730 days~ Batcat

By BlazeOfPhoenix

28.6K 541 69

Gotham fanfiction. Bruce x Selina. Set after season 4. Written from perspectives of both characters. Selina r... More

The Birth of Catwoman
Is this real?
Looking for ghosts.
Familiar Faces
You do care!
-Author note-
Up in smoke
Hollow tears
Biggest regrets.
Nine lives
21 days
The final straw
Damned thing
It's what makes us human.
781 days
The end ~ Authur note~


1.1K 24 6
By BlazeOfPhoenix

Selina pov

I hopped through the manor window, whip swinging at my side, uninvited but welcomed as usual. I strutted straight over to the study couch, and flopped down onto it, stretching out across the ornate piece of furniture before glancing over to a small package resting beside me on the coffee table.

I gazed at it, debating whether to tear away its paper or leave it alone. I sat up, reaching over and grabbing the little thing, turning it in my hand. I already knew the outcome. Sighing, I ripped off the brown paper with a clawed glove. Once complete, I tossed the paper aside and opened up the little black box that it previously concealed. Inside, I found a small piece of card written in Bruce's easily recognisable handwriting: some fancy rich kid calligraphy.

'I knew you wouldn't be able to resist~ B'

I smiled sweetly at his mocking of my curiosity and blatant disregard for privacy.

I took the note out and slipped it into my suit pocket, keeping it safe to... um... burn. Ya, burn.

When I turned my attention back to the box, my eyes widened and glistened with humour.

Inside, lay a small silver remote similar to the one Bruce had used to open the fireplace, however this one had a small paw print etched on it in place of the initials on his. I smiled, greatly amused, before removing it from the box and turning it in my hand. On the back, I found a hand carved message scrawled across the metal in uneven indents.

'For those too curious to mind their own business.'

I couldn't suppress my laugh of pure glee at this tiny, insignificant little message that I knew would echo in the back of my mind for days to come.

I stood, face alight and a bright smile pinned to my lips, before directing the remote at the fireplace and clicking it's only button. The whole structure vibrated before downing open, allowing me entrance to the previously private nest.

Bruce pov

When I heard the shaking and scraping of rock from the far side of the cave, I knew Cat had found my Easter egg. I knew she wouldn't have been able to resist; she just can't help herself. I smiled at the image of her tearing away the paper chuckling at my surrender of privacy.

On the other hand, I still couldn't believe I had given a known criminal access to my secret 'base', but I suppose she knew about it anyway, and how long would it have been until she found her own special entrance?

When she emerged from the darkness of the rock, I saw her smile drop and turn into a grimace when she saw me.

"Something wrong." I smiled, leaning back in my chair and away from the monitors.

She cocked an every brow at me before smiling back weakly.

"You look like a 6 year old who's decided to go as a mummy for Halloween." She joked, halfheartedly.

I glanced down at my appearance: draped in bandages and stitches from head to toe and sighed.

"Bruised but not broken." I laughed, although I had to admit I was feeling a little worse for wear.

She cocked a disbelieving eyebrow at me, before strutting over and hopping up to sit on the table beside me.

"Anything new?" She Asked, swiftly changing the subject.

"Actually, yes." I said, carefully analysing the shocked look that flashed across her face, before she quickly composed herself and smiled at me.

"What you got?" She questioned, trying to force curiosity; not usually something that she found difficult.

"I think I found Selina." I stated, still watching her closely.

"You did!" She half choked, although she quickly repressed her shock and continued "see, I told you you would eventually."

"Well I didn't find her exactly... I think I saw her... and I think you did too." I squinted my eyes accusingly.

"When?" She whispered

"You know damn well when!" I yelled, jerking up from my chair and slamming my hand down onto the desk, causing her to flinch away from me.

"Bruce..." she began.

"No! She was there! In the warehouse! I saw her!" I shouted

"Listen." She countered, standing up and squaring up to me. " I don't know what you think you saw, but there was nobody else here at the warehouse, it was just me, and you."

"Don't lie to me!" I pressed, furious. She must have seen her! Seen where she went!

"Don't accuse me of anything! And I didn't my lie! It was just me and you! You were out cold the whole damn time how do you know what happened?! And I have no clue what this Selina girl even looks like, so don't you dare insinuate that I was dishonest!" She yelled venomously back.

"You're a thief! Dishonesty is your trademark! You lie to everyone!" I retorted, my resolve thinning a little.

"Never to you." She hissed, turning to leave. As she bolted away, my resolve crumbled completely and I sped after her, grabbing her shoulder and turning her back to me, my gaze falling to the floor.

"I'm sorry Cat. I didn't mean to... I..." I sighed, unsure of what to say.

I tensed, ready to receive a slap or a punch or a lecture. But when nothing came, I looked up at her to find her face conflicted.

"Listen Bruce." She started quietly, " I know you really want to find her. You guys clearly have a history. She clearly... means something to you." She swallowed deeply. "But Bruce, she wasn't there. I know it's frustrating, thinking you were so close, but she wasn't there."

"But.." I began, still absorbing her words.

"For gods sake Bruce you're in denial! Get it through your head! She. Wasn't. There." She snapped suddenly, slamming her hand onto the table. I looked up to her, her face displaying fury but her eyes clouded and confused.

"I can't believe I thought I actually found her." I sighed heavily, looking back to the floor. "Stupid." I muttered

"Hey, don't give up hope yet. The girls clearly a shadow. You shine a light on a shadow, it disappears. She doesn't want to be found. At least, not yet." She whispered, trying to comfort me.

"Doesn't mean we should give up." I uttered, surprised at my free use of 'we', almost as though we had been partners forever.

"Of course it doesn't, but it also doesn't mean we should attack the only people crazy enough to help us keep looking." She said quietly, placing her hands on my shoulders.

I looked up at her, making eye contact with her catlike irises.

"You're right. I'm sorry Cat. I'm so grateful for your help, truly I am." I smiled slightly

We remained like that for a moment, before she pulled back and nodded swiftly, shaking the moment.

"Now don't go going soft on me on the inside too Batsy." She laughed, prodding my injured shoulder lightly enough so that it didn't hurt.

"You calling me fragile?" I laughed back

"I prefer the term beatable." She chimed back, before waltzing over to the monitors and taking a seat in my chair.

I followed behind her, leaning on the back of the chair.

"I would offer the cripple the seat, but I think you need to build strength of character." She joked, rewinding and playing the footage on the many screens.

"As if you have enough manners for that anyway." I laughed, and she looked up at me with an unappreciative yet cheeky stare.

We hung out for the rest of the evening, flicking through footage from the pervious day, keeping our eyes peeled for fleeting shadows.

Selina pov

It was nearing 4 in the morning when I crept back into my chapel room, flicking off my boots and climbing into my makeshift bed. I curled up in to covers, removing my mask and weapons before hand. Sighing contently, I pulled the note from my jacket pocket and placed it on the side table beside me, followed by the small remote. I rolled back over, cuddling up in my quilts before staring at the damaged ceiling of my 'home'.

I chuckled at the comparison of this and Wayne manor, before turning back to the remote, picking it up, and twiddling it between my fingers. I traced my finger along the message, smiling at the subtle sincerity of it.

I continued to play with the tiny thing until I noticed something off. On the back of the remote, there was a pin sized hole, one that I don't recall spotting on Bruce's remote, even with my expert vision.

Confused, I grasped a switchblade off of my side table and pried open the back of the controller, placing the back into my lap.

Carefully, I inspected the wiring within the devise, not taking more than a few seconds to identify the issue. And by issue, I mean disgusting betrayal.

At the base of the controller, there was a small mic pack, along with a transmitter. I knew instantly what I had uncovered.

A wireless listening device. 

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