Insatiable | #ReverseTheRoleC...

By _lovepenny

9.4K 486 47

George lives in a small island town. He goes relatively unnoticed by everyone he knows and those he doesn't... More

❦ two ❦

❦ one ❦

2.7K 165 8
By _lovepenny

George thumbed through the latest edition of the town newsletter, bored. He was always bored in his town but he wouldn't change it for anything.

Bored meant safe. Bored meant he would be continually looked over. Bored was comfortable.

He was a good student in his high school, had great grades and soon, he would go to college.

Away from the island, he always assured himself. To start my own adventure. When he manned the tourism kiosk on the weekends, he always saw people on their best days. They were always smiling, laughing with their families in tow. They were always lost, admittedly, but it didn't ruin their good time. They were on vacation, after all.

Meanwhile, George would stay in his little house on his little island connected by only one small bridge to the mainland.

He looked at the clock and sighed. It was getting late, past sundown. On a typical Friday, he would be out by now. But the summer season started, which meant they would extend their hours to help anyone new to the area.

His grandfather helped the tourism board with the small street side kiosk and volunteered to run the little shop some nights.

George didn't mind helping his grandfather, especially now that he injured his back while lifting some boxes a few weeks ago. He would help him as best he could, as long as it took for his grandfather to get better.

The small bell over the door chimed and new voices filled the small air-conditioned room. A couple poured in, laughing.

The woman, who looked to be no more than twenty, ran up to George's counter and slammed her hands on it in urgency. "Bathroom?"

George pointed to the door on the other side of the counter as he slid over the key from the hook behind him. "Over there."

The woman took off as he spoke.

The man who looked to be fairly young too, smiled pleasantly when he looked over at George. "Do you have any pamphlets of things we can do in the area?"

George nodded, sliding his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Yeah, sure. Is there something, in particular, you want to do?"

"We were hoping to rent some kayaks or boats somewhere near our hotel, The Conch. Do you know it?"

George nodded and walked to the other side of the counter, lifting up the divider to meet them. "Yeah, they're nice people, you're in good hands there." George looked through the endless stacks of paper he knew all too well hanging on the wall. "You can try this Marina." He handed him a pamphlet. "They're closed right now but open pretty early in the morning. Good reviews, prices are fair."

The bell chimed again, indicating someone else walked in. George looked over the shoulder of the man to see a raven-haired girl. He paid her no mind as he continued to give him suggestions.

When the woman walked out of the restroom, she asked for the best local seafood restaurant in town.

"The Harbor," he replied. "It's the best in town." The only one in town, actually, he mentally added. "You can walk there from the hotel."

The girl looked at the boy with excitement. "This was a great idea, babe."

He gave a gentle smile and tugged her small frame to his in a half-hug. "I told you I'd take care of this."

George wanted to puke. Instead, he turned towards the counter again. "If you want to look for anything else, we have a website with recommended places or you can give me a call." He picked up one of the business cards his grandfather insisted on printing before his accident. He handed it to the man who quickly pocketed it.

"Thanks, man, you've been awesome." He kissed the top of the girl's head next to him. "Come on, babe. Let's get going."

The girl nodded and turned to leave with a bounce in her step. The man followed with a hand in the back pocket on her jeans.

George rolled his eyes and turned his attention to the girl that walked in before.

He frowned as he looked her over. She was very light skinned, almost pale but he paid it no mind. He knew most tourists left with their skin tanned, arriving looking like they hadn't seen the sun in months. She was small, petite, with a short skirt and sweater.

It wasn't her dangerous curves or large bosom that held his attention.

It wasn't that she wore sunglasses indoors, at night, no less.

It was the smile she wore as she looked at him. The toothy grin that made him more than uncomfortable. He could see between her pouty painted red lips canines larger than he thought possible for a person.

George had seen his fair share of tourists and he knew that most had body mods. But this was the first time it actually scared him.

"Hello," her delicate voice said.

George swallowed, pushing his glasses up the ridge of his nose. "H-Hello."

The girl turned away. "There's a special event going on. But it's invitation only." She smiled and met his eyes again. "I'm inviting you."

George cleared his throat to make sure his voice didn't shake. There was something about the girl that intimidated him. "Sorry. My family is expecting me. Actually, I should be leaving."

She tilted her head, her long black hair falling over her shoulder like a curtain. "I wasn't asking."

Before he could form another thought, the girl appeared in front of him with the same smile.

She was impossibly fast and as soon as she appeared, she extended a hand to his face.

George jerked back, terrified, falling over the metal tower of postcards behind him. His heart beat erratically in his chest and adrenaline pumped through him.

The girl took a step towards him, her unnatural teeth glinting in the fluorescent light of the room. "I'll give you a running start, little human. Go on. Go."

George didn't hesitate. He picked himself up off the floor and threw himself out the door. The door yielded to his weight opening widely and throwing him into the outdoors. He missed the steps of the entrance and fell into the gravel parking lot outside.

He scrambled to his feet, placing his hand firmly on the gravel to push himself up.

Sticky liquid met his fingers. When he looked up he found the couple from before. The man was sprawled across the floor, face down in the dirt. The woman was cradled by a new man, his head firmly placed in her neck. She reached out to George with shaking fingers.

The man held her firmly in place with an arm over her shoulder and the other over her chest. He made guttural noises as he devoured her neck.

There was no other word. The man was tearing her throat to pieces as she stared at George horrified.

George knew she was lost. There was nothing he could do.

Someone sighed behind him.

When George looked up, he saw the girl again. She crossed her ankles as she watched him from the door of the small kiosk. "Aren't you going to at least make this fun for me?"

George pushed himself off the floor and, knowing he didn't have the keys to his car, sprinted to the woods behind the kiosk.

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