The Forgotten Ones (A Complet...

By gracemadden1234

141K 8.4K 394

We know a lot about the American Civil War. We know about the battle at Gettysburg and how Sherman burned At... More

⛔ Before You Read ⛔
October 26, 1860
October 26, 1860
October 28, 1860
November 16, 1860
December 5, 1860
December 6, 1860
December 24, 1860
February 12, 1861
April 14, 1861
June 18, 1861
September 19, 1861
October 15, 1861
November 28, 1861
December 23, 1861
December 24, 1861
December 25, 1861
March 15, 1862
May 29, 1862
July 4, 1862
September 1, 1862
September 2, 1862
September 3, 1862
October 15, 1862
December 25, 1862
January 8, 1863
July 7, 1863
July 23, 1863
September 27, 1863
September 29, 1863
September 29, 1863
October 6, 1863
October 7, 1863
October 14, 1863
October 26, 1863
October 28, 1863
November 1, 1863
December 24-25, 1863
September 24, 1864
October 7, I864
April 21, 1865
May 15, 1865
May 26, 1865
May 26, 1865
May 26, 1865
May 27, 1865
May 27, 1865
The Conclusion January 1, 1870
Thank You
The Evolution of Eloise (Sneak Peek)
Check Out My Friends Work!

October 27, 1860

4.3K 245 7
By gracemadden1234

When I woke alone in bed, I was relieved. All of my clothing was unpacked, and I looked for something fitting for a day outdoors.

We will see how he reacts to a twill riding skirt. I remember ordering this blouse through a magazine. The description said it's a stand collar edged in lace, a ruffle, and lace trimmed front yoke with a row of tiny buttons at the front bib. Elongated cuffs are trimmed with ribbon, while the back is plain. My mother had a downright fit when she saw what I had ordered. I've never had a chance to wear this combination, so I'm eager to see if Mr Westlake is disappointed.

I wore my hair down, and today I feel free, even if it is short lived when my husband decides to make me change and put my hair up.

When I walked downstairs, I was pleased to see Mae sitting at the table with Mr. Westlake waiting for breakfast.

"Good morning." I said, and they both nodded and said the same in return. Except Mae looked at me like I had two heads. Obviously, she wasn't too impressed with my choice of attire.

I sat across from Mae and next to Mr. Westlake, who was seated at the head of the table.

"I'm glad to see you used common sense in preperation for the tour today, casual suits you." He said, and I couldn't believe he was being so nonchalant.

We ate in silence, and every once in a while I caught him gazing at me, and he would turn his head away quickly. Mae would just smile in approval. I'm aware she wants this to work, so I'm sure she would only encourage advances from my new husband.

Once we were done eating, he stood and held his hand out. "Shall we?"

I nodded, then placed my napkin on the table before taking his hand and standing.

"Can you ride? I had the stable boy prepare the horses, one of which is my wedding gift to you." He asked as we walked toward the barn.

"Yes, I love riding, and thank you very much."

The barn door was open, and I couldn't believe my eyes when he guided me toward a beautiful mare.

"She's beautiful, thank you. I would love to ride today." I said as I ran my hand down her jaw.

"You're very welcome." He said, while I ran my hand down her neck.

"I hope you aren't offended if I ride astride. I do apologize, but I don't ride side saddle." I warned him.

"I would prefer it actually, it's much safer than side saddle." He said as he held out his hand and helped me onto the saddle. Obviously, he did not have the horse prepared to be ridden side saddle, he already had my astride saddle on the horse. This man is confusing me.

"Thank you, Mr. Westlake." I said as he climbed up on his own horse.

"Call me Oliver, please. I'm your husband and it's quite appropriate." He said.

Our horses started walking side by side through a freshly harvested field. "It's just been you on this property?" I asked.

"It belonged to my parents, but they went back to Boston. I have a large staff to keep me company." He said.

"Do you own slaves, Oliver?" I asked.

"No, I would never own a human being. I'm an abolitionist, Naomi, just as your parents. My staff are all equally paid, there's staff housing on the property, and I'll show you today." He said.

"That's wonderful to hear." I responded.  "Race you to the tree line." I dared him, and he nodded with a smile.

I took off, and my horse and I gave it everything we had. I laughed as he tried to catch up. Finally, I slowed her down and he came up next to me. "It seems fate brought the two of you together." He chuckled.

"That does seem to be the case." I laughed.

"Tell me about your business." I said.

"I took over for my father upon his retirement, then returned to Boston with my mother. We are in transportation, and we have the Vineyard and winery. We also have on office in Boston, and we ship to and from Europe. A lot of international trade, with more wineries in France and Italy." He said.

"So my father benefitted greatly from our union?"

"Yes, and so did my father. Our family business was a condition of our union." He said.

"So, you were also forced into this by your father?"

"Yes, almost two years ago now." He said.

"My family was aware of this arrangement for two years? I've only known for one season." I said.

"They've known for years." He confirmed.

"Did you love someone else?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yes, but we couldn't be together. She is in Canada now."

"Canada is far away. Why did she leave?"

"I sent her away for her own safety. She is mulatto, so we were kept apart. She was just married a few months ago." I can hear the sorrow in his voice.

"Around the time you agreed to our arrangement?"

He only nodded. I could tell he didn't like the subject.

"Were you in love?" He asked.

"No, I've never known a man. Come on, race you again to the next first line."  I gave him a daring smile.

I took off, and he chased after me. This time he caught up rather quickly and won.

"That was fun." I was out of breath.

We came out on the other side, and our horses climbed a steep hill. When we got to the top, the scene was breathtaking. I could see grapevines as far as the eye could see, many buildings, harvested fields, our home, and in the distance, the Ohio River.

"This is beautiful." I said

"It's my favorite spot." My shy husband said.

We climbed off our horses, and he had a basket he pulled off his horse.

We ate our lunch quietly, and stared out across the acres and acres of beautiful fall foliage.

I glanced up and saw him staring at me. I blushed, and he looked away quickly. Maybe I will like this new adventure after all.

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