The Hate You Give

By c0cA1nE

25.1K 905 394

"I thought you hated me." "Whether I love or hate you, you still stay on my mind." {COMPLETED} More

You and Me
Don't Mess With My Girl
Wake Up
I'm Sorry
Its Okay
Making Amends
What Deal?
I Love You Too

Another Lifetime

513 27 23
By c0cA1nE

I'm about to piss y'all off.

Kehlani's POV

I woke up and saw black. Or at least..I think I'm awake. I can't tell. My head is pounding and I can hear my heart beating clearly so I guess I am awake. It smells stale and stuffy in the room I'm in. I can't tell where I am though since I can't see anything. I try to stand but my wrists are tied to the chair I'm sitting in as well as my feet. My body aches and my mouth tastes like blood and metal. I can't seem to remember how I got here. I just remember hitting my head on something hard. I groan as I feel someone harshly yank my head upwards while another person fumbles with something on the back of my head. Suddenly, light washes over me and I have to squint to adjust to it. I'm able to see that I'm in a warehouse with lots of boxes and armed men everywhere.

"Glad to see you're up buddy." I hear a cheery voice say from in front of me. As my eyes adjust to the light, I see a dark skinned figure bent down in front of me. I finally make them out to be Coco. She smiles when realization and anger washes over my face.

"Where the fuck is Y/N?!" I spit. I pull against my restraints but it's no point. The man behind me grabs my shoulders and holds me in place. I grit my teeth as Coco laughs bitterly.

"Easy tiger. She's safe...where she belongs. Bring her out!" She calls behind her. Two men in black suits escort Y/N out through a door. She didn't look hurt and I felt a weight being lifted off my shoulders as I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Y/N! Baby are you okay?" I ask, frantically pulling at my restraints. She didn't respond which was odd. Her eyes were glued to the ground and she was fiddling with her fingers.

"Y/N?" I questioned. She still didn't reply and Coco laughed, wrapping an arm around her waist. I tensed up when I saw Y/N hug her and bury her face into her neck. "Sorry Parrish. Looks like Y/N doesn't want you anymore. So guys were an adorable couple." Coco kisses Y/N cheek then starts trailing kisses along her jawline. I buck against my restraints in an attempt to go after Coco but the guards only hold me down, making her laugh even harder. "Babygirl stop trying. You're only going to hurt yourself more." By now, tears are streaming down my face as Y/N lays her head on Coco's chest, intertwining her fingers with Coco's.

"Y/N. Please don't do this to me. Please. I know this isn't you. Y/N look at me." I beg. But still no response from the suddenly quiet girl. Coco releases Y/N and walks up to me, squatting once she's in front of me. "I understand this is hard for you. I get it Kehlani. I understand -"

"Shut the hell up you psychopathic bitch! You took all I had from me. You claim you love her but you're the reason there's a scar in the middle of her fucking chest. You're the reason why she almost died. That ain't love Coco. I don't know what the fuck you're on if you think that is." I spit. Coco gives me a shocked look and let's out a breath, clearly not knowing what to say.

"And Y/ won't even answer me all of a sudden. What the fuck is up with that?! I've never been nothing but good to you. Please tell me if I'm wrong." She kept her eyes glued on the ground and didn't say anything which only pissed me off more.

"Why are you doing this Y/N? What did I do to deserve this?" I ask breaking into sobs. "Why are switching up like this? She was never there for you. She was the one who was causing you this pain. I was there to ease it. Not her. I've done stuff for you that I've never done for anybody else. Only you. Every single time I wake up, I think of you. There's never a time where I don't wanna be around you. Even the little things are special. I'm blessed just to be able to give you hug or a kiss or get lost in those eyes of yours or even hear that adorable ass laugh. I'm not even gonna lie, you had me wrapped around your finger Y/N. Whipped wouldn't even be a good word to describe it. Can you please untie me now. I wanna go home. Oh well if my dad does some shit to me." Coco looks at my tear stained face and nods at the men behind me. They release me and I stand up, rubbing my wrists. For the first time, Y/N looks at me but only for a split second. Her eyes were puffy and she looked distraught. I looked at her for a moment before looking back at Coco. "Let me find out you hurt her in any way, you'll be a dead son of a bitch I'll tell you that." I look back over at Y/N before walking over to her. "I won't forget about what we had this quickly like you apparently did." I kiss her cheek and walk out the warehouse.

I go to my pockets for my phone only to realize I didn't have it with me. I didn't have change either. "Fuck." I mutter under my breath, walking out onto the street. It wasn't busy at all. One or two cars every 5-10 minutes. I found myself walking in the direction of what I hoped would be a busier road. It was very cold out and I only had on my sweats and t-shirt. I didn't even have any shoes on. Every now and then I'd feel thorns pricking the bottom of my foot when I walked and my feet were starting to ache. Finally after what seemed like forever, I reached a road with a lot more cars. I couldn't tell where I was or even how far from my house I was. None of the streets looked familiar and I've never seen these street names before. I knew I was a good distance from home.

I looked both ways and took a shaky breath before sticking my thumb out. Several cars passed me before finally a red pickup truck pulled up beside me. The tinted window rolled down, revealing a man maybe in his mid thirties with a lot of stubble and a receding hairline. "Where you heading sweetheart?" His gravelly voice asked. I stepped forward and pushed my hair that was starting to fall out of my bun out of my face. "Uh..Y/H/T." I tell him. He licks his lips then whistles. "You're a long way from there. Luckily I'm going that way. Hop in." I hesitate before getting in the truck, making sure to keep as much distance between us as possible. He drove off into the night and I let my thoughts take over.

"It's late. What are you doing so far from home?" The man breaks the silence with his thick New York accent, placing his hand on my thigh. I pushed his hand away before responding. "It's a long story that I'd rather not get in to right now." The man nodded and scratched his cheek. "What's your name?"

"Kehlani." I replied, looking out the window. "Pretty name for a pretty girl." The man chuckled as we came to a red light. He turned towards me and placed his hand on my thigh again, further up though. "How old are you Kehlani?" He asked, licking his lips profusely.

"Not old enough for you you creep." I say trying to push him off of me. He doesn't budge. I go to open the door but he locks it with a sly grin. "Where you going sweet cheeks?" He starts caressing my thigh and memories of my dad flood my mind. Terror surges through my body in sheer panic. I try to hide my fear from him but it doesn't work. I see him smile as he grips my thigh tighter.

"I'm trying to get home." I say shakily. The man laughs bitterly as the light turns green. He starts to drive and clears his throat. "And I said I'd get you there. Now sit back and relax." He hisses, moving his hand further up my thigh. I wanted to fight him off but I was scared. He was much bigger than me and who knows if he has a weapon with him. I didn't want to get taken advantage of like I did with my dad. I guess I had only one option if I wanted to get out of this truck untouched. I grabbed the steering wheel and swerved the truck to the right. Causing horns to blare and people to send a barrage of cuss words our way.

"What the fuck are you doing?! Trying to get us killed you dumb fuck!" The man shouted, gripping the steering wheel and trying to jerk it the other way. He was much stronger than me so he was able to regain control of the truck. I then looked at the gear shift. I pulled the throttle all the way back to park. The truck suddenly jerked forward and then I felt weightless for a second before crashing down on the roof of the truck. I felt a couple bones pop but I wasn't hurt too bad from what I could tell. Glass was everywhere and I saw oil leaking. I looked over at the driver and saw he was motionless. I was hoping he was just unconscious and not dead. From outside I heard people getting out of their cars and shouting. Someone was shouting at people to call for an ambulance while others came and helped pull me and the driver out the truck. I rolled my neck a couple times before a bone popped back into place.

"Are you okay miss?" Asked the man who helped me out the truck. I nod. "Yes thank you." I say quietly. He nods before turning his attention to the crowd that has started to gather around the driver of the truck. "I can't feel a pulse and he isn't breathing!" A man shouts from the ground near him. My breath hitches as I come to terms with what I've done. That man could be dead. He could have a family. Kids even. And I just ruined their life by taking his. Tears streamed down my face as reality hit me. I fell to my knees and looked up into the cold black sky of night. I hugged myself in an attempt to calm myself down. I started singing to myself and I felt my nerves calm immediately.

I hope you find your way
I'm sorry we couldn't make it
Still I miss you anyway yeah
I just grew and couldn't break it
How I wish perfect was enough for my own heart
Sometimes I swear it was enough for my own heart
I guess I'll wait another lifetime ooh
Meet us in another lifetime ooh ooh ooh
I guess I'll wait another lifetime ooh
Cause there I will stay my darling
I swear I won't run from you
I know how to make mistakes
Wasn't grown enough to fake them
Everybody makes mistakes
Do we live and learn to brave them
How I wish I was good enough for our own heart
Don't ever think you weren't enough for our own heart
I guess I'll wait another lifetime ooh
Meet us in another lifetime ooh ooh ooh
I guess I'll wait another lifetime ooh
Cause there I will stay my darling
I swear I won't run from you
I swear I won't run
Won't run from you, I swear about it
I swear I won't run
In another life, I'll keep us bounded
Oh no, I swear I won't run
Won't run from you, I swear about it
I swear I won't run, run
Guess I'll wait another lifetime ooh
Meet me in another lifetime ooh ooh ooh
I guess I'll wait another lifetime ooh
Cause there I will stay my darling
I swear I won't run from you

By the time I was finished, I felt tears coming down my face with Y/N on my mind.

"I've lost her."

I'm sorry (not really)

How was it?

This song has been in my head for a while now and really goes with the chapter so yeah I hope you liked both the song and the chapter.

Thanks for reading

If you don't have a smile I'll give you one of mine

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