Yakusoku (Inuyasha x OC)

By suettopantsu

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Yakusoku (Inuyasha x OC)
Wrong Foot
The Filthy Mutt and The Tranny

Falling Quickly

500 10 0
By suettopantsu

Saori's P.O.V.

I could feel my fathers hand collide with my stomach. Now falling, looking up at my father who's facial features were filled with sadness. Why was I pushed into this well? Am I going to die now? I shut my eyes and hugged my mothers katana tightly. 

Suddenly, the katana began to glow with a bright pure white light. My eyes widened and before I could even progress what was going on, I was at the bottom of the well. With no scratches or bruises. I looked up, only to be greeted not with a roof, but with a baby blue sky with little white puffs  of clouds. 

The cloak swayed side to side as I climbed up the well, the scenery was so breath taking. I sat at the edge of the well, lost in thought that I didn't notice an old man with big eyes was currently breathing fire through his mouth to heat his sword in the making. I blinked at the man, noticing his way of dressing I don't think am in modern day Japan anymore. 

    "Sir... What era is this?" I asked, pulling my hoodie down. 

    "Feudal." He responded and blew fire at the sword once again and then bended it into a half circle. 

    "Feudal... Feudal?!" 

    "Yup, Feudal," He examined the sword, "You're a strange child, your scent isn't from around here and your get up is also strange." 

    'He's calling me strange? He's the one breathing fire!' my eye twitched a little from irritation. 

    "Let me look at your Katana." I blinked once again at his suggestion and then slowly handed him my mothers katana. He nodded and then began fixing it without even asking for my permission. While I watched the old man do his thing, I felt a slight pinch on my right cheek. I raised my hand put presser against whatever was taking a bite of me. 

​There in my hand was a old man the size of a flea. He regained his 3D form and bowed to me. I raised an eyebrow at the flea, where was this going?

   "Nice to meet you, gorgeous celestial being." he kneeled and once again began sucking out my blood. I just simply slapped my hands together and let him sway to the ground. 

​   "Its finished," the old swords smith said while handing back my katana. It looked brand new, no chips or rusty sides. 

​    "Do you know how to wield that katana?" the flea asked me while on the shoulder of the old man. 

    "...No..." I sighed and plopped myself on the ground. 

   "You're going to have to learn since there are many demons around," the big eyed man told me, explaining where I was and what creeps around the feudal era.

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