Yakusoku (Inuyasha x OC)

By suettopantsu

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Yakusoku (Inuyasha x OC)
Falling Quickly
Wrong Foot

The Filthy Mutt and The Tranny

412 8 0
By suettopantsu

Saori's P.O.V.

I could hear voices whispering around me, but they weren't really whispering since you can't really call yelling whispering. My head was throbbing with pain and I winced while everyone suddenly shut their pie holes. While propping my self up with one hand and the other hand was rubbing my forehead trying to soothe it. 

    "Are you alright?" said a small female voice near my left, "Inuyasha can be a bit rough..." 

I could hear the embarrassment in her voice. 

    "Kind man, where were you off to so late in the night?"  said a male voice.

    "M-Man?!" I exclaimed pulling off my hood letting my locks cascade, "I am a GIRL!" 

Everyones mouth was shaped like o's. Don't they know a damn girl when they see one??

    "Since you're able to reproduce children..." the monk held my hands, "Would you mind reproducing mine?"

Before I could retort, a girl dressed in a green and pink kimono knocked him on the head with a big ass boomerang. I snickered, the pervert got what he deserved. 

    "By the way, you don't have to apologize to me." the fox demon, who must be Shippo said trying to reassure me, even though I don't really need reassuring. Since, I wasn't planning on apologizing, but I kept that to myself by smiling.

   "Pft, you don't have the body of a women thats-" Inuyasha said, obviously asking to die, but was interrupted by a loud sit coming from the out of place girl. My eyes widened, she came from my time. She has the uniform from my old high school. I was only there for half my first year, but I actually kind of liked it. 

   "Whats wrong?" the uniformed girl asked.

I shook my head, "I'm alright, just remembered something." 

   "Well, I'm Kagome, nice to meet you..."

   "It's, Saori." 

​After the exchange of names and actually being able to eat something decent. I decided to take off, but I was pulled back by Shippo. I looked back at him, almost tearing up at the sight of the cute fox demon. 

   "You're leaving?" he pouted.

   "Let her leave, she's annoying anyway." Inuyasha said, getting a glare from me.

   "You know what, maybe I should stay a little longer," I told everyone, sitting beside Kagome and sticking my tongue out at the dumb hanyou. Inuyasha's eyebrow twitched with anger as he raised his fist at me. 

I stood up in my stance, "I am not falling for that again!" 

   "Guys come on break it up!" Kagome yelled standing between our feud.

   "But Kagome!!!" I whined, I really wanted to punch Inuyasha's lights out. 

   "Why can't you guys get along, this whole time we've been chatting you guys want to fight!"

   "Because I hate being around a filthy mutt/transvestite!!" Inuyasha and I both yelled at the same time.

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