I 'Effin Love You

By allise_K

3.2M 31.3K 5.3K

Summer Day is a seventeen year old girl living in a small town who is tired of hearing her parents demand her... More

I 'Effin Love You
I 'Effin Love You part 2
I 'Effin Love You part 3
I 'Effin Love You part 4
I 'Effin Love You part 5
I 'Effin Love You part 6
I 'Effin Love You part 7
I 'Effin Love You part 8
I 'Effin Love You part 9
I 'Effin Love You part 10
I 'Effin Love You part 11
I 'Effin Love You part 12
I 'Effin Love You part 13
I 'Effin Love You part 14
I 'Effin Love You part 15
I 'Effin Love You part 17
I 'Effin Love You part 18
I 'Effin Love You part 19
I 'Effin Love You part 20
I 'Effin Love You part 21
I 'Effin Love You part 22
I 'Effin Love You part 23
I 'Effin Love You part 24
I 'Effin Love You part 25
I 'Effin Love You part 26
I 'Effin Love You part 27
I 'Effin Love You part 28
I 'Effin Love You part 29
I 'Effin Love You part 30
I 'Effin Love You part 31
I 'Effin Love You part 32
I 'Effin Love You part 33
I 'Effin Love You part 34
I 'Effin Love You part 35
I 'Effin Love You part 36
I 'Effin Love You part 37
I 'Effin Love You part 38
I 'Effin Love You part 39
I 'Effin Love You part 40
I 'Effin Love You part 41
I 'Effin Love You part 42
I 'Effin Love You part 43
I 'Effin Love You part 44
Fan poem
I 'Effin Love You needs to change the title?

I 'Effin Love You part 16

64.8K 712 97
By allise_K

I'm sorry! But, you know, it's a drama story, so drama has to happen. Don't worry everything will be fine between them, but you might not like me so much after this. Just saying. Lol, anyway here we go.

-Jay's POV-

Give her time, I kept telling myself as I went back up to the penthouse. Give her time. I walked in through the door, expecting to see both my parents waiting for me, cross armed. To my surprise, Rick was sitting on the couch and my parents weren't waiting for me. He was alone. He heard me close the door and turned his head in my direction.

"Oh, look," he said. "It's the boxer," he finished, punching at an imaginary punching bag like a boxer would. He had the slightest hint of a bruise coming on where I punched him. Should have aimed for the eye, I thought, walking to my room.

"Not going to apologize?" he asked.

"Why should I? I'd say you deserve it," I grumbled.

"Trouble with Summer still. Kinda sucks that she just became your girlfriend and you're already screwing around with her trust," he said. "Fooling around with Emma behind her back. Shame."

"I didn't do anything with Emma," I growled. "She's pregnant with someone else's kid, not mine."

"That's not what she said."

"How do you know these things anyway? She didn't even tell her parents that she's pregnant, how did you know?" I asked.

"She had to have a partner in crime, didn't she? She thought I was perfect for the job," he said, sipping at his whiskey.

"Your such a slimy ass-"

"Watch your mouth, young man," he said in a fatherly tone. I glared at him and went to my room and slammed the door. Bastard.

-Summer's POV-

Before I knew it, two days had gone by without me saying a word to my parents, as in my mom and fake dad, or Mark, or even Jay. I hated to admit that I missed him. It hurt not seeing him as much. I felt empty and lied to. That's how I felt. Lied to because of the secret my mother hid from me and empty because there was no Jay to make me feel better. I had Annie, though. And Jimmy. My big half-brother. I always knew there was a brotherly sense with him. There was always a fatherly sense with Mark too. Only for me, though. Not for April. He would help her if she asked for help, which was almost never, but he overall let her deal with her own issues. But he always seemed to butt into my problems. If that's not a fatherly thing, then I don't know what else is. I was curled up on my bed when there was a knocking at my door.

"Who goes there?" Annie asked going pirate.

"April," she snarled.

"Be gone," I said.

"Josh is here," she said, ignoring my order.

"Tell him he can go die in a circus with a clown," I said.

"Two clowns!" Annie said.

"He wants to see you," April said.

"Did you not hear what I said?"

"Did you not hear what I said?" she asked.

"I heard you loud and clear. I just don't care. I told you what to tell him," I said.

"Well, I'm not going to tell him that. It's rude," she said.

"Whatever. Just tell him I'm the rude one, then."

"Fine," she snapped. I heard her feet stomp back down the hall. Annie looked at me.

"He clearly didn't get the message," she said, referring to the Jimmy thing.

"Tell me about it. I'm kinda thinking about getting Tommy or Jimmy to take care of him again," I said, deep in thought.

"Your brother is in deep crap as it is," she said.

"Trust me, I know," I said, sitting up. It didn't bug me that she called him my brother now. He always was to me. Jimmy was now in trouble because of his dumbass joking around with an enemy mob and telling them that he set a hit on their boss' assistant. Yeah, not a smart move. Then again, that's just Jimmy.

"So....." Annie said, sitting next to me on the bed.

"No," I said, knowing what she was going to ask.

"Why not?" she sighed.

"Because I haven't felt like speaking to him," I answered.

"You aren't going to let him explain?" she asked.

"Eventually. Just not right this second."

"Alright," she said. My phone vibrated and I got up to open the window. In flew Jimmy. I shut the window and locked it right away.

"Did you see that super roll?!" he asked excitedly.

"Saw the super roll," I smiled.

"Awesome," he praised.

-Jay's POV-

"So, Jay. Two days have gone by and I haven't seen you leave or come back from spending time with Summer," Mom asked, over lunch. Rick smirked at me. Don't punch him, I told myself. You are in a public restaurant.

"And?" I asked.

"Well, we were just wondering if you two were still together?" Dad said.

"We're just having a little fight, is all," I said, flipping through the menu.

"Maybe you could spend some time with Emma?"

"Forget it."

"If you just gave her a chance. I know for a fact that she likes you very much," he said, trying to convince me.

"She's pregnant," I said casually. I felt both his and mom's stares on me.

"She's what?" Mom asked after a few moments went by.

"Pregnant. As in round belly or bun in the oven," I said.

"Jay, you didn't," Dad said to me.

"What? No, I'm not the father, why would you even think that?" I said.

"I can think of a few good reasons," Rick mumbled.

"Shut the hell up," I mumbled back. He smirked again.

"How do you know this?" Mom asked.

"She took a pregnancy test when we went over for dinner not too long ago. She showed me the plus sign on her pee stick," I said, feeling the stares of a couple people behind me as I mentioned the pee stick.

"Can we not say that word in public?" Dad pleaded, looking around.

"Which one? Pee or stick?" I asked loudly. I heard someone's fork clatter. I looked at the table next to us and saw the old man there staring at me, mouth wide open and hand still up from holding the fork.

"Is there something I can do for you, sir?" I asked him. He immediately looked down when my father gave him a lawyer look.

"Lower your voice," dad hissed.

"Whatever," I said, turning my attention back to my menu.

"I'll be right back," he said, getting up.

"Melvin, where are you going?" Mom asked.

"To make a phone call," he said, going outside. I smiled to myself. He was going to call Emma's dad and she was going to get in trouble. Serves the bitch right. It's her fault and Rick's fault that Summer won't talk to me. I missed her like crazy.

-Summer's POV-

"YOU COME BACK AGAIN AND I JUST MIGHT GET THE RIFLE!" Jimmy called after Josh. Josh was running out of the backyard like a little girl as soon as Jimmy poked his head out of the window and told him he was going to get the rifle if he didn't get out of there. Jimmy, being one of the guys who beat the crap out of Josh, was taken very seriously by him.

"You should have gotten it now," Annie told him.

"Eh, I just wanted to give the wimp a little scare for tonight," he grinned. I smiled at him. He was my protector.

"So Annie, you ready?" he asked her.

"Yep," she said, hopping off the bed. My best friend was going out on a date with my half-brother slash supposed cousin. Mom and Mark still didn't tell Flora, 'dad', or April the truth about me yet. Shame, I thought.

"You sure you don't want to come?" Jimmy asked.

"Room for one more," Annie said.

"Go have fun," I told them. They smiled and both hugged me before they left. I sighed and lied down on my bed. Comfy. Sleepy. Go to sleep.

I woke up to tapping at my door.

"What?" I asked grumpily.

"It's me," a voice said.

"No. Go away. If you come in here, you will go flying out the window," I threatened. They came in anyway.

"You don't have the guts to do that," he said.

"I wouldn't tempt me if I were you, Joshua," I snapped.

"I just want to talk," he said, leaning against the door.

"And I don't. So get." I said.

"Sum," he sighed.

"What did I tell you about calling me that. People I actually like only."

"You used to like me."

"Exactly. Used to. Past tense."

"Summer, I'm sorry."

"No you're not."

"Please Summer," he begged.

"I'm calling Jimmy." And that was all that I had to say for him to leave. Ha ha. Success.

-Jay's POV-

"How could you tell your parents when I didn't even tell my parents?!" she cried out at me. I rolled my eyes.

"Because I did."

"You are an asshole," Emma said.

"Yeah, remember you once wanted to date me."

"Not now. Now I see how you really are," she sniffed. My dad told her dad what I told him and Emma's parents bitched her out saying what a disgrace it was for her to get pregnant out of wedlock and at a such young age without knowing who the father was. She cried and cried and tried to get daddy, who she always had wrapped around her little finger, to forgive her. He was still pissed at her. Both her parents were and she blamed me. I know it wasn't my place to tell anyone unless she wanted them to know, but they were going to find out eventually. She wanted to tell them herself, and I honestly didn't see how that would go any better. In my opinion, I thing it would have only been a tad bit better considering they only asked her why they had to find out through my parents. The rest was just about the disgrace stuff. Serves her right.

"That's a good thing," I said to her earlier comment.

"I can't believe I used to like you," she sighed.

"He he ha ha ho ho, so who's the baby daddy?"

"Excuse me?"

"The dad. The baby's dad," I explained. My god where has this girl been.

"Oh, I don't know," she confessed.

"Do it that much?" I said with disbelief.

"Shut up," she snapped. "I don't know where he is, I never said I didn't know who he was."

"You just said-"

"That I didn't know where he was."

"No, you didn't."

"Yes I did."

"No you-"


"Okay, okay, you did, you did. Control freak," I mumbled.

"What was that?" she asked.

"Nothing. Gotta go," I said, leaving the front porch. I was done waiting for my parents to get out of the damn house and I was done talking to her. She was boring. I started walking down the street, hands in my pockets. It reminded me of the first night I was in this city this summer. The night I met her. Summer. The girl who changed things for me. The girl who caught my heart at first glance. I had loved her and now everything was ruined because Emma got jealous and decided to play that baby game where she told me that I was the father when she knew perfectly well that I wasn't. Two days too many had gone by and I had to talk to Summer. Or at least see her. Now.

"Taxi!" I called. I told him to go to the flat.

-Summer's POV-

I was half asleep when my phone vibrated saying that I was getting a phone call.

"104.2, what's your favorite color?" I answered, making up a radio station.

"Summer?" Annie sniffed. She was crying.

"Annie? Annie, what's wrong?" I asked, sitting up.

"Oh, god Summer, I hardly even know what happened! It just happened so fast!" she cried.

"Annie, what are you talking about? What happened so fast?"

"I feel so terrible! I should have....I should never have.....OH!" she sobbed.

"Annie, I need you to calm down and tell me what happened," I said firmly and gently.

"It's Jimmy!" she sobbed.

"What about him? Did something happen? Annie, tell me."

"They shot him!"

-Jay's POV-

There were gunshots in the street we just passed. Weird, but then again it was New York City. Probably a robbery. I was about to call someone, but the driver beat me to it. He told the cops where the gunshots were and thanked them for being on their way. He pulled in front of Summer's place a few minutes later. I went and knocked on the door, but no one answered. I figured they probably looked through the window, saw it was me, and for once listened to Summer's wishes and didn't open the door. After waiting for a few minutes with nothing, I gave up and went back down the steps only to get a text I wasn't expecting.

-Summer's POV-

I was on my way to the hospital. Jimmy was in the emergency room. My heart was beating faster than ever and I felt like it was going to explode. If I lost Jimmy, I didn't know what I would do. He was, other than Annie, my best friend. My big brother. I needed him. Mark put his hand on my knee in the back of the taxi. He and I were the only ones home when Annie called me. Mark came and knocked my door down when he heard me sobbing like crazy. I told him that Jimmy was shot and which hospital he was at. We flagged down a taxi right away.

"He's going to be okay," he assured me. "We know Jimmy, he's strong," he said. I nodded through my tears and laid my head down on his shoulder. I had my real dad with me, but that wasn't going to be enough. I needed someone else with me. Someone I knew would help. Someone I deeply missed. I took out my phone and sent the text message to Jay saying the three words that were filled with truth.

I need you.

I just hoped he would come.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I SO SORRY! I had Jimmy shot. It's kinda serious. Sorry. Just when he and Annie were getting together too. Tough call man. I'm sorry! Don't hate me. Okays? We good? We cool? Ehh.......we'll see. Comment and vote and tell me what you guys think!

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