Seizures (Avatar: The Last Ai...

By yemihikari

2.9K 35 12

AU - Sometimes the brain washing didn't go the way they planned... but even so... the opposite effects of the... More

Blue Fire
Walking a Thin Line
Dark Place


178 4 0
By yemihikari

The Blue Spirit found himself wondering if he were in his right mind.

He'd left the confines of a warm, safe room to save a young man who honestly wanted nothing to do with him yet very likely would rather see him dead in hopes of attempting a rescue. He acted without stopping and thinking about where the Dai Li kept their prisoners, picked up off the street, yet he now wondered how he would find this location.

If it had been the Fire Nation, the answer would be much more straightforward, as he knew the layout of many places by heart.

In the back of the Blue Spirit's mind, he knew finding Jet meant somehow causing a disturbance to the peace without being caught, and yet not getting seen as one of the Blue Spirit's specialties. After all, he managed to break into Pohuai Stronghold so he might break the Avatar out, yet they might have made it out unnoticed if someone hadn't noticed the Avatar was missing from his cell.

The Blue Spirit brushed away the memory of the Avatar, asking if they could have been friends as an unimportant and trivial thought.

The masked figure slunk around corners observing and saw an old man standing at the corner he now stood hiding in the shadows of. The thought crossed his mind of jumping out and scaring the old man so he might attract the Dai Li and follow them to wherever they were stationed so he might hear the jail location where Jet was being kept.

However, the Blue Spirit didn't feel right scaring the old man so that an innocent might end up hauled off to jail.

A groan escaped from between his lips. "Sending an innocent to jail for a non-innocent?" The Blue Spirit shook his head. "Scratch that. I'm not trying to rescue him. I'm just seeing if Uncle will want to know if he's alright. I don't feel one ounce of remorse for him ending up in there. After all, he wanted to cause problems for the only family member I can, at this point, trust."

The Blue Spirit continued debating what he should do when a man came out and tried to steal the old man's wallet. He shook his head, wondering why an old man was out here this late at night when suddenly the old man let out a yell. The Dai Li were upon the thief in no time but, in turn, brought in one of those carriages which carted off Jet.

Then the Blue Spirit moved.

He remained quiet as he climbed onto the roof and maneuvered so he could land on top of the carriage's roof before diving down below out of sight of anyone. Much in the same manner, he snuck into Pohuai Stronghold. Under his mask, he couldn't help but feel pleased with his cleverness in finding a way to find Jet.

Of course, Uncle would likely not be happy with the nighttime excursion. There was nothing the exiled prince could do about it now, yet in the back of his mind; he felt at ease knowing his Uncle wouldn't say he'd left as the old man was back home fast asleep.


He struggled with the task of remembering who he was. He didn't want to think about anything for fear his body might go into shock, as it had the last time he tried piecing the pieces together. The sudden shock was the best way for him to describe the situation. He found himself entirely without using his body, yet still couldn't figure out what they did to him – or what they would do with him.

The Dai Li lifted him with rough hands and flung him into the cart that brought him to where they got him – or carriage, or whatever it was. His mind couldn't speak to certain things, yet his shoulder hit hard and dislocated when they threw him in. He found himself unable to react to the pain in any way, which for some reason, disturbed him.

Then again, there was the fact he couldn't move at all.

He heard one of the soldiers laugh mockingly. "Another kid for the mental ward."

"No. They said he's going to be a street urchin, but only if he can survive that long" Another soldier laughed, but he could see their faces looking at him in amusement.

"They may pick him up off the street and stick him in the mental hospital. I hear he's one of the ones with body tremors, no explanations why."

"You mean he was one of those who fell and had convulsions before all this?"

"Nope. He seemed perfectly fine when they brought him in. Then wham! They tried using the device on him, and he started convulsing."

"Are they sure he won't be a problem?" The door snapped shut, yet he could still hear the man speaking.

"Believe me. Nobody will because of these convulsions. If he continues, everyone will consider him mental what I don't understand is why they gave him back those blasted blades. He won't be able to use them, given there is no telling when he'll have a seizure."


The Blue Spirit continued riding on top of the carriage as it stopped next to another one, but he heard the drivers speak to each other. The driver of the carriage he hid under spoke up. "Do you have another one returning to a normal life?"

"No." The tone of voice seemed amused by the given situation. "I have a teenage boy who nobody will believe if he talks about Firebenders being in the city again – let's just say he's so broken nobody will believe him."

"Good riddance! No war, remember?" The man driving the carriage, under which the Blue Spirit hid, chirped before taking off.

Two eyes scrunched together under a blue mask as the Blue Spirit realized the person he was looking for was in the other carriage. He let himself drop and quickly glanced to ensure nobody was watching before heading after the second carriage and attaching himself to the back of the additional carriage without being noticed.

"Why am I doing this again? Uncle. Right. This is for Uncle's sake." The Blue Spirit peeked in, his eyes narrowing at what he saw. The young man who tried outing him and his uncle as Firebenders was curled up in the back of the carriage without any fight. Seeing the young man curled into a ball with no fight in him left a nasty feeling in the back of his mind.

He carefully opened the door and stepped in so that nobody would notice him and stepped closer to Jet. After a brief moment, Jet somehow managed to glance up, but his eyes rolled back upon seeing the mask the Blue Spirit wore. The Blue Spirit watched as Jet's body began to convulse, but he did what the ship's medic said to do to prevent someone from biting their tongue off in this continuation.

The Blue Spirt took one of the hilts of his dao and placed it into Jet's mouth, allowing Jet to bite down on that, but the sound coming from the other teen's mouth was less than pleasing. He found himself surprised the guard hadn't stopped at the noise and caught him in the carriage, but then he heard a voice.

"Another seizure?"

The Blue Spirit frowned. "Wait. Another seizure? Has this happened before? No wonder..."

He was taking in Jet's current state but heard one of the guards moving. "I'd better see that he isn't biting his tongue off. The last thing I'd want is his death on our hands and the paperwork which will go with that."

The Blue Spirit moved quickly and lifted Jet, yet found himself the seizure had already stopped. He found himself utilizing another tactic he used at Pohuai Stronghold, yet putting his dao to Jet's throat wasn't as easy as the Avatar as he had to support Jet's body somewhat as he waited for the man to open the door.

The man let out a gasp and yet moved when the Blue Spirit nodded his head, indicating he should let them go. Upon getting out of sight of the two men, he quickly sheathed his swords and swung Jet over his shoulder. Nobody pursued him, yet something told him the two men felt he was lucky Jet was now out of their hands and didn't need to follow after.

Carrying Jet still proved awkward, as he was not a lightweight.

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