" Krissy nodded her head, "That's the one. As we learned from the whole Kishian thing, his soul was indeed all around death city. So maybe the mirror thing is true too." I looked at her and shook my head, "But that doesn't make any sense....that would mean that if we did this." Before Krissy could stop me I went up to the mirror and made a breath mark. Then I wrote '42-42-564' and while I wrote that I said, "42-42-564 whenever you want to knock on death's door." I stepped back and all of the sudden a big, tall, black thing with a white mask popped up on the mirror. Krissy and I both jumped back. "I-it worked!!" I said, and Krissy nodded her head. Krissy then turned her attention to the man on the mirror screen. "So then you must be the famous Lord Death." Lord Death sweat dropped and I stood next to Krissy, waiting for his reply. "Yes, that would be me. So how's it gonna girls?" We looked at each other and made the same messed up face. I shrugged my shoulders, "We're doing fine. Just wondering why we got called in here." Krissy looked like she was deep in thought. I couldn't quite put my finger on what she was thinking about though.

~Krissy Pov~

"I can't believe that he is Kid's father! How can someone who looks like him make a boy like Kid, not to mention who the hell would want to make a child with someone who looks like him?!" I thought. I looked over at (y/n), to see she was giving me a weird look. I giggled a little and wondered if she knew what the look on her face looked like so I gave her the same messed up look.

~(y/n) Pov~

I laughed at the face that Krissy was giving me knowing that she was just mirroring the look on my face. She does that sometimes. I totally forgot that Lord Death was right there watching us. All of the sudden I heard a voice, it wasn't Lord Death's but someone else's. It said, "Why aren't you two girls silly. And rather cute too." I saw that Krissy shivered at the voice but I only turned around to see, Death Scythe. "YOU'RE THE CREEP THAT KRISSY TO TOLD MY TO WATCH OUT FOR!" Death Scythe just went to go and sit in an emo corner. Lord Death sweat dropped and said, "I called you two here because I was wondering if you knew anything about the whereabouts of Dakota." Krissy and I looked at each other and nodded our heads. Krissy was going to be the one to talk this time. "We don't know anything about where he went...he....just left us in some town, and told us to go find DWMA. That was it. He never said anything about where he was going....so I'm sorry but we can't help you." Krissy looked down, the loss of Dakota made her sad but I knew soon enough she would get over the wave of sadness and still want to kick his ass for leaving us. Lord Death looked at us and nodded. "Uh-huh. That's not all I wanted from you girls. I also wanted to ask you about all that power you have. Surely Dakota didn't help you get that strong." Before Krissy could yelling at him for underestimating Dakota I spoke. "He didn't. He really didn't teach us a whole lot. He mostly threw us into battle and told us to fight. But every now and then he would give us a lesson. When he did they were really good. Most of our power does come from our ninja princess roots. I don't care what you say about it, we were given this power when we were born therefore we should use it." Lord Death nodded his head and said, "I understand. I don't blame you for feeling that way, just as long as you use that power for good." At this point Death Scythe had recovered. "He's right. If you do happen to stray paths we'll have to kill you." Krissy was still thinking about Dakota, so I spoke once more. "You don't trust enough?! That's fine by me, just don't send people to watch us and let us prove our loyalty to DWMA!" Death Scythe laughed and so did Lord Death. "Hey! Lord Death it looks like we got a nice and strong fighter on our hands." Lord Death nodded his head and said, "Alright, we'll start by giving you an assignment but you will need to be accompanied by Death Scythe and Stein because it might involve a witch. It's not that I'm all that worried but I want them there just in case." I nodded my head and Death Scythe seemed to understand too. Death Scythe said, "Alright, then we'll come and collect you two after school. Then you can show us what you got." I laughed and said, "A big star like me will have you standing there with your mouths on the ground, so look forward to it!" With that Krissy and I walked back to class.    

(A/N: Wow....I am re-reading some of this for the first time and years and I think this is the longest chapter so far....big oof.)


Disclaimer: I don't own Soul Eater or you. I only own the characters that I make up.

Guide to x reader format:

y/n- your name

h/c- Your hair color

e/c- your eye color

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