Stuck in Naruto (Complete)

By Icyyhot

87.9K 2K 392

Ayame is an orphan and everytime she makes friends they always leave. One night she makes a wish upon a star... More

Ch.1 Beginning
Ch. 2 Orphanage
Ch. 3 Wishes come true?
Ch. 4 The Maya clan
Ch. 5 The academy
Ch. 6 Sasuke
Ch. 7 Uchiha massacre
Ch. 8 Naruto's pranks...
Ch. 9 Graduation Exam?
Ch. 11 Bell Test
Ch. 12 First mission
Ch. 13 a B rank mission?
Ch. 14 Zabuza moomoochi
Ch. 15 Training
Ch. 16 Haku?!
Ch. 17 The great Naruto Bridge
Ch. 18 Sleepover
Ch. 19 Gaara
Ch. 20 Starting The Chunin Exams
Ch. 21 The Forest Of Death
Ch. 22 Preliminary Rounds
Ch. 23 Yuri Maya
Ch. 24 Chunin Exams Final
Ch. 25 Hokage's Funeral
Ch. 26 The Akatsuki
Ch. 27 Sasuke Left

Ch. 10 Teams?

3.6K 79 14
By Icyyhot

~Ayame pov~

I woke up to yet another day.

The teams were being chosen today, I swept my hair out of my face, I wonder what team I'll be put on.


I sit there waiting for Iruka ,ignoring everyone and everything around me.

Eventually he came through the door and started announcong teams, "team two...."

I zoned out until I heard my name on team seven...that's means..

"Haruno Sakura, Uzumaki Naruto" Iruka continued, cutting off my thoughts.

Naruto cheered as Sakura sulked.

"And Sasuke Uchiha." Iruka finished

Now it was Sakura's turn to cheer and Naruto's turn to sulk.


I found a nice tree to sit in and started eating.

Looking around, I saw Sasuke eating on a window sil.

Then, I saw Naruto go in and 'Sasuke' go out.

'Sasuke' approached Sakura , who was sat on a bench and had a conversation with her.

That is not Sasuke.

I sighed and went in through the window where I saw Naruto and Sasuke.

There was a dark room and in the center, was the real Sasuke tied up.

I snickered, earring a glare from Sasuke.

"Help me out"

I pretended to think about it, "Hmm....No!"

He grunted.

"What was that?" I giggled.

"PLEASE!" He yelled at me , obviously annoyed.

I smile and untie him , "oh and by the way Naruto transformed into you."

"Naruto...grr" With that he ran off to find him.

I was now sat back in the same tree now watching the real Sasuke approach Sakura.

" Oh there you are, bad boy." She said smirked.

"Where's Naruto?" Sasuke asked clearly annoyed.

"There you go changing the subject don't mind about him. He always does everything wrong because he has no parents to tell him otherwise. Isn't that right?" She said cluelessly.

"YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT'S LIKE TO HAVE NO PARENTS SO LEAVE NARUTO ALONE! Sakura you're  really annoying." With that he walked off leaving Sakura stunned.


We sat in the classroom waiting for our sensei to turn up.

I already knew it was Kakashi.

Who else is this late?

I zoned back in to see Naruto putting an eraser on the door.

"Naruto he would never fall for that he is an elite ninja." Sasuke said.

"Oh yeah we will see about that." Naruto replied , fixing his headband.

"Yeah Sasuke-kun's right!" Sakura obviously backed up Sasuke, even after what he said.

I stayed silent.

Everyone watched in anticipation as the door opened, the eraser fell on Kakashi's poofy hair.

"Meet me on the roof" Kakashi teleported away and I did the same.


Eventually the rest of the team got here.

"How did you get here?" Naruto pointed an accusing finger at me.

I didn't answer

"Why don't we introduce ourselves?" Kakashi asked.

"What do we say?"Sakura asked dumbly.

"Things you like,things you hate,hobbies, stuff like that." Kakashi stated.

"You look suspicious you go first" Naruto looked curiously at Kakashi.

"Me? My name is Hatake Kakashi. I like some things and hate other things. For my hobbies , I have lots of hobbies. My dream...never really thought about it." Kakashi smiled at us.

We all sweatdropped. "All we learn was his name!" Sakura 'whispered' to Naruto as he nodded rapidly in agreement.

"Next you in the orange." Kakashi looked at Naruto.

"I am Uzumaki Naruto. I like pot ramen, ramen from ichiraku and the ramen Iruka buys. I dislike the five minutes you have to wait for it to cook. My dream is to become the greatest Hokage so people will stop disrespecting me and treat me like I am somebody," ,Naruto adjusted his headband, "somebody important."

Kakashi nodded " Next you in the pink."

"Me?" Sakura asked.

We all facepalmed at her stupidity, she was the only one wearing pink.

"I am Haruno Sakura. What I like is...*girly giggle* I mean my hobby is...*girly giggle*. My dream is *fangirl squeal*."

Kakashi looked at her uninterested, "What do you hate?"

"Naruto!" Sakura yelled as Naruto sulked.

Kakashi ignored them, " Next you in the blue."

"My name is Uchiha Sasuke. I like very little and dislike almost everything. My hobbies....... My dream is not really a dream but an ambition, I want to restore my clan and kill a certain someone." Sasuke clenched his fist and Naruto gulped thinking he was the certain someone.

"Emo much." I muttered under my breath as Sasuke glared at me.

"Last you the girl with brown hair." Kakashi pointed at me.

"My name is Ayame. I like my friends and dislike fangirls. Hobbies..." Everyone leaned forwards as I said this " Training and Drawing. My dream I want to become a medic ninja and protect my friends, I also want to find all the remainders of my clan ."

Everyone was speechless at the straightforward answers.

"Well..." ,Kakashi started ," Meet me at training ground 7 tommorow at 5 am and don't be late bring all your weapons and don't eat'll puke."

"What are we doing?" Sakura asked.

"A survival exercise." Kakashi stated.

"We did these at the academy!" Sakura groaned.

"No this one is different and harder then those of the academy." Kakashi looked at us.

"What what?" Naruto asked.

"Haha" Kakashi chuckled.

"Huh that was a normal question. Why are you laughing?" Sakura inquired.

"You see, out of the twenty nine people who graduated, only nine or ten will pass and become genin!" Kakashi chuckled.

"What? We worked hard to get here! What was the genin test for?" Naruto rambled.

"Oh that it was to decide who MIGHT become genin." with that Kakashi left.

I teleported home as soon as he left.


971 words

A/n I have a one week holiday so I'm managing to edit the chapters pretty quickly, editing this whole book might only take two or so weeks.

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