Murder at McMahon Manor

By weirdoforthewin

4.2K 223 365

You are cordially invited to...MURDER AT MCMAHON MANOR! All WWE Superstars are cordially invited for a weeken... More

You are Cordially Invited To...
The Arrival
Dinner Time
You're A Murderer!
Smart Thinking
The List of Vince McMahon
Split Up
What Happens In The Dark...
What Was That?!
Stick Together
It's You!
Stay Woke
You Gotta Believe Me
The Truth

Where's The Host?

277 15 8
By weirdoforthewin

(Charlotte Flair P.O.V)

After waiting what for what seemed to be an hour or so, finally the doors had opened up. Everyone slowly made their way inside of the manor. The drive up here was a long one and the closer we got to this place, the more the scenery had changed. It wasn't good scenery either. Looking at this place from the outside was creepy enough, but on the inside, it was much more creepy. The decor was dark themed, there was so much open space, and the place was so quiet that if you took one step, it could be heard throughout the entire room.

"Is it too late to second guess my career in wrestling?" Becky said and I nudged her. "Yes. It's too late, Bex." "You sure, Char? 'Cause I'm already second guessin' it right now." "You're already under contract. If you leave, you'll be fired." "At this point, I don't mind it. This place gives me the creeps. I want out." "I second that. I wanted out as soon as I read the first line of the letter." Kevin said as everyone mumbled a few choice words of their own. None of us wanted to be here, not even me. I love my career so much. Not only am I champion, but I'm continuing my father's legacy. I'd hate to let him down and lose it all over not showing up to a dinner in my Boss's honor.

"We've been waiting outside for almost an hour and now all of us are lost in the middle of a huge ass manor. Where the hell is our host at?!" I heard Titus O'Neil yell from the back of the crowd. I'm pretty sure all of us were wondering the same thing. Someone had to say it. Just then, we could hear footsteps approaching. The room was so huge that we couldn't tell which way they were coming from. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to McMahon Manor!" Stephanie McMahon came from one side of the room and a few people clapped as we finally would get some type of direction.

"So glad ALL of you could make it." Stephanie said with a cheeky grin on her face. "Yeah, make it against our wills..." Dean whispered and I just knew Renee would nudge him to be quiet. "As you know, you're all here for a dinner in my dad's, the great Mr. McMahon's honor!" She paused, expecting us to give him some sort of round of applause. The room grew silent for only a second as Kevin had coughed out loud to break the silence. "Ahem...and a fun filled weekend full of scheduled events. You all have each been assigned to rooms upstairs. I'll show you to them in just a second. Once I do, that gives you all an hour to get comfortable, mingle, and catch up with one another." Steph explained to us. "We all work at the same place. We see each other every damn week. What's the point?!" Jimmy Uso whispered to Naomi and she chuckled softly. "At exactly 8pm, you are to be dressed down in your best attire, suits & dresses. You are to be seated at your assigned seat, in the dining room. Hunter and I have you all seated and roomed to the best of our ability. So, DO NOT switch seats or rooms. Understood?"

"Ugh. This reminds me of high school all over again." AJ whispered to Punk. "Please tell me I'm cool enough to sit next to the cool kids!" Punk shouted out loud and a majority of the roster laughed, which got Stephanie's attention. "Ah. Mr. CM Punk. Didn't expect to see you here this evening. Good to see you again. Glad you could make it and join us for dinner in my dad's honor." Stephanie said to him and he crossed his arms. "Not so good to see you again, Steph. I'm only here in support of my wife, I couldn't care less about Vin..." AJ glared at Punk to get him to be quiet or she could lose her career over his actions. Surprisingly, he kept his mouth shut. "As I said. Good to see you again, Punk. Now, I'll show you all to your rooms. Then in an hour, I'll see you all again in the dining room for dinner." "Oh good, I'm starved!" Kevin said as everyone followed Stephanie's lead. "Settle down, will ya'?" Sami said to Kevin.


"Psst, Char!" Becky leaned over next to me as we sat down at the dining table in our assigned seats. "Did ya' notice Styles brought his wife along?" She asked and I took a quick glance over at A.J. Styles and his wife who were talking with Bobby Roode and his. "Oh, did he? Wow. I didn't notice at all." "Oh, you're so full of it, Flair. I know ya' seen 'em as soon as they got here together." "Then why'd you ask?" I questioned her. "'Cause I love to piss ya' off." Becky chuckled. "Seriously though, you and Styles need to stop creepin' before ya' get caught. It's startin' to show that somethin's going own between the two of ya'. Look at ya' now, glaring at 'em like that." Becky said, which made snap out of it.

It was true. A.J. Styles and I were having an affair that nobody knows about. Well, no one except Becky, who I never intended to let find out about it. Styles unexpectedly came to my hotel room one night, unknowing that I was rooming with Bex. Since then, we've still been secretly seeing each other. Unfortunately, I started to catch feelings for him. It was only meant to be a 'fuck buddies' type of thing while we were on the road. No strings attached. Just sex, then onto the next show. But now that my feelings were involved, I began to slowly grow hatred for his wife. And it showed a lot, according to Becky. I had to keep my composure.

"What are you staring at, Char?" Bayley asked me and I snapped out of it once again. "Yeah girl, you were staring real hard at something. You okay?" Sasha Banks asked me and I nodded my head yes. I lied. I was not okay. I hated seeing A.J. with his wife. It made me feel sick to my stomach. "Told ya'." Becky whispered to me as I tried to pull myself together. Where was the host again? Why couldn't this dinner be over with already?

Unfortunately, it hadn't even started yet...


Charlotte and AJ Styles...👀

Kevin Owens is one of my favorites. 😂

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